

Test Coverage
module Guide.Database.Queries.Update
  -- * Category
  -- * Item
  -- * Trait

import Imports

import Hasql.Statement (Statement (..))
import Hasql.Transaction (Transaction)

import qualified Hasql.Transaction as HT

import Guide.Database.Queries.Select
import Guide.Database.Types
import Guide.Database.Utils
import Guide.Types.Core
import Guide.Uid
import Guide.Utils (fieldsPrefixed)

-- Categories

-- | Fetch a row corresponding to a category, apply a function and write it
-- back. You can break database invariants with this function, so be
-- careful.
-- This function takes care to only write the fields that were modified.
-- Fields 'categoryRowUid' and 'categoryRowCreated' can not be modified. An
-- attempt to modify them would result in 'CategoryRowUpdateNotAllowed'.
  :: Uid Category
  -> (CategoryRow -> CategoryRow)
  -> ExceptT DatabaseError Transaction ()
updateCategoryRow catId f = do
  -- Fetch the old row
  row <- selectCategoryRow catId

  -- Expose all fields of the old and the new row, and make sure that if we
  -- forget to use one of them, the compiler will warn us.
  let $(fieldsPrefixed "old_" 'CategoryRow) = row
      $(fieldsPrefixed "new_" 'CategoryRow) = f row

  -- Updating uid is not allowed
  when (old_categoryRowUid /= new_categoryRowUid) $
    throwError CategoryRowUpdateNotAllowed
      { deCategoryId = catId
      , deFieldName = "categoryRowUid" }

  -- Updating creation time is not allowed
  when (old_categoryRowCreated /= new_categoryRowCreated) $
    throwError CategoryRowUpdateNotAllowed
      { deCategoryId = catId
      , deFieldName = "categoryRowCreated" }

  -- Update title
  when (old_categoryRowTitle /= new_categoryRowTitle) $ do
    let statement :: Statement (Uid Category, Text) ()
        statement = [execute|UPDATE categories SET title = $2 WHERE uid = $1|]
    lift $ HT.statement (catId, new_categoryRowTitle) statement

  -- Update group
  when (old_categoryRowGroup /= new_categoryRowGroup) $ do
    let statement :: Statement (Uid Category, Text) ()
        statement = [execute|UPDATE categories SET group_ = $2 WHERE uid = $1|]
    lift $ HT.statement (catId, new_categoryRowGroup) statement

  -- Update status
  when (old_categoryRowStatus /= new_categoryRowStatus) $ do
    let statement :: Statement (Uid Category, CategoryStatus) ()
        statement = [execute|UPDATE categories SET status = $2 WHERE uid = $1|]
    lift $ HT.statement (catId, new_categoryRowStatus) statement

  -- Update notes
  when (old_categoryRowNotes /= new_categoryRowNotes) $ do
    let statement :: Statement (Uid Category, Text) ()
        statement = [execute|UPDATE categories SET notes = $2 WHERE uid = $1|]
    lift $ HT.statement (catId, new_categoryRowNotes) statement

  -- Update enabled sections
  when (old_categoryRowEnabledSections /= new_categoryRowEnabledSections) $ do
    let statement :: Statement (Uid Category, Set ItemSection) ()
        statement =
          [execute|UPDATE categories SET enabled_sections = $2 WHERE uid = $1|]
    lift $ HT.statement (catId, new_categoryRowEnabledSections) statement

  -- Update item order
  when (old_categoryRowItemsOrder /= new_categoryRowItemsOrder) $ do
    let statement :: Statement (Uid Category, [Uid Item]) ()
        statement = [execute|UPDATE categories SET items_order = $2 WHERE uid = $1|]
    lift $ HT.statement (catId, nub new_categoryRowItemsOrder) statement

  -- Update deleted
  when (old_categoryRowDeleted /= new_categoryRowDeleted) $ do
    let statement :: Statement (Uid Category, Bool) ()
        statement = [execute|UPDATE categories SET deleted = $2 WHERE uid = $1|]
    lift $ HT.statement (catId, new_categoryRowDeleted) statement

