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Test Coverage
 * Copyright (c) 2012 - present Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
 * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
 * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
 * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
 * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
 * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

/*jslint regexp: true */

define(function (require, exports, module) {
    "use strict";

    // Load dependent modules
    var AppInit             = require("utils/AppInit"),
        CommandManager      = require("command/CommandManager"),
        Commands            = require("command/Commands"),
        DeprecationWarning  = require("utils/DeprecationWarning"),
        EventDispatcher     = require("utils/EventDispatcher"),
        ProjectManager      = require("project/ProjectManager"),
        DocumentManager     = require("document/DocumentManager"),
        MainViewManager     = require("view/MainViewManager"),
        EditorManager       = require("editor/EditorManager"),
        FileSystem          = require("filesystem/FileSystem"),
        FileSystemError     = require("filesystem/FileSystemError"),
        FileUtils           = require("file/FileUtils"),
        FileViewController  = require("project/FileViewController"),
        InMemoryFile        = require("document/InMemoryFile"),
        StringUtils         = require("utils/StringUtils"),
        Async               = require("utils/Async"),
        HealthLogger        = require("utils/HealthLogger"),
        Dialogs             = require("widgets/Dialogs"),
        DefaultDialogs      = require("widgets/DefaultDialogs"),
        Strings             = require("strings"),
        PopUpManager        = require("widgets/PopUpManager"),
        PreferencesManager  = require("preferences/PreferencesManager"),
        PerfUtils           = require("utils/PerfUtils"),
        KeyEvent            = require("utils/KeyEvent"),
        Inspector           = require("LiveDevelopment/Inspector/Inspector"),
        Menus               = require("command/Menus"),
        UrlParams           = require("utils/UrlParams").UrlParams,
        StatusBar           = require("widgets/StatusBar"),
        WorkspaceManager    = require("view/WorkspaceManager"),
        LanguageManager     = require("language/LanguageManager"),
        _                   = require("thirdparty/lodash");

     * Handlers for commands related to document handling (opening, saving, etc.)

     * Container for label shown above editor; must be an inline element
     * @type {jQueryObject}
    var _$title = null;

     * Container for dirty dot; must be an inline element
     * @type {jQueryObject}
    var _$dirtydot = null;

     * Container for _$title; need not be an inline element
     * @type {jQueryObject}
    var _$titleWrapper = null;

     * Label shown above editor for current document: filename and potentially some of its path
     * @type {string}
    var _currentTitlePath = null;

     * Determine the dash character for each platform. Use emdash on Mac
     * and a standard dash on all other platforms.
     * @type {string}
    var _osDash = brackets.platform === "mac" ? "\u2014" : "-";

     * String template for window title when no file is open.
     * @type {string}
    var WINDOW_TITLE_STRING_NO_DOC = "{0} " + _osDash + " {1}";

    * String template for window title when a file is open.
    * @type {string}
    var WINDOW_TITLE_STRING_DOC = "{0} ({1}) " + _osDash + " {2}";

     * Container for _$titleWrapper; if changing title changes this element's height, must kick editor to resize
     * @type {jQueryObject}
    var _$titleContainerToolbar = null;

     * Last known height of _$titleContainerToolbar
     * @type {number}
    var _lastToolbarHeight = null;

     * index to use for next, new Untitled document
     * @type {number}
    var _nextUntitledIndexToUse = 1;

     * prevents reentrancy of browserReload()
     * @type {boolean}
    var _isReloading = false;

    /** Unique token used to indicate user-driven cancellation of Save As (as opposed to file IO error) */
    var USER_CANCELED = { userCanceled: true };

    PreferencesManager.definePreference("defaultExtension", "string", "", {
        excludeFromHints: true

     * Event triggered when File Save is cancelled, when prompted to save dirty files
    var APP_QUIT_CANCELLED = "appQuitCancelled";

     * JSLint workaround for circular dependency
     * @type {function}
    var handleFileSaveAs;

     * Updates the title bar with new file title or dirty indicator
     * @private
    function _updateTitle() {
        var currentDoc          = DocumentManager.getCurrentDocument(),
            windowTitle         = brackets.config.app_title,
            currentlyViewedFile = MainViewManager.getCurrentlyViewedFile(MainViewManager.ACTIVE_PANE),
            currentlyViewedPath = currentlyViewedFile && currentlyViewedFile.fullPath,
            readOnlyString      = (currentlyViewedFile && currentlyViewedFile.readOnly) ? "[Read Only] - " : "";

        if (!brackets.nativeMenus) {
            if (currentlyViewedPath) {
                _$title.attr("title", currentlyViewedPath);
                if (currentDoc) {
                    // dirty dot is always in DOM so layout doesn't change, and visibility is toggled
                    _$dirtydot.css("visibility", (currentDoc.isDirty) ? "visible" : "hidden");
                } else {
                    // hide dirty dot if there is no document
                    _$dirtydot.css("visibility", "hidden");
            } else {
                _$title.attr("title", "");
                _$dirtydot.css("visibility", "hidden");

            // Set _$titleWrapper to a fixed width just large enough to accommodate _$title. This seems equivalent to what
            // the browser would do automatically, but the CSS trick we use for layout requires _$titleWrapper to have a
            // fixed width set on it (see the "#titlebar" CSS rule for details).
            _$titleWrapper.css("width", "");
            var newWidth = _$title.width();
            _$titleWrapper.css("width", newWidth);

            // Changing the width of the title may cause the toolbar layout to change height, which needs to resize the
            // editor beneath it (toolbar changing height due to window resize is already caught by EditorManager).
            var newToolbarHeight = _$titleContainerToolbar.height();
            if (_lastToolbarHeight !== newToolbarHeight) {
                _lastToolbarHeight = newToolbarHeight;

        var projectRoot = ProjectManager.getProjectRoot();
        if (projectRoot) {
            var projectName =;
            // Construct shell/browser window title, e.g. "• index.html (myProject) — Brackets"
            if (currentlyViewedPath) {
                windowTitle = StringUtils.format(WINDOW_TITLE_STRING_DOC, readOnlyString + _currentTitlePath, projectName, brackets.config.app_title);
                // Display dirty dot when there are unsaved changes
                if (currentDoc && currentDoc.isDirty) {
                    windowTitle = "• " + windowTitle;
            } else {
                // A document is not open
                windowTitle = StringUtils.format(WINDOW_TITLE_STRING_NO_DOC, projectName, brackets.config.app_title);
        window.document.title = windowTitle;

     * Returns a short title for a given document.
     * @param {Document} doc - the document to compute the short title for
     * @return {string} - a short title for doc.
    function _shortTitleForDocument(doc) {
        var fullPath = doc.file.fullPath;

        // If the document is untitled then return the filename, ("Untitled-n.ext");
        // otherwise show the project-relative path if the file is inside the
        // current project or the full absolute path if it's not in the project.
        if (doc.isUntitled()) {
            return fullPath.substring(fullPath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
        } else {
            return ProjectManager.makeProjectRelativeIfPossible(fullPath);

