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 * Copyright (c) 2012 - present Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
 * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
 * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
 * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
 * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
 * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


     * Errors

    // General file io error strings
    "GENERIC_ERROR"                     : "(error {0})",
    "NOT_FOUND_ERR"                     : "The file/directory could not be found.",
    "NOT_READABLE_ERR"                  : "The file/directory could not be read.",
    "EXCEEDS_MAX_FILE_SIZE"             : "Files larger than {0} MB cannot be opened in {APP_NAME}.",
    "NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR"       : "The target directory cannot be modified.",
    "NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR_FILE"  : "The permissions do not allow you to make modifications.",
    "CONTENTS_MODIFIED_ERR"             : "The file has been modified outside of {APP_NAME}.",
    "UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING_ERR"          : "Unknown encoding format",
    "ENCODE_FILE_FAILED_ERR"            : "{APP_NAME} was not able to encode the contents of file.",
    "DECODE_FILE_FAILED_ERR"            : "{APP_NAME} was not able to decode the contents of file.",
    "UNSUPPORTED_UTF16_ENCODING_ERR"    : "{APP_NAME} currently doesn't support UTF-16 encoded text files.",
    "FILE_EXISTS_ERR"                   : "The file or directory already exists.",
    "FILE"                              : "file",
    "FILE_TITLE"                        : "File",
    "DIRECTORY"                         : "directory",
    "DIRECTORY_TITLE"                   : "Directory",
    "DIRECTORY_NAMES_LEDE"              : "Directory names",
    "FILENAMES_LEDE"                    : "Filenames",
    "FILENAME"                          : "Filename",
    "DIRECTORY_NAME"                    : "Directory Name",

    // Project error strings
    "ERROR_LOADING_PROJECT"             : "Error Loading Project",
    "OPEN_DIALOG_ERROR"                 : "An error occurred when showing the open file dialog. (error {0})",
    "REQUEST_NATIVE_FILE_SYSTEM_ERROR"  : "An error occurred when trying to load the directory <span class='dialog-filename'>{0}</span>. (error {1})",
    "READ_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES_ERROR"      : "An error occurred when reading the contents of the directory <span class='dialog-filename'>{0}</span>. (error {1})",

    // File open/save error string
    "ERROR_OPENING_FILE_TITLE"          : "Error Opening File",
    "ERROR_OPENING_FILE"                : "An error occurred when trying to open the file <span class='dialog-filename'>{0}</span>. {1}",
    "ERROR_OPENING_FILES"               : "An error occurred when trying to open the following files:",
    "ERROR_RELOADING_FILE_TITLE"        : "Error Reloading Changes From Disk",
    "ERROR_RELOADING_FILE"              : "An error occurred when trying to reload the file <span class='dialog-filename'>{0}</span>. {1}",
    "ERROR_SAVING_FILE_TITLE"           : "Error Saving File",
    "ERROR_SAVING_FILE"                 : "An error occurred when trying to save the file <span class='dialog-filename'>{0}</span>. {1}",
    "ERROR_RENAMING_FILE_TITLE"         : "Error Renaming {0}",
    "ERROR_RENAMING_FILE"               : "An error occurred when trying to rename the {2} <span class='dialog-filename'>{0}</span>. {1}",
    "ERROR_RENAMING_NOT_IN_PROJECT"     : "The file or directory is not part of the currently opened project. Unfortunately, only project files can be renamed at this point.",
    "ERROR_MOVING_FILE_TITLE"           : "Error Moving {0}",
    "ERROR_MOVING_FILE"                 : "An error occurred when trying to move the {2} <span class='dialog-filename'>{0}</span>. {1}",
    "ERROR_MOVING_NOT_IN_PROJECT"       : "Cannot move the file/folder, as they are not part of the current project.",
    "ERROR_DELETING_FILE_TITLE"         : "Error Deleting {0}",
    "ERROR_DELETING_FILE"               : "An error occurred when trying to delete the {2} <span class='dialog-filename'>{0}</span>. {1}",
    "INVALID_FILENAME_TITLE"            : "Invalid {0}",
    "INVALID_FILENAME_MESSAGE"          : "{0} cannot use any system reserved words, end with dots (.) or use any of the following characters: <code class='emphasized'>{1}</code>",
    "ENTRY_WITH_SAME_NAME_EXISTS"       : "A file or directory with the name <span class='dialog-filename'>{0}</span> already exists.",
    "ERROR_CREATING_FILE_TITLE"         : "Error Creating {0}",
    "ERROR_CREATING_FILE"               : "An error occurred when trying to create the {0} <span class='dialog-filename'>{1}</span>. {2}",
    "ERROR_MIXED_DRAGDROP"              : "Cannot open a folder at the same time as opening other files.",

    // User key map error strings
    "ERROR_KEYMAP_TITLE"                : "Error Reading User Key Map",
    "ERROR_KEYMAP_CORRUPT"              : "Your key map file is not valid JSON. The file will be opened so that you can correct the format.",
    "ERROR_LOADING_KEYMAP"              : "Your key map file is not a valid UTF-8 encoded text file and cannot be loaded",
    "ERROR_RESTRICTED_COMMANDS"         : "You cannot reassign shortcuts to these commands: {0}",
    "ERROR_RESTRICTED_SHORTCUTS"        : "You cannot reassign these shortcuts: {0}",
    "ERROR_MULTIPLE_SHORTCUTS"          : "You are reassigning multiple shortcuts to these commands: {0}",
    "ERROR_DUPLICATE_SHORTCUTS"         : "You have multiple bindings of these shortcuts: {0}",
    "ERROR_INVALID_SHORTCUTS"           : "These shortcuts are invalid: {0}",
    "ERROR_NONEXISTENT_COMMANDS"        : "You are assigning shortcuts to nonexistent commands: {0}",

    // Application preferences corrupt error strings
    "ERROR_PREFS_CORRUPT_TITLE"         : "Error Reading Preferences",
    "ERROR_PREFS_CORRUPT"               : "Your preferences file is not valid JSON. The file will be opened so that you can correct the format. You will need to restart {APP_NAME} for the changes to take effect.",
    "ERROR_PROJ_PREFS_CORRUPT"          : "Your project preferences file is not valid JSON. The file will be opened so that you can correct the format. You will need to reload the project for the changes to take effect.",

    // Application error strings
    "ERROR_IN_BROWSER_TITLE"            : "Oops! {APP_NAME} Doesn't Run in Browsers Yet.",
    "ERROR_IN_BROWSER"                  : "{APP_NAME} is built in HTML, but right now it runs as a desktop app so you can use it to edit local files. Please use the application shell in the <b></b> repo to run {APP_NAME}.",

    // ProjectManager max files error string
    "ERROR_MAX_FILES_TITLE"             : "Error Indexing Files",
    "ERROR_MAX_FILES"                   : "This project contains more than 30,000 files. Features that operate across multiple files may be disabled or behave as if the project is empty. <a href=''>Read more about working with large projects</a>.",

    // Live Preview error strings
    "ERROR_LAUNCHING_BROWSER_TITLE"     : "Error Launching Browser",
    "ERROR_CANT_FIND_CHROME"            : "The Google Chrome browser could not be found. Please make sure it is installed.",
    "ERROR_LAUNCHING_BROWSER"           : "An error occurred when launching the browser. (error {0})",

    "LIVE_DEVELOPMENT_ERROR_TITLE"      : "Live Preview Error",
    "LIVE_DEVELOPMENT_RELAUNCH_TITLE"   : "Connecting to Browser",
    "LIVE_DEVELOPMENT_ERROR_MESSAGE"    : "In order for Live Preview to connect, Chrome needs to be relaunched with remote debugging enabled.<br /><br />Would you like to relaunch Chrome and enable remote debugging?<br /><br />",
    "LIVE_DEV_LOADING_ERROR_MESSAGE"    : "Unable to load Live Preview page.",
    "LIVE_DEV_NEED_HTML_MESSAGE"        : "Open an HTML file or make sure there is an index.html file in your project in order to launch live preview.",
    "LIVE_DEV_NEED_BASEURL_MESSAGE"     : "To launch live preview with a server-side file, you need to specify a Base URL for this project.",
    "LIVE_DEV_SERVER_NOT_READY_MESSAGE" : "Error starting up the HTTP server for live preview files. Please try again.",
    "LIVE_DEVELOPMENT_INFO_TITLE"       : "Welcome to Live Preview!",
    "LIVE_DEVELOPMENT_INFO_MESSAGE"     : "Live Preview connects {APP_NAME} to your browser. It launches a preview of your HTML file in the browser, then updates the preview instantly as you edit your code.<br /><br />In this early version of {APP_NAME}, Live Preview only works with <strong>Google Chrome</strong> and updates live as you edit <strong>CSS or HTML files</strong>. Changes to JavaScript files are automatically reloaded when you save.<br /><br />(You'll only see this message once.)",
    "LIVE_DEVELOPMENT_TROUBLESHOOTING"  : "For more information, see <a href='{0}' title='{0}'>Troubleshooting Live Preview connection errors</a>.",

