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6 days
Test Coverage
//go:build Debug
// +build Debug

package contract

#include "debug.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
import "C"
import (


type contract_info struct {
    contract_id_base58 string
    src_path           string
    breakpoints        *list.List

var contract_info_map = make(map[string]*contract_info)
var watchpoints = list.New()

func (ce *executor) setCountHook(limit {
    if ce == nil || ce.L == nil {
    if ce.err != nil {

    if cErrMsg := C.vm_set_debug_hook(ce.L); cErrMsg != nil {
        errMsg := C.GoString(cErrMsg)

        ctrLgr.Fatal().Str("err", errMsg).Msg("Fail to initialize lua contract debugger")

func HexAddrToBase58Addr(contract_id_hex string) (string, error) {
    byteContractID, err := hex.Decode(contract_id_hex)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    return types.NewAccount(byteContractID).ToString(), nil

func HexAddrOrPlainStrToHexAddr(d string) string {
    // try to convert to base58 address to test input format
    if encodedAddr, err := HexAddrToBase58Addr(d); err == nil {
        // try to decode the encoded str
        if _, err = types.DecodeAddress(encodedAddr); err == nil {
            // input is hex string. just return
            return d

    // input is a name to hashing or base58 address
    return PlainStrToHexAddr(d)

func PlainStrToHexAddr(d string) string {
    return hex.Encode(StrHash(d))

func SetBreakPoint(contract_id_hex string, line uint64) error {

    if HasBreakPoint(contract_id_hex, line) {
        return errors.New("Same breakpoint already exists")

    addr, err := HexAddrToBase58Addr(contract_id_hex)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if _, ok := contract_info_map[contract_id_hex]; !ok {
        // create new one if not exist
        contract_info_map[contract_id_hex] = &contract_info{

    insertPoint := contract_info_map[contract_id_hex].breakpoints.Front()
    if insertPoint != nil {
        for {
            nextIter := insertPoint.Next()
            if line < insertPoint.Value.(uint64) {
                insertPoint = nil
            } else if nextIter == nil || line < nextIter.Value.(uint64) {
            insertPoint = nextIter

    if insertPoint == nil {
        // line is the smallest or list is empty. insert the line to the first of the list
    } else {
        // insert after the most biggest breakpoints among smaller ones
        contract_info_map[contract_id_hex].breakpoints.InsertAfter(line, insertPoint)

    return nil

func DelBreakPoint(contract_id_hex string, line uint64) error {
    if !HasBreakPoint(contract_id_hex, line) {
        return errors.New("Breakpoint does not exists")

    if info, ok := contract_info_map[contract_id_hex]; ok {
        for iter := info.breakpoints.Front(); iter != nil; iter = iter.Next() {
            if line == iter.Value.(uint64) {
                return nil

    return nil

func HasBreakPoint(contract_id_hex string, line uint64) bool {
    if info, ok := contract_info_map[contract_id_hex]; ok {
        for iter := info.breakpoints.Front(); iter != nil; iter = iter.Next() {
            if line == iter.Value {
                return true
    return false

//export PrintBreakPoints
func PrintBreakPoints() {
    if len(contract_info_map) == 0 {
    for _, info := range contract_info_map {
        fmt.Printf("%s (%s): ", info.contract_id_base58, info.src_path)
        for iter := info.breakpoints.Front(); iter != nil; iter = iter.Next() {
            fmt.Printf("%d ", iter.Value)

//export ResetBreakPoints
func ResetBreakPoints() {
    for _, info := range contract_info_map {
        info.breakpoints = list.New()

func SetWatchPoint(code string) error {
    if code == "" {
        return errors.New("Empty string cannot be set")


    return nil

func DelWatchPoint(idx uint64) error {
    if uint64(watchpoints.Len()) < idx {
        return errors.New("invalid index")

    var i uint64 = 0
    for e := watchpoints.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
        if i >= idx {
            return nil

    return nil

func ListWatchPoints() *list.List {
    return watchpoints

//export ResetWatchPoints
func ResetWatchPoints() {
    watchpoints = list.New()

func UpdateContractInfo(contract_id_hex string, path string) {

    if path != "" {
        absPath, err := filepath.Abs(path)
        if err != nil {
            ctrLgr.Fatal().Str("path", path).Msg("Try to set a invalid path")
        path = filepath.ToSlash(absPath)

    if info, ok := contract_info_map[contract_id_hex]; ok {
        info.src_path = path