     * Handles currentFileChange and filenameChanged events and updates the titlebar
    function handleCurrentFileChange() {
        var newFile = MainViewManager.getCurrentlyViewedFile(MainViewManager.ACTIVE_PANE);

        if (newFile) {
            var newDocument = DocumentManager.getOpenDocumentForPath(newFile.fullPath);

            if (newDocument) {
                _currentTitlePath = _shortTitleForDocument(newDocument);
            } else {
                _currentTitlePath = ProjectManager.makeProjectRelativeIfPossible(newFile.fullPath);
        } else {
            _currentTitlePath = null;

        // Update title text & "dirty dot" display

     * Handles dirtyFlagChange event and updates the title bar if necessary
    function handleDirtyChange(event, changedDoc) {
        var currentDoc = DocumentManager.getCurrentDocument();

        if (currentDoc && changedDoc.file.fullPath === currentDoc.file.fullPath) {

     * Shows an error dialog indicating that the given file could not be opened due to the given error
     * @param {!FileSystemError} name
     * @return {!Dialog}
    function showFileOpenError(name, path) {
        return Dialogs.showModalDialog(

     * @private
     * Creates a document and displays an editor for the specified file path.
     * @param {!string} fullPath
     * @param {boolean=} silent If true, don't show error message
     * @param {string=} paneId, the id oi the pane in which to open the file. Can be undefined, a valid pane id or ACTIVE_PANE.
     * @param {{*}=} options, command options
     * @return {$.Promise} a jQuery promise that will either
     * - be resolved with a file for the specified file path or
     * - be rejected with FileSystemError if the file can not be read.
     * If paneId is undefined, the ACTIVE_PANE constant
    function _doOpen(fullPath, silent, paneId, options) {
        var result = new $.Deferred();

        // workaround for
        // TODO should be removed once bug is closed.
        // if we are already displaying a file do nothing but resolve immediately.
        // this fixes timing issues in test cases.
        if (MainViewManager.getCurrentlyViewedPath(paneId || MainViewManager.ACTIVE_PANE) === fullPath) {
            result.resolve(MainViewManager.getCurrentlyViewedFile(paneId || MainViewManager.ACTIVE_PANE));
            return result.promise();

        function _cleanup(fileError, fullFilePath) {
            if (fullFilePath) {
                // For performance, we do lazy checking of file existence, so it may be in workingset
                MainViewManager._removeView(paneId, FileSystem.getFileForPath(fullFilePath));
        function _showErrorAndCleanUp(fileError, fullFilePath) {
            if (silent) {
                _cleanup(fileError, fullFilePath);
            } else {
                showFileOpenError(fileError, fullFilePath).done(function () {
                    _cleanup(fileError, fullFilePath);

        if (!fullPath) {
            throw new Error("_doOpen() called without fullPath");
        } else {
            var perfTimerName = PerfUtils.markStart("Open File:\t" + fullPath);
            result.always(function () {

            var file = FileSystem.getFileForPath(fullPath);
            if (options && options.encoding) {
                file._encoding = options.encoding;
            } else {
                var projectRoot = ProjectManager.getProjectRoot(),
                    context = {
                        location : {
                            scope: "user",
                            layer: "project",
                            layerID: projectRoot.fullPath
                var encoding = PreferencesManager.getViewState("encoding", context);
                if (encoding && encoding[fullPath]) {
                    file._encoding = encoding[fullPath];
            MainViewManager._open(paneId, file, options)
                .done(function () {
                .fail(function (fileError) {
                    _showErrorAndCleanUp(fileError, fullPath);

        return result.promise();

     * @private
     * Used to track the default directory for the file open dialog
    var _defaultOpenDialogFullPath = null;

     * @private
     * Opens a file and displays its view (editor, image view, etc...) for the specified path.
     * If no path is specified, a file prompt is provided for input.
     * @param {?string} fullPath - The path of the file to open; if it's null we'll prompt for it
     * @param {boolean=} silent - If true, don't show error message
     * @param {string=}  paneId - the pane in which to open the file. Can be undefined, a valid pane id or ACTIVE_PANE
     * @param {{*}=} options - options to pass to MainViewManager._open
     * @return {$.Promise} a jQuery promise resolved with a Document object or
     *                      rejected with an err
    function _doOpenWithOptionalPath(fullPath, silent, paneId, options) {
        var result;
        paneId = paneId || MainViewManager.ACTIVE_PANE;
        if (!fullPath) {
            // Create placeholder deferred
            result = new $.Deferred();

            //first time through, default to the current project path
            if (!_defaultOpenDialogFullPath) {
                _defaultOpenDialogFullPath = ProjectManager.getProjectRoot().fullPath;
            // Prompt the user with a dialog
            FileSystem.showOpenDialog(true, false, Strings.OPEN_FILE, _defaultOpenDialogFullPath, null, function (err, paths) {
                if (!err) {
                    if (paths.length > 0) {
                        // Add all files to the workingset without verifying that
                        // they still exist on disk (for faster opening)
                        var filesToOpen = [];

                        paths.forEach(function (path) {
                        MainViewManager.addListToWorkingSet(paneId, filesToOpen);

                        _doOpen(paths[paths.length - 1], silent, paneId, options)
                            .done(function (file) {
                                _defaultOpenDialogFullPath =
                            // Send the resulting document that was opened
                            .then(result.resolve, result.reject);
                    } else {
                        // Reject if the user canceled the dialog
        } else {
            result = _doOpen(fullPath, silent, paneId, options);

        return result.promise();

     * @private
     * Splits a decorated file path into its parts.
     * @param {?string} path - a string of the form "fullpath[:lineNumber[:columnNumber]]"
     * @return {{path: string, line: ?number, column: ?number}}
    function _parseDecoratedPath(path) {
        var result = {path: path, line: null, column: null};
        if (path) {
            // If the path has a trailing :lineNumber and :columnNumber, strip
            // these off and assign to result.line and result.column.
            var matchResult = /(.+?):([0-9]+)(:([0-9]+))?$/.exec(path);
            if (matchResult) {
                result.path = matchResult[1];
                if (matchResult[2]) {
                    result.line = parseInt(matchResult[2], 10);
                if (matchResult[4]) {
                    result.column = parseInt(matchResult[4], 10);
        return result;

     * @typedef {{fullPath:?string=, silent:boolean=, paneId:string=}} FileCommandData
     * fullPath: is in the form "path[:lineNumber[:columnNumber]]"
     * lineNumber and columnNumber are 1-origin: lines and columns are 1-based

     * @typedef {{fullPath:?string=, index:number=, silent:boolean=, forceRedraw:boolean=, paneId:string=}} PaneCommandData
     * fullPath: is in the form "path[:lineNumber[:columnNumber]]"
     * lineNumber and columnNumber are 1-origin: lines and columns are 1-based

     * Opens the given file and makes it the current file. Does NOT add it to the workingset.
     * @param {FileCommandData=} commandData - record with the following properties:
     *   fullPath: File to open;
     *   silent: optional flag to suppress error messages;
     *   paneId: optional PaneId (defaults to active pane)
     * @return {$.Promise} a jQuery promise that will be resolved with a file object
    function handleFileOpen(commandData) {
        var fileInfo = _parseDecoratedPath(commandData ? commandData.fullPath : null),
            silent = (commandData && commandData.silent) || false,
            paneId = (commandData && commandData.paneId) || MainViewManager.ACTIVE_PANE,
            result = new $.Deferred();