    "LIVE_DEV_STATUS_TIP_PROGRESS1"     : "Live Preview: Connecting\u2026",
    "LIVE_DEV_STATUS_TIP_PROGRESS2"     : "Live Preview: Initializing\u2026",
    "LIVE_DEV_STATUS_TIP_CONNECTED"     : "Disconnect Live Preview",
    "LIVE_DEV_STATUS_TIP_OUT_OF_SYNC"   : "Live Preview (save file to refresh)",
    "LIVE_DEV_STATUS_TIP_SYNC_ERROR"    : "Live Preview (not updating due to syntax error)",

    "LIVE_DEV_DETACHED_REPLACED_WITH_DEVTOOLS" : "Live Preview was canceled because the browser's developer tools were opened",
    "LIVE_DEV_DETACHED_TARGET_CLOSED"          : "Live Preview was canceled because the page was closed in the browser",
    "LIVE_DEV_NAVIGATED_AWAY"                  : "Live Preview was canceled because the browser navigated to a page that is not part of the current project",
    "LIVE_DEV_CLOSED_UNKNOWN_REASON"           : "Live Preview was canceled for an unknown reason ({0})",

    "SAVE_CLOSE_TITLE"                  : "Save Changes",
    "SAVE_CLOSE_MESSAGE"                : "Do you want to save the changes you made in the document <span class='dialog-filename'>{0}</span>?",
    "SAVE_CLOSE_MULTI_MESSAGE"          : "Do you want to save your changes to the following files?",
    "EXT_MODIFIED_TITLE"                : "External Changes",
    "CONFIRM_DELETE_TITLE"              : "Confirm Delete",
    "CONFIRM_FILE_DELETE"               : "Are you sure you want to delete the file <span class='dialog-filename'>{0}</span>?",
    "CONFIRM_FOLDER_DELETE"             : "Are you sure you want to delete the folder <span class='dialog-filename'>{0}</span>?",
    "FILE_DELETED_TITLE"                : "File Deleted",
    "EXT_MODIFIED_WARNING"              : "<span class='dialog-filename'>{0}</span> has been modified on disk outside of {APP_NAME}.<br /><br />Do you want to save the file and overwrite those changes?",
    "EXT_MODIFIED_MESSAGE"              : "<span class='dialog-filename'>{0}</span> has been modified on disk outside of {APP_NAME}, but also has unsaved changes in {APP_NAME}.<br /><br />Which version do you want to keep?",
    "EXT_DELETED_MESSAGE"               : "<span class='dialog-filename'>{0}</span> has been deleted on disk outside of {APP_NAME}, but has unsaved changes in {APP_NAME}.<br /><br />Do you want to keep your changes?",
    // Window unload warning messages
    "WINDOW_UNLOAD_WARNING"                      : "Are you sure you want to navigate to a different URL and leave Brackets?",
    "WINDOW_UNLOAD_WARNING_WITH_UNSAVED_CHANGES" : "You have unsaved changes! Are you sure you want to navigate to a different URL and leave Brackets?",

    // Generic dialog/button labels
    "DONE"                              : "Done",
    "OK"                                : "OK",
    "CANCEL"                            : "Cancel",
    "DONT_SAVE"                         : "Don't Save",
    "SAVE"                              : "Save",
    "SAVE_AS"                           : "Save As\u2026",
    "SAVE_AND_OVERWRITE"                : "Overwrite",
    "DELETE"                            : "Delete",
    "BUTTON_YES"                        : "Yes",
    "BUTTON_NO"                         : "No",

    // Find, Replace, Find in Files
    "FIND_MATCH_INDEX"                  : "{0} of {1}",
    "FIND_NO_RESULTS"                   : "No results",
    "FIND_QUERY_PLACEHOLDER"            : "Find\u2026",
    "FIND_HISTORY_MAX_COUNT"            : "Maximum Number of Search Items in Search History",
    "REPLACE_PLACEHOLDER"               : "Replace with\u2026",
    "BUTTON_REPLACE_ALL"                : "Replace All",
    "BUTTON_REPLACE_BATCH"              : "Batch\u2026",
    "BUTTON_REPLACE_ALL_IN_FILES"       : "Replace\u2026",
    "BUTTON_REPLACE"                    : "Replace",
    "BUTTON_NEXT"                       : "\u25B6",
    "BUTTON_PREV"                       : "\u25C0",
    "BUTTON_NEXT_HINT"                  : "Next Match",
    "BUTTON_PREV_HINT"                  : "Previous Match",
    "BUTTON_CASESENSITIVE_HINT"         : "Match Case",
    "BUTTON_REGEXP_HINT"                : "Regular Expression",
    "REPLACE_WITHOUT_UNDO_WARNING"      : "Because more than {0} files need to be changed, {APP_NAME} will modify unopened files on disk.<br />You won't be able to undo replacements in those files.",
    "BUTTON_REPLACE_WITHOUT_UNDO"       : "Replace Without Undo",

    "OPEN_FILE"                         : "Open File",
    "SAVE_FILE_AS"                      : "Save File",
    "CHOOSE_FOLDER"                     : "Choose a folder",

    "RELEASE_NOTES"                     : "Release Notes",
    "NO_UPDATE_TITLE"                   : "You're Up to Date!",
    "NO_UPDATE_MESSAGE"                 : "You are running the latest version of {APP_NAME}.",

    // Find and Replace
    "FIND_REPLACE_TITLE_LABEL"          : "Replace",
    "FIND_REPLACE_TITLE_WITH"           : "with",
    "FIND_TITLE_LABEL"                  : "Found",
    "FIND_TITLE_SUMMARY"                : "&mdash; {0} {1} {2} in {3}",

    // Find in Files
    "FIND_NUM_FILES"                    : "{0} {1}",
    "FIND_IN_FILES_SCOPED"              : "in <span class='dialog-filename'>{0}</span>",
    "FIND_IN_FILES_NO_SCOPE"            : "in project",
    "FIND_IN_FILES_ZERO_FILES"          : "Filter excludes all files {0}",
    "FIND_IN_FILES_FILE"                : "file",
    "FIND_IN_FILES_FILES"               : "files",
    "FIND_IN_FILES_MATCH"               : "match",
    "FIND_IN_FILES_MATCHES"             : "matches",
    "FIND_IN_FILES_MORE_THAN"           : "Over ",
    "FIND_IN_FILES_PAGING"              : "{0}&mdash;{1}",
    "FIND_IN_FILES_FILE_PATH"           : "<span class='dialog-filename'>{0}</span> {2} <span class='dialog-path'>{1}</span>", // We should use normal dashes on Windows instead of em dash eventually
    "FIND_IN_FILES_EXPAND_COLLAPSE"     : "Ctrl/Cmd click to expand/collapse all",
    "FIND_IN_FILES_INDEXING"            : "Indexing for Instant Search\u2026",
    "REPLACE_IN_FILES_ERRORS_TITLE"     : "Replace Errors",
    "REPLACE_IN_FILES_ERRORS"           : "The following files weren't modified because they changed after the search or couldn't be written.",

    "ERROR_FETCHING_UPDATE_INFO_TITLE"  : "Error Getting Update Info",
    "ERROR_FETCHING_UPDATE_INFO_MSG"    : "There was a problem getting the latest update information from the server. Please make sure you are connected to the Internet and try again.",

    // File exclusion filters
    "NEW_FILE_FILTER"                   : "New Exclusion Set\u2026",
    "CLEAR_FILE_FILTER"                 : "Don't Exclude Files",
    "NO_FILE_FILTER"                    : "No Files Excluded",
    "EXCLUDE_FILE_FILTER"               : "Exclude {0}",
    "EDIT_FILE_FILTER"                  : "Edit\u2026",
    "FILE_FILTER_DIALOG"                : "Edit Exclusion Set",
    "FILE_FILTER_INSTRUCTIONS"          : "Exclude files and folders matching any of the following strings / substrings or <a href='{0}' title='{0}'>wildcards</a>. Enter each string on a new line.",
    "FILTER_NAME_PLACEHOLDER"           : "Name this exclusion set (optional)",
    "FILTER_NAME_REMAINING"             : "{0} characters remaining",
    "FILE_FILTER_CLIPPED_SUFFIX"        : "and {0} more",
    "FILTER_COUNTING_FILES"             : "Counting files\u2026",
    "FILTER_FILE_COUNT"                 : "Allows {0} of {1} files {2}",
    "FILTER_FILE_COUNT_ALL"             : "Allows all {0} files {1}",

    // Quick Edit
    "ERROR_QUICK_EDIT_PROVIDER_NOT_FOUND"   : "No Quick Edit available for current cursor position",
    "ERROR_CSSQUICKEDIT_BETWEENCLASSES"     : "CSS Quick Edit: place cursor on a single class name",
    "ERROR_CSSQUICKEDIT_CLASSNOTFOUND"      : "CSS Quick Edit: incomplete class attribute",
    "ERROR_CSSQUICKEDIT_IDNOTFOUND"         : "CSS Quick Edit: incomplete id attribute",
    "ERROR_CSSQUICKEDIT_UNSUPPORTEDATTR"    : "CSS Quick Edit: place cursor in tag, class, or id",
    "ERROR_TIMINGQUICKEDIT_INVALIDSYNTAX"   : "CSS Timing Function Quick Edit: invalid syntax",
    "ERROR_JSQUICKEDIT_FUNCTIONNOTFOUND"    : "JS Quick Edit: place cursor in function name",