    } else {
        addr, err := HexAddrToBase58Addr(contract_id_hex)
        if err != nil {
            ctrLgr.Fatal().Str("contract_id_hex", contract_id_hex).Msg("Fail to Decode Hex Address")
        contract_info_map[contract_id_hex] = &contract_info{

func ResetContractInfo() {
    // just remove src paths. keep others for future use
    for _, info := range contract_info_map {
        info.src_path = ""


//export CGetContractID
func CGetContractID(contract_id_hex_c *C.char) *C.char {
    contract_id_hex := C.GoString(contract_id_hex_c)
    if info, ok := contract_info_map[contract_id_hex]; ok {
        return C.CString(info.contract_id_base58)
    } else {
        return C.CString("")

//export CGetSrc
func CGetSrc(contract_id_hex_c *C.char) *C.char {
    contract_id_hex := C.GoString(contract_id_hex_c)
    if info, ok := contract_info_map[contract_id_hex]; ok {
        return C.CString(info.src_path)
    } else {
        return C.CString("")

//export CSetBreakPoint
func CSetBreakPoint(contract_name_or_hex_c *C.char, line_c C.double) {

    contract_name_or_hex := C.GoString(contract_name_or_hex_c)
    line := uint64(line_c)

    err := SetBreakPoint(HexAddrOrPlainStrToHexAddr(contract_name_or_hex), line)
    if err != nil {
        ctrLgr.Error().Err(err).Msg("Fail to add breakpoint")

//export CDelBreakPoint
func CDelBreakPoint(contract_name_or_hex_c *C.char, line_c C.double) {
    contract_name_or_hex := C.GoString(contract_name_or_hex_c)
    line := uint64(line_c)

    err := DelBreakPoint(HexAddrOrPlainStrToHexAddr(contract_name_or_hex), line)
    if err != nil {
        ctrLgr.Error().Err(err).Msg("Fail to delete breakpoint")

//export CHasBreakPoint
func CHasBreakPoint(contract_id_hex_c *C.char, line_c C.double) {

    contract_id_hex := C.GoString(contract_id_hex_c)
    line := uint64(line_c)

    if HasBreakPoint(contract_id_hex, line) {


//export CSetWatchPoint
func CSetWatchPoint(code_c *C.char) {
    code := C.GoString(code_c)

    err := SetWatchPoint(code)
    if err != nil {
        ctrLgr.Error().Err(err).Msg("Fail to set watchpoint")

//export CDelWatchPoint
func CDelWatchPoint(idx_c C.double) {
    idx := uint64(idx_c)

    err := DelWatchPoint(idx)
    if err != nil {
        ctrLgr.Error().Err(err).Msg("Fail to del watchpoint")

//export CGetWatchPoint
func CGetWatchPoint(idx_c *C.char {
    idx := int(idx_c)
    var i int = 0
    for e := watchpoints.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
        if i == idx {
            return C.CString(e.Value.(string))

    return C.CString("")

//export CLenWatchPoints
func CLenWatchPoints() {

//export GetDebuggerCode
func GetDebuggerCode() *C.char {

    return C.CString(`
    package.preload['__debugger'] = function()

    --{{{  history

    --15/03/06 DCN Created based on RemDebug
    --28/04/06 DCN Update for Lua 5.1
    --01/06/06 DCN Fix command argument parsing
    --             Add step/over N facility
    --             Add trace lines facility
    --05/06/06 DCN Add trace call/return facility
    --06/06/06 DCN Make it behave when stepping through the creation of a coroutine
    --06/06/06 DCN Integrate the simple debugger into the main one
    --07/06/06 DCN Provide facility to step into coroutines
    --13/06/06 DCN Fix bug that caused the function environment to get corrupted with the global one
    --14/06/06 DCN Allow 'sloppy' file names when setting breakpoints
    --04/08/06 DCN Allow for no space after command name
    --11/08/06 DCN Use io.write not print
    --30/08/06 DCN Allow access to array elements in 'dump'
    --10/10/06 DCN Default to breakfile for all commands that require a filename and give '-'
    --06/12/06 DCN Allow for punctuation characters in DUMP variable names
    --03/01/07 DCN Add pause on/off facility
    --19/06/07 DCN Allow for duff commands being typed in the debugger (thanks to
    --             Allow for case sensitive file systems               (thanks to
    --04/08/09 DCN Add optional line count param to pause
    --05/08/09 DCN Reset the debug hook in Pause() even if we think we're started
    --30/09/09 DCN Re-jig to not use co-routines (makes debugging co-routines awkward)
    --01/10/09 DCN Add ability to break on reaching any line in a file
    --24/07/13 TWW Added code for emulating setfenv/getfenv in Lua 5.2 as per
    --25/07/13 TWW Copied Alex Parrill's fix for errors when tracing back across a C frame
    --             (, 26/01/12)
    --25/07/13 DCN Allow for windows and unix file name conventions in has_breakpoint
    --26/07/13 DCN Allow for \ being interpreted as an escape inside a [] pattern in 5.2
    --29/01/17 RMM Fix lua 5.2 and 5.3 compat, fix crash in error msg, sort help output
    --22/03/19 Modified for Aergo Contracts

    --{{{  description

    --A simple command line debug system for Lua written by Dave Nichols of
    --Match-IT Limited. Its public domain software. Do with it as you wish.