        _doOpenWithOptionalPath(fileInfo.path, silent, paneId, commandData && commandData.options)
            .done(function (file) {
                HealthLogger.fileOpened(file._path, false, file._encoding);
                if (!commandData || !commandData.options || !commandData.options.noPaneActivate) {

                // If a line and column number were given, position the editor accordingly.
                if (fileInfo.line !== null) {
                    if (fileInfo.column === null || (fileInfo.column <= 0)) {
                        fileInfo.column = 1;

                    // setCursorPos expects line/column numbers as 0-origin, so we subtract 1
                    EditorManager.getCurrentFullEditor().setCursorPos(fileInfo.line - 1,
                                                                      fileInfo.column - 1,

            .fail(function (err) {

        return result;
        // Testing notes: here are some recommended manual tests for handleFileOpen, on Macintosh.
        // Do all tests with brackets already running, and also with brackets not already running.
        // drag a file onto brackets icon in desktop (this uses undecorated paths)
        // drag a file onto brackets icon in taskbar (this uses undecorated paths)
        // open a file from brackets sidebar (this uses undecorated paths)
        // from command line: ...../ path         - where 'path' is undecorated
        // from command line: ...../ path                  - where 'path' has the form "path:line"
        // from command line: ...../ path                  - where 'path' has the form "path:line:column"
        // from command line: open -a ...../ path          - where 'path' is undecorated
        // do "View Source" from Adobe Scout version 1.2 or newer (this will use decorated paths of the form "path:line:column")

     * Opens the given file, makes it the current file, does NOT add it to the workingset
     * @param {FileCommandData} commandData
     *   fullPath: File to open;
     *   silent: optional flag to suppress error messages;
     *   paneId: optional PaneId (defaults to active pane)
     * @return {$.Promise} a jQuery promise that will be resolved with @type {Document}
    function handleDocumentOpen(commandData) {
        var result = new $.Deferred();
            .done(function (file) {
                // if we succeeded with an open file
                //  then we need to resolve that to a document.
                //  getOpenDocumentForPath will return null if there isn't a
                //  supporting document for that file (e.g. an image)
                var doc = DocumentManager.getOpenDocumentForPath(file.fullPath);
            .fail(function (err) {

        return result.promise();


     * Opens the given file, makes it the current file, AND adds it to the workingset
     * @param {!PaneCommandData} commandData - record with the following properties:
     *   fullPath: File to open;
     *   index: optional index to position in workingset (defaults to last);
     *   silent: optional flag to suppress error messages;
     *   forceRedraw: flag to force the working set view redraw;
     *   paneId: optional PaneId (defaults to active pane)
     * @return {$.Promise} a jQuery promise that will be resolved with a @type {File}
    function handleFileAddToWorkingSetAndOpen(commandData) {
        return handleFileOpen(commandData).done(function (file) {
            var paneId = (commandData && commandData.paneId) || MainViewManager.ACTIVE_PANE;
            MainViewManager.addToWorkingSet(paneId, file, commandData.index, commandData.forceRedraw);
            HealthLogger.fileOpened(file.fullPath, true);

     * @deprecated
     * Opens the given file, makes it the current document, AND adds it to the workingset
     * @param {!PaneCommandData} commandData - record with the following properties:
     *   fullPath: File to open;
     *   index: optional index to position in workingset (defaults to last);
     *   silent: optional flag to suppress error messages;
     *   forceRedraw: flag to force the working set view redraw;
     *   paneId: optional PaneId (defaults to active pane)
     * @return {$.Promise} a jQuery promise that will be resolved with @type {File}
    function handleFileAddToWorkingSet(commandData) {
        // This is a legacy deprecated command that
        //  will use the new command and resolve with a document
        //  as the legacy command would only support.
        DeprecationWarning.deprecationWarning("Commands.FILE_ADD_TO_WORKING_SET has been deprecated.  Use Commands.CMD_ADD_TO_WORKINGSET_AND_OPEN instead.");
        var result = new $.Deferred();

            .done(function (file) {
                // if we succeeded with an open file
                //  then we need to resolve that to a document.
                //  getOpenDocumentForPath will return null if there isn't a
                //  supporting document for that file (e.g. an image)
                var doc = DocumentManager.getOpenDocumentForPath(file.fullPath);
            .fail(function (err) {

        return result.promise();

     * @private
     * Ensures the suggested file name doesn't already exit.
     * @param {Directory} dir  The directory to use
     * @param {string} baseFileName  The base to start with, "-n" will get appended to make unique
     * @param {boolean} isFolder True if the suggestion is for a folder name
     * @return {$.Promise} a jQuery promise that will be resolved with a unique name starting with
     *   the given base name
    function _getUntitledFileSuggestion(dir, baseFileName, isFolder) {
        var suggestedName   = baseFileName + "-" + _nextUntitledIndexToUse++,
            deferred        = $.Deferred();

        if (_nextUntitledIndexToUse > 9999) {
            //we've tried this enough
        } else {
            var path = dir.fullPath + suggestedName,
                entry = isFolder ? FileSystem.getDirectoryForPath(path)
                                 : FileSystem.getFileForPath(path);

            entry.exists(function (err, exists) {
                if (err || exists) {
                    _getUntitledFileSuggestion(dir, baseFileName, isFolder)
                        .then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject);
                } else {

        return deferred.promise();

     * Prevents re-entrancy into handleFileNewInProject()
     * handleFileNewInProject() first prompts the user to name a file and then asynchronously writes the file when the
     * filename field loses focus. This boolean prevent additional calls to handleFileNewInProject() when an existing
     * file creation call is outstanding
    var fileNewInProgress = false;

     * Bottleneck function for creating new files and folders in the project tree.
     * @private
     * @param {boolean} isFolder - true if creating a new folder, false if creating a new file
    function _handleNewItemInProject(isFolder) {
        if (fileNewInProgress) {
        fileNewInProgress = true;

        // Determine the directory to put the new file
        // If a file is currently selected in the tree, put it next to it.
        // If a directory is currently selected in the tree, put it in it.
        // If an Untitled document is selected or nothing is selected in the tree, put it at the root of the project.
        var baseDirEntry,
            selected = ProjectManager.getFileTreeContext();
        if ((!selected) || (selected instanceof InMemoryFile)) {
            selected = ProjectManager.getProjectRoot();

        if (selected.isFile) {
            baseDirEntry = FileSystem.getDirectoryForPath(selected.parentPath);

        baseDirEntry = baseDirEntry || selected;

        // Create the new node. The createNewItem function does all the heavy work
        // of validating file name, creating the new file and selecting.
        function createWithSuggestedName(suggestedName) {
            return ProjectManager.createNewItem(baseDirEntry, suggestedName, false, isFolder)
                .always(function () { fileNewInProgress = false; });

        return _getUntitledFileSuggestion(baseDirEntry, Strings.UNTITLED, isFolder)
            .then(createWithSuggestedName, createWithSuggestedName.bind(undefined, Strings.UNTITLED));