    // Quick Docs
    "ERROR_QUICK_DOCS_PROVIDER_NOT_FOUND"   : "No Quick Docs available for current cursor position",

     * ProjectManager
    "PROJECT_LOADING"   : "Loading\u2026",
    "UNTITLED"          : "Untitled",
    "WORKING_FILES"     : "Working Files",

     * MainViewManager
    "TOP"               : "Top",
    "BOTTOM"            : "Bottom",
    "LEFT"              : "Left",
    "RIGHT"             : "Right",

    "CMD_SPLITVIEW_NONE"        : "No Split",
    "CMD_SPLITVIEW_VERTICAL"    : "Vertical Split",
    "CMD_SPLITVIEW_HORIZONTAL"  : "Horizontal Split",
    "SPLITVIEW_MENU_TOOLTIP"    : "Split the editor vertically or horizontally",
    "GEAR_MENU_TOOLTIP"         : "Configure Working Set",

    "SPLITVIEW_INFO_TITLE"              : "Already Open",
    "SPLITVIEW_MULTIPANE_WARNING"       : "The file is already open in another pane. {APP_NAME} will soon support opening the same file in more than one pane. Until then, the file will be shown in the pane it's already open in.<br /><br />(You'll only see this message once.)",

     * Keyboard modifiers and special key names
    "KEYBOARD_CTRL"         : "Ctrl",
    "KEYBOARD_SHIFT"        : "Shift",
    "KEYBOARD_SPACE"        : "Space",
    "KEYBOARD_PAGE_UP"      : "Page Up",
    "KEYBOARD_PAGE_DOWN"    : "Page Down",
    "KEYBOARD_HOME"         : "Home",
    "KEYBOARD_END"          : "End",
    "KEYBOARD_INSERT"       : "Insert",
    "KEYBOARD_DELETE"       : "Delete",

     * StatusBar strings
    "STATUSBAR_CURSOR_POSITION"             : "Line {0}, Column {1}",
    "STATUSBAR_SELECTION_CH_SINGULAR"       : " \u2014 Selected {0} column",
    "STATUSBAR_SELECTION_CH_PLURAL"         : " \u2014 Selected {0} columns",
    "STATUSBAR_SELECTION_LINE_SINGULAR"     : " \u2014 Selected {0} line",
    "STATUSBAR_SELECTION_LINE_PLURAL"       : " \u2014 Selected {0} lines",
    "STATUSBAR_SELECTION_MULTIPLE"          : " \u2014 {0} selections",
    "STATUSBAR_INDENT_TOOLTIP_SPACES"       : "Click to switch indentation to spaces",
    "STATUSBAR_INDENT_TOOLTIP_TABS"         : "Click to switch indentation to tabs",
    "STATUSBAR_INDENT_SIZE_TOOLTIP_SPACES"  : "Click to change number of spaces used when indenting",
    "STATUSBAR_INDENT_SIZE_TOOLTIP_TABS"    : "Click to change tab character width",
    "STATUSBAR_SPACES"                      : "Spaces:",
    "STATUSBAR_TAB_SIZE"                    : "Tab Size:",
    "STATUSBAR_LINE_COUNT_SINGULAR"         : "\u2014 {0} Line",
    "STATUSBAR_LINE_COUNT_PLURAL"           : "\u2014 {0} Lines",
    "STATUSBAR_USER_EXTENSIONS_DISABLED"    : "Extensions Disabled",
    "STATUSBAR_INSERT"                      : "INS",
    "STATUSBAR_OVERWRITE"                   : "OVR",
    "STATUSBAR_INSOVR_TOOLTIP"              : "Click to toggle cursor between Insert (INS) and Overwrite (OVR) modes",
    "STATUSBAR_LANG_TOOLTIP"                : "Click to change file type",
    "STATUSBAR_CODE_INSPECTION_TOOLTIP"     : "{0}. Click to toggle report panel.",
    "STATUSBAR_DEFAULT_LANG"                : "(default)",
    "STATUSBAR_SET_DEFAULT_LANG"            : "Set as Default for .{0} Files",
    "STATUSBAR_ENCODING_TOOLTIP"            : "Select the encoding",

    // CodeInspection: errors/warnings
    "ERRORS_PANEL_TITLE_MULTIPLE"           : "{0} Problems",
    "SINGLE_ERROR"                          : "1 {0} Problem",
    "MULTIPLE_ERRORS"                       : "{1} {0} Problems",
    "NO_ERRORS"                             : "No {0} problems found - good job!",
    "NO_ERRORS_MULTIPLE_PROVIDER"           : "No problems found - good job!",
    "LINT_DISABLED"                         : "Linting is disabled",
    "NO_LINT_AVAILABLE"                     : "No linter available for {0}",
    "NOTHING_TO_LINT"                       : "Nothing to lint",
    "LINTER_TIMED_OUT"                      : "{0} has timed out after waiting for {1} ms",
    "LINTER_FAILED"                         : "{0} terminated with error: {1}",

     * Command Name Constants

    // File menu commands
    "FILE_MENU"                           : "File",
    "CMD_FILE_NEW_UNTITLED"               : "New",
    "CMD_FILE_NEW"                        : "New File",
    "CMD_FILE_NEW_FOLDER"                 : "New Folder",
    "CMD_FILE_OPEN"                       : "Open\u2026",
    "CMD_RECENT_FILES_OPEN"               : "Open Recent\u2026",
    "CMD_ADD_TO_WORKING_SET"              : "Open To Working Set",
    "CMD_OPEN_DROPPED_FILES"              : "Open Dropped Files",
    "CMD_OPEN_FOLDER"                     : "Open Folder\u2026",
    "CMD_FILE_CLOSE"                      : "Close",
    "CMD_FILE_CLOSE_ALL"                  : "Close All",
    "CMD_FILE_CLOSE_LIST"                 : "Close List",
    "CMD_FILE_CLOSE_OTHERS"               : "Close Others",
    "CMD_FILE_CLOSE_ABOVE"                : "Close Others Above",
    "CMD_FILE_CLOSE_BELOW"                : "Close Others Below",
    "CMD_FILE_SAVE"                       : "Save",
    "CMD_FILE_SAVE_ALL"                   : "Save All",
    "CMD_FILE_SAVE_AS"                    : "Save As\u2026",
    "CMD_LIVE_FILE_PREVIEW"               : "Live Preview",
    "CMD_TOGGLE_LIVE_PREVIEW_MB_MODE"     : "Enable Experimental Live Preview",
    "CMD_RELOAD_LIVE_PREVIEW"             : "Force Reload Live Preview",
    "CMD_PROJECT_SETTINGS"                : "Project Settings\u2026",
    "CMD_FILE_RENAME"                     : "Rename",
    "CMD_FILE_DELETE"                     : "Delete",
    "CMD_INSTALL_EXTENSION"               : "Install Extension\u2026",
    "CMD_EXTENSION_MANAGER"               : "Extension Manager\u2026",
    "CMD_FILE_REFRESH"                    : "Refresh File Tree",
    "CMD_QUIT"                            : "Quit",
    // Used in native File menu on Windows
    "CMD_EXIT"                            : "Exit",

    // Edit menu commands
    "EDIT_MENU"                           : "Edit",
    "CMD_UNDO"                            : "Undo",
    "CMD_REDO"                            : "Redo",
    "CMD_CUT"                             : "Cut",
    "CMD_COPY"                            : "Copy",
    "CMD_PASTE"                           : "Paste",
    "CMD_SELECT_ALL"                      : "Select All",
    "CMD_SELECT_LINE"                     : "Select Line",
    "CMD_SPLIT_SEL_INTO_LINES"            : "Split Selection into Lines",
    "CMD_ADD_CUR_TO_NEXT_LINE"            : "Add Cursor to Next Line",
    "CMD_ADD_CUR_TO_PREV_LINE"            : "Add Cursor to Previous Line",
    "CMD_INDENT"                          : "Indent",
    "CMD_UNINDENT"                        : "Unindent",
    "CMD_DUPLICATE"                       : "Duplicate",
    "CMD_DELETE_LINES"                    : "Delete Line",
    "CMD_COMMENT"                         : "Toggle Line Comment",
    "CMD_BLOCK_COMMENT"                   : "Toggle Block Comment",
    "CMD_LINE_UP"                         : "Move Line Up",
    "CMD_LINE_DOWN"                       : "Move Line Down",
    "CMD_OPEN_LINE_ABOVE"                 : "Open Line Above",
    "CMD_OPEN_LINE_BELOW"                 : "Open Line Below",
    "CMD_TOGGLE_CLOSE_BRACKETS"           : "Auto Close Braces",
    "CMD_SHOW_CODE_HINTS"                 : "Show Code Hints",

    // Search menu commands
    "FIND_MENU"                           : "Find",
    "CMD_FIND"                            : "Find",
    "CMD_FIND_NEXT"                       : "Find Next",
    "CMD_FIND_PREVIOUS"                   : "Find Previous",
    "CMD_FIND_ALL_AND_SELECT"             : "Find All and Select",
    "CMD_ADD_NEXT_MATCH"                  : "Add Next Match to Selection",
    "CMD_SKIP_CURRENT_MATCH"              : "Skip and Add Next Match",
    "CMD_FIND_IN_FILES"                   : "Find in Files",
    "CMD_FIND_IN_SUBTREE"                 : "Find in\u2026",
    "CMD_REPLACE"                         : "Replace",
    "CMD_REPLACE_IN_FILES"                : "Replace in Files",
    "CMD_REPLACE_IN_SUBTREE"              : "Replace in\u2026",

