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1 day
Test Coverage
 *  @file
 *  @copyright defined in aergo/LICENSE.txt

package chain

import (


var (
    // ErrNoChainDB reports chaindb is not prepared.
    ErrNoChainDB           = fmt.Errorf("chaindb not prepared")
    ErrorLoadBestBlock     = errors.New("failed to load latest block from DB")
    ErrCantDropGenesis     = errors.New("can't drop genesis block")
    ErrTooBigResetHeight   = errors.New("reset height is too big")
    ErrWalNoHardState      = errors.New("not exist hard state")
    ErrInvalidHardState    = errors.New("invalid hard state")
    ErrInvalidRaftSnapshot = errors.New("invalid raft snapshot")
    ErrInvalidCCProgress   = errors.New("invalid conf change progress")

// ErrNoBlock reports there is no such a block with id (hash or block number).
type ErrNoBlock struct {
    id interface{}

func (e ErrNoBlock) Error() string {
    var idStr string

    switch id := {
    case []byte:
        idStr = fmt.Sprintf("blockHash=%v", base58.Encode(id))
        idStr = fmt.Sprintf("blockNo=%v", id)

    return fmt.Sprintf("block not found: %s", idStr)

type ChainDB struct {
    cc consensus.ChainConsensus

    latest    atomic.Value //types.BlockNo
    bestBlock atomic.Value // *types.Block
    //    blocks []*types.Block
    store db.DB

func NewChainDB() *ChainDB {
    // logger.SetLevel("debug")
    cdb := &ChainDB{
        //blocks: []*types.Block{},

    return cdb

// NewTx returns a new chain DB Transaction.
func (cdb *ChainDB) NewTx() db.Transaction {

func (cdb *ChainDB) Init(dbType string, dataDir string) error {
    if == nil {
        logger.Info().Str("datadir", dataDir).Msg("chain database initialized")
        dbPath := common.PathMkdirAll(dataDir, dbkey.ChainDBName) = db.NewDB(db.ImplType(dbType), dbPath)

    // load data
    if err := cdb.loadChainData(); err != nil {
        return err

    // recover from reorg marker
    if err := cdb.recover(); err != nil {
        logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to recover chain database from crash")
        return err

    // // if empty then create new genesis block
    // // if cdb.getBestBlockNo() == 0 && len(cdb.blocks) == 0 {
    // blockIdx := types.BlockNoToBytes(0)
    // blockHash :=
    // if cdb.getBestBlockNo() == 0 && (blockHash == nil || len(blockHash) == 0) {
    //     cdb.generateGenesisBlock(seed)
    // }
    return nil

func (cdb *ChainDB) recover() error {
    marker, err := cdb.getReorgMarker()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if marker == nil {
        return nil

    if err := marker.RecoverChainMapping(cdb); err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

// ResetBest reset best block of chain db manually remove blocks from original
// best to resetNo.
// *Caution*: This API is dangerous. It must be used for test blockchain only.
func (cdb *ChainDB) ResetBest(resetNo types.BlockNo) error {
    logger.Info().Uint64("reset height", resetNo).Msg("reset best block")

    best := cdb.getBestBlockNo()
    if best <= resetNo {
        logger.Error().Uint64("best", best).Uint64("reset", resetNo).Msg("too big reset height")
        return ErrTooBigResetHeight

    for curNo := best; curNo > resetNo; curNo-- {
        if err := cdb.dropBlock(curNo); err != nil {
            logger.Error().Err(err).Uint64("no", curNo).Msg("failed to drop block")
            return err

    logger.Info().Msg("succeed to reset best block")

    return nil

type ErrDropBlock struct {
    pos int

func (err *ErrDropBlock) Error() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("failed to drop block: pos=%d", err.pos)

func (cdb *ChainDB) checkBlockDropped(dropBlock *types.Block) error {
    no := dropBlock.GetHeader().GetBlockNo()
    hash := dropBlock.GetHash()
    txLen := len(dropBlock.GetBody().GetTxs())

    //check receipt
    var err error

    if txLen > 0 {
        if cdb.checkExistReceipts(hash, no) {
            return &ErrDropBlock{pos: 0}

    //check tx
    for _, tx := range dropBlock.GetBody().GetTxs() {
        if _, _, err = cdb.getTx(tx.GetHash()); err == nil {
            return &ErrDropBlock{pos: 2}

