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# Bike Rental Application
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## 1. Introduction 
This is the server component of an application that is used for renting or leasing cycles.

## 2. Requirements
- [Maven](
- [Java JDK](

## 3. Getting started
1. Open terminal
2. `mvn dependency:resolve`
3. `mvn clean compile install`
4. `mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources=true`
5. From eclipse, File –> Import –> Existing Project into workspace
6. Create initial Database Tables: `java -jar target/bike-rental-app-0.1.jar db migrate dev.yml`
7. Can be run using `com.csl456.BikeRentalApplication server dev.yml` or
java -jar bike-rental-app-0.1.jar server dev.yml

## 4. Miscellaneous:

### 4.1. Database Operations:

#### 4.1.1. Check if database state matches:
java -jar bike-rental-app-0.1.jar db status dev.yml

#### 4.1.2. Prepare rollback for migration (before applying migrations):
java -jar bike-rental-app-0.1.jar db prepare-rollback dev.yml

#### 4.1.3. Migrate database changes:
Please use `--dry-run` first

java -jar bike-rental-app-0.1.jar db migrate dev.yml