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# Typescript Custom Error

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## Extend native Error to create custom errors

`ts-custom-error` is a tiny (~500 bytes of minified & gzipped Javascript) package providing a `CustomError` class and a `customErrorFactory` function to easily extends native Error in node and evergreen browsers.

It's written in Typescript and try to offer the best development and debug experiences: bundled in Javascript with Typescript definition files, map files and bundled js files for various environments: transpiled to es5 with commonjs, module and umd exports, the umd bundle is also available minified for easy import in browsers.

## Why

Because [extending native Error in node and in browsers is tricky](
class MyError extends Error {
    constructor(m) {
 [doesn't work as expected in ES6]( and [is broken in Typescript](

### Use `CustomError` class

Simply extends and call `super` in you custom constructor.

import { CustomError } from 'ts-custom-error'

class HttpError extends CustomError {
    public constructor(
        public code: number,
        message?: string,
    ) {


new HttpError(404, 'Not found')
You may want more advanced contructor logic and custom methods, see [examples](

### Use `customErrorFactory` factory

*Custom error contructor returned by the factory pass the same unit tests as Class constructor.*

Factory still allows custom logic inside constructor:

import { customErrorFactory } from 'ts-custom-error'

const HttpError = customErrorFactory(function HttpError (code: number, message= '') {
    this.code = code
    this.message = message


new HttpError(404, 'Not found')

Custom Error from `customErrorFactory` can:
- Be called as a simple function
HttpError(404, 'Not found')
- Extend any native Error, using the second optional argument
import { customErrorFactory } from 'ts-custom-error'

const ValidationError = customErrorFactory(function ValidationError (message= 'Invalid parameter') {
    this.message = message
}, TypeError)

### Known limitations

#### Minification and transpilation mangle custom Error names.
Unexpected results are:
- Minified identifiers in place of custom Error name in Stacktrace
- Wrong error recognition where using errors name (bad practice) instead of `instanceof`

You may fix this behaviour by:
- Using [uglifyjs options]( `--mangle 'except=["MyError"]'` (need to specify all custom error names) or `--keep_fnames` / `--keep_classnames` (nothing to specify but your bundle size will be larger)
- Setting explicitly error name:

import { CustomError } from 'ts-custom-error'

class MyError extends CustomError {
    constructor() {
        // Set name explicitly as minification can mangle class names
        Object.defineProperty(this, 'name', { value: 'MyError' })

import { customErrorFactory } from 'ts-custom-error'

const MyError = customErrorFactory(function MyError () {
    // Set name explicitly as minification can remove function expression names
    Object.defineProperty(this, 'name', { value: 'MyError' })

### Usefull development commands

- Watch source changes and run corresponding unit tests
npm start

- Run all unit tests
npm test

- Get coverage report
npm run coverage

- Format staged code and run commitizen (enforce commit message convention)
npm run commit

### Automate all the things

This project is maintained, it was a pet project and its first purpose was to be a playground for various external services and tools:
- opinionated code style mostly inspired from [standardjs](
- automatic code formating with [prettier](
- code quality analysis by [codeclimate]( & [CodeQL](
- automated continuous integration on ~~[travis]( [github actions]( & [Dependabot](
- automated semantic versioning with [changelog]( generation and release deployment on [npm]( and [github]( thanks to [semantic-release](

## Licence

Starting [version 3.0.0]( this project is under [MIT licence](LICENSE), there are no code change between [version 2.2.2]( and [version 3.0.0]( but changing licence was considered as a breaking change. All [versions < 3.0.0]( are under [WTFPL](

## Similar packages

- [![custom-error](]( [custom-error]( provides a factory with custom name and parent error
- [![custom-errors](]( [custom-errors]( provides a class and a factory with custom name and message, easy integration with with [express]( and (log)[]
- [![custom-error-generator](]( [custom-error-generator]( provides a factory with custom name, default properties and a constructor (node only)
- [![custom-error-instance](]( [custom-error-instance]( provides a factory with custom name, properties and construction logic (! browser compatibility: redefine constructor name)
- [![node-custom-errors](]( [node-custom-errors]( provides factories to create abstract or concrete error with default message, an optional constructor function allow more custom properties/methods (node/chrome only, because no feature detection)
- [![extendable-error](]( [extendable-error]( provides a class with clean stacktrace even in non v8 environments
- [![extendable-error-class](]( [extendable-error-class]( provides simple class
- [![extend-error](]( [extend-error]( provides a factory attached to global Error object, allows custom name, code & message error
- [![error-extend](]( [error-extend]( provides a factory with custom name, default code & message properties, an optional init function allow more custom properties/methods