    // View menu commands
    "VIEW_MENU"                           : "View",
    "CMD_HIDE_SIDEBAR"                    : "Hide Sidebar",
    "CMD_SHOW_SIDEBAR"                    : "Show Sidebar",
    "CMD_TOGGLE_SIDEBAR"                  : "Toggle Sidebar",
    "CMD_TOGGLE_PANELS"                   : "Toggle Panels",
    "CMD_TOGGLE_PURE_CODE"                : "No Distractions",
    "CMD_INCREASE_FONT_SIZE"              : "Increase Font Size",
    "CMD_DECREASE_FONT_SIZE"              : "Decrease Font Size",
    "CMD_RESTORE_FONT_SIZE"               : "Restore Font Size",
    "CMD_SCROLL_LINE_UP"                  : "Scroll Line Up",
    "CMD_SCROLL_LINE_DOWN"                : "Scroll Line Down",
    "CMD_TOGGLE_LINE_NUMBERS"             : "Line Numbers",
    "CMD_TOGGLE_ACTIVE_LINE"              : "Highlight Active Line",
    "CMD_TOGGLE_WORD_WRAP"                : "Word Wrap",
    "CMD_LIVE_HIGHLIGHT"                  : "Live Preview Highlight",
    "CMD_VIEW_TOGGLE_INSPECTION"          : "Lint Files on Save",
    "CMD_WORKINGSET_SORT_BY_ADDED"        : "Sort by Added",
    "CMD_WORKINGSET_SORT_BY_NAME"         : "Sort by Name",
    "CMD_WORKINGSET_SORT_BY_TYPE"         : "Sort by Type",
    "CMD_WORKING_SORT_TOGGLE_AUTO"        : "Automatic Sort",
    "CMD_THEMES"                          : "Themes\u2026",
    "CMD_TOGGLE_SEARCH_AUTOHIDE"          : "Automatically close search",

    // Navigate menu commands
    "NAVIGATE_MENU"                       : "Navigate",
    "CMD_QUICK_OPEN"                      : "Quick Open",
    "CMD_GOTO_LINE"                       : "Go to Line",
    "CMD_GOTO_DEFINITION"                 : "Quick Find Definition",
    "CMD_GOTO_DEFINITION_PROJECT"         : "Quick Find Definition in Project",
    "CMD_GOTO_FIRST_PROBLEM"              : "Go to First Problem",
    "CMD_TOGGLE_QUICK_EDIT"               : "Quick Edit",
    "CMD_TOGGLE_QUICK_DOCS"               : "Quick Docs",
    "CMD_QUICK_EDIT_PREV_MATCH"           : "Previous Match",
    "CMD_QUICK_EDIT_NEXT_MATCH"           : "Next Match",
    "CMD_CSS_QUICK_EDIT_NEW_RULE"         : "New Rule",
    "CMD_NEXT_DOC"                        : "Next Document",
    "CMD_PREV_DOC"                        : "Previous Document",
    "CMD_NAVIGATE_BACKWARD"               : "Navigate Backward",
    "CMD_NAVIGATE_FORWARD"                : "Navigate Forward",
    "CMD_NEXT_DOC_LIST_ORDER"             : "Next Document in List",
    "CMD_PREV_DOC_LIST_ORDER"             : "Previous Document in List",
    "CMD_SHOW_IN_TREE"                    : "Show in File Tree",
    "CMD_SHOW_IN_EXPLORER"                : "Show in Explorer",
    "CMD_SHOW_IN_FINDER"                  : "Show in Finder",
    "CMD_SHOW_IN_OS"                      : "Show in OS",
    "CMD_SWITCH_PANE_FOCUS"               : "Switch Pane Focus",

    // Help menu commands
    "HELP_MENU"                           : "Help",
    "CMD_CHECK_FOR_UPDATE"                : "Check for Updates",
    "CMD_HOW_TO_USE_BRACKETS"             : "How to Use {APP_NAME}",
    "CMD_SUPPORT"                         : "{APP_NAME} Support",
    "CMD_SUGGEST"                         : "Suggest a Feature",
    "CMD_RELEASE_NOTES"                   : "Release Notes",
    "CMD_GET_INVOLVED"                    : "Get Involved",
    "CMD_SHOW_EXTENSIONS_FOLDER"          : "Show Extensions Folder",
    "CMD_HEALTH_DATA_STATISTICS"          : "Health Report",
    "CMD_HOMEPAGE"                        : "{APP_TITLE} Homepage",
    "CMD_TWITTER"                         : "{TWITTER_NAME} on Twitter",
    "CMD_ABOUT"                           : "About {APP_TITLE}",
    "CMD_OPEN_PREFERENCES"                : "Open Preferences File",
    "CMD_OPEN_KEYMAP"                     : "Open User Key Map",

    // Strings for main-view.html
    "EXPERIMENTAL_BUILD"                   : "experimental build",
    "RELEASE_BUILD"                        : "build",
    "DEVELOPMENT_BUILD"                    : "development build",
    "PRERELEASE_BUILD"                     : "prerelease build",
    "RELOAD_FROM_DISK"                     : "Reload from Disk",
    "KEEP_CHANGES_IN_EDITOR"               : "Keep Changes in Editor",
    "CLOSE_DONT_SAVE"                      : "Close (Don't Save)",
    "RELAUNCH_CHROME"                      : "Relaunch Chrome",
    "ABOUT"                                : "About",
    "CLOSE"                                : "Close",
    "ABOUT_TEXT_LINE1"                     : "Release {VERSION_MAJOR}.{VERSION_MINOR} {BUILD_TYPE} {VERSION}",
    "ABOUT_TEXT_BUILD_TIMESTAMP"           : "build timestamp: ",
    "ABOUT_TEXT_LINE3"                     : "Notices, terms and conditions pertaining to third party software are located at <a href='{ADOBE_THIRD_PARTY}'>{ADOBE_THIRD_PARTY}</a> and incorporated by reference herein.",
    "ABOUT_TEXT_LINE4"                     : "Documentation and source at <a href=''></a>",
    "ABOUT_TEXT_LINE5"                     : "Made with \u2764 and JavaScript by:",
    "ABOUT_TEXT_LINE6"                     : "Lots of people (but we're having trouble loading that data right now).",
    "ABOUT_TEXT_MDN_DOCS"                  : "MDN Docs and the MDN graphical logo are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license, <a href='{MDN_DOCS_LICENSE}'>CC-BY-SA 2.5 Unported</a>.",
    "UPDATE_NOTIFICATION_TOOLTIP"          : "There's a new build of {APP_NAME} available! Click here for details.",
    "UPDATE_AVAILABLE_TITLE"               : "Update Available",
    "UPDATE_MESSAGE"                       : "Hey, there's a new build of {APP_NAME} available. Here are some of the new features:",
    "GET_IT_NOW"                           : "Get it now!",
    "PROJECT_SETTINGS_TITLE"               : "Project Settings for: {0}",
    "PROJECT_SETTING_BASE_URL"             : "Live Preview Base URL",
    "PROJECT_SETTING_BASE_URL_HINT"        : "To use a local server, enter a URL like http://localhost:8000/",
    "BASEURL_ERROR_INVALID_PROTOCOL"       : "The {0} protocol isn't supported by Live Preview&mdash;please use http: or https: .",
    "BASEURL_ERROR_SEARCH_DISALLOWED"      : "The base URL can't contain search parameters like \"{0}\".",
    "BASEURL_ERROR_HASH_DISALLOWED"        : "The base URL can't contain hashes like \"{0}\".",
    "BASEURL_ERROR_INVALID_CHAR"           : "Special characters like '{0}' must be %-encoded.",
    "BASEURL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR"          : "Unknown error parsing Base URL",

    // Strings for Pane.js
    "EMPTY_VIEW_HEADER"                    : "<em>Open a file while this pane has focus</em>",
    "FLIPVIEW_BTN_TOOLTIP"                 : "Flip this view to {0} pane",

    // Strings for themes-settings.html and themes-general.html
    "CURRENT_THEME"                        : "Current Theme",
    "USE_THEME_SCROLLBARS"                 : "Use Theme Scrollbars",
    "FONT_SIZE"                            : "Font Size",
    "FONT_FAMILY"                          : "Font Family",
    "THEMES_SETTINGS"                      : "Themes Settings",