     * Create a new untitled document in the workingset, and make it the current document.
     * Promise is resolved (synchronously) with the newly-created Document.
    function handleFileNew() {
        //var defaultExtension = PreferencesManager.get("defaultExtension");
        //if (defaultExtension) {
        //    defaultExtension = "." + defaultExtension;
        var defaultExtension = "";  // disable preference setting for now

        var doc = DocumentManager.createUntitledDocument(_nextUntitledIndexToUse++, defaultExtension);
        MainViewManager._edit(MainViewManager.ACTIVE_PANE, doc);

            HealthLogger.commonStrings.USAGE +
            HealthLogger.commonStrings.FILE_OPEN +

        return new $.Deferred().resolve(doc).promise();

     * Create a new file in the project tree.
    function handleFileNewInProject() {

     * Create a new folder in the project tree.
    function handleNewFolderInProject() {

     * @private
     * Shows an Error modal dialog
     * @param {string} name
     * @param {string} path
     * @return {Dialog}
    function _showSaveFileError(name, path) {
        return Dialogs.showModalDialog(

     * Saves a document to its existing path. Does NOT support untitled documents.
     * @param {!Document} docToSave
     * @param {boolean=} force Ignore CONTENTS_MODIFIED errors from the FileSystem
     * @return {$.Promise} a promise that is resolved with the File of docToSave (to mirror
     *   the API of _doSaveAs()). Rejected in case of IO error (after error dialog dismissed).
    function doSave(docToSave, force) {
        var result = new $.Deferred(),
            file = docToSave.file;

        function handleError(error) {
            _showSaveFileError(error, file.fullPath)
                .done(function () {

        function handleContentsModified() {
                        className : Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_CLASS_LEFT,
                        id        : Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_SAVE_AS,
                        text      : Strings.SAVE_AS
                        className : Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_CLASS_NORMAL,
                        id        : Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_CANCEL,
                        text      : Strings.CANCEL
                        className : Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_CLASS_PRIMARY,
                        id        : Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_OK,
                        text      : Strings.SAVE_AND_OVERWRITE
                .done(function (id) {
                    if (id === Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_CANCEL) {
                    } else if (id === Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_OK) {
                        // Re-do the save, ignoring any CONTENTS_MODIFIED errors
                        doSave(docToSave, true).then(result.resolve, result.reject);
                    } else if (id === Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_SAVE_AS) {
                        // Let the user choose a different path at which to write the file
                        handleFileSaveAs({doc: docToSave}).then(result.resolve, result.reject);

        function trySave() {
            // We don't want normalized line endings, so it's important to pass true to getText()
            FileUtils.writeText(file, docToSave.getText(true), force)
                .done(function () {
                .fail(function (err) {
                    if (err === FileSystemError.CONTENTS_MODIFIED) {
                    } else {

        if (docToSave.isDirty) {
            if (docToSave.keepChangesTime) {
                // The user has decided to keep conflicting changes in the editor. Check to make sure
                // the file hasn't changed since they last decided to do that.
                docToSave.file.stat(function (err, stat) {
                    // If the file has been deleted on disk, the stat will return an error, but that's fine since
                    // that means there's no file to overwrite anyway, so the save will succeed without us having
                    // to set force = true.
                    if (!err && docToSave.keepChangesTime === stat.mtime.getTime()) {
                        // OK, it's safe to overwrite the file even though we never reloaded the latest version,
                        // since the user already said s/he wanted to ignore the disk version.
                        force = true;
            } else {
        } else {
        result.always(function () {
        return result.promise();

     * Reverts the Document to the current contents of its file on disk. Discards any unsaved changes
     * in the Document.
     * @private
     * @param {Document} doc
     * @param {boolean=} suppressError If true, then a failure to read the file will be ignored and the
     *      resulting promise will be resolved rather than rejected.
     * @return {$.Promise} a Promise that's resolved when done, or (if suppressError is false)
     *      rejected with a FileSystemError if the file cannot be read (after showing an error
     *      dialog to the user).
    function _doRevert(doc, suppressError) {
        var result = new $.Deferred();

            .done(function (text, readTimestamp) {
                doc.refreshText(text, readTimestamp);
            .fail(function (error) {
                if (suppressError) {
                } else {
                    showFileOpenError(error, doc.file.fullPath)
                        .done(function () {

        return result.promise();
     * Dispatches the app quit cancelled event
    function dispatchAppQuitCancelledEvent() {

     * Opens the native OS save as dialog and saves document.
     * The original document is reverted in case it was dirty.
     * Text selection and cursor position from the original document
     * are preserved in the new document.
     * When saving to the original document the document is saved as if save was called.
     * @param {Document} doc
     * @param {?{cursorPos:!Object, selection:!Object, scrollPos:!Object}} settings - properties of
     *      the original document's editor that need to be carried over to the new document
     *      i.e. scrollPos, cursorPos and text selection
     * @return {$.Promise} a promise that is resolved with the saved document's File. Rejected in
     *   case of IO error (after error dialog dismissed), or if the Save dialog was canceled.
    function _doSaveAs(doc, settings) {
        var origPath,
            result = new $.Deferred();

        function _doSaveAfterSaveDialog(path) {
            var newFile;

            // Reconstruct old doc's editor's view state, & finally resolve overall promise
            function _configureEditorAndResolve() {
                var editor = EditorManager.getActiveEditor();
                if (editor) {
                    if (settings) {
                        editor.setScrollPos(settings.scrollPos.x, settings.scrollPos.y);

            // Replace old document with new one in open editor & workingset
            function openNewFile() {
                var fileOpenPromise;

                if (FileViewController.getFileSelectionFocus() === FileViewController.PROJECT_MANAGER) {
                    // If selection is in the tree, leave workingset unchanged - even if orig file is in the list
                    fileOpenPromise = FileViewController
                        .openAndSelectDocument(path, FileViewController.PROJECT_MANAGER);
                } else {
                    // If selection is in workingset, replace orig item in place with the new file
                    var info = MainViewManager.findInAllWorkingSets(doc.file.fullPath).shift();

                    // Remove old file from workingset; no redraw yet since there's a pause before the new file is opened
                    MainViewManager._removeView(info.paneId, doc.file, true);

                    // Add new file to workingset, and ensure we now redraw (even if index hasn't changed)
                    fileOpenPromise = handleFileAddToWorkingSetAndOpen({fullPath: path, paneId: info.paneId, index: info.index, forceRedraw: true});

                // always configure editor after file is opened
                fileOpenPromise.always(function () {

            // Same name as before - just do a regular Save
            if (path === origPath) {
                doSave(doc).then(result.resolve, result.reject);

            doc.isSaving = true;    // mark that we're saving the document

            // First, write document's current text to new file
            if (doc.file._encoding && doc.file._encoding !== "UTF-8") {
                var projectRoot = ProjectManager.getProjectRoot(),
                    context = {
                        location : {
                            scope: "user",
                            layer: "project",
                            layerID: projectRoot.fullPath
                var encoding = PreferencesManager.getViewState("encoding", context);
                encoding[path] = doc.file._encoding;
                PreferencesManager.setViewState("encoding", encoding, context);
            newFile = FileSystem.getFileForPath(path);
            newFile._encoding = doc.file._encoding;