    //check hash/block
    if _, err = cdb.getBlock(hash); err == nil {
        return &ErrDropBlock{pos: 3}

    //check no/hash
    if _, err = cdb.getHashByNo(no); err == nil {
        return &ErrDropBlock{pos: 4}

    return nil

func (cdb *ChainDB) Close() {
    if != nil {

// Get returns the value corresponding to key from the chain DB.
func (cdb *ChainDB) Get(key []byte) []byte {

func (cdb *ChainDB) GetBestBlock() (*types.Block, error) {
    //logger.Debug().Uint64("blockno", blockNo).Msg("get best block")
    var block *types.Block

    aopv := cdb.bestBlock.Load()

    if aopv != nil {
        block = aopv.(*types.Block)

    return block, nil

func (cdb *ChainDB) loadChainData() error {
    latestBytes :=
    if latestBytes == nil || len(latestBytes) == 0 {
        return nil
    latestNo := types.BlockNoFromBytes(latestBytes)
    /* TODO: just checking DB
    cdb.blocks = make([]*types.Block, latestNo+1)
    for i := uint32(0); i <= latestNo; i++ {
        blockIdx := types.BlockNoToBytes(i)
        buf := types.Block{}
        err := cdb.loadData(blockIdx, &buf)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        bHash := buf.CalculateBlockHash()
        if buf.Hash == nil {
            buf.Hash = bHash
        } else if !bytes.Equal(buf.Hash, bHash) {
            return fmt.Errorf("invalid Block Hash: hash=%s, check=%s",
                enc.ToString(buf.Hash), enc.ToString(bHash))
        for _, v := range buf.Body.Txs {
            tHash := v.CalculateTxHash()
            if v.Hash == nil {
                v.Hash = tHash
            } else if !bytes.Equal(v.Hash, tHash) {
                return fmt.Errorf("invalid Transaction Hash: hash=%s, check=%s",
                    enc.ToString(v.Hash), enc.ToString(tHash))
        cdb.blocks[i] = &buf
    latestBlock, err := cdb.GetBlockByNo(latestNo)
    if err != nil {
        return ErrorLoadBestBlock

    // skips := true
    // for i, _ := range cdb.blocks {
    //     if i > 3 && i+3 <= cdb.getBestBlockNo() {
    //         if skips {
    //             skips = false
    //             //logger.Info("  ...")
    //         }
    //         continue
    //     }
    //     //logger.Info("- loaded:", i, ToJSON(v))
    // }
    return nil

func (cdb *ChainDB) loadData(key []byte, pb proto.Message) error {
    buf :=
    if buf == nil || len(buf) == 0 {
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to load data: key=%v", key)
    //logger.Debugf("  loadData: key=%d, len=%d, val=%s\n", Btoi(key), len(buf), enc.ToString(buf))
    err := proto.Decode(buf, pb)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal: key=%v, len=%d", key, len(buf))
    //logger.Debug("  loaded: ", ToJSON(pb))
    return nil

func (cdb *ChainDB) addGenesisBlock(genesis *types.Genesis) error {
    block := genesis.Block()

    tx :=

    if len(block.Hash) == 0 {

    cdb.connectToChain(tx, block, false)
    tx.Set(dbkey.Genesis(), genesis.Bytes())
    if totalBalance := genesis.TotalBalance(); totalBalance != nil {
        tx.Set(dbkey.GenesisBalance(), totalBalance.Bytes())


    logger.Info().Str("chain id", genesis.ID.ToJSON()).Str("hash", block.ID()).Msg("Genesis Block Added")

    //logger.Info().Str("chain id", genesis.ID.ToJSON()).Str("chain id (raw)",
    //    enc.ToString(block.GetHeader().GetChainID())).Msg("Genesis Block Added")
    return nil

// GetGenesisInfo returns Genesis info, which is read from cdb.
func (cdb *ChainDB) GetGenesisInfo() *types.Genesis {
    if b := cdb.Get(dbkey.Genesis()); len(b) != 0 {
        genesis := types.GetGenesisFromBytes(b)
        if block, err := cdb.GetBlockByNo(0); err == nil {