    // CSS Quick Edit
    "BUTTON_NEW_RULE"                      : "New Rule",

    // Extension Management strings
    "INSTALL"                              : "Install",
    "UPDATE"                               : "Update",
    "REMOVE"                               : "Remove",
    "DISABLE"                              : "Disable",
    "ENABLE"                               : "Enable",
    "OVERWRITE"                            : "Overwrite",
    "CANT_REMOVE_DEV"                      : "Extensions in the \"dev\" folder must be manually deleted.",
    "CANT_UPDATE"                          : "The update isn't compatible with this version of {APP_NAME}.",
    "CANT_UPDATE_DEV"                      : "Extensions in the \"dev\" folder can't be updated automatically.",
    "INSTALL_EXTENSION_TITLE"              : "Install Extension",
    "UPDATE_EXTENSION_TITLE"               : "Update Extension",
    "INSTALL_EXTENSION_LABEL"              : "Extension URL",
    "INSTALL_EXTENSION_HINT"               : "URL of the extension's zip file or GitHub repo",
    "INSTALLING_FROM"                      : "Installing extension from {0}\u2026",
    "INSTALL_SUCCEEDED"                    : "Installation successful!",
    "INSTALL_FAILED"                       : "Installation failed.",
    "CANCELING_INSTALL"                    : "Canceling\u2026",
    "CANCELING_HUNG"                       : "Canceling the install is taking a long time. An internal error may have occurred.",
    "INSTALL_CANCELED"                     : "Installation canceled.",
    "VIEW_COMPLETE_DESCRIPTION"            : "View complete description",
    "VIEW_TRUNCATED_DESCRIPTION"           : "View truncated description",
    "SORT_EXTENSION_METHOD"                : "Sort Extensions using downloadCount or publishedDate",
    // These must match the error codes in ExtensionsDomain.Errors.* :
    "INVALID_ZIP_FILE"                     : "The downloaded content is not a valid zip file.",
    "MISSING_PACKAGE_JSON"                 : "The package has no package.json file.",
    "INVALID_PACKAGE_JSON"                 : "The package.json file is not valid (error was: {0}).",
    "MISSING_PACKAGE_NAME"                 : "The package.json file doesn't specify a package name.",
    "BAD_PACKAGE_NAME"                     : "{0} is an invalid package name.",
    "MISSING_PACKAGE_VERSION"              : "The package.json file doesn't specify a package version.",
    "INVALID_VERSION_NUMBER"               : "The package version number ({0}) is invalid.",
    "INVALID_BRACKETS_VERSION"             : "The {APP_NAME} compatibility string ({0}) is invalid.",
    "DISALLOWED_WORDS"                     : "The words ({1}) are not allowed in the {0} field.",
    "NPM_INSTALL_FAILED"                   : "npm install command failed: {0}",
    "API_NOT_COMPATIBLE"                   : "The extension isn't compatible with this version of {APP_NAME}. It's installed in your disabled extensions folder.",
    "MISSING_MAIN"                         : "The package has no main.js file.",
    "EXTENSION_ALREADY_INSTALLED"          : "Installing this package will overwrite a previously installed extension. Overwrite the old extension?",
    "EXTENSION_SAME_VERSION"               : "This package is the same version as the one that is currently installed. Overwrite the existing installation?",
    "EXTENSION_OLDER_VERSION"              : "This package is version {0} which is older than the currently installed ({1}). Overwrite the existing installation?",
    "DOWNLOAD_ID_IN_USE"                   : "Internal error: download ID already in use.",
    "NO_SERVER_RESPONSE"                   : "Cannot connect to server.",
    "BAD_HTTP_STATUS"                      : "File not found on server (HTTP {0}).",
    "CANNOT_WRITE_TEMP"                    : "Unable to save download to temp file.",
    "ERROR_LOADING"                        : "The extension encountered an error while starting up.",
    "MALFORMED_URL"                        : "The URL is invalid. Please check that you entered it correctly.",
    "UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL"                 : "The URL must be an http or https URL.",
    "UNKNOWN_ERROR"                        : "Unknown internal error.",
    // For NOT_FOUND_ERR, see generic strings above
    "EXTENSION_MANAGER_TITLE"              : "Extension Manager",
    "EXTENSION_MANAGER_ERROR_LOAD"         : "Unable to access the extension registry. Please try again later.",
    "INSTALL_EXTENSION_DRAG"               : "Drag .zip here or",
    "INSTALL_EXTENSION_DROP"               : "Drop .zip to install",
    "INSTALL_EXTENSION_DROP_ERROR"         : "Install/Update aborted due to the following errors:",
    "INSTALL_FROM_URL"                     : "Install from URL\u2026",
    "INSTALL_EXTENSION_VALIDATING"         : "Validating\u2026",
    "EXTENSION_AUTHOR"                     : "Author",
    "EXTENSION_DATE"                       : "Date",
    "EXTENSION_INCOMPATIBLE_NEWER"         : "This extension requires a newer version of {APP_NAME}.",
    "EXTENSION_INCOMPATIBLE_OLDER"         : "This extension currently only works with older versions of {APP_NAME}.",
    "EXTENSION_LATEST_INCOMPATIBLE_NEWER"  : "Version {0} of this extension requires a newer version of {APP_NAME}. But you can install the earlier version {1}.",
    "EXTENSION_LATEST_INCOMPATIBLE_OLDER"  : "Version {0} of this extension only works with older versions of {APP_NAME}. But you can install the earlier version {1}.",
    "EXTENSION_NO_DESCRIPTION"             : "No description",
    "EXTENSION_MORE_INFO"                  : "More info\u2026",
    "EXTENSION_ERROR"                      : "Extension error",
    "EXTENSION_KEYWORDS"                   : "Keywords",
    "EXTENSION_TRANSLATED_USER_LANG"       : "Translated into {0} languages, including yours",
    "EXTENSION_TRANSLATED_GENERAL"         : "Translated into {0} languages",
    "EXTENSION_TRANSLATED_LANGS"           : "This extension has been translated into these languages: {0}",
    "EXTENSION_INSTALLED"                  : "Installed",
    "EXTENSION_UPDATE_INSTALLED"           : "This extension update has been downloaded and will be installed after {APP_NAME} reloads.",
    "EXTENSION_SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER"         : "Search",
    "EXTENSION_MORE_INFO_LINK"             : "More",
    "BROWSE_EXTENSIONS"                    : "Browse Extensions",
    "EXTENSION_MANAGER_REMOVE"             : "Remove Extension",
    "EXTENSION_MANAGER_REMOVE_ERROR"       : "Unable to remove one or more extensions: {0}. {APP_NAME} will still reload.",
    "EXTENSION_MANAGER_UPDATE"             : "Update Extension",
    "EXTENSION_MANAGER_UPDATE_ERROR"       : "Unable to update one or more extensions: {0}. {APP_NAME} will still reload.",
    "EXTENSION_MANAGER_DISABLE"            : "Disable Extension",
    "EXTENSION_MANAGER_DISABLE_ERROR"      : "Unable to disable one or more extensions: {0}. {APP_NAME} will still reload.",
    "MARKED_FOR_REMOVAL"                   : "Marked for removal",
    "UNDO_REMOVE"                          : "Undo",
    "MARKED_FOR_UPDATE"                    : "Marked for update",
    "UNDO_UPDATE"                          : "Undo",
    "MARKED_FOR_DISABLING"                 : "Marked for disabling",
    "UNDO_DISABLE"                         : "Undo",
    "CHANGE_AND_RELOAD_TITLE"              : "Change Extensions",
    "CHANGE_AND_RELOAD_MESSAGE"            : "To update, remove or disable the marked extensions, {APP_NAME} will need to reload. You'll be prompted to save unsaved changes.",
    "REMOVE_AND_RELOAD"                    : "Remove Extensions and Reload",
    "CHANGE_AND_RELOAD"                    : "Change Extensions and Reload",
    "UPDATE_AND_RELOAD"                    : "Update Extensions and Reload",
    "DISABLE_AND_RELOAD"                   : "Disable Extensions and Reload",
    "PROCESSING_EXTENSIONS"                : "Processing extension changes\u2026",
    "EXTENSION_NOT_INSTALLED"              : "Couldn't remove extension {0} because it wasn't installed.",
    "NO_EXTENSIONS"                        : "No extensions installed yet.<br>Click on the Available tab above to get started.",
    "NO_EXTENSION_MATCHES"                 : "No extensions match your search.",
    "REGISTRY_SANITY_CHECK_WARNING"        : "NOTE: These extensions may come from different authors than {APP_NAME} itself. Extensions are not reviewed and have full local privileges. Be cautious when installing extensions from an unknown source.",
    "EXTENSIONS_INSTALLED_TITLE"           : "Installed",
    "EXTENSIONS_DEFAULT_TITLE"             : "Default",
    "EXTENSIONS_AVAILABLE_TITLE"           : "Available",
    "EXTENSIONS_THEMES_TITLE"              : "Themes",
    "EXTENSIONS_UPDATES_TITLE"             : "Updates",
    "EXTENSIONS_LAST_UPDATED"              : "Last Updated",
    "EXTENSIONS_DOWNLOADS"                 : "Downloads",

    "INLINE_EDITOR_NO_MATCHES"             : "No matches available.",
    "INLINE_EDITOR_HIDDEN_MATCHES"         : "All matches are collapsed. Expand the files listed at right to view matches.",
    "CSS_QUICK_EDIT_NO_MATCHES"            : "There are no existing CSS rules that match your selection.<br> Click \"New Rule\" to create one.",
    "CSS_QUICK_EDIT_NO_STYLESHEETS"        : "There are no stylesheets in your project.<br>Create one to add CSS rules.",