            // Save as warns you when you're about to overwrite a file, so we
            // explicitly allow "blind" writes to the filesystem in this case,
            // ignoring warnings about the contents being modified outside of
            // the editor.
            FileUtils.writeText(newFile, doc.getText(true), true)
                .done(function () {
                    // If there were unsaved changes before Save As, they don't stay with the old
                    // file anymore - so must revert the old doc to match disk content.
                    // Only do this if the doc was dirty: _doRevert on a file that is not dirty and
                    // not in the workingset has the side effect of adding it to the workingset.
                    if (doc.isDirty && !(doc.isUntitled())) {
                        // if the file is dirty it must be in the workingset
                        // _doRevert is side effect free in this case
                    } else {
                .fail(function (error) {
                    _showSaveFileError(error, path)
                        .done(function () {
                .always(function () {
                    // mark that we're done saving the document
                    doc.isSaving = false;

        if (doc) {
            origPath = doc.file.fullPath;
            // If the document is an untitled document, we should default to project root.
            if (doc.isUntitled()) {
                // (Issue #4489) if we're saving an untitled document, go ahead and switch to this document
                //   in the editor, so that if we're, for example, saving several files (ie. Save All),
                //   then the user can visually tell which document we're currently prompting them to save.
                var info = MainViewManager.findInAllWorkingSets(origPath).shift();

                if (info) {
                    MainViewManager._open(info.paneId, doc.file);

                // If the document is untitled, default to project root.
                saveAsDefaultPath = ProjectManager.getProjectRoot().fullPath;
            } else {
                saveAsDefaultPath = FileUtils.getDirectoryPath(origPath);
            defaultName = FileUtils.getBaseName(origPath);
            var file = FileSystem.getFileForPath(origPath);
            if (file instanceof InMemoryFile) {
                var language = LanguageManager.getLanguageForPath(origPath);
                if (language) {
                    var fileExtensions = language.getFileExtensions();
                    if (fileExtensions && fileExtensions.length > 0) {
                        defaultName += "." + fileExtensions[0];
            FileSystem.showSaveDialog(Strings.SAVE_FILE_AS, saveAsDefaultPath, defaultName, function (err, selectedPath) {
                if (!err) {
                    if (selectedPath) {
                    } else {
                } else {
        } else {
        return result.promise();

     * Saves the given file. If no file specified, assumes the current document.
     * @param {?{doc: ?Document}} commandData  Document to close, or null
     * @return {$.Promise} resolved with the saved document's File (which MAY DIFFER from the doc
     *   passed in, if the doc was untitled). Rejected in case of IO error (after error dialog
     *   dismissed), or if doc was untitled and the Save dialog was canceled (will be rejected with
     *   USER_CANCELED object).
    function handleFileSave(commandData) {
        var activeEditor = EditorManager.getActiveEditor(),
            activeDoc = activeEditor && activeEditor.document,
            doc = (commandData && commandData.doc) || activeDoc,

        if (doc && !doc.isSaving) {
            if (doc.isUntitled()) {
                if (doc === activeDoc) {
                    settings = {
                        selections: activeEditor.getSelections(),
                        scrollPos: activeEditor.getScrollPos()

                return _doSaveAs(doc, settings);
            } else {
                return doSave(doc);

        return $.Deferred().reject().promise();

     * Saves all unsaved documents corresponding to 'fileList'. Returns a Promise that will be resolved
     * once ALL the save operations have been completed. If ANY save operation fails, an error dialog is
     * immediately shown but after dismissing we continue saving the other files; after all files have
     * been processed, the Promise is rejected if any ONE save operation failed (the error given is the
     * first one encountered). If the user cancels any Save As dialog (for untitled files), the
     * Promise is immediately rejected.
     * @param {!Array.<File>} fileList
     * @return {!$.Promise} Resolved with {!Array.<File>}, which may differ from 'fileList'
     *      if any of the files were Unsaved documents. Or rejected with {?FileSystemError}.
    function _saveFileList(fileList) {
        // Do in serial because doSave shows error UI for each file, and we don't want to stack
        // multiple dialogs on top of each other
        var userCanceled = false,
            filesAfterSave = [];

        return Async.doSequentially(
            function (file) {
                // Abort remaining saves if user canceled any Save As dialog
                if (userCanceled) {
                    return (new $.Deferred()).reject().promise();

                var doc = DocumentManager.getOpenDocumentForPath(file.fullPath);
                if (doc) {
                    var savePromise = handleFileSave({doc: doc});
                        .done(function (newFile) {
                        .fail(function (error) {
                            if (error === USER_CANCELED) {
                                userCanceled = true;
                    return savePromise;
                } else {
                    // workingset entry that was never actually opened - ignore
                    return (new $.Deferred()).resolve().promise();
            false  // if any save fails, continue trying to save other files anyway; then reject at end
        ).then(function () {
            return filesAfterSave;

     * Saves all unsaved documents. See _saveFileList() for details on the semantics.
     * @return {$.Promise}
    function saveAll() {
        return _saveFileList(MainViewManager.getWorkingSet(MainViewManager.ALL_PANES));

     * Prompts user with save as dialog and saves document.
     * @return {$.Promise} a promise that is resolved once the save has been completed
    handleFileSaveAs = function (commandData) {
        // Default to current document if doc is null
        var doc = null,

        if (commandData) {
            doc = commandData.doc;
        } else {
            var activeEditor = EditorManager.getActiveEditor();
            if (activeEditor) {
                doc = activeEditor.document;
                settings = {};
                settings.selections = activeEditor.getSelections();
                settings.scrollPos = activeEditor.getScrollPos();

        // doc may still be null, e.g. if no editors are open, but _doSaveAs() does a null check on
        // doc.
        return _doSaveAs(doc, settings);

     * Saves all unsaved documents.
     * @return {$.Promise} a promise that is resolved once ALL the saves have been completed; or rejected
     *      after all operations completed if any ONE of them failed.
    function handleFileSaveAll() {
        return saveAll();

     * Closes the specified file: removes it from the workingset, and closes the main editor if one
     * is open. Prompts user about saving changes first, if document is dirty.
     * @param {?{file: File, promptOnly:boolean}} commandData  Optional bag of arguments:
     *      file - File to close; assumes the current document if not specified.
     *      promptOnly - If true, only displays the relevant confirmation UI and does NOT actually
     *          close the document. This is useful when chaining file-close together with other user
     *          prompts that may be cancelable.
     *      _forceClose - If true, closes the document without prompting even if there are unsaved
     *          changes. Only for use in unit tests.
     * @return {$.Promise} a promise that is resolved when the file is closed, or if no file is open.
     *      FUTURE: should we reject the promise if no file is open?
    function handleFileClose(commandData) {
        var file,
            paneId = MainViewManager.ACTIVE_PANE;

        if (commandData) {
            file        = commandData.file;
            promptOnly  = commandData.promptOnly;
            _forceClose = commandData._forceClose;
            paneId      = commandData.paneId || paneId;
            _spawnedRequest = commandData.spawnedRequest || false;