            // genesis.ID is overwritten by the genesis block's chain
            // id. Prefer the latter since it is sort of protected the block
            // chain system (all the child blocks connected to the genesis
            // block).
            rawCid := genesis.Block().GetHeader().GetChainID()
            if len(rawCid) > 0 {
                cid := types.NewChainID()
                if err := cid.Read(rawCid); err == nil {
                    genesis.ID = *cid


        if v := cdb.Get(dbkey.GenesisBalance()); len(v) != 0 {

        return genesis
    return nil

func (cdb *ChainDB) setLatest(newBestBlock *types.Block) (oldLatest types.BlockNo) {
    oldLatest = cdb.getBestBlockNo()

    newLatest := types.BlockNo(newBestBlock.GetHeader().GetBlockNo())

    logger.Debug().Uint64("old", oldLatest).Uint64("new", newLatest).Msg("update latest block")


func (cdb *ChainDB) connectToChain(dbtx db.Transaction, block *types.Block, skipAdd bool) (oldLatest types.BlockNo) {
    blockNo := block.GetHeader().GetBlockNo()
    blockIdx := types.BlockNoToBytes(blockNo)

    if !skipAdd {
        if err := cdb.addBlock(dbtx, block); err != nil {
            return 0

    // Update best block hash
    dbtx.Set(dbkey.LatestBlock(), blockIdx)
    dbtx.Set(blockIdx, block.BlockHash())

    // Save the last consensus status.
    if != nil {
        if err :=; err != nil {
            logger.Error().Err(err).Uint64("blockNo", blockNo).Msg("failed to save DPoS status")

    oldLatest = cdb.setLatest(block)

    logger.Debug().Msg("connected block to mainchain")


func (cdb *ChainDB) swapChainMapping(newBlocks []*types.Block) error {
    oldNo := cdb.getBestBlockNo()
    newNo := newBlocks[0].GetHeader().GetBlockNo()

    if oldNo >= newNo {
        logger.Error().Uint64("old", oldNo).Uint64("new", newNo).
            Msg("New chain is not longger than old chain")
        return ErrInvalidSwapChain

    var blockIdx []byte

    bulk :=
    defer bulk.DiscardLast()

    //make newTx because of batchsize limit of DB
    for i := len(newBlocks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
        block := newBlocks[i]
        blockIdx = types.BlockNoToBytes(block.GetHeader().GetBlockNo())

        bulk.Set(blockIdx, block.BlockHash())

    bulk.Set(dbkey.LatestBlock(), blockIdx)

    // Save the last consensus status.



    return nil

func (cdb *ChainDB) isMainChain(block *types.Block) (bool, error) {
    blockNo := block.GetHeader().GetBlockNo()
    bestNo := cdb.getBestBlockNo()
    if blockNo > 0 && blockNo != bestNo+1 {
        logger.Debug().Uint64("no", blockNo).Uint64("latest", bestNo).Msg("block is branch")

        return false, nil

    prevHash := block.GetHeader().GetPrevBlockHash()
    latestHash, err := cdb.getHashByNo(cdb.getBestBlockNo())
    if err != nil { //need assertion
        return false, fmt.Errorf("failed to getting block hash by no(%v)", cdb.getBestBlockNo())

    isMainChain := bytes.Equal(prevHash, latestHash)

    logger.Debug().Bool("isMainChain", isMainChain).Msg("check if block is in main chain")

    return isMainChain, nil

type txInfo struct {
    blockHash []byte
    idx       int

func (cdb *ChainDB) addTxsOfBlock(dbTx *db.Transaction, txs []*types.Tx, blockHash []byte) error {
    if err := TestDebugger.Check(DEBUG_CHAIN_STOP, 4, nil); err != nil {
        return err

    for i, txEntry := range txs {
        if err := cdb.addTx(dbTx, txEntry, blockHash, i); err != nil {
            logger.Error().Err(err).Str("hash", base58.Encode(blockHash)).Int("txidx", i).
                Msg("failed to add tx")

            return err

    return nil

// stor tx info to DB
func (cdb *ChainDB) addTx(dbtx *db.Transaction, tx *types.Tx, blockHash []byte, idx int) error {
    txidx := types.TxIdx{
        BlockHash: blockHash,
        Idx:       int32(idx),
    txidxbytes, err := proto.Encode(&txidx)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    (*dbtx).Set(tx.Hash, txidxbytes)
    return nil

func (cdb *ChainDB) deleteTx(dbtx *db.Transaction, tx *types.Tx) {

// store block info to DB
func (cdb *ChainDB) addBlock(dbtx db.Transaction, block *types.Block) error {
    blockNo := block.GetHeader().GetBlockNo()