    // Custom Viewers
    "IMAGE_VIEWER_LARGEST_ICON"            : "largest",

     * Unit names
    "UNIT_PIXELS"                          : "pixels",

    // extensions/default/DebugCommands
    "DEBUG_MENU"                                : "Debug",
    "ERRORS"                                    : "Errors",
    "CMD_SHOW_DEV_TOOLS"                        : "Show Developer Tools",
    "CMD_REFRESH_WINDOW"                        : "Reload With Extensions",
    "CMD_RELOAD_WITHOUT_USER_EXTS"              : "Reload Without Extensions",
    "CMD_NEW_BRACKETS_WINDOW"                   : "New {APP_NAME} Window",
    "CMD_LAUNCH_SCRIPT_MAC"                     : "Install Command Line Shortcut",
    "CMD_SWITCH_LANGUAGE"                       : "Switch Language",
    "CMD_RUN_UNIT_TESTS"                        : "Run Tests",
    "CMD_SHOW_PERF_DATA"                        : "Show Performance Data",
    "CMD_ENABLE_NODE_DEBUGGER"                  : "Enable Node Debugger",
    "CMD_LOG_NODE_STATE"                        : "Log Node State to Console",
    "CMD_RESTART_NODE"                          : "Restart Node",
    "CMD_SHOW_ERRORS_IN_STATUS_BAR"             : "Show Errors in Status Bar",
    "CMD_OPEN_BRACKETS_SOURCE"                  : "Open {APP_NAME} Source",

    "CREATING_LAUNCH_SCRIPT_TITLE"              : "{APP_NAME} Command Line Shortcut",
    "ERROR_CREATING_LAUNCH_SCRIPT"              : "An error occurred while installing the command line shortcut. Please try <a href=''>these troubleshooting suggestions</a>.<br/><br/>Reason: {0}",
    "ERROR_CLTOOLS_RMFAILED"                    : "Unable to remove existing <code>/usr/local/bin/brackets</code> symlink.",
    "ERROR_CLTOOLS_MKDIRFAILED"                 : "Unable to create <code>/usr/local/bin</code> directory.",
    "ERROR_CLTOOLS_LNFAILED"                    : "Unable to create <code>/usr/local/bin/brackets</code> symlink.",
    "ERROR_CLTOOLS_SERVFAILED"                  : "Internal error.",
    "ERROR_CLTOOLS_NOTSUPPORTED"                : "Command line shortcut is not supported on this OS.",
    "LAUNCH_SCRIPT_CREATE_SUCCESS"              : "Success! Now you can easily launch {APP_NAME} from the command line: <code>brackets myFile.txt</code> to open a file or <code>brackets myFolder</code> to switch projects. <br/><br/><a href=''>Learn more</a> about using {APP_NAME} from the command line.",

    "LANGUAGE_TITLE"                            : "Switch Language",
    "LANGUAGE_MESSAGE"                          : "Language:",
    "LANGUAGE_SUBMIT"                           : "Reload {APP_NAME}",
    "LANGUAGE_CANCEL"                           : "Cancel",
    "LANGUAGE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT"                   : "System Default",

    // extensions/default/HealthData
    "HEALTH_DATA_NOTIFICATION"                  : "Health Report Preferences",
    "HEALTH_FIRST_POPUP_TITLE"                  : "{APP_NAME} Health Report",
    "HEALTH_DATA_DO_TRACK"                      : "Share pseudonymous information on how I use {APP_NAME}",
    "HEALTH_DATA_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE"          : "In order to improve {APP_NAME}, we periodically send limited, <strong>pseudonymous</strong> statistics to Adobe about how you use {APP_NAME}. This information helps prioritize features, find bugs, and spot usability issues.<br><br>You can see your data or choose not to share data by selecting <strong>Help > Health Report</strong>.<br><br><a href=''>Learn more about {APP_NAME} Health Report</a>",
    "HEALTH_DATA_PREVIEW"                       : "{APP_NAME} Health Report",
    "HEALTH_DATA_PREVIEW_INTRO"                 : "<p>In order to improve {APP_NAME}, we periodically send limited, <strong>pseudonymous</strong> statistics to Adobe about how you use {APP_NAME}. This information helps prioritize features, find bugs, and spot usability issues. <a href=''>Learn more about {APP_NAME} Health Report</a> and how it benefits the {APP_NAME} community while protecting your privacy.</p><p>Below is a preview of the data that will be sent in your next Health Report <em>if</em> it is enabled.</p>",

    // extensions/default/InlineTimingFunctionEditor
    "INLINE_TIMING_EDITOR_TIME"                 : "Time",
    "INLINE_TIMING_EDITOR_PROGRESSION"          : "Progression",
    "BEZIER_EDITOR_INFO"                        : "<kbd>↑</kbd><kbd>↓</kbd><kbd>←</kbd><kbd>→</kbd> Move selected point<br><kbd class='text'>Shift</kbd> Move by ten units<br><kbd class='text'>Tab</kbd> Switch points",
    "STEPS_EDITOR_INFO"                         : "<kbd>↑</kbd><kbd>↓</kbd> Increase or decrease steps<br><kbd>←</kbd><kbd>→</kbd> 'Start' or 'End'",
    "INLINE_TIMING_EDITOR_INVALID"              : "The old value <code>{0}</code> is not valid, so the displayed function was changed to <code>{1}</code>. The document will be updated with the first edit.",

    // extensions/default/InlineColorEditor
    "COLOR_EDITOR_RGBA_BUTTON_TIP"              : "RGBa Format",
    "COLOR_EDITOR_HEX_BUTTON_TIP"               : "Hex Format",
    "COLOR_EDITOR_HSLA_BUTTON_TIP"              : "HSLa Format",
    "COLOR_EDITOR_0X_BUTTON_TIP"                : "Hex (0x) Format",
    "COLOR_EDITOR_USED_COLOR_TIP_SINGULAR"      : "{0} (Used {1} time)",
    "COLOR_EDITOR_USED_COLOR_TIP_PLURAL"        : "{0} (Used {1} times)",

    // extensions/default/JavaScriptCodeHints
    "CMD_JUMPTO_DEFINITION"                     : "Jump to Definition",
    "CMD_SHOW_PARAMETER_HINT"                   : "Show Parameter Hint",
    "NO_ARGUMENTS"                              : "<no parameters>",
    "DETECTED_EXCLUSION_TITLE"                  : "JavaScript File Inference Problem",
    "DETECTED_EXCLUSION_INFO"                   : "{APP_NAME} ran into trouble processing <span class='dialog-filename'>{0}</span>.<br><br>This file will no longer be processed for code hints, Jump to Definition or Quick Edit. To re-enable this file, open <code>.brackets.json</code> in your project and edit <code>jscodehints.detectedExclusions</code>.<br><br>This is likely a {APP_NAME} bug. If you can provide a copy of this file, please <a href=''>file a bug</a> with a link to the file named here.",

    // extensions/default/JavascriptRefactoring
    "CMD_REFACTOR"                              : "Refactor",
    "CMD_EXTRACTTO_VARIABLE"                    : "Extract to Variable",
    "CMD_EXTRACTTO_FUNCTION"                    : "Extract to Function",
    "ERROR_TERN_FAILED"                         : "Unable to get data from Tern",
    "ERROR_EXTRACTTO_VARIABLE_NOT_VALID"        : "Selection does not form an expression",
    "ERROR_EXTRACTTO_FUNCTION_NOT_VALID"        : "Selected block should represent set of statements or an expression",
    "ERROR_EXTRACTTO_VARIABLE_MULTICURSORS"     : "Extract to Variable does not work in multicursors",
    "ERROR_EXTRACTTO_FUNCTION_MULTICURSORS"     : "Extract to Function does not work in multicursors",
    "EXTRACTTO_FUNCTION_SELECT_SCOPE"           : "Choose destination scope",
    "EXTRACTTO_VARIABLE_SELECT_EXPRESSION"      : "Select an expression",
    "CMD_REFACTORING_RENAME"                    : "Rename",
    "CMD_REFACTORING_TRY_CATCH"                 : "Wrap in Try Catch",
    "CMD_REFACTORING_CONDITION"                 : "Wrap in Condition",
    "CMD_REFACTORING_GETTERS_SETTERS"           : "Create Getters/Setters",
    "CMD_REFACTORING_ARROW_FUNCTION"            : "Convert to Arrow Function",
    "DESCRIPTION_CODE_REFACTORING"              : "Enable/disable JavaScript Code Refactoring",
    "ERROR_TRY_CATCH"                           : "Select valid code to wrap in a Try-catch block",
    "ERROR_WRAP_IN_CONDITION"                   : "Select valid code to wrap in a Condition block",
    "ERROR_ARROW_FUNCTION"                      : "Place the cursor inside a function expression",
    "ERROR_GETTERS_SETTERS"                     : "Place the cursor at a member of an object expression",
    "ERROR_RENAME_MULTICURSOR"                  : "Cannot rename when using multi-cursors",
    "ERROR_RENAME_QUICKEDIT"                    : "Cannot rename this identifier, as it is referenced elsewhere outside this function",
    "ERROR_RENAME_GENERAL"                      : "Cannot rename selected text",

    // extensions/default/JSLint
    "JSLINT_NAME"                               : "JSLint",

    // extensions/default/QuickView
    "CMD_ENABLE_QUICK_VIEW"                     : "Quick View on Hover",

    // extensions/default/RecentProjects
    "CMD_TOGGLE_RECENT_PROJECTS"                : "Recent Projects",

