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# Sonar Teams Notifier

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This SonarQube plugin notifies WebEx Teams of Scan Results.

## Usage

### Administration

Only one setting is required once the plugin is installed, and that's to enable the plugin.

[![Admin Screenshot](docs/sonar-teams-admin.png)](docs/sonar-teams-admin.png)

### Scanning

#### Basic Usage

To enable WebEx Teams notifications for scan results, supply the [**Incoming Webhook URL**]( to the sonar-scanner command using the custom `sonar.teams.hook` property. _This is the only property required to enable notifications._

##### Example

mvn sonar:sonar \

#### Advanced Usage

All custom properties pertaining to this plugin are specified under `sonar.teams`, e.g. `sonar.teams.hook`.

| Property name | Required | Description |
| ------------- | :------: | ----------- |
| `hook` | **YES** | The WebEx Teams [Incoming Webhook URL]( |
| `fail_only` | no | Specify any truthy value (e.g. `1` or `true`) to send notifications only when there is a failure. |
| `commit_url` | no | When specified, the commit in the notification links to the commit that triggered the build/scan. |
| `change_author_email` | no | When specified, the commit author is mentioned when there are any failures. |
| `change_author_name` | no | Sets the commit author's display name when mentioned. |

##### Example

mvn sonar:sonar \
  -Dsonar.teams.hook= \
  -Dsonar.teams.fail_only=1 \
  -Dsonar.teams.commit_url= \ \
  -Dsonar.teams.change_author_name="Author Name"

## Documentation

Browse the Javadocs at