-- Items

-- | Fetch a row corresponding to an item, apply a function and write it
-- back. You can break database invariants with this function, so be
-- careful.
-- This function takes care to only write the fields that were modified.
-- Fields 'itemRowUid' and 'itemRowCreated' can not be modified. An attempt
-- to modify them would result in 'ItemRowUpdateNotAllowed'.
  :: Uid Item
  -> (ItemRow -> ItemRow)
  -> ExceptT DatabaseError Transaction ()
updateItemRow itemId f = do
  -- Fetch the old row
  row <- selectItemRow itemId

  -- Expose all fields of the old and the new row, and make sure that if we
  -- forget to use one of them, the compiler will warn us.
  let $(fieldsPrefixed "old_" 'ItemRow) = row
      $(fieldsPrefixed "new_" 'ItemRow) = f row

  -- Updating uid is not allowed
  when (old_itemRowUid /= new_itemRowUid) $
    throwError ItemRowUpdateNotAllowed
      { deItemId = itemId
      , deFieldName = "itemRowUid" }

  -- Updating creation time is not allowed
  when (old_itemRowCreated /= new_itemRowCreated) $
    throwError ItemRowUpdateNotAllowed
      { deItemId = itemId
      , deFieldName = "itemRowCreated" }

  -- Update name
  when (old_itemRowName /= new_itemRowName) $ do
    let statement :: Statement (Uid Item, Text) ()
        statement = [execute|UPDATE items SET name = $2 WHERE uid = $1|]
    lift $ HT.statement (itemId, new_itemRowName) statement

  -- Update link
  when (old_itemRowLink /= new_itemRowLink) $ do
    let statement :: Statement (Uid Item, Maybe Text) ()
        statement = [execute|UPDATE items SET link = $2 WHERE uid = $1|]
    lift $ HT.statement (itemId, new_itemRowLink) statement

  -- Update hackage
  when (old_itemRowHackage /= new_itemRowHackage) $ do
    let statement :: Statement (Uid Item, Maybe Text) ()
        statement = [execute|UPDATE items SET hackage = $2 WHERE uid = $1|]
    lift $ HT.statement (itemId, new_itemRowHackage) statement

  -- Update summary
  when (old_itemRowSummary /= new_itemRowSummary) $ do
    let statement :: Statement (Uid Item, Text) ()
        statement = [execute|UPDATE items SET summary = $2 WHERE uid = $1|]
    lift $ HT.statement (itemId, new_itemRowSummary) statement

  -- Update ecosystem
  when (old_itemRowEcosystem /= new_itemRowEcosystem) $ do
    let statement :: Statement (Uid Item, Text) ()
        statement = [execute|UPDATE items SET ecosystem = $2 WHERE uid = $1|]
    lift $ HT.statement (itemId, new_itemRowEcosystem) statement

  -- Update notes
  when (old_itemRowNotes /= new_itemRowNotes) $ do
    let statement :: Statement (Uid Item, Text) ()
        statement = [execute|UPDATE items SET notes = $2 WHERE uid = $1|]
    lift $ HT.statement (itemId, new_itemRowNotes) statement

  -- Update deleted
  when (old_itemRowDeleted /= new_itemRowDeleted) $ do
    let statement :: Statement (Uid Item, Bool) ()
        statement = [execute|UPDATE items SET deleted = $2 WHERE uid = $1|]
    lift $ HT.statement (itemId, new_itemRowDeleted) statement
    if new_itemRowDeleted
      then updateCategoryRow new_itemRowCategoryUid $
        _categoryRowItemsOrder %~ delete itemId
      else updateCategoryRow new_itemRowCategoryUid $
        _categoryRowItemsOrder %~ (++ [itemId])

