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Test Coverage
 * Wrapper around brackets pref system to ensure preferences are stored in in one single object instead of using multiple keys.
 * This is to make it easy for the user who edits their preferences file to easily manage the potentially numerous lines of preferences generated by the persisting code-folding state.
 * @author Patrick Oladimeji
 * @date 3/22/14 20:39:53 PM

define(function (require, exports, module) {
    "use strict";

    var ProjectManager              = brackets.getModule("project/ProjectManager"),
        PreferencesManager          = brackets.getModule("preferences/PreferencesManager"),
        Strings                     = brackets.getModule("strings"),
        prefs                       = PreferencesManager.getExtensionPrefs("code-folding"),
        FOLDS_PREF_KEY              = "code-folding.folds",
        // preference key strings are here for now since they are not used in any UI
        ENABLE_CODE_FOLDING         = "Enable code folding",
        MIN_FOLD_SIZE               = "Minimum fold size",
        SAVE_FOLD_STATES            = "Save fold states",
        ALWAYS_USE_INDENT_FOLD      = "Always use indent fold",
        HIDE_FOLD_BUTTONS           = "Hide fold triangles",
        MAX_FOLD_LEVEL              = "Max fold level",
        MAKE_SELECTIONS_FOLDABLE     = "Makes selections foldable";

    //default preference values
    prefs.definePreference("enabled", "boolean", true,
                           {name: ENABLE_CODE_FOLDING, description: Strings.DESCRIPTION_CODE_FOLDING_ENABLED});
    prefs.definePreference("minFoldSize", "number", 2,
                           {name: MIN_FOLD_SIZE, description: Strings.DESCRIPTION_CODE_FOLDING_MIN_FOLD_SIZE});
    prefs.definePreference("saveFoldStates", "boolean", true,
                           {name: SAVE_FOLD_STATES, description: Strings.DESCRIPTION_CODE_FOLDING_SAVE_FOLD_STATES});
    prefs.definePreference("alwaysUseIndentFold", "boolean", false,
                           {name: ALWAYS_USE_INDENT_FOLD, description: Strings.DESCRIPTION_CODE_FOLDING_ALWAY_USE_INDENT_FOLD});
    prefs.definePreference("hideUntilMouseover", "boolean", false,
                           {name: HIDE_FOLD_BUTTONS, description: Strings.DESCRIPTION_CODE_FOLDING_HIDE_UNTIL_MOUSEOVER});
    prefs.definePreference("maxFoldLevel", "number", 2,
                           {name: MAX_FOLD_LEVEL, description: Strings.DESCRIPTION_CODE_FOLDING_MAX_FOLD_LEVEL});
    prefs.definePreference("makeSelectionsFoldable", "boolean", true,

    PreferencesManager.stateManager.definePreference(FOLDS_PREF_KEY, "object", {});

      * Simplifies the fold ranges into an array of pairs of numbers.
      * @param {!Object} folds the raw fold ranges indexed by line numbers
      * @return {Object} an object whose keys are line numbers and the values are array
      * of two 2-element arrays. First array contains [from.line,] and the second contains [to.line,]
    function simplify(folds) {
        if (!folds) {
        var res = {}, range;
        Object.keys(folds).forEach(function (line) {
            range = folds[line];
            res[line] = Array.isArray(range) ? range : [[range.from.line,], [,]];
        return res;

      * Inflates the fold ranges stored as simplified numeric arrays. The inflation converts the data into
      * objects whose keys are line numbers and whose values are objects in the format {from: {line, ch}, to: {line, ch}}.
      * @param {Object}  folds the simplified fold ranges
      * @return {Object} the converted fold ranges
    function inflate(folds) {
        if (!folds) {
         //transform the folds into objects with from and to properties
        var ranges = {}, obj;
        Object.keys(folds).forEach(function (line) {
            obj = folds[line];
            ranges[line] = {from: {line: obj[0][0], ch: obj[0][1]}, to: {line: obj[1][0], ch: obj[1][1]}};

        return ranges;

     * Returns a 'context' object for getting/setting project-specific view state preferences.
     * Similar to code in MultiRangeInlineEditor._getPrefsContext()...
    function getViewStateContext() {
        var projectRoot = ProjectManager.getProjectRoot();  // note: null during unit tests!
        return { location : { scope: "user",
                              layer: "project",
                              layerID: projectRoot && projectRoot.fullPath } };

      * Gets the line folds saved for the specified path.
      * @param {string} path the document path
      * @return {Object} the line folds for the document at the specified path
    function getFolds(path) {
        var context = getViewStateContext();
        var folds = PreferencesManager.getViewState(FOLDS_PREF_KEY, context);
        return inflate(folds[path]);

      * Saves the line folds for the specified path
      * @param {!string} path the path to the document
      * @param {Object} folds the fold ranges to save for the current document
    function setFolds(path, folds) {
        var context = getViewStateContext();
        var allFolds = PreferencesManager.getViewState(FOLDS_PREF_KEY, context);
        allFolds[path] = simplify(folds);
        PreferencesManager.setViewState(FOLDS_PREF_KEY, allFolds, context);

      * Get the code folding setting with the specified key from the store
      * @param {!string} key The key for the setting to retrieve
      * @return {string} the setting with the specified key
    function getSetting(key) {
        return prefs.get(key);

      * Clears all the saved line folds for all documents.
    function clearAllFolds() {
        PreferencesManager.setViewState(FOLDS_PREF_KEY, {});

    module.exports.getFolds = getFolds;
    module.exports.setFolds = setFolds;
    module.exports.getSetting = getSetting;
    module.exports.clearAllFolds = clearAllFolds;
    module.exports.prefsObject = prefs;