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# Secure, Encrypted and Versioned Data Storage Library

## Overview
Datasafe is a robust library tailored for developers and enterprises, offering encrypted and versioned data storage. It enhances the security of data-sensitive applications, making it ideal for mission-critical usage.

### Key Features
- **Enhanced Security**: Each user gets unique key encryption keys, reducing the risk of widespread data breaches.
- **Full Confidentiality**: Offers full or partial file path encryption.
- **Ransomware Protection**: Versioned storage safeguards against ransomware attacks.
- **Secure File Exchange**: Features asynchronous inboxes for safe user-to-user file transfers.
- **Zero Trust Environments**: Ideal as a data encryption layer in critical data processing backends.

## Technical Specifications
Datasafe uses AES-GCM (and Chacha-Poly for large files) for encryption, with CMS-envelopes ([RFC 5652]( for encrypted content wrapping. The library's flexible design allows seamless integration and customization. For more details, refer to our [Security Whitepaper](

### Highlights
- **Configurability**: Dagger2 for dependency injection and modular design.
- **Storage Compatibility**: Tested with Amazon S3, Minio, CEPH, and local filesystems.
- **User Privacy**: Encrypts both the document and its path in each user's private space.
- **Versioning Support**: Provides application layer versioning for systems lacking native versioning support.

## Getting Started

### Building the Project
Without tests:
mvn clean install -DskipTests=true

Full Build:
mvn clean install

### Adding Datasafe to Your Project
Include Datasafe in your Maven project:

<!-- Datasafe Business Module -->

<!-- S3 Storage Provider -->

<!-- Filesystem Storage Provider for Tests-->

## In-depth Insights
- **Performance Analysis**: Tested on AWS, Datasafe achieves up to 50 MiB/s write and 80 MiB/s read throughput with Amazon S3. [See full report](datasafe-long-run-tests/
- **Quick Demo**: Explore Datasafe's capabilities through our [quick demo](./docs/readme/
- **Deployment Models**: Followings are among others [possible deployment models](./docs/readme/
- **How It Works**: Get a look at [detailed integration information](./docs/readme/

## Additional Resources
- **Project Homepage**: Visit []( for more information.
- **JavaDoc**: Access our detailed [JavaDoc here](

## Contributing to Datasafe
- **Contributor License**: See [Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) Enforcement](
- **Coding Guidelines**: [CodingRules](docs/codingrules/
- **Branching and Committing Practices**: [Branching Guide](docs/branching/
- **Deployment Process**: [Maven Central Deployment](docs/general/
- **Feature Requests and Comments**: [Open a Discussion Ticket](

## Dual-Licensing
Datasafe is available under two licenses:
- **Open-Source Projects**: [AGPL v3 License](
- **Commercial License**: Proprietary license available. Contact []( for details.