        // utility function for handleFileClose: closes document & removes from workingset
        function doClose(file) {
            if (!promptOnly) {
                MainViewManager._close(paneId, file);

        var result = new $.Deferred(), promise = result.promise();

        // Default to current document if doc is null
        if (!file) {
            file = MainViewManager.getCurrentlyViewedFile(MainViewManager.ACTIVE_PANE);

        // No-op if called when nothing is open; TODO: (issue #273) should command be grayed out instead?
        if (!file) {
            return promise;

        var doc = DocumentManager.getOpenDocumentForPath(file.fullPath);

        if (doc && doc.isDirty && !_forceClose && (MainViewManager.isExclusiveToPane(doc.file, paneId) || _spawnedRequest)) {
            // Document is dirty: prompt to save changes before closing if only the document is exclusively
            // listed in the requested pane or this is part of a list close request
            var filename = FileUtils.getBaseName(doc.file.fullPath);

                        className : Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_CLASS_LEFT,
                        id        : Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_DONTSAVE,
                        text      : Strings.DONT_SAVE
                        className : Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_CLASS_NORMAL,
                        id        : Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_CANCEL,
                        text      : Strings.CANCEL
                        className : Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_CLASS_PRIMARY,
                        id        : Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_OK,
                        text      : Strings.SAVE
                .done(function (id) {
                    if (id === Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_CANCEL) {
                    } else if (id === Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_OK) {
                        // "Save" case: wait until we confirm save has succeeded before closing
                        handleFileSave({doc: doc})
                            .done(function (newFile) {
                            .fail(function () {
                    } else {
                        // "Don't Save" case: even though we're closing the main editor, other views of
                        // the Document may remain in the UI. So we need to revert the Document to a clean
                        // copy of whatever's on disk.

                        // Only reload from disk if we've executed the Close for real.
                        if (promptOnly) {
                        } else {
                            // Even if there are no listeners attached to the document at this point, we want
                            // to do the revert anyway, because clients who are listening to the global documentChange
                            // event from the Document module (rather than attaching to the document directly),
                            // such as the Find in Files panel, should get a change event. However, in that case,
                            // we want to ignore errors during the revert, since we don't want a failed revert
                            // to throw a dialog if the document isn't actually open in the UI.
                            var suppressError = !DocumentManager.getOpenDocumentForPath(file.fullPath);
                            _doRevert(doc, suppressError)
                                .then(result.resolve, result.reject);
            result.always(function () {
        } else {
            // File is not open, or IS open but Document not dirty: close immediately
        return promise;

     * @param {!Array.<File>} list - the list of files to close
     * @param {boolean} promptOnly - true to just prompt for saving documents with actually closing them.
     * @param {boolean} _forceClose Whether to force all the documents to close even if they have unsaved changes. For unit testing only.
     * @return {jQuery.Promise} promise that is resolved or rejected when the function finishes.
    function _closeList(list, promptOnly, _forceClose) {
        var result      = new $.Deferred(),
            unsavedDocs = [];

        list.forEach(function (file) {
            var doc = DocumentManager.getOpenDocumentForPath(file.fullPath);
            if (doc && doc.isDirty) {

        if (unsavedDocs.length === 0 || _forceClose) {
            // No unsaved changes or we want to ignore them, so we can proceed without a prompt

        } else if (unsavedDocs.length === 1) {
            // Only one unsaved file: show the usual single-file-close confirmation UI
            var fileCloseArgs = { file: unsavedDocs[0].file, promptOnly: promptOnly, spawnedRequest: true };

            handleFileClose(fileCloseArgs).done(function () {
                // still need to close any other, non-unsaved documents
            }).fail(function () {

        } else {
            // Multiple unsaved files: show a single bulk prompt listing all files
            var message = Strings.SAVE_CLOSE_MULTI_MESSAGE + FileUtils.makeDialogFileList(, _shortTitleForDocument));

                        className : Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_CLASS_LEFT,
                        id        : Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_DONTSAVE,
                        text      : Strings.DONT_SAVE
                        className : Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_CLASS_NORMAL,
                        id        : Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_CANCEL,
                        text      : Strings.CANCEL
                        className : Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_CLASS_PRIMARY,
                        id        : Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_OK,
                        text      : Strings.SAVE
                .done(function (id) {
                    if (id === Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_CANCEL) {
                    } else if (id === Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_OK) {
                        // Save all unsaved files, then if that succeeds, close all
                        _saveFileList(list).done(function (listAfterSave) {
                            // List of files after save may be different, if any were Untitled
                        }).fail(function () {
                    } else {
                        // "Don't Save" case--we can just go ahead and close all files.

        // If all the unsaved-changes confirmations pan out above, then go ahead & close all editors
        // NOTE: this still happens before any done() handlers added by our caller, because jQ
        // guarantees that handlers run in the order they are added.
        result.done(function (listAfterSave) {
            listAfterSave = listAfterSave || list;
            if (!promptOnly) {
                MainViewManager._closeList(MainViewManager.ALL_PANES, listAfterSave);

        return result.promise();

     * Closes all open files; equivalent to calling handleFileClose() for each document, except
     * that unsaved changes are confirmed once, in bulk.
     * @param {?{promptOnly: boolean, _forceClose: boolean}}
     *          If promptOnly is true, only displays the relevant confirmation UI and does NOT
     *          actually close any documents. This is useful when chaining close-all together with
     *          other user prompts that may be cancelable.
     *          If _forceClose is true, forces the files to close with no confirmation even if dirty.
     *          Should only be used for unit test cleanup.
     * @return {$.Promise} a promise that is resolved when all files are closed
    function handleFileCloseAll(commandData) {
        return _closeList(MainViewManager.getAllOpenFiles(),
                                    (commandData && commandData.promptOnly), (commandData && commandData._forceClose));

     * Closes a list of open files; equivalent to calling handleFileClose() for each document, except
     * that unsaved changes are confirmed once, in bulk.
     * @param {?{promptOnly: boolean, _forceClose: boolean}}
     *          If promptOnly is true, only displays the relevant confirmation UI and does NOT
     *          actually close any documents. This is useful when chaining close-all together with
     *          other user prompts that may be cancelable.
     *          If _forceClose is true, forces the files to close with no confirmation even if dirty.
     *          Should only be used for unit test cleanup.
     * @return {$.Promise} a promise that is resolved when all files are closed
    function handleFileCloseList(commandData) {
        return _closeList(commandData.fileList);

     * @private - tracks our closing state if we get called again
    var _windowGoingAway = false;

     * @private
     * Common implementation for close/quit/reload which all mostly
     * the same except for the final step
     * @param {Object} commandData - (not referenced)
     * @param {!function()} postCloseHandler - called after close
     * @param {!function()} failHandler - called when the save fails to cancel closing the window
    function _handleWindowGoingAway(commandData, postCloseHandler, failHandler) {
        if (_windowGoingAway) {
            //if we get called back while we're closing, then just return
            return (new $.Deferred()).reject().promise();

        return CommandManager.execute(Commands.FILE_CLOSE_ALL, { promptOnly: true })
            .done(function () {
                _windowGoingAway = true;

                // Give everyone a chance to save their state - but don't let any problems block
                // us from quitting
                try {
                } catch (ex) {

            .fail(function () {
                _windowGoingAway = false;
                if (failHandler) {

     * @private
     * Implementation for abortQuit callback to reset quit sequence settings
    function handleAbortQuit() {
        _windowGoingAway = false;

     * @private
     * Implementation for native APP_BEFORE_MENUPOPUP callback to trigger beforeMenuPopup event
    function handleBeforeMenuPopup() {

     * Confirms any unsaved changes, then closes the window
     * @param {Object} command data
    function handleFileCloseWindow(commandData) {
        return _handleWindowGoingAway(
            function () {
            function () {
                // if fail, tell the app to abort any pending quit operation.

