

Test Coverage
-- | Types for postgres database
module Guide.Database.Types
       -- * Types
       , CategoryRow (..)
       , ItemRow (..)
       , TraitRow (..)
       -- ** Lenses
       , CategoryRowLenses (..)
       , ItemRowLenses (..)
       , TraitRowLenses (..)

       -- * Type convertions
       , categoryRowToCategory
       , categoryToRowCategory
       , itemRowToItem
       , itemToRowItem
       , traitRowToTrait
       , traitToTraitRow

       ) where

import Imports

import Guide.Markdown (toMarkdownBlock, toMarkdownTree, toMarkdownInline, markdownBlockSource, markdownTreeSource, markdownInlineSource)
import Guide.Types.Core
import Guide.Uid
import Guide.Utils (makeClassWithLenses, fields)
import Guide.Database.Utils

-- | Custom datatype errors for database
data DatabaseError
  = ItemNotFound (Uid Item)
  | CategoryNotFound (Uid Category)
  | TraitNotFound (Uid Trait)
  | CategoryRowUpdateNotAllowed
      { deCategoryId :: Uid Category
      , deFieldName :: Text }
  | ItemRowUpdateNotAllowed
      { deItemId :: Uid Item
      , deFieldName :: Text }
  | TraitRowUpdateNotAllowed
      { deTraitId :: Uid Trait
      , deFieldName :: Text }
  deriving Show

-- | Category intermediary type.
data CategoryRow = CategoryRow
  { categoryRowUid             :: Uid Category
  , categoryRowTitle           :: Text
  , categoryRowCreated         :: UTCTime
  , categoryRowGroup           :: Text
  , categoryRowStatus          :: CategoryStatus
  , categoryRowNotes           :: Text
  , categoryRowEnabledSections :: Set ItemSection
  , categoryRowItemsOrder      :: [Uid Item]
  , categoryRowDeleted         :: Bool
  } deriving (Show, Generic)

-- | Make CategoryRowLenses Class to use lenses with this type.
makeClassWithLenses ''CategoryRow

instance ToPostgresParams CategoryRow
instance FromPostgresRow CategoryRow

-- | Item intermediary type.
data ItemRow = ItemRow
  { itemRowUid         :: Uid Item
  , itemRowName        :: Text
  , itemRowCreated     :: UTCTime
  , itemRowLink        :: Maybe Text
  , itemRowHackage     :: Maybe Text
  , itemRowSummary     :: Text
  , itemRowEcosystem   :: Text
  , itemRowNotes       :: Text
  , itemRowDeleted     :: Bool
  , itemRowCategoryUid :: Uid Category
  , itemRowProsOrder   :: [Uid Trait]
  , itemRowConsOrder   :: [Uid Trait]
  } deriving (Show, Generic)

-- | Make ItemRowLenses Class to use lenses with this type.
makeClassWithLenses ''ItemRow

instance ToPostgresParams ItemRow
instance FromPostgresRow ItemRow

-- | Trait intermediary type.
data TraitRow = TraitRow
  { traitRowUid     :: Uid Trait
  , traitRowContent :: Text
  , traitRowDeleted :: Bool
  , traitRowType    :: TraitType
  , traitRowItemUid :: Uid Item
  } deriving (Show, Generic)

-- | Make TraitRowLenses Class to use lenses with this type.
makeClassWithLenses ''TraitRow

instance ToPostgresParams TraitRow
instance FromPostgresRow TraitRow

-- Convertions between types

-- | Convert CategoryRow to Category.
-- To fetch items, use @selectItemRowsByCategory@ from
-- "Guide.Database.Queries.Select". To fetch deleted items, use
-- @selectDeletedItemRowsByCategory@.
  :: "items" :! [Item]
  -> "itemsDeleted" :! [Item]
  -> CategoryRow
  -> Category
  (arg #items -> items)
  (arg #itemsDeleted -> itemsDeleted)
  $(fields 'CategoryRow)
    { categoryUid = categoryRowUid
    , categoryTitle = categoryRowTitle
    , categoryCreated = categoryRowCreated
    , categoryGroup = categoryRowGroup
    , categoryStatus = categoryRowStatus
    , categoryNotes = toMarkdownBlock categoryRowNotes
    , categoryItems = items
    , categoryItemsDeleted = itemsDeleted
    , categoryEnabledSections = categoryRowEnabledSections
    -- Ignored fields
    _ = categoryRowDeleted
    _ = categoryRowItemsOrder

