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# Changelog

## 0.6.0 (20 June 2017)
0.6.3 reverted module import from inside the module to preview promise-based module
0.6.2 add webpack loader to path outside of the module, targeting the project src
0.6.1 added ``babel-plugin-syntax-dynamic-import`` module to webpack plugins
0.6.0 Modify ``lazify`` to implement dynamic import

## 0.5.0 (17 June 2017)
0.5.2 Removed some duplicate internal codes
0.5.1 Fixed some issues in Jest promise testing
0.5.0 Improved component and methods testability

## 0.4.0 (14 June 2017)
0.4.0 Optimized ``<LazyComponent />`` and ``lazify`` method

## 0.3.0 (13 June 2017)
0.3.0 Added ``lazify`` HOC method
0.2.0 Added modular ``<LazyComponent />``
0.1.0 Added single ``<LazyComponent />``