    // TODO: Is it possible?
    // if blockNo != 0 && isMainChain && cdb.getBestBlockNo()+1 != blockNo {
    //     return fmt.Errorf("failed to add block(%d,%v). blkno != latestNo(%d) + 1", blockNo,
    //         block.BlockHash(), cdb.getBestBlockNo())
    // }
    // FIXME: blockNo 0 exception handling
    // assumption: not an orphan
    // fork can be here
    logger.Debug().Uint64("blockNo", blockNo).Msg("add block to db")
    blockBytes, err := proto.Encode(block)
    if err != nil {
        logger.Error().Err(err).Uint64("no", blockNo).Str("hash", block.ID()).Msg("failed to add block")
        return err

    //add block
    dbtx.Set(block.BlockHash(), blockBytes)

    return nil

// drop block from DB
func (cdb *ChainDB) dropBlock(dropNo types.BlockNo) error {
    logger.Info().Uint64("no", dropNo).Msg("drop block")

    dbTx := cdb.NewTx()
    defer dbTx.Discard()

    if dropNo <= 0 {
        return ErrCantDropGenesis

    dropBlock, err := cdb.GetBlockByNo(dropNo)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // remove tx mapping
    for _, tx := range dropBlock.GetBody().GetTxs() {
        cdb.deleteTx(&dbTx, tx)

    // remove receipt
    cdb.deleteReceipts(&dbTx, dropBlock.BlockHash(), dropBlock.BlockNo())

    // remove (hash/block)

    // remove (no/hash)
    dropIdx := types.BlockNoToBytes(dropNo)
    newLatestIdx := types.BlockNoToBytes(dropNo - 1)

    // update latest
    dbTx.Set(dbkey.LatestBlock(), newLatestIdx)


    prevBlock, err := cdb.GetBlockByNo(dropNo - 1)
    if err != nil {
        return err


    if err = cdb.checkBlockDropped(dropBlock); err != nil {
        logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("block meta is not dropped")
        return err
    return nil

func (cdb *ChainDB) getBestBlockNo() (latestNo types.BlockNo) {
    var ok bool

    aopv := cdb.latest.Load()
    if aopv == nil {
        logger.Panic().Msg("ChainService: latest is nil")
    if latestNo, ok = aopv.(types.BlockNo); !ok {
        logger.Panic().Msg("ChainService: latest is not types.BlockNo")
    return latestNo

// GetBlockByNo returns the block of which number is blockNo.
func (cdb *ChainDB) GetBlockByNo(blockNo types.BlockNo) (*types.Block, error) {
    blockHash, err := cdb.getHashByNo(blockNo)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    //logger.Debugf("getblockbyNo No=%d Hash=%v", blockNo, enc.ToString(blockHash))
    return cdb.getBlock(blockHash)

func (cdb *ChainDB) GetBlock(blockHash []byte) (*types.Block, error) {
    return cdb.getBlock(blockHash)

func (cdb *ChainDB) GetHashByNo(blockNo types.BlockNo) ([]byte, error) {
    return cdb.getHashByNo(blockNo)

func (cdb *ChainDB) getBlock(blockHash []byte) (*types.Block, error) {
    if blockHash == nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("block hash invalid(nil)")
    buf := types.Block{}
    err := cdb.loadData(blockHash, &buf)
    if err != nil || !bytes.Equal(buf.Hash, blockHash) {
        return nil, &ErrNoBlock{id: blockHash}

    //logger.Debugf("getblockbyHash Hash=%v", enc.ToString(blockHash))
    return &buf, nil

func (cdb *ChainDB) getHashByNo(blockNo types.BlockNo) ([]byte, error) {
    blockIdx := types.BlockNoToBytes(blockNo)
    if == nil {
        return nil, ErrNoChainDB
    blockHash :=
    if len(blockHash) == 0 {
        return nil, &ErrNoBlock{id: blockNo}
    return blockHash, nil

func (cdb *ChainDB) getTx(txHash []byte) (*types.Tx, *types.TxIdx, error) {
    txIdx := &types.TxIdx{}