    --This debugger was inspired by:
    -- RemDebug 1.0 Beta
    -- Copyright Kepler Project 2005 (

    --  require('debugger')        --load the debug library
    --  pause(message)             --start/resume a debug session

    --An assert() failure will also invoke the debugger.


    __debugger = {}

    local coro_debugger
    local events = { BREAK = 1, WATCH = 2, STEP = 3, SET = 4 }
    local watches = {}
    local step_into   = false
    local step_over   = false
    local step_lines  = 0
    local step_level  = {main=0}
    local stack_level = {main=0}
    local trace_level = {main=0}
    local ret_file, ret_line, ret_name
    local current_thread = 'main'
    local started = false
    local _g      = _G
    local skip_pause_for_init = false

    --{{{  make Lua 5.2 compatible

    local unpack = unpack or table.unpack
    local loadstring = loadstring or load


    --{{{  local hints -- command help
    --The format in here is name=summary|description
    local hints = {

        setb =    [[
    setb [line file]    -- set a breakpoint to line/file|, line 0 means 'any'

    If file is omitted or is '-'' the breakpoint is set at the file for the
    currently set level (see 'set'). Execution pauses when this line is about
    to be executed and the debugger session is re-activated.

    The file can be given as the fully qualified name, partially qualified or
    just the file name. E.g. if file is set as 'myfile.lua', then whenever
    execution reaches any file that ends with 'myfile.lua' it will pause. If
    no extension is given, any extension will do.

    If the line is given as 0, then reaching any line in the file will do.

    delb =    [[
    delb [line file]    -- removes a breakpoint|

    If file is omitted or is '-'' the breakpoint is removed for the file of the
    currently set level (see 'set').

    resetb = [[
    resetb             -- removes all breakpoints|

    setw =    [[
    setw <exp>          -- adds a new watch expression|

    The expression is evaluated before each line is executed. If the expression
    yields true then execution is paused and the debugger session re-activated.
    The expression is executed in the context of the line about to be executed.

    delw =    [[
    delw <index>        -- removes the watch expression at index|

    The index is that returned when the watch expression was set by setw.

    resetw = [[
    resetw             -- removes all watch expressions|

    run     = [[
    run                 -- run until next breakpoint or watch expression|

    step    = [[
    step [N]            -- run next N lines, stepping into function calls|

    If N is omitted, use 1.

    over    = [[
    over [N]            -- run next N lines, stepping over function calls|

    If N is omitted, use 1.

    out     = [[
    out [N]             -- run lines until stepped out of N functions|

    If N is omitted, use 1.
    If you are inside a function, using 'out 1' will run until you return
    from that function to the caller.

    listb   = [[
    listb               -- lists breakpoints|

    listw   = [[
    listw               -- lists watch expressions|

    set     = [[
    set [level]         -- set context to stack level, omitted=show|

    If level is omitted it just prints the current level set.
    This sets the current context to the level given. This affects the
    context used for several other functions (e.g. vars). The possible
    levels are those shown by trace.

    vars    = [[
    vars [depth]        -- list context locals to depth, omitted=1|

    If depth is omitted then uses 1.
    Use a depth of 0 for the maximum.
    Lists all non-nil local variables and all non-nil upvalues in the
    currently set context. For variables that are tables, lists all fields
    to the given depth.

    fenv    = [[
    fenv [depth]        -- list context function env to depth, omitted=1|

    If depth is omitted then uses 1.
    Use a depth of 0 for the maximum.
    Lists all function environment variables in the currently set context.
    For variables that are tables, lists all fields to the given depth.

    glob    = [[
    glob [depth]        -- list globals to depth, omitted=1|

    If depth is omitted then uses 1.
    Use a depth of 0 for the maximum.
    Lists all global variables.
    For variables that are tables, lists all fields to the given depth.