    // extensions/default/MDNDocs
    "DOCS_MORE_LINK"                            : "Read more",

    // extensions/default/CodeFolding
    "COLLAPSE_ALL"                  : "Collapse All",
    "EXPAND_ALL"                    : "Expand All",
    "COLLAPSE_CURRENT"              : "Collapse Current",
    "EXPAND_CURRENT"                : "Expand Current",

    // extensions/default/NavigationAndHistory
    "RECENT_FILES_DLG_HEADER"                    : "Recent Files",
    "RECENT_FILES_DLG_CLEAR_BUTTON_TITLE"        : "Clear files not in Working Set",

    // Descriptions of core preferences
    "DESCRIPTION_CLOSE_BRACKETS"                     : "true to automatically close braces, brackets and parentheses",
    "DESCRIPTION_CLOSE_OTHERS_ABOVE"                 : "false to remove the \"Close Others Above\" from the Working Files context menu",
    "DESCRIPTION_CLOSE_OTHERS_BELOW"                 : "false to remove the \"Close Others Below\" from the Working Files context menu",
    "DESCRIPTION_CLOSE_OTHERS"                       : "false to remove the \"Close Others\" from the Working Files context menu",
    "DESCRIPTION_CLOSE_TAGS"                         : "Sets the tag closing options",
    "DESCRIPTION_CLOSE_TAGS_DONT_CLOSE_TAGS"         : "An array of tags that should not be auto-closed",
    "DESCRIPTION_CLOSE_TAGS_WHEN_OPENING"            : "Close when > of opening tag is typed",
    "DESCRIPTION_CLOSE_TAGS_WHEN_CLOSING"            : "Close when / of closing tag is typed",
    "DESCRIPTION_CLOSE_TAGS_INDENT_TAGS"             : "An array of tags that when opened has a blank line",
    "DESCRIPTION_CODE_FOLDING_ALWAY_USE_INDENT_FOLD" : "true to always generate collapsible section markers when indent level changes",
    "DESCRIPTION_CODE_FOLDING_ENABLED"               : "true to enable code folding",
    "DESCRIPTION_CODE_FOLDING_HIDE_UNTIL_MOUSEOVER"  : "true to make Section-collapsing markers visible only when you move the mouse over the gutter",
    "DESCRIPTION_CODE_FOLDING_MAX_FOLD_LEVEL"        : "Limits how many levels deep Collapse All applies",
    "DESCRIPTION_CODE_FOLDING_MIN_FOLD_SIZE"         : "Minimum lines before a collapsible section icon appears",
    "DESCRIPTION_CODE_FOLDING_SAVE_FOLD_STATES"      : "true to remember collapsed sections if you close and reopen a file or project",
    "DESCRIPTION_CODE_FOLDING_MAKE_SELECTIONS_FOLDABLE": "true to enable code folding on selected text in the editor",
    "DESCRIPTION_DISABLED_DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS"        : "Default extensions that are disabled",
    "DESCRIPTION_ATTR_HINTS"                         : "Enable/disable HTML attribute hints",
    "DESCRIPTION_CSS_PROP_HINTS"                     : "Enable/disable CSS/LESS/SCSS property hints",
    "DESCRIPTION_JS_HINTS"                           : "Enable/disable JavaScript code hints",
    "DESCRIPTION_JS_HINTS_TYPE_DETAILS"              : "Enable/disable datatype details in JavaScript code hints",
    "DESCRIPTION_PREF_HINTS"                         : "Enable/disable Preferences code hints",
    "DESCRIPTION_SPECIAL_CHAR_HINTS"                 : "Enable/disable HTML entity hints",
    "DESCRIPTION_SVG_HINTS"                          : "Enable/disable SVG code hints",
    "DESCRIPTION_HTML_TAG_HINTS"                     : "Enable/disable HTML tag hints",
    "DESCRIPTION_URL_CODE_HINTS"                     : "Enable/disable URL hints in HTML & CSS/LESS/SCSS",
    "DESCRIPTION_DRAG_DROP_TEXT"                     : "Enable/disable Drag & Drop functionality",
    "DESCRIPTION_HEALTH_DATA_TRACKING"               : "Enable the Health Data Tracking",
    "DESCRIPTION_HIGHLIGHT_MATCHES"                  : "Enables automatic highlighting of matching strings throughout the document",
    "DESCRIPTION_HIGHLIGHT_MATCHES_SHOW_TOKEN"       : "Highlight all strings that match the token the cursor is currently in (no selection needed)",
    "DESCRIPTION_HIGHLIGHT_MATCHES_WORDS_ONLY"       : "Highlight only when selection is a complete token",
    "DESCRIPTION_INSERT_HINT_ON_TAB"                 : "true to insert the currently selected code hint on tab",
    "DESCRIPTION_NO_HINTS_ON_DOT"                    : "true to not automatically show JS code hints when . is typed",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS"                     : "An object with the default options for JSLint",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_ASS"                 : "true to allow assignment expressions",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_BITWISE"             : "true to allow bitwise operators",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_BROWSER"             : "true if standard browser globals should be predefined",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_CLOSURE"             : "true to allow Google Closure idioms",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_CONTINUE"            : "true to allow \"continue\" statement",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_COUCH"               : "true if CouchDB globals should be predefined",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_DEBUG"               : "true to allow debugger statements",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_DEVEL"               : "true if browser globals useful in development should be predefined",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_EQEQ"                : "true to allow == and !=",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_ES6"                 : "true if ES6 globals should be predefined",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_EVIL"                : "true to allow eval",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_FORIN"               : "true to allow unfiltered \"for ... in\"",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_INDENT"              : "Set a specific tab width",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_MAXERR"              : "The maximum number of warnings reported",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_MAXLEN"              : "The maximum number of characters in a line",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_NEWCAP"              : "true to allow uncapitalized constructors",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_NODE"                : "true if Node.js globals should be predefined",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_NOMEN"               : "true to allow dangling underscore in identifiers",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_PASSFAIL"            : "true to stop on first error",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_PLUSPLUS"            : "true to allow ++ and --",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_REGEXP"              : "true to allow . and [^...]. in RegExp",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_RHINO"               : "true if Rhino globals should be predefined",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_SLOPPY"              : "true to allow missing `use strict` pragma",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_STUPID"              : "true if blocking ('...Sync') methods can be used.",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_SUB"                 : "true to allow inefficient subscripting",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_TODO"                : "true to allow TODO comments",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_UNPARAM"             : "true to allow unused parameters",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_VARS"                : "true to allow more than 1 vars in a function",
    "DESCRIPTION_JSLINT_OPTIONS_WHITE"               : "true to ignore white-space rules",
    "DESCRIPTION_LANGUAGE"                           : "Language specific settings",
    "DESCRIPTION_LANGUAGE_FILE_EXTENSIONS"           : "Additional mappings from file extension to language name",
    "DESCRIPTION_LANGUAGE_FILE_NAMES"                : "Additional mappings from file name to language name",
    "DESCRIPTION_LINEWISE_COPY_CUT"                  : "Doing copy and cut when there's no selection will copy or cut the whole lines that have cursors in them",
    "DESCRIPTION_INPUT_STYLE"                        : "Selects the way CodeMirror handles input and focus. It can be textarea, which is the default, or contenteditable which is better for screen readers (unstable)",
    "DESCRIPTION_LINTING_ENABLED"                    : "true to enable Code Inspection",
    "DESCRIPTION_ASYNC_TIMEOUT"                      : "The time in milliseconds after which asynchronous linters time out",
    "DESCRIPTION_LINTING_PREFER"                     : "Array of linters to run first",
    "DESCRIPTION_LIVE_DEV_MULTIBROWSER"              : "true to enable experimental Live Preview",
    "DESCRIPTION_USE_PREFERED_ONLY"                  : "true to run providers specified in linting.prefer only",
    "DESCRIPTION_MAX_CODE_HINTS"                     : "Maximum code hints displayed at once",
    "DESCRIPTION_PATH"                               : "Path specific settings",
    "DESCRIPTION_PROXY"                              : "The URL of the proxy server used for extension installation",
    "DESCRIPTION_SCROLL_PAST_END"                    : "true to enable scrolling beyond the end of the document",
    "DESCRIPTION_SHOW_CODE_HINTS"                    : "false to disable all code hints",
    "DESCRIPTION_SHOW_CURSOR_WHEN_SELECTING"         : "Keeps the blinking cursor visible when you have a text selection",
    "DESCRIPTION_SHOW_LINE_NUMBERS"                  : "true to show line numbers in a “gutter” to the left of the code",
    "DESCRIPTION_SMART_INDENT"                       : "Automatically indent when creating a new block",
    "DESCRIPTION_SOFT_TABS"                          : "false to turn off soft tabs behavior",
    "DESCRIPTION_SORT_DIRECTORIES_FIRST"             : "true to sort the directories first in the project tree",
    "DESCRIPTION_SPACE_UNITS"                        : "Number of spaces to use for space-based indentation",
    "DESCRIPTION_STATIC_SERVER_PORT"                 : "Port number that the built-in server should use for Live Preview",
    "DESCRIPTION_STYLE_ACTIVE_LINE"                  : "true to highlight background color of the line the cursor is on",
    "DESCRIPTION_TAB_SIZE"                           : "Number of spaces to display for tabs",
    "DESCRIPTION_USE_TAB_CHAR"                       : "true to use tabs instead of spaces",
    "DESCRIPTION_UPPERCASE_COLORS"                   : "true to generate uppercase hex colors in Inline Color Editor",
    "DESCRIPTION_WORD_WRAP"                          : "Wrap lines that exceed the viewport width",
    "DESCRIPTION_SEARCH_AUTOHIDE"                    : "Close the search as soon as the editor is focused",
    "DESCRIPTION_DETECTED_EXCLUSIONS"                : "A list of files that have been detected to cause Tern to run out of control",
    "DESCRIPTION_INFERENCE_TIMEOUT"                  : "The amount of time after which Tern will time out when trying to understand files",
    "DESCRIPTION_SHOW_ERRORS_IN_STATUS_BAR"          : "true to show errors in status bar",
    "DESCRIPTION_QUICK_VIEW_ENABLED"                 : "true to enable Quick View",
    "DESCRIPTION_EXTENSION_LESS_IMAGE_PREVIEW"       : "true to show image previews for URLs missing extensions",
    "DESCRIPTION_THEME"                              : "Select a {APP_NAME} theme",
    "DESCRIPTION_USE_THEME_SCROLLBARS"               : "true to allow custom scroll bars",
    "DESCRIPTION_LINTING_COLLAPSED"                  : "true to collapse linting panel",
    "DESCRIPTION_FONT_FAMILY"                        : "Change font family",
    "DESCRIPTION_FONT_SIZE"                          : "Change font size; e.g. 13px",
    "DESCRIPTION_FIND_IN_FILES_NODE"                 : "true to enable node based search",
    "DESCRIPTION_FIND_IN_FILES_INSTANT"              : "true to enable instant search",
    "DESCRIPTION_FONT_SMOOTHING"                     : "Mac-only: \"subpixel-antialiased\" to enable sub-pixel antialiasing or \"antialiased\" for gray scale antialiasing",
    "DESCRIPTION_OPEN_PREFS_IN_SPLIT_VIEW"           : "false to disable opening preferences file in split view",
    "DESCRIPTION_OPEN_USER_PREFS_IN_SECOND_PANE"     : "false to open user preferences file in left/top pane",
    "DESCRIPTION_MERGE_PANES_WHEN_LAST_FILE_CLOSED"  : "true to collapse panes after the last file from the pane is closed via pane header close button",
    "DESCRIPTION_SHOW_PANE_HEADER_BUTTONS"           : "Toggle when to show the close and flip-view buttons on the header.",
    "DEFAULT_PREFERENCES_JSON_HEADER_COMMENT"        : "/*\n * This is a read-only file with the preferences supported\n * by {APP_NAME}.\n * Use this file as a reference to modify your preferences\n * file \"brackets.json\" opened in the other pane.\n * For more information on how to use preferences inside\n * {APP_NAME}, refer to the web page at\n */",
    "DEFAULT_PREFERENCES_JSON_DEFAULT"               : "Default",
    "DESCRIPTION_PURE_CODING_SURFACE"                : "true to enable code only mode and hide all other UI elements in {APP_NAME}",
    "DESCRIPTION_INDENT_LINE_COMMENT"                : "true to enable indenting of line comments",
    "DESCRIPTION_RECENT_FILES_NAV"                   : "Enable/disable navigation in recent files",
    "DESCRIPTION_LIVEDEV_WEBSOCKET_PORT"             : "Port on which WebSocket Server runs for Live Preview",
    "DESCRIPTION_LIVE_DEV_HIGHLIGHT_SETTINGS"        : "Live Preview Highlight settings",
    "DESCRIPTION_LIVEDEV_ENABLE_REVERSE_INSPECT"     : "false to disable live preview reverse inspect",
    // Strings for Auto Update
    "DOWNLOAD_FAILED"                                : "Download failed.",
    "DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE"                              : "Download complete!",
    "UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL"                              : "Update successful!",
    "UPDATE_FAILED"                                  : "Update failed!",
    "VALIDATION_FAILED"                              : "Validation failed!",
    "INITIALISATION_FAILED"                          : "Initialization failed!",
    "CLEANUP_FAILED"                                 : "Clean-up failed!",
    "WARNING_TYPE"                                   : "Warning!",
    "CLICK_RESTART_TO_UPDATE"                        : "Click Restart to update Brackets.",
    "UPDATE_ON_NEXT_LAUNCH"                          : "The update will be applied on relaunch.",
    "GO_TO_SITE"                                     : "Go to <a href = \"\"> </a> to retry.",
    "INTERNET_UNAVAILABLE"                           : "No Internet connection available.",
    "UPDATEDIR_READ_FAILED"                          : "Update directory could not be read.",
    "UPDATEDIR_CLEAN_FAILED"                         : "Update directory could not be cleaned.",
    "INITIAL_DOWNLOAD"                               : "Downloading Update...",
    "RETRY_DOWNLOAD"                                 : "Download failed. Retrying...Attempt ",
    "VALIDATING_INSTALLER"                           : "Download complete! Validating Installer...",
    "CHECKSUM_DID_NOT_MATCH"                         : "Checksum didn't match.",
    "INSTALLER_NOT_FOUND"                            : "Installer not found.",
    "DOWNLOAD_ERROR"                                 : "Error occurred while downloading.",
    "NETWORK_SLOW_OR_DISCONNECTED"                   : "Network is disconnected or too slow.",
    "RESTART_BUTTON"                                 : "Restart",
    "LATER_BUTTON"                                   : "Later",
    "DESCRIPTION_AUTO_UPDATE"                        : "Enable/disable Brackets Auto-update",
    "AUTOUPDATE_ERROR"                               : "Error!",
    "AUTOUPDATE_IN_PROGRESS"                         : "An update is already in progress.",