    /** Show a textfield to rename whatever is currently selected in the sidebar (or current doc if nothing else selected) */
    function handleFileRename() {
        // Prefer selected sidebar item (which could be a folder)
        var entry = ProjectManager.getContext();
        if (!entry) {
            // Else use current file (not selected in ProjectManager if not visible in tree or workingset)
            entry = MainViewManager.getCurrentlyViewedFile();
        if (entry) {

    /** Closes the window, then quits the app */
    function handleFileQuit(commandData) {
        return _handleWindowGoingAway(
            function () {
            function () {
                // if fail, don't exit: user canceled (or asked us to save changes first, but we failed to do so)

    /** Are we already listening for a keyup to call detectDocumentNavEnd()? */
    var _addedNavKeyHandler = false;

     * When the Ctrl key is released, if we were in the middle of a next/prev document navigation
     * sequence, now is the time to end it and update the MRU order. If we allowed the order to update
     * on every next/prev increment, the 1st & 2nd entries would just switch places forever and we'd
     * never get further down the list.
     * @param {jQueryEvent} event Key-up event
    function detectDocumentNavEnd(event) {
        if (event.keyCode === KeyEvent.DOM_VK_CONTROL) {  // Ctrl key
            _addedNavKeyHandler = false;
            $(window.document.body).off("keyup", detectDocumentNavEnd);

     * Navigate to the next/previous (MRU or list order) document. Don't update MRU order yet
     * @param {!number} inc Delta indicating in which direction we're going
     * @param {?boolean} listOrder Whether to navigate using MRU or list order. Defaults to MRU order
    function goNextPrevDoc(inc, listOrder) {
        var result;
        if (listOrder) {
            result = MainViewManager.traverseToNextViewInListOrder(inc);
        } else {
            result = MainViewManager.traverseToNextViewByMRU(inc);

        if (result) {
            var file = result.file,
                paneId = result.paneId;

            CommandManager.execute(Commands.FILE_OPEN, {fullPath: file.fullPath,
                                                        paneId: paneId });

            // Listen for ending of Ctrl+Tab sequence
            if (!_addedNavKeyHandler) {
                _addedNavKeyHandler = true;

    /** Next Doc command handler (MRU order) **/
    function handleGoNextDoc() {

    /** Previous Doc command handler (MRU order) **/
    function handleGoPrevDoc() {

    /** Next Doc command handler (list order) **/
    function handleGoNextDocListOrder() {
        goNextPrevDoc(+1, true);

    /** Previous Doc command handler (list order) **/
    function handleGoPrevDocListOrder() {
        goNextPrevDoc(-1, true);

    /** Show in File Tree command handler **/
    function handleShowInTree() {

    /** Delete file command handler  **/
    function handleFileDelete() {
        var entry = ProjectManager.getSelectedItem();
                entry.isFile ? Strings.CONFIRM_FILE_DELETE : Strings.CONFIRM_FOLDER_DELETE,
                    className : Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_CLASS_NORMAL,
                    id        : Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_CANCEL,
                    text      : Strings.CANCEL
                    className : Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_CLASS_PRIMARY,
                    id        : Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_OK,
                    text      : Strings.DELETE
            .done(function (id) {
                if (id === Dialogs.DIALOG_BTN_OK) {

    /** Show the selected sidebar (tree or workingset) item in Finder/Explorer */
    function handleShowInOS() {
        var entry = ProjectManager.getSelectedItem();
        if (entry) {
  , function (err) {
                if (err) {
                    console.error("Error showing '" + entry.fullPath + "' in OS folder:", err);

     * Disables Brackets' cache via the remote debugging protocol.
     * @return {$.Promise} A jQuery promise that will be resolved when the cache is disabled and be rejected in any other case
    function _disableCache() {
        var result = new $.Deferred();

        if (brackets.inBrowser) {
        } else {
   (err, port){
                if ((!err) && port && port > 0) {
                    Inspector.getDebuggableWindows("", port)
                        .done(function (response) {
                            var page = response[0];
                            if (!page || !page.webSocketDebuggerUrl) {
                            var _socket = new WebSocket(page.webSocketDebuggerUrl);
                            // Disable the cache
                            _socket.onopen = function _onConnect() {
                                _socket.send(JSON.stringify({ id: 1, method: "Network.setCacheDisabled", params: { "cacheDisabled": true } }));
                            // The first message will be the confirmation => disconnected to allow remote debugging of Brackets
                            _socket.onmessage = function _onMessage(e) {
                            // In case of an error
                            _socket.onerror = result.reject;
                } else {

        return result.promise();

    * Does a full reload of the browser window
    * @param {string} href The url to reload into the window
    function browserReload(href) {
        if (_isReloading) {

        _isReloading = true;

        return CommandManager.execute(Commands.FILE_CLOSE_ALL, { promptOnly: true }).done(function () {
            // Give everyone a chance to save their state - but don't let any problems block
            // us from quitting
            try {
            } catch (ex) {

            // Disable the cache to make reloads work
            _disableCache().always(function () {
                // Remove all menus to assure every part of Brackets is reloaded
                _.forEach(Menus.getAllMenus(), function (value, key) {

                // If there's a fragment in both URLs, setting location.href won't actually reload
                var fragment = href.indexOf("#");
                if (fragment !== -1) {
                    href = href.substr(0, fragment);

                // Defer for a more successful reload - issue #11539
                setTimeout(function () {
                    window.location.href = href;
                }, 1000);
        }).fail(function () {
            _isReloading = false;

     * Restarts brackets Handler
     * @param {boolean=} loadWithoutExtensions - true to restart without extensions,
     *                                           otherwise extensions are loadeed as it is durning a typical boot
    function handleReload(loadWithoutExtensions) {
        var href    = window.location.href,
            params  = new UrlParams();

        // Make sure the Reload Without User Extensions parameter is removed

        if (loadWithoutExtensions) {
            if (!params.get("reloadWithoutUserExts")) {
                params.put("reloadWithoutUserExts", true);
        } else {
            if (params.get("reloadWithoutUserExts")) {

        if (href.indexOf("?") !== -1) {
            href = href.substring(0, href.indexOf("?"));

        if (!params.isEmpty()) {
            href += "?" + params.toString();