    ups     = [[
    ups                 -- list all the upvalue names|

    These names will also be in the 'vars' list unless their value is nil.
    This provides a means to identify which vars are upvalues and which are
    locals. If a name is both an upvalue and a local, the local value takes

    locs    = [[
    locs                -- list all the locals names|

    These names will also be in the 'vars' list unless their value is nil.
    This provides a means to identify which vars are upvalues and which are
    locals. If a name is both an upvalue and a local, the local value takes

    dump    = [[
    dump <var> [depth]  -- dump all fields of variable to depth|

    If depth is omitted then uses 1.
    Use a depth of 0 for the maximum.
    Prints the value of <var> in the currently set context level. If <var>
    is a table, lists all fields to the given depth. <var> can be just a
    name, or name.field or name.# to any depth, e.g. t.1.f accesses field
    'f' in array element 1 in table 't'.

    Can also be called from a script as dump(var,depth).

    trace   = [[
    trace               -- dumps a stack trace|

    Format is [level] = file,line,name
    The level is a candidate for use by the 'set' command.

    info    = [[
    info                -- dumps the complete debug info captured|

    Only useful as a diagnostic aid for the debugger itself. This information
    can be HUGE as it dumps all variables to the maximum depth, so be careful.

    show    = [[
    show line file X Y  -- show X lines before and Y after line in file|

    If line is omitted or is '-' then the current set context line is used.
    If file is omitted or is '-' then the current set context file is used.
    If file is not fully qualified and cannot be opened as specified, then
    a search for the file in the package[path] is performed using the usual
    'require' searching rules. If no file extension is given, .lua is used.
    Prints the lines from the source file around the given line.

    exit    = [[
    exit                -- exits debugger, re-start it using pause()|

    help    = [[
    help [command]      -- show this list or help for command|

    ['<statement>'] = [[
    <statement>         -- execute a statement in the current context|

    The statement can be anything that is legal in the context, including
    assignments. Such assignments affect the context and will be in force
    immediately. Any results returned are printed. Use '=' as a short-hand
    for 'return', e.g. '=func(arg)' will call 'func' with 'arg' and print
    the results, and '=var' will just print the value of 'var'.


    --{{{  local function getinfo(level,field)

    --like debug.getinfo but copes with no activation record at the given level
    --and knows how to get 'field'. 'field' can be the name of any of the
    --activation record fields or any of the 'what' names or nil for everything.
    --only valid when using the stack level to get info, not a function name.

    local function getinfo(level,field)
        level = level + 1  --to get to the same relative level as the caller
        if not field then return debug.getinfo(level) end
        local what
        if field == 'name' or field == 'namewhat' then
            what = 'n'
        elseif field == 'what' or field == 'source' or field == 'linedefined' or field == 'lastlinedefined' or field == 'short_src' then
            what = 'S'
        elseif field == 'currentline' then
            what = 'l'
        elseif field == 'nups' then
            what = 'u'
        elseif field == 'func' then
            what = 'f'
            return debug.getinfo(level,field)
        local ar = debug.getinfo(level,what)
        if ar then return ar[field] else return nil end

    --{{{  local function indented( level, ... )

    local function indented( level, ... )
        io.write( string.rep('  ',level), table.concat({...}), '\n' )

    --{{{  local function dumpval( level, name, value, limit )

    local function dumpval( level, name, value, limit )
        local index
        if type(name) == 'number' then
            index = string.format('[%d] = ',name)
        elseif type(name) == 'string'
            and (name == '__VARSLEVEL__' or name == '__ENVIRONMENT__' or name == '__GLOBALS__' or name == '__UPVALUES__' or name == '__LOCALS__') then
        --ignore these, they are debugger generated
        elseif type(name) == 'string' and string.find(name,'^[_%a][_.%w]*$') then
            index = name ..' = '
            index = string.format('[%q] = ',tostring(name))
        if type(value) == 'table' then
            if (limit or 0) > 0 and level+1 >= limit then
                indented( level, index, tostring(value), ';' )
                indented( level, index, '{' )
                for n,v in pairs(value) do
                    dumpval( level+1, n, v, limit )
                indented( level, '};' )
            if type(value) == 'string' then
                if string.len(value) > 40 then
                    indented( level, index, '[[', value, ']];' )
                    indented( level, index, string.format('%q',value), ';' )
                indented( level, index, tostring(value), ';' )

    --{{{  local function dumpvar( value, limit, name )

    local function dumpvar( value, limit, name )
        dumpval( 0, name or tostring(value), value, limit )


    --{{{  local function show(contract_id_hex,line,before,after)

