

Test Coverage
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

-- | 'Guider' monad with 'Config' to replace servant's 'Handler'.
module Guide.Api.Guider
  Guider (..),
  Context (..),

import Imports

import Servant (Handler (..), ServantErr (..))

import Guide.Api.Utils (RequestDetails)
import Guide.Config (Config)
import Guide.Logger
import Guide.State (DB)

import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as Exc

-- | A type for Guide handlers. Provides:
-- * Logging via 'LoggerT'
-- * Access to 'Context'
-- Note that it's not simply a wrapper over 'Handler' -- we throws
-- 'ServantErr's as synchronous exceptions and then catch them in
-- 'guiderToHandler'. It makes our lives easier because now there is exactly
-- one way to throw errors, instead of two.
newtype Guider a = Guider
  -- NB: we don't want to move 'Logger' to the 'Context' because 'LoggerT'
  -- also contains some STM weirdness (even though it's still a reader
  -- monad).
  { runGuider :: ReaderT Context (LoggerT IO) a
  } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadReader Context, HasLogger, Exc.MonadThrow)

-- | Context available to each request.
data Context = Context
  { cConfig  :: Config
  , cDB      :: DB
  , cDetails :: RequestDetails

instance MonadError ServantErr Guider where
  -- | Log an error and rethrow it.
  throwError :: ServantErr -> Guider a
  throwError err = do
    let code = errHTTPCode err
        reason = errReasonPhrase err
    if | code >= 500 -> logError ("error: "+||err||+"")
       | otherwise -> logDebug ("response code "+|code|+": "+|reason|+"")
    Exc.throwM err

  catchError :: Guider a -> (ServantErr -> Guider a) -> Guider a
  catchError (Guider m) f = Guider $ ReaderT $ \context ->
    runReaderT m context `Exc.catch` (\err -> runReaderT (runGuider (f err)) context)

-- | Run a 'Guider' to get the 'Handler' type that Servant expects.
guiderToHandler :: Context -> Logger -> Guider a -> Handler a
guiderToHandler context logger (Guider m) =
  Handler $ ExceptT $ try $ runLoggerT logger $ runReaderT m context