    err := cdb.loadData(txHash, txIdx)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("tx not found: txHash=%v", base58.Encode(txHash))
    block, err := cdb.getBlock(txIdx.BlockHash)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, &ErrNoBlock{txIdx.BlockHash}
    txs := block.GetBody().GetTxs()
    if txIdx.Idx >= int32(len(txs)) {
        return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("wrong tx idx: %d", txIdx.Idx)
    tx := txs[txIdx.Idx]
    logger.Debug().Str("hash", base58.Encode(txHash)).Msg("getTx")

    return tx, txIdx, nil

func (cdb *ChainDB) getReceipt(blockHash []byte, blockNo types.BlockNo, idx int32,
    hardForkConfig *config.HardforkConfig) (*types.Receipt, error) {
    storedReceipts, err := cdb.getReceipts(blockHash, blockNo, hardForkConfig)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    receipts := storedReceipts.Get()

    if idx < 0 || idx > int32(len(receipts)) {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot find a receipt: invalid index (%d)", idx)
    r := receipts[idx]
    r.SetMemoryInfo(blockHash, blockNo, idx)
    return receipts[idx], nil

func (cdb *ChainDB) getReceipts(blockHash []byte, blockNo types.BlockNo,
    hardForkConfig *config.HardforkConfig) (*types.Receipts, error) {
    data :=, blockNo))
    if len(data) == 0 {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("empty : blockNo=%d", blockNo)
    var receipts types.Receipts

    receipts.SetHardFork(hardForkConfig, blockNo)
    err := gob.Decode(data, &receipts)

    return &receipts, err

func (cdb *ChainDB) checkExistReceipts(blockHash []byte, blockNo types.BlockNo) bool {
    data :=, blockNo))
    if len(data) == 0 {
        return false
    return true

type ChainTree struct {
    Tree []ChainInfo
type ChainInfo struct {
    Height types.BlockNo
    Hash   string

func (cdb *ChainDB) GetChainTree() ([]byte, error) {
    tree := make([]ChainInfo, 0)
    var i uint64
    for i = 0; i < cdb.getBestBlockNo(); i++ {
        hash, _ := cdb.getHashByNo(i)
        tree = append(tree, ChainInfo{
            Height: i,
            Hash:   base58.Encode(hash),
        logger.Info().Str("hash", base58.Encode(hash)).Msg("GetChainTree")
    jsonBytes, err := json.Marshal(tree)
    if err != nil {
        logger.Info().Msg("GetChainTree failed")
    return jsonBytes, nil

func (cdb *ChainDB) writeReceipts(blockHash []byte, blockNo types.BlockNo, receipts *types.Receipts) {
    dbTx :=
    defer dbTx.Discard()

    val, _ := gob.Encode(receipts)
    dbTx.Set(dbkey.Receipts(blockHash, blockNo), val)


func (cdb *ChainDB) deleteReceipts(dbTx *db.Transaction, blockHash []byte, blockNo types.BlockNo) {
    (*dbTx).Delete(dbkey.Receipts(blockHash, blockNo))

func (cdb *ChainDB) writeReorgMarker(marker *ReorgMarker) error {
    dbTx :=
    defer dbTx.Discard()

    val, err := marker.toBytes()
    if err != nil {
        logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to serialize reorg marker")
        return err

    dbTx.Set(dbkey.ReOrg(), val)

    return nil

func (cdb *ChainDB) deleteReorgMarker() {
    dbTx :=
    defer dbTx.Discard()



func (cdb *ChainDB) getReorgMarker() (*ReorgMarker, error) {
    data :=
    if len(data) == 0 {
        return nil, nil

    var marker ReorgMarker
    err := gob.Decode(data, &marker)

    return &marker, err

// implement ChainWAL interface
func (cdb *ChainDB) IsNew() bool {
    return true

func (cdb *ChainDB) Hardfork(hConfig config.HardforkConfig) config.HardforkDbConfig {
    var c config.HardforkDbConfig
    data :=
    if len(data) == 0 {
        return c
    if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &c); err != nil {
        return nil
    // When a new hardkfork height is added, the hardfork config from DB  (HardforkDBConfig)
    // must be modified by using the height from HardforkConfig. Without this, aergosvr fails
    // to start, since a harfork heght value not stored on DB is evaluated as 0.
    return c.FixDbConfig(hConfig)

func (cdb *ChainDB) WriteHardfork(c *config.HardforkConfig) error {
    data, err := json.Marshal(c)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    }, data)
    return nil