    --show +/-N lines of a contract source around line M

    local function show(contract_id_hex,line,before,after)

        line   = tonumber(line   or 1)
        before = tonumber(before or 10)
        after  = tonumber(after  or before)
        local file = ''
        local base58_addr = ''

        -- find matched source from 
        _, file = __get_contract_info(contract_id_hex)

        if not string.find(file,'%.') then file = file..'.lua' end

        local f =,'r')
        if not f then
            io.write('Cannot find '..file..' for contract '..base58_addr..'\n')

        local i = 0
        for l in f:lines() do
            i = i + 1
            if i >= (line-before) then
                if i > (line+after) then break end
                if i == line then



    --{{{  local function tracestack(l)

    local function gi( i )
        return function() i=i+1 return debug.getinfo(i),i end

    local function gl( level, j )
        return function() j=j+1 return debug.getlocal( level, j ) end

    local function gu( func, k )
        return function() k=k+1 return debug.getupvalue( func, k ) end

    local  traceinfo

    local function tracestack(l)
        local l = l + 1                        --NB: +1 to get level relative to caller
        traceinfo = {}
        --traceinfo.pausemsg = pausemsg
        for ar,i in gi(l) do
            table.insert( traceinfo, ar )
            if ar.what ~= 'C' then
                local names  = {}
                local values = {}
                for n,v in gl(i-1,0) do
                --for n,v in gl(i,0) do
                if string.sub(n,1,1) ~= '(' then   --ignore internal control variables
                    table.insert( names, n )
                    table.insert( values, v )
                if #names > 0 then
                    ar.lnames  = names
                    ar.lvalues = values
            if ar.func then
                local names  = {}
                local values = {}
                for n,v in gu(ar.func,0) do
                if string.sub(n,1,1) ~= '(' then   --ignore internal control variables
                    table.insert( names, n )
                    table.insert( values, v )
                if #names > 0 then
                    ar.unames  = names
                    ar.uvalues = values

    --{{{  local function trace()

    local function trace(set)
        local mark
        for level,ar in ipairs(traceinfo) do
            if level == set then
                mark = '***'
                mark = ''
            local contract_id_base58, _ = __get_contract_info(ar.source)
            io.write('['..level..']'..mark..'\t'..( or ar.what)..' in '..(contract_id_base58 or ar.short_src)..':''\n')

    --{{{  local function info()

    local function info() dumpvar( traceinfo, 0, 'traceinfo' ) end


    --{{{  local function has_breakpoint(file, line)

    --allow for 'sloppy' file names
    --search for file and all variations walking up its directory hierachy
    --ditto for the file with no extension
    --a breakpoint can be permenant or once only, if once only its removed
    --after detection here, these are used for temporary breakpoints in the
    --a breakpoint on line 0 of a file means any line in that file

    local function has_breakpoint(contract_id_hex, line)
        return __has_breakpoint(contract_id_hex, line)

    --{{{  local function capture_vars(ref,level,line)

    local function capture_vars(ref,level,line)
        --get vars, contract_id_hex, contract_id_base58 and line for the given level relative to debug_hook offset by ref

        local lvl = ref + level                --NB: This includes an offset of +1 for the call to here

        --{{{  capture variables

        local ar = debug.getinfo(lvl, 'f')
        if not ar then return {},'?','?',0 end

        local vars = {__UPVALUES__={}, __LOCALS__={}}
        local i

        local func = ar.func
        if func then
            i = 1
            while true do
                local name, value = debug.getupvalue(func, i)
                if not name then break end
                if string.sub(name,1,1) ~= '(' then  --NB: ignoring internal control variables
                    vars[name] = value
                    vars.__UPVALUES__[i] = name
                i = i + 1
            vars.__ENVIRONMENT__ = getfenv(func)

        vars.__GLOBALS__ = getfenv(0)

        i = 1
        while true do
            local name, value = debug.getlocal(lvl, i)
            if not name then break end
            if string.sub(name,1,1) ~= '(' then    --NB: ignoring internal control variables
                vars[name] = value
                vars.__LOCALS__[i] = name
            i = i + 1

        vars.__VARSLEVEL__ = level

        if func then
            --NB: Do not do this until finished filling the vars table
            setmetatable(vars, { __index = getfenv(func), __newindex = getfenv(func) })

        --NB: Do not read or write the vars table anymore else the metatable functions will get invoked!


