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Test Coverage
package exec

import (


func init() {

type callContract struct{}

func (c *callContract) Command() string {
    return "call"

func (c *callContract) Syntax() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s %s %s %s %s", context.AccountSymbol,
        context.AmountSymbol, context.ContractSymbol,
        context.FunctionSymbol, context.ContractArgsSymbol,
        context.ExpectedErrSymbol, context.ExpectedSymbol)

func (c *callContract) Usage() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("call <sender_name> <amount> <contract_name> <func_name> `[call_json_str]` `[expected_error_str]` `[expected_result_str]`")

func (c *callContract) Describe() string {
    return "call to execute a smart contract"

func (c *callContract) Validate(args string) error {

    // is chain is loaded?
    if context.Get() == nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("load chain first")

    _, _, _, _, _, _, _, err := c.parse(args)

    return err

func (c *callContract) parse(args string) (string, *big.Int, string, string, string, string, string, error) {
    splitArgs := context.SplitSpaceAndAccent(args, false)
    if len(splitArgs) < 4 {
        return "", nil, "", "", "", "", "", fmt.Errorf("need at least 4 arguments. usage: %s", c.Usage())

    amount, success := new(big.Int).SetString(splitArgs[1].Text, 10)
    if success == false {
        return "", nil, "", "", "", "", "", fmt.Errorf("fail to parse number %s", splitArgs[1].Text)

    callCode := "[]"
    if len(splitArgs) >= 5 {
        callCode = splitArgs[4].Text

    expectedError := ""
    expectedRes := ""

    if len(splitArgs) >= 6 {
        expectedError = splitArgs[5].Text
    if len(splitArgs) == 7 {
        expectedRes = splitArgs[6].Text
    } else if len(splitArgs) > 7 {
        return "", nil, "", "", "", "", "", fmt.Errorf("too many arguments. usage: %s", c.Usage())

    return splitArgs[0].Text, //accountName
        amount, //amount
        splitArgs[2].Text, //contractName
        splitArgs[3].Text, //funcName
        callCode, //callCode
        expectedError, //expectedError
        expectedRes, //expectedRes

func (c *callContract) Run(args string) (string, uint64, []*types.Event, error) {

    accountName, amount, contractName, funcName, callCode, expectedError, expectedRes, _ := c.parse(args)

    formattedQuery := fmt.Sprintf("{\"name\":\"%s\",\"args\":%s}", funcName, callCode)

    callTx := vm_dummy.NewLuaTxCallBig(accountName, contractName, amount, formattedQuery)

    logLevel := zerolog.GlobalLevel()

    if expectedError != "" {
        zerolog.SetGlobalLevel(zerolog.ErrorLevel) // turn off log
    err := context.Get().ConnectBlock(callTx)

    if expectedError != "" {
        zerolog.SetGlobalLevel(logLevel) // restore log level
    if err != nil {
        return "", 0, nil, err

    if expectedError != "" {
        Index(context.ExpectedErrSymbol, expectedError)
        return "call a smart contract successfully", 0, nil, nil

    receipt := context.Get().GetReceipt(callTx.Hash())

    if expectedRes != "" && expectedRes != receipt.Ret {
        err = fmt.Errorf("expected: %s, but got: %s", expectedRes, receipt.Ret)
        return "", 0, nil, err

    result := "success"
    if expectedRes == "" && len(receipt.Ret) > 0 {
        result += ": " + receipt.Ret
    return result, receipt.GasUsed, context.Get().GetEvents(callTx.Hash()), nil