-- | Convert Category to CategoryRow.
  :: Category
  -> "deleted" :! Bool
  -> CategoryRow
categoryToRowCategory $(fields 'Category) (arg #deleted -> deleted) =
    { categoryRowUid = categoryUid
    , categoryRowTitle = categoryTitle
    , categoryRowCreated = categoryCreated
    , categoryRowGroup = categoryGroup
    , categoryRowStatus = categoryStatus
    , categoryRowNotes = markdownBlockSource categoryNotes
    , categoryRowEnabledSections = categoryEnabledSections
    , categoryRowItemsOrder = map itemUid categoryItems
    , categoryRowDeleted = deleted
    -- Ignored fields
    _ = categoryItemsDeleted

-- | Convert ItemRow to Item.
-- To fetch traits, use @getTraitRowsByItem@ from
-- "Guide.Database.Queries.Select". To fetch deleted traits, use
-- @getDeletedTraitRowsByItem@.
  :: "proTraits" :! [Trait]
  -> "proDeletedTraits" :! [Trait]
  -> "conTraits" :! [Trait]
  -> "conDeletedTraits" :! [Trait]
  -> ItemRow
  -> Item
  (arg #proTraits -> proTraits)
  (arg #proDeletedTraits -> proDeletedTraits)
  (arg #conTraits -> conTraits)
  (arg #conDeletedTraits -> conDeletedTraits)
  $(fields 'ItemRow)
    { itemUid = itemRowUid
    , itemName = itemRowName
    , itemCreated = itemRowCreated
    , itemHackage = itemRowHackage
    , itemSummary = toMarkdownBlock itemRowSummary
    , itemPros = proTraits
    , itemProsDeleted = proDeletedTraits
    , itemCons = conTraits
    , itemConsDeleted = conDeletedTraits
    , itemEcosystem = toMarkdownBlock itemRowEcosystem
    , itemNotes = toMarkdownTree prefix itemRowNotes
    , itemLink = itemRowLink
    prefix = "item-notes-" <> uidToText itemRowUid <> "-"
    -- Ignored fields
    _ = (itemRowConsOrder, itemRowProsOrder)
    _ = itemRowCategoryUid
    _ = itemRowDeleted

-- | Convert Item to ItemRow.
itemToRowItem :: Uid Category -> "deleted" :! Bool -> Item -> ItemRow
itemToRowItem catId (arg #deleted -> deleted) $(fields 'Item) =
    { itemRowUid = itemUid
    , itemRowName = itemName
    , itemRowCreated = itemCreated
    , itemRowLink = itemLink
    , itemRowHackage = itemHackage
    , itemRowSummary = markdownBlockSource itemSummary
    , itemRowEcosystem = markdownBlockSource itemEcosystem
    , itemRowNotes = markdownTreeSource itemNotes
    , itemRowDeleted = deleted
    , itemRowCategoryUid = catId
    , itemRowProsOrder = map traitUid itemPros
    , itemRowConsOrder = map traitUid itemCons
    -- Ignored fields
    _ = (itemConsDeleted, itemProsDeleted)

-- | Convert TraitRow to Trait.
traitRowToTrait :: TraitRow -> Trait
traitRowToTrait $(fields 'TraitRow) =
    { traitUid = traitRowUid
    , traitContent = toMarkdownInline traitRowContent
    -- Ignored fields
    _ = traitRowItemUid
    _ = traitRowType
    _ = traitRowDeleted

-- | Convert Trait to TraitRow.
  :: Uid Item
  -> "deleted" :! Bool
  -> TraitType
  -> Trait
  -> TraitRow
traitToTraitRow itemId (arg #deleted -> deleted) traitType $(fields 'Trait) =
    { traitRowUid = traitUid
    , traitRowContent = markdownInlineSource traitContent
    , traitRowDeleted = deleted
    , traitRowType = traitType
    , traitRowItemUid = itemId