        local contract_id_hex = getinfo(lvl, 'source')
        if string.find(contract_id_hex, '@') == 1 then
            contract_id_hex = string.sub(contract_id_hex, 2)

        local contract_id_base58, _ = __get_contract_info(contract_id_hex)
        if not line then
            line = getinfo(lvl, 'currentline')

        return vars,contract_id_hex,contract_id_base58,line


    --{{{  local function restore_vars(ref,vars)

    local function restore_vars(ref,vars)

        if type(vars) ~= 'table' then return end

        local level = vars.__VARSLEVEL__       --NB: This level is relative to debug_hook offset by ref
        if not level then return end

        level = level + ref                    --NB: This includes an offset of +1 for the call to here

        local i
        local written_vars = {}

        i = 1
        while true do
            local name, value = debug.getlocal(level, i)
            if not name then break end
            if vars[name] and string.sub(name,1,1) ~= '(' then     --NB: ignoring internal control variables
                debug.setlocal(level, i, vars[name])
                written_vars[name] = true
            i = i + 1

        local ar = debug.getinfo(level, 'f')
        if not ar then return end

        local func = ar.func
        if func then

        i = 1
        while true do
            local name, value = debug.getupvalue(func, i)
            if not name then break end
            if vars[name] and string.sub(name,1,1) ~= '(' then   --NB: ignoring internal control variables
                if not written_vars[name] then
                    debug.setupvalue(func, i, vars[name])
                written_vars[name] = true
            i = i + 1



    --{{{  local function trace_event(event, line, level)

        local function trace_event(event, line, level)

        if event ~= 'line' then return end

        local slevel = stack_level[current_thread]
        local tlevel = trace_level[current_thread]

        trace_level[current_thread] = stack_level[current_thread]


    --{{{  local function report(ev, vars, file, line, idx_watch)

    local function report(ev, vars, contract_id_base58, line, idx_watch)
        local vars = vars or {}
        local contract_id_base58 = contract_id_base58 or '?'
        local line = line or 0
        local prefix = ''
        if current_thread ~= 'main' then prefix = '['..tostring(current_thread)..'] ' end
        if ev == events.STEP then
            io.write(prefix..'Paused at contract '..contract_id_base58..' line '..line..' ('..stack_level[current_thread]..')\n')
        elseif ev == events.BREAK then
            io.write(prefix..'Paused at contract '..contract_id_base58..' line '..line..' ('..stack_level[current_thread]..') (breakpoint)\n')
        elseif ev == events.WATCH then
            io.write(prefix..'Paused at contract '..contract_id_base58..' line '..line..' ('..stack_level[current_thread]..')'..' (watch expression '..idx_watch.. ': ['..__get_watchpoint(idx_watch)..'])\n')
        elseif ev == events.SET then
            --do nothing
            io.write(prefix..'Error in application: '..contract_id_base58..' line '..line..'\n')
        return vars, contract_id_base58, line


    --{{{  local function debugger_loop(ev, vars, file, line, idx_watch)

    local function debugger_loop(ev, vars, file, line, idx_watch)

        local eval_env  = vars or {}
        local breakfile = file or '?'
        local breakline = line or 0

        local command, args

        --{{{  local function getargs(spec)

        --get command arguments according to the given spec from the args string
        --the spec has a single character for each argument, arguments are separated
        --by white space, the spec characters can be one of:
        -- F for a filename    (defaults to breakfile if - given in args)
        -- L for a line number (defaults to breakline if - given in args)
        -- N for a number
        -- V for a variable name
        -- S for a string

        local function getargs(spec)
            local res={}
            local char,arg
            local ptr=1
            for i=1,string.len(spec) do
                char = string.sub(spec,i,i)
                if     char == 'F' then
                    _,ptr,arg = string.find(args..' ','%s*([%w%p]*)%s*',ptr)
                    if not arg or arg == '' then arg = '-' end
                    if arg == '-' then arg = breakfile end
                elseif char == 'L' then
                    _,ptr,arg = string.find(args..' ','%s*([%w%p]*)%s*',ptr)
                    if not arg or arg == '' then arg = '-' end
                    if arg == '-' then arg = breakline end
                    arg = tonumber(arg) or 0
                elseif char == 'N' then
                    _,ptr,arg = string.find(args..' ','%s*([%w%p]*)%s*',ptr)
                    if not arg or arg == '' then arg = '0' end
                    arg = tonumber(arg) or 0
                elseif char == 'V' then
                    _,ptr,arg = string.find(args..' ','%s*([%w%p]*)%s*',ptr)
                    if not arg or arg == '' then arg = '' end
                elseif char == 'S' then
                    _,ptr,arg = string.find(args..' ','%s*([%w%p]*)%s*',ptr)
                    if not arg or arg == '' then arg = '' end
                    arg = ''
                table.insert(res,arg or '')
            return unpack(res)