        // Give Mac native menus extra time to update shortcut highlighting.
        // Prevents the menu highlighting from getting messed up after reload.
        window.setTimeout(function () {
        }, 100);

    /** Reload Without Extensions commnad handler **/
    var handleReloadWithoutExts = _.partial(handleReload, true);

     * Attach a beforeunload handler to notify user about unsaved changes and URL redirection in CEF.
     * Prevents data loss in scenario reported under #13708
     * Make sure we don't attach this handler if the current window is actually a test window

    var isTestWindow = (new window.URLSearchParams( || "")).get("testEnvironment");
    if (!isTestWindow) {
        window.onbeforeunload = function(e) {
            var openDocs = DocumentManager.getAllOpenDocuments();

            // Detect any unsaved changes
            openDocs = openDocs.filter(function(doc) {
                return doc && doc.isDirty;

            // Ensure we are not in normal app-quit or reload workflow
            if (!_isReloading && !_windowGoingAway) {
                if (openDocs.length > 0) {
                    return Strings.WINDOW_UNLOAD_WARNING_WITH_UNSAVED_CHANGES;
                } else {
                    return Strings.WINDOW_UNLOAD_WARNING;

    /** Do some initialization when the DOM is ready **/
    AppInit.htmlReady(function () {
        // If in Reload Without User Extensions mode, update UI and log console message
        var params      = new UrlParams(),
            $icon       = $("#toolbar-extension-manager"),
            $indicator  = $("<div>" + Strings.STATUSBAR_USER_EXTENSIONS_DISABLED + "</div>");


        if (params.get("reloadWithoutUserExts") === "true") {
            $icon.css({display: "none"});
            StatusBar.addIndicator("status-user-exts", $indicator, true);
            console.log("Brackets reloaded with extensions disabled");

        // Init DOM elements
        _$titleContainerToolbar = $("#titlebar");
        _$titleWrapper = $(".title-wrapper", _$titleContainerToolbar);
        _$title = $(".title", _$titleWrapper);
        _$dirtydot = $(".dirty-dot", _$titleWrapper);

    // Exported for unit testing only
    exports._parseDecoratedPath = _parseDecoratedPath;

    // Set some command strings
    var quitString  = Strings.CMD_QUIT,
        showInOS    = Strings.CMD_SHOW_IN_OS;
    if (brackets.platform === "win") {
        quitString  = Strings.CMD_EXIT;
        showInOS    = Strings.CMD_SHOW_IN_EXPLORER;
    } else if (brackets.platform === "mac") {
        showInOS    = Strings.CMD_SHOW_IN_FINDER;

    // Define public API
    exports.showFileOpenError = showFileOpenError;

    // Deprecated commands
    CommandManager.register(Strings.CMD_ADD_TO_WORKING_SET,          Commands.FILE_ADD_TO_WORKING_SET,        handleFileAddToWorkingSet);
    CommandManager.register(Strings.CMD_FILE_OPEN,                   Commands.FILE_OPEN,                      handleDocumentOpen);

    // New commands
    CommandManager.register(Strings.CMD_ADD_TO_WORKING_SET,          Commands.CMD_ADD_TO_WORKINGSET_AND_OPEN, handleFileAddToWorkingSetAndOpen);
    CommandManager.register(Strings.CMD_FILE_OPEN,                   Commands.CMD_OPEN,                       handleFileOpen);

    // File Commands
    CommandManager.register(Strings.CMD_FILE_NEW_UNTITLED,           Commands.FILE_NEW_UNTITLED,              handleFileNew);
    CommandManager.register(Strings.CMD_FILE_NEW,                    Commands.FILE_NEW,                       handleFileNewInProject);
    CommandManager.register(Strings.CMD_FILE_NEW_FOLDER,             Commands.FILE_NEW_FOLDER,                handleNewFolderInProject);
    CommandManager.register(Strings.CMD_FILE_SAVE,                   Commands.FILE_SAVE,                      handleFileSave);
    CommandManager.register(Strings.CMD_FILE_SAVE_ALL,               Commands.FILE_SAVE_ALL,                  handleFileSaveAll);
    CommandManager.register(Strings.CMD_FILE_SAVE_AS,                Commands.FILE_SAVE_AS,                   handleFileSaveAs);
    CommandManager.register(Strings.CMD_FILE_RENAME,                 Commands.FILE_RENAME,                    handleFileRename);
    CommandManager.register(Strings.CMD_FILE_DELETE,                 Commands.FILE_DELETE,                    handleFileDelete);

    // Close Commands
    CommandManager.register(Strings.CMD_FILE_CLOSE,                  Commands.FILE_CLOSE,                     handleFileClose);
    CommandManager.register(Strings.CMD_FILE_CLOSE_ALL,              Commands.FILE_CLOSE_ALL,                 handleFileCloseAll);
    CommandManager.register(Strings.CMD_FILE_CLOSE_LIST,             Commands.FILE_CLOSE_LIST,                handleFileCloseList);

    // Traversal
    CommandManager.register(Strings.CMD_NEXT_DOC,                    Commands.NAVIGATE_NEXT_DOC,              handleGoNextDoc);
    CommandManager.register(Strings.CMD_PREV_DOC,                    Commands.NAVIGATE_PREV_DOC,              handleGoPrevDoc);

    CommandManager.register(Strings.CMD_NEXT_DOC_LIST_ORDER,         Commands.NAVIGATE_NEXT_DOC_LIST_ORDER,   handleGoNextDocListOrder);
    CommandManager.register(Strings.CMD_PREV_DOC_LIST_ORDER,         Commands.NAVIGATE_PREV_DOC_LIST_ORDER,   handleGoPrevDocListOrder);

    // Special Commands
    CommandManager.register(showInOS,                                Commands.NAVIGATE_SHOW_IN_OS,            handleShowInOS);
    CommandManager.register(quitString,                              Commands.FILE_QUIT,                      handleFileQuit);
    CommandManager.register(Strings.CMD_SHOW_IN_TREE,                Commands.NAVIGATE_SHOW_IN_FILE_TREE,     handleShowInTree);

    // These commands have no UI representation and are only used internally
    CommandManager.registerInternal(Commands.APP_ABORT_QUIT,            handleAbortQuit);
    CommandManager.registerInternal(Commands.APP_BEFORE_MENUPOPUP,      handleBeforeMenuPopup);
    CommandManager.registerInternal(Commands.FILE_CLOSE_WINDOW,         handleFileCloseWindow);
    CommandManager.registerInternal(Commands.APP_RELOAD,                handleReload);
    CommandManager.registerInternal(Commands.APP_RELOAD_WITHOUT_EXTS,   handleReloadWithoutExts);

    // Listen for changes that require updating the editor titlebar
    ProjectManager.on("projectOpen", _updateTitle);
    DocumentManager.on("dirtyFlagChange", handleDirtyChange);
    DocumentManager.on("fileNameChange", handleCurrentFileChange);
    MainViewManager.on("currentFileChange", handleCurrentFileChange);

    // Reset the untitled document counter before changing projects
    ProjectManager.on("beforeProjectClose", function () { _nextUntitledIndexToUse = 1; });