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package chain

import (


var (
    // ErrQuit indicates that shutdown is initiated.
    ErrQuit           = errors.New("shutdown initiated")
    ErrBlockEmpty     = errors.New("no transactions in block")
    ErrSyncChain      = errors.New("failed to sync request")
    errBlockSizeLimit = errors.New("the transactions included exceeded the block size limit")

// ErrTimeout can be used to indicate for any kind of timeout.
type ErrTimeout struct {
    Kind    string
    Timeout int64

func (e ErrTimeout) Error() string {
    if e.Timeout != 0 {
        return fmt.Sprintf("%s timeout (%v)", e.Kind, e.Timeout)
    return e.Kind + " timeout"

// ErrBlockConnect indicates a error indicating a failed block connected
// request.
type ErrBlockConnect struct {
    id     string
    prevID string
    ec     error

func (e ErrBlockConnect) Error() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("failed to connect block (%s): id=%s, prev id=%s",,, e.prevID)

// GetBestBlock returns the current best block from chainservice
func GetBestBlock(hs component.ICompSyncRequester) *types.Block {
    result, err := hs.RequestFuture(message.ChainSvc, &message.GetBestBlock{}, time.Second,
    if err != nil {
        logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to get best block info")
        return nil
    return result.(message.GetBestBlockRsp).Block

// MaxBlockBodySize returns the maximum block body size.
func MaxBlockBodySize() uint32 {
    return chain.MaxBlockBodySize()

type FetchFn = func(component.ICompSyncRequester, uint32) []types.Transaction
type FetchDeco = func(FetchFn) FetchFn

type BlockGenerator struct {
    bState   *state.BlockState
    rejected *RejTxInfo
    noTTE    bool // disable eviction by timeout if true

    ctx              context.Context // block generation context
    hs               component.ICompSyncRequester
    bi               *types.BlockHeaderInfo
    txOp             TxOp
    fetchTXs         func(component.ICompSyncRequester, uint32) []types.Transaction
    skipEmpty        bool
    maxBlockBodySize uint32

func NewBlockGenerator(hs component.ICompSyncRequester, ctx context.Context, bi *types.BlockHeaderInfo, bState *state.BlockState, txOp TxOp, skipEmpty bool) *BlockGenerator {
    if ctx == nil {
        ctx = context.Background()
    return &BlockGenerator{
        bState:           bState,
        ctx:              ctx,
        hs:               hs,
        bi:               bi,
        txOp:             txOp,
        fetchTXs:         FetchTXs,
        skipEmpty:        skipEmpty,
        maxBlockBodySize: MaxBlockBodySize(),

type RejTxInfo struct {
    tx        types.Transaction
    orig      error
    evictable bool

func newTxRej(tx types.Transaction, orig error, evictable bool) *RejTxInfo {
    return &RejTxInfo{tx: tx, orig: orig, evictable: evictable}

func (r *RejTxInfo) Tx() types.Transaction {
    return r.tx

func (r *RejTxInfo) Hash() []byte {
    return r.tx.GetHash()

func (r *RejTxInfo) Evictable() bool {
    return r.evictable

func (g *BlockGenerator) Rejected() *RejTxInfo {
    return g.rejected

// SetTimeoutTx set bState.timeoutTx to tx.
func (g *BlockGenerator) SetTimeoutTx(tx types.Transaction) {
    logger.Warn().Str("hash", base58.Encode(tx.GetHash())).Msg("timeout tx marked for eviction")

// GenerateBlock generate & return a new block.
func (g *BlockGenerator) GenerateBlock() (*types.Block, error) {
    bState := g.bState

    transactions, err := g.GatherTXs()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    n := len(transactions)
    if n == 0 && g.skipEmpty {
        logger.Debug().Msg("BF: empty block is skipped")
        return nil, ErrBlockEmpty

    txs := make([]*types.Tx, n)
    for i, x := range transactions {
        txs[i] = x.GetTx()

    block := types.NewBlock(, bState.GetRoot(), bState.Receipts(), txs, chain.CoinbaseAccount, bState.Consensus())
    if n != 0 && logger.IsDebugEnabled() {
            Str("txroothash", types.EncodeB64(block.GetHeader().GetTxsRootHash())).
            Int("hashed", len(txs)).
            Int("no_receipts", len(bState.Receipts().Get())).
            Msg("BF: tx root hash")

    return block, nil

func (g *BlockGenerator) WithDeco(fn FetchDeco) *BlockGenerator {
    if fn != nil {
        g.fetchTXs = fn(g.fetchTXs)
    return g

func (g *BlockGenerator) SetNoTTE(noTTE bool) *BlockGenerator {
    g.noTTE = noTTE
    return g

func (g *BlockGenerator) setRejected(tx types.Transaction, cause error, evictable bool) {
    g.rejected = newTxRej(tx, cause, evictable)

func (g *BlockGenerator) tteEnabled() bool {
    return !g.noTTE

// ConnectBlock send an AddBlock request to the chain service. This method is called only when this node
// produced a block.
func ConnectBlock(hs component.ICompSyncRequester, block *types.Block, blockState *state.BlockState, timeout time.Duration) error {
    // blockState does not include a valid BlockHash since it is constructed
    // from an incomplete block. So set it here.
    r, err := hs.RequestFuture(message.ChainSvc, &message.AddBlock{PeerID: "", Block: block, Bstate: blockState},
        timeout, "consensus/chain/info.ConnectBlock").Result()
    if err != nil {
        logger.Error().Err(err).Uint64("no", block.Header.BlockNo).
            Str("hash", block.ID()).
            Str("prev", block.PrevID()).
            Msg("failed to connect block")
        return &ErrBlockConnect{id: block.ID(), prevID: block.PrevID(), ec: err}

    reply, ok := r.(*message.AddBlockRsp)
    if !ok {
        logger.Warn().Uint64("no", block.Header.BlockNo).
            Str("hash", block.ID()).
            Str("prev", block.PrevID()).
            Msg("ignore a weird add block response from chain service")
        return nil
    if reply != nil && reply.Err != nil {
        return &ErrBlockConnect{id: block.ID(), prevID: block.PrevID(), ec: reply.Err}

    return nil

func SyncChain(hs *component.ComponentHub, targetHash []byte, targetNo types.BlockNo, peerID types.PeerID) error {
    logger.Info().Stringer("peer", types.LogPeerShort(peerID)).Uint64("no", targetNo).
        Str("hash", base58.Encode(targetHash)).Msg("request to sync for consensus")

    notiC := make(chan error)
    hs.Tell(message.SyncerSvc, &message.SyncStart{PeerID: peerID, TargetNo: targetNo, NotifyC: notiC})

    // wait end of sync every 1sec
    select {
    case err := <-notiC:
        if err != nil {
            logger.Error().Err(err).Uint64("no", targetNo).
                Str("hash", base58.Encode(targetHash)).
                Msg("failed to sync")

            return err

    logger.Info().Stringer("peer", types.LogPeerShort(peerID)).Msg("succeeded to sync for consensus")
    // TODO check best block is equal to target Hash/no
    return nil