        while true do
            io.write('[DEBUG]> ')
            local line ='*line')
            if line == nil then io.write('\n'); line = 'exit' end

            if string.find(line, '^[a-z]+') then
                command = string.sub(line, string.find(line, '^[a-z]+'))
                args    = string.gsub(line,'^[a-z]+%s*','',1)            --strip command off line
                command = ''

            if command == 'setb' then
                --{{{  set breakpoint

                local line, contract_id_hex  = getargs('LF')
                if contract_id_hex ~= '' and line ~= '' then
                    io.write('Bad request\n')


            elseif command == 'delb' then
                --{{{  delete breakpoint

                local line, contract_id_hex = getargs('LF')
                if contract_id_hex ~= '' and line ~= '' then
                    __delete_breakpoint(contract_id_hex, line)
                    io.write('Bad request\n')


            elseif command == 'resetb' then
                --{{{  delete all breakpoints
                io.write('All breakpoints deleted\n')

            elseif command == 'listb' then
                --{{{  list breakpoints

            elseif command == 'setw' then
                --{{{  set watch expression

                if args and args ~= '' then
                    io.write('Set watch exp no. ' .. __len_watchpoints() ..'\n')
                    io.write('Bad request\n')


            elseif command == 'delw' then
                --{{{  delete watch expression

                local index = tonumber(args)
                if index then
                    io.write('Watch expression deleted\n')
                    io.write('Bad request\n')


            elseif command == 'resetw' then
                --{{{  delete all watch expressions
                io.write('All watch expressions deleted\n')

            elseif command == 'listw' then
                --{{{  list watch expressions
                for i, v in pairs(__list_watchpoints()) do
                    io.write(i .. ': ' .. v..'\n')

            elseif command == 'run' then
                --{{{  run until breakpoint
                step_into = false
                step_over = false
                return 'cont'

            elseif command == 'step' then
                --{{{  step N lines (into functions)
                local N = tonumber(args) or 1
                step_over  = false
                step_into  = true
                step_lines = tonumber(N or 1)
                return 'cont'

            elseif command == 'over' then
                --{{{  step N lines (over functions)
                local N = tonumber(args) or 1
                step_into  = false
                step_over  = true
                step_lines = tonumber(N or 1)
                step_level[current_thread] = stack_level[current_thread]
                return 'cont'

            elseif command == 'out' then
                --{{{  step N lines (out of functions)
                local N = tonumber(args) or 1
                step_into  = false
                step_over  = true
                step_lines = 1
                step_level[current_thread] = stack_level[current_thread] - tonumber(N or 1)
                return 'cont'

            elseif command == 'set' then
                --{{{  set/show context level
                local level = args
                if level and level == '' then level = nil end
                if level then return level end

            elseif command == 'vars' then
                --{{{  list context variables
                local depth = args
                if depth and depth == '' then depth = nil end
                depth = tonumber(depth) or 1
                dumpvar(eval_env, depth+1, 'variables')

            elseif command == 'glob' then
                --{{{  list global variables
                local depth = args
                if depth and depth == '' then depth = nil end
                depth = tonumber(depth) or 1

            elseif command == 'fenv' then
                --{{{  list function environment variables
                local depth = args
                if depth and depth == '' then depth = nil end
                depth = tonumber(depth) or 1

            elseif command == 'ups' then
                --{{{  list upvalue names

            elseif command == 'locs' then
                --{{{  list locals names

            elseif command == 'dump' then
                --{{{  dump a variable
                local name, depth = getargs('VN')
                if name ~= '' then
                    if depth == '' or depth == 0 then depth = nil end
                    depth = tonumber(depth or 1)
                    local v = eval_env
                    local n = nil
                    for w in string.gmatch(name,'[^%.]+') do     --get everything between dots
                        if tonumber(w) then
                            v = v[tonumber(w)]
                            v = v[w]
                        if n then n = n..'.'..w else n = w end
                        if not v then break end
                    io.write('Bad request\n')

            elseif command == 'show' then
                --{{{  show contract around a line or the current breakpoint
                local line, contract_id_hex, before, after = getargs('LFNN')
                if before == 0 then before = 10     end
                if after  == 0 then after  = before end

                if contract_id_hex ~= '' and contract_id_hex ~= '=stdin' then
                    io.write('Nothing to show\n')

            elseif command == 'trace' then
                --{{{  dump a stack trace

            elseif command == 'info' then
                --{{{  dump all debug info captured

            elseif command == 'pause' then
                --{{{  not allowed in here
                io.write('pause() should only be used in the script you are debugging\n')

            elseif command == 'help' then
                --{{{  help
                local command = getargs('S')
                if command ~= '' and hints[command] then
                    local l = {}
                    for k,v in pairs(hints) do
                        local _,_,h = string.find(v,'(.+)|')
                        l[#l+1] = h..'\n'

            elseif command == 'exit' then
                --{{{  exit debugger
                return 'stop'

            elseif line ~= '' then
                --{{{  just execute whatever it is in the current context

