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Test Coverage
 *  @file
 *  @copyright defined in aergo/LICENSE.txt
package main

import (

    polarisclient ""

var (
    gitRevision, gitBranch string

func main() {
    if err := rootCmd.Execute(); err != nil {

var (
    rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
        Use:   "aergosvr",
        Short: "Aergo Server",
        Long:  "Aergo Server Full-node implementation",
        PersistentPreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
            if homePath != "" && configFilePath != "" && verbose {
                fmt.Println("ignore home path if given config file has valid configuration")
        Run: rootRun,
    homePath       string
    configFilePath string
    enableTestmode bool
    useTestnet     bool

    verbose bool

    svrlog *log.Logger

    cfg *config.Config

func init() {

    localFlags := rootCmd.Flags()
    localFlags.SortFlags = false
    localFlags.BoolVar(&useTestnet, "testnet", false, "use Aergo TestNet; this only affects if there's no genesis block")
    localFlags.BoolVar(&enableTestmode, "testmode", false, "enable unsafe test mode (skips certain validations); can NOT use with --testnet")

    fs := rootCmd.PersistentFlags()
    fs.StringVar(&homePath, "home", "", "path of aergo home")
    fs.StringVar(&configFilePath, "config", "", "path of configuration file")
    fs.BoolVarP(&verbose, "verbose", "v", false, "verbose mode")

func initConfig() {
    serverCtx := config.NewServerContext(homePath, configFilePath)
    cfg = serverCtx.GetDefaultConfig().(*config.Config)
    err := serverCtx.LoadOrCreateConfig(cfg)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Fail to load configuration file %v: %v", serverCtx.Vc.ConfigFileUsed(), err.Error())
    if enableTestmode {
        cfg.EnableTestmode = true
    if useTestnet {
        cfg.UseTestnet = true
    if cfg.EnableTestmode && cfg.UseTestnet {
        fmt.Println("Turn off test mode for Aergo Public Chains")

func rootRun(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
    svrlog = log.NewLogger("asvr")
    svrlog.Info().Str("revision", gitRevision).Str("branch", gitBranch).Msg("AERGO SVR STARTED")

    if cfg.EnableTestmode {
        svrlog.Warn().Msgf("Running with unsafe test mode. Turn off test mode for production use!")

    p2pkey.InitNodeInfo(&cfg.BaseConfig, cfg.P2P, githash, svrlog)

    compMng := component.NewComponentHub()

    chainSvc := chain.NewChainService(cfg)

    mpoolSvc := mempool.NewMemPoolService(cfg, chainSvc)
    rpcSvc := rpc.NewRPC(cfg, chainSvc, githash)
    admSvc := rpc.NewAdminService(cfg.RPC, compMng)
    syncSvc := syncer.NewSyncer(cfg, chainSvc, nil)
    p2pSvc := p2p.NewP2P(cfg, chainSvc)
    pmapSvc := polarisclient.NewPolarisConnectSvc(cfg.P2P, p2pSvc)

    var accountSvc component.IComponent
    if cfg.Personal {
        accountSvc = account.NewAccountService(cfg, chainSvc.SDB())

    var web3Svr component.IComponent
    if cfg.Web3.Enable {
        web3Svr = web3.NewWeb3(cfg, rpcSvc.GetActualServer())

    // Register services to Hub. Don't need to do nil-check since Register
    // function skips nil parameters.
    var verifyOnly = cfg.Blockchain.VerifyOnly || cfg.Blockchain.VerifyBlock != 0
    if !verifyOnly {
        compMng.Register(chainSvc, mpoolSvc, rpcSvc, web3Svr, syncSvc, p2pSvc, accountSvc, pmapSvc)
    } else {
        compMng.Register(chainSvc, mpoolSvc, rpcSvc, web3Svr)

    consensusSvc, err := impl.New(cfg, compMng, chainSvc, p2pSvc, rpcSvc)
    if err != nil {
        svrlog.Error().Err(err).Msg("Failed to start consensus service.")

    dmp := NewDumper(cfg, compMng)

    // All the services objects including Consensus must be created before the
    // actors are started.

    if cfg.Consensus.EnableBp {
        // Warning: The consensus service must start after all the other
        // services.

    if cfg.EnableDump {

    if len(cfg.RPC.NetServicePath) > 0 {

    var interrupt = common.HandleKillSig(func() {
    }, svrlog)

    // Wait main routine to stop