

Test Coverage
-- | Schemas to create table for guide database
module Guide.Database.Schema

import Imports

import Hasql.Session (Session)
import Hasql.Statement (Statement (..))
import Data.Profunctor (lmap)

import qualified Hasql.Session as HS

import Guide.Database.Utils
import Guide.Database.Connection (connect, runSession)

-- | List of all migrations.
migrations :: [(Int32, Session ())]
migrations =
  [ (0, v0)

-- | Prepare the database for use by Guide.
-- Determines which migrations have to be run, and runs them. Errors out if
-- any migrations fail.
-- Note: 'setupDatabase' uses @"guide"@ as the database name, but it does
-- not create a database if it does not exist yet. You should create the
-- database manually by doing @CREATE DATABASE guide;@ or run Postgres with
-- @POSTGRES_DB=guide@ when running when running the app for the first time.
setupDatabase :: IO ()
setupDatabase = do
  conn <- connect
  mbSchemaVersion <- runSession conn getSchemaVersion
  case mbSchemaVersion of
    Nothing -> formatLn "No schema found. Creating tables and running all migrations."
    Just v  -> formatLn "Schema version is {}." v
  let schemaVersion = fromMaybe (-1) mbSchemaVersion
  let neededMigrations =
          (\(migrationVersion, _) -> migrationVersion > schemaVersion)
  if null neededMigrations then
    putStrLn "Schema is up to date."
  else do
    putStrLn "Schema is not up to date, running migrations."
    for_ neededMigrations $ \(migrationVersion, migration) -> do
      format "Migration {}: " migrationVersion
      runSession conn (migration >> setSchemaVersion migrationVersion)
      formatLn "done."

-- Schema version table

-- | Get schema version (i.e. the version of the last migration that was
-- run).
-- If the @schema_version@ table doesn't exist, creates it.
getSchemaVersion :: Session (Maybe Int32)
getSchemaVersion = do
  HS.statement () $
      CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS schema_version (
        name text PRIMARY KEY,
        version integer)
  HS.statement () $
      INSERT INTO schema_version (name, version)
        VALUES ('main', null)
  let selectVersion :: Statement () (Maybe (SingleColumn (Maybe Int32)))
      selectVersion =
          SELECT version FROM schema_version WHERE name = 'main'
  HS.statement () selectVersion >>= \case
    Just (SingleColumn (Just v)) -> pure (Just v)
    _ -> pure Nothing

-- | Set schema version.
-- Assumes the @schema_version@ table exists.
setSchemaVersion :: Int32 -> Session ()
setSchemaVersion version = do
  let statement :: Statement Int32 ()
      statement = lmap SingleParam $
          UPDATE schema_version SET version = $1 WHERE name = 'main'
  HS.statement version statement

-- Version 0

-- | Schema version 0: initial schema.
v0 :: Session ()
v0 = do

-- | Create an enum type for trait type ("pro" or "con").
v0_createTypeProCon :: Session ()
v0_createTypeProCon = HS.statement () $
    CREATE TYPE trait_type AS ENUM ('pro', 'con');

-- | Create table @traits@, corresponding to 'Guide.Types.Core.Trait'.
v0_createTableTraits :: Session ()
v0_createTableTraits = HS.statement () $
    CREATE TABLE traits (
      uid text PRIMARY KEY,           -- Unique trait ID
      content text NOT NULL,          -- Trait content as Markdown
      deleted boolean                 -- Whether the trait is deleted
        NOT NULL,
      type_ trait_type NOT NULL,      -- Trait type (pro or con)
      item_uid text                   -- Item that the trait belongs to
        REFERENCES items (uid)

-- | Create table @items@, corresponding to 'Guide.Types.Core.Item'.
v0_createTableItems :: Session ()
v0_createTableItems = HS.statement () $
    CREATE TABLE items (
      uid text PRIMARY KEY,           -- Unique item ID
      name text NOT NULL,             -- Item title
      created timestamptz NOT NULL,   -- When the item was created
      link text,                      -- Optional URL
      hackage text,                   -- Package name on Hackage
      summary text NOT NULL,          -- Item summary as Markdown
      ecosystem text NOT NULL,        -- The ecosystem section
      notes text NOT NULL,            -- The notes section
      deleted boolean                 -- Whether the item is deleted
        NOT NULL,
      category_uid text               -- Category that the item belongs to
        REFERENCES categories (uid)
      pros_order text[]               -- Uids of item's pro traits; this list specifies
        NOT NULL,                     --   in what order they should be displayed, and
                                      --   is necessary to allow moving traits up and
                                      --   down
      cons_order text[]               -- Uids of item's con traits
        NOT NULL

-- | Create table @categories@, corresponding to 'Guide.Types.Core.Category'.
v0_createTableCategories :: Session ()
v0_createTableCategories = HS.statement () $
    CREATE TABLE categories (
      uid text PRIMARY KEY,           -- Unique category ID
      title text NOT NULL,            -- Category title
      created timestamptz NOT NULL,   -- When the category was created
      group_ text NOT NULL,           -- "Grandcategory"
      status text NOT NULL,           -- Category status ("in progress", etc); the list
                                      --   of possible statuses is defined by backend
      notes text NOT NULL,            -- Category notes as Markdown
      enabled_sections text[]         -- Item sections to show to users; the list of
        NOT NULL,                     --   possible section names is defined by backend
      items_order text[]              -- Uids of items in the category; this list
        NOT NULL,                     --   specifies in what order they should be
                                      --   displayed, and is necessary to allow moving
                                      --   items up and down
      deleted boolean                 -- Whether the category is deleted
        NOT NULL

-- | Create table @users@, storing user data.
v0_createTableUsers :: Session ()
v0_createTableUsers = HS.statement () $
    CREATE TABLE users (
      uid text PRIMARY KEY,           -- Unique user ID
      name text NOT NULL,             -- User name
      email text NOT NULL,            -- User email
      password_scrypt text,           -- User password (scrypt-ed)
      is_admin boolean                -- Whether the user is admin
        DEFAULT false
        NOT NULL

-- | Create table @pending_edits@, storing users' edits and metadata about
-- them (who made the edit, when, etc).
v0_createTablePendingEdits :: Session ()
v0_createTablePendingEdits = HS.statement () $
    CREATE TABLE pending_edits (
      uid bigserial PRIMARY KEY,      -- Unique id
      edit json NOT NULL,             -- Edit in JSON format
      ip inet,                        -- IP address of edit maker
      time_ timestamptz NOT NULL      -- When the edit was created