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skinparam ranksep 10
skinparam nodesep 10
skinparam linetype ortho
skinparam Padding 10

cloud "Write to inbox" {
    actor User as u

    component datasafe-inbox as inbox {
     rectangle WriteToInbox

    component datasafe-directory as directory {
     rectangle ResourceResolver
     rectangle BucketAccessService
     rectangle PublicKeyService

    component datasafe-encryption as encryption {
     rectangle EncryptedDocumentWriteService
     rectangle CMSEncryptionService

    component datasafe-storage as storage {
     rectangle StorageWriteService

    database "Storage" as PhysicalStorage

    u --> WriteToInbox : 1. Share file\nwith some\nuser
    WriteToInbox --> directory : 2. Get physical file\nlocation with\naccess credentials
    directory --> PublicKeyService : 3. Get recepients' public key
    PublicKeyService --> ResourceResolver : 4. Resolve\ndesired\nfile\nlocation\nin recipients' inbox
    ResourceResolver --> BucketAccessService : 5. Obtain credentials\nto write file to inbox
    BucketAccessService --> EncryptedDocumentWriteService : 6. Encrypt data using\nrecipients' public key
    EncryptedDocumentWriteService --> CMSEncryptionService : 7. Encrypt data
    CMSEncryptionService --> StorageWriteService : 8. Write encrypted data
    encryption --> storage : 9. Write file\nusing absolute\npath
    storage --> PhysicalStorage : 10. Select proper\nadapter using\nprotocol\nand write file