  -- Update categoryUid
  when (old_itemRowCategoryUid /= new_itemRowCategoryUid) $ do
    let statement :: Statement (Uid Item, Uid Category) ()
        statement = [execute|UPDATE items SET category_uid = $2 WHERE uid = $1|]
    lift $ HT.statement (itemId, new_itemRowCategoryUid) statement

  -- Update prosOrder
  when (old_itemRowProsOrder /= new_itemRowProsOrder) $ do
    let statement :: Statement (Uid Item, [Uid Trait]) ()
        statement = [execute|UPDATE items SET pros_order = $2 WHERE uid = $1|]
    lift $ HT.statement (itemId, nub new_itemRowProsOrder) statement

  -- Update consOrder
  when (old_itemRowConsOrder /= new_itemRowConsOrder) $ do
    let statement :: Statement (Uid Item, [Uid Trait]) ()
        statement = [execute|UPDATE items SET cons_order = $2 WHERE uid = $1|]
    lift $ HT.statement (itemId, nub new_itemRowConsOrder) statement

-- Traits

-- | Fetch a row corresponding to a trait, apply a function and write it
-- back. You can break database invariants with this function, so be
-- careful.
-- This function takes care to only write the fields that were modified.
-- Field 'traitRowUid' can not be modified. An attempt to modify it would
-- result in 'TraitRowUpdateNotAllowed'.
  :: Uid Trait
  -> (TraitRow -> TraitRow)
  -> ExceptT DatabaseError Transaction ()
updateTraitRow traitId f = do
  -- Fetch the old row
  row <- selectTraitRow traitId

  -- Expose all fields of the old and the new row, and make sure that if we
  -- forget to use one of them, the compiler will warn us.
  let $(fieldsPrefixed "old_" 'TraitRow) = row
      $(fieldsPrefixed "new_" 'TraitRow) = f row

  -- Updating uid is not allowed
  when (old_traitRowUid /= new_traitRowUid) $
    throwError TraitRowUpdateNotAllowed
      { deTraitId = traitId
      , deFieldName = "traitRowUid" }

  -- Update content
  when (old_traitRowContent /= new_traitRowContent) $ do
    let statement :: Statement (Uid Trait, Text) ()
        statement = [execute|UPDATE traits SET content = $2 WHERE uid = $1|]
    lift $ HT.statement (traitId, new_traitRowContent) statement

  -- Update deleted
  when (old_traitRowDeleted /= new_traitRowDeleted) $ do
    let statement :: Statement (Uid Trait, Bool) ()
        statement = [execute|UPDATE traits SET deleted = $2 WHERE uid = $1|]
    lift $ HT.statement (traitId, new_traitRowDeleted) statement
    if new_traitRowDeleted
      then case new_traitRowType of
        TraitTypePro ->
          updateItemRow new_traitRowItemUid $
            _itemRowProsOrder %~ delete traitId
        TraitTypeCon ->
          updateItemRow new_traitRowItemUid $
            _itemRowConsOrder %~ delete traitId
      else case new_traitRowType of
        TraitTypePro ->
          updateItemRow new_traitRowItemUid $
            _itemRowProsOrder %~ (++ [traitId])
        TraitTypeCon ->
          updateItemRow new_traitRowItemUid $
            _itemRowConsOrder %~ (++ [traitId])

  -- Update type
  when (old_traitRowType /= new_traitRowType) $ do
    let statement :: Statement (Uid Trait, TraitType) ()
        statement = [execute|UPDATE traits SET type_ = ($2 :: trait_type) WHERE uid = $1|]
    lift $ HT.statement (traitId, new_traitRowType) statement

  -- Update itemUid
  when (old_traitRowItemUid /= new_traitRowItemUid) $ do
    let statement :: Statement (Uid Trait, Uid Item) ()
        statement = [execute|UPDATE traits SET item_uid = $2 WHERE uid = $1|]
    lift $ HT.statement (traitId, new_traitRowItemUid) statement