                --map line starting with '=...' to 'return ...'
                if string.sub(line,1,1) == '=' then line = string.gsub(line,'=','return ',1) end

                local ok, func = pcall(loadstring,line)
                if ok and func==nil then -- auto-print variables
                    ok, func = pcall(loadstring,'io.write(tostring(' .. line .. '))')
                if func == nil then                   
                    io.write('Compile error: '..line..'\n')
                elseif not ok then
                    io.write('Compile error: '..func..'\n')
                    setfenv(func, eval_env)
                    local res = {pcall(func)}
                    if res[1] then
                        if res[2] then
                        for _,v in ipairs(res) do
                        --update in the context
                        return 0
                        io.write('Run error: '..res[2]..'\n')



    --{{{  local function debug_hook(event, line, level, thread)
    local function debug_hook(event, line, level, thread)
        if not started then debug.sethook(); coro_debugger = nil; return end
        current_thread = thread or 'main'
        local level = level or 2
        if event == 'line' then
            -- calculate current stack
            for i=1,99999,1 do 
                if not debug.getinfo(i) then break end
                stack_level[current_thread] = i - 1 -- minus one to remove this debug_hook stack
            local vars,contract_id_hex,contract_id_base58,line = capture_vars(level,1,line)
            local stop, ev, idx = false, events.STEP, 0
            while true do
                for index, value in pairs(__list_watchpoints()) do
                local func = loadstring('return(' .. value .. ')')
                if func ~= nil then
                    setfenv(func, vars)
                    local status, res = pcall(func)
                    if status and res then
                        ev, idx = events.WATCH, index
                        stop = true
                if stop then break end
                if (step_into)
                or (step_over and (stack_level[current_thread] <= step_level[current_thread] or stack_level[current_thread] == 0)) then
                    step_lines = step_lines - 1
                    if step_lines < 1 then
                        ev, idx = events.STEP, 0
                if has_breakpoint(contract_id_hex, line) then
                    ev, idx = events.BREAK, 0
            if skip_pause_for_init then
                --DO notthing
            elseif not coro_debugger then
                io.write('Lua Debugger\n')
                vars, contract_id_base58, line = report(ev, vars, contract_id_base58, line, idx)
                io.write('Type \'help\' for commands\n')
                coro_debugger = true
                vars, contract_id_base58, line = report(ev, vars, contract_id_base58, line, idx)
            local last_next = 1
            local next = 'ask'
            local silent = false
            while true do
                if next == 'ask' then
                    if skip_pause_for_init then 
                        step_into = false
                        --step_over = false
                        skip_pause_for_init = false -- reset flag
                        return -- for the first time
                    next = debugger_loop(ev, vars, contract_id_hex, line, idx)
                elseif next == 'cont' then
                elseif next == 'stop' then
                    started = false
                    coro_debugger = nil
                elseif tonumber(next) then --get vars for given level or last level
                    next = tonumber(next)
                    if next == 0 then silent = true; next = last_next else silent = false end
                    last_next = next
                    vars, contract_id_hex, contract_id_base58, line = capture_vars(level,next)
                    if not silent then
                        if vars and vars.__VARSLEVEL__ then
                            io.write('Level: '..vars.__VARSLEVEL__..'\n')
                            io.write('No level set\n')
                    ev = events.SET
                    next = 'ask'
                    io.write('Unknown command from debugger_loop: '..tostring(next)..'\n')
                    io.write('Stopping debugger\n')
                    next = 'stop'

    --{{{  function hook()

    -- Init and Register Debug Hook
    --function hook()

    function __debugger.hook()
        --set to stop when get out of pause()
        trace_level[current_thread] = 0
        step_level [current_thread] = 0
        stack_level[current_thread] = 1
        step_lines = 1
        step_into = true
        started    = true
        skip_pause_for_init = true

        debug.sethook(debug_hook, 'l')   

    --{{{  function dump(v,depth)

    --shows the value of the given variable, only really useful
    --when the variable is a table
    --see dump debug command hints for full semantics

    local function dump(v,depth)
        dumpvar(v,(depth or 1)+1,tostring(v))


    return __debugger
