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# perf.js

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Simple JavaScript library to monitor frame rate (**FPS**), frame time (**MS**) and memory (**MEM**).

Uses `` with `` fallback on older browsers.

**perf.js** is a self contained library, so monitoring of stats will start by just instantiating it.

`var stats = new Perf();`

### Installation:

`npm install perf.js`

For haxe users:

`haxelib install perf.js`

### Basic Stats:

<img alt="basic" src="" width="84" height="28"/>

### With Memory (Chrome only):

<img alt="memory" src="" width="84" height="42"/>

### With Custom Info (Optional):

Optional custom info can be added if needed, For example the following shows what kind of renderer and pixel ratio pixi.js is using. 

<img alt="info" src="" width="84" height="56"/>

To use, simply call `addInfo(info)` on perf instance.

`stats.addInfo("custom info");`

### Customisation:

You can customize the following:

Perf.FONT_FAMILY = "Helvetica,Arial";
Perf.FPS_BG_CLR = "#00FF00";
Perf.FPS_WARN_BG_CLR = "#FF8000";
Perf.FPS_PROB_BG_CLR = "#FF0000";
Perf.MS_BG_CLR = "#FFFF00";
Perf.MEM_BG_CLR = "#086A87";
Perf.INFO_BG_CLR = "#00FFFF";
Perf.FPS_TXT_CLR = "#000000";
Perf.MS_TXT_CLR = "#000000";
Perf.INFO_TXT_CLR = "#000000";

The values assigned above are the default values.

### Positioning:

By default stats appear on the top right corner. The position can be changed by passing the position to the constructor when instantiating `Perf`.

**Top Right** - default

`var stats = new Perf();`

**Top Left**

`var stats = new Perf(Perf.TOP_LEFT);`

**Bottom Right**

`var stats = new Perf(Perf.BOTTOM_RIGHT);`

**Bottom Left**

`var stats = new Perf(Perf.BOTTOM_LEFT);`


Offset is optional and is 0 by default.

`var stats = new Perf(Perf.TOP_LEFT, 100);`

### Bookmarklet:

  var script=document.createElement('script');script.src='//';document.head.appendChild(script);script.onload=function(){window.perf=new Perf();}

### Licensing Information

<a rel="license" href="">
<img alt="MIT license" height="40" src="" /></a>

This content is released under the [MIT]( License.

### Contributor Code of Conduct

[Code of Conduct]( is adapted from [Contributor Covenant, version 1.4](