    "NUMBER_WITH_PERCENTAGE"                         : "{0}%",
    // Strings for Related Files
    "CMD_FIND_RELATED_FILES"                         : "Find Related Files",

    ///String for Php Tooling Extensions
    "PHP_VERSION_INVALID"                            : "Error parsing PHP version. Please check the output of the “php –version” command.",
    "PHP_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION"                        : "Install PHP7 runtime for enabling PHP-related tooling such as Code Hints, Parameter Hints, Jump To Definition and more. Version found: {0}",
    "PHP_EXECUTABLE_NOT_FOUND"                       : "PHP runtime not found. Install the PHP7 runtime and update “executablePath” in PHP Preferences appropriately. This enables PHP-related tooling such as Code Hints, Parameter Hints, Jump To Definition and more.",
    "PHP_PROCESS_SPAWN_ERROR"                        : "Error code {0} encountered while starting the PHP process.",
    "PHP_SERVER_ERROR_TITLE"                         : "Error",
    "PHP_SERVER_MEMORY_LIMIT_INVALID"                : "The memory limit you provided is invalid. Review the PHP preferences to set the correct value.",
    "DESCRIPTION_PHP_TOOLING_CONFIGURATION"          : "PHP Tooling default configuration settings",
    "OPEN_PREFERENNCES"                              : "Open Preferences",

    //Strings for LanguageTools Preferences
    "LANGUAGE_TOOLS_PREFERENCES"                     : "Preferences for Language Tools",

    "FIND_ALL_REFERENCES"                            : "Find All References",
    "REFERENCES_IN_FILES"                            : "references",
    "REFERENCE_IN_FILES"                             : "reference",
    "REFERENCES_NO_RESULTS"                          : "No References available for current cursor position",

    "CMD_FIND_DOCUMENT_SYMBOLS"                      : "Find Document Symbols",
    "CMD_FIND_PROJECT_SYMBOLS"                       : "Find Project Symbols",

   // Remote debugging enabled
    "REMOTE_DEBUGGING_ENABLED"                       : "Remote debugging enabled on localhost:",

   // Remote debugging port argument is invalid
    "REMOTE_DEBUGGING_PORT_INVALID"                  : "Cannot enable remote debugging on port {0}. Port numbers should be between {1} and {2}.",
    //Associate File Type to External App
    "DESCRIPTION_EXTERNAL_APPLICATION_ASSOCIATE"     : "Mappings for file extension to external applications. Syntax: \"<file_type>\": \"<default|applicationName|ApplicationPath>\", Use \"default\" to open files in system default application for the file type.",

    "ASSOCIATE_GRAPHICS_FILE_TO_DEFAULT_APP_TITLE"   : "Open Graphic Files in External Editors.",
    "ASSOCIATE_GRAPHICS_FILE_TO_DEFAULT_APP_MSG"     : "Your current folder has graphic file types which are not supported by {APP_NAME}.<br/>You can now associate specific file types with external editors. Once associated, you can open graphic files like .xd, .psd, .jpg, .png, .ai, .svg in their default applications by double clicking on the files in File Tree.<br/><br/>Please click on ‘Ok’ button to associate the graphic file types with their respective default applications.",
    "ASSOCIATE_GRAPHICS_FILE_TO_DEFAULT_APP_CNF_MSG" : "Following file types have been successfully associated with default applications.<br/>{0} You have the option to change your preference on whether you delete/add new file type associations in brackets.json by going to “Debug->Open Preferences File” menu."
