
Test Coverage
# Points to keep in mind

The `back/state/` directory contains the database. You can download the current database of []( by doing this:

    $ make back/db

The `back/config.json` file contains the config (it will be created at the first start):

  * `admin-password` is the password for the admin panel (at `/admin`). Leave it empty if you don't want any password.

  * `google-token` lets you set the Google site verification token. Leave it empty if you don't want Google verification.

  * `base-url` is the URL of the server (which should contain `http://` or `https://`). It's used for feed generation.

  * `discuss-url` adds a “discuss this site” link under the header. You can leave it as `null`.

# How to install locally

First install `libpq`. Then do:

    $ make back
    $ make back/run

And go to <http://localhost:8080>. The admin page is available at <http://localhost:8080/admin>.

# How to install on a server

I'm going to use Digitalocean and Ubuntu, but you can use anything else.

Create a droplet with Ubuntu. Install Stack (this command will import a GPG key, add Stack's repository, and run `apt-get`):

    $ curl -sSL | sh

Install `libpq`.

Clone and build `guide`:

    $ git clone
    $ cd guide
    $ make back
    $ stack install --fast

Make a new subdomain in Apache. For me, it means writing this to `/etc/apache2/sites-available/guide.conf`:

<VirtualHost *:80>

  ProxyPreserveHost On
  ProxyPass /
  ProxyPassReverse /

Enable the `remoteip` module (this is needed so that the `/admin` page would display actual IPs instead of ``):

    $ a2enmod remoteip

Enable the site:

    $ a2ensite guide
    $ service apache2 reload

Create a daemon. This goes to `/etc/init/guide.conf` (the path is going to be something other than `/root/guide` for you):

start on filesystem or runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [!2345]
chdir /root/guide
env LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
exec /root/.local/bin/guide

Start the daemon:

    $ service guide start

## Database

You can set automatic backups of the database to your own repository.

Create `.gitignore` in the `state/` folder:


Create a repository locally and remotely. If you're using Github, you can avoid having to enter passwords by generate an access token and using it as username when adding a remote:

    $ git remote add origin https://<token>

Next, create ``:

cd /root/guide/state
rm -f *.gz
gzip -k -f *.log
git add -A
GIT_COMMITTER_NAME='auto' GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL='' git commit --author="auto <>" -m "`date`"
git push

    $ chmod +x

Finally, make a cron job that would try to upload new data every 10m (though the actual checkpoints are only created once per six hours):

    $ crontab -e

*/10 * * * * /bin/bash /root/guide/