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Test Coverage
package contract

#cgo CFLAGS: -I${SRCDIR}/../libtool/include/luajit-2.1
#cgo LDFLAGS: ${SRCDIR}/../libtool/lib/libluajit-5.1.a -lm

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "vm.h"
#include "bignum_module.h"

struct proof {
    void *data;
    size_t len;

#define RLP_TSTRING 0
#define RLP_TLIST 1

struct rlp_obj {
    int rlp_obj_type;
    void *data;
    size_t size;
import "C"
import (


var (
    mulAergo, mulGaer, zeroBig *big.Int
    vmLogger                   = log.NewLogger("contract.vm")

const (
    maxEventCnt       = 50
    maxEventNameSize  = 64
    maxEventArgSize   = 4096
    luaCallCountDeduc = 1000

func init() {
    mulAergo = types.NewAmount(1, types.Aergo)
    mulGaer = types.NewAmount(1, types.Gaer)
    zeroBig = types.NewZeroAmount()

//export luaSetDB
func luaSetDB(L *LState, service, key unsafe.Pointer, keyLen, value *C.char) *C.char {
    ctx := contexts[service]
    if ctx == nil {
        return C.CString("[System.LuaSetDB] contract state not found")
    if ctx.isQuery == true || ctx.nestedView > 0 {
        return C.CString("[System.LuaSetDB] set not permitted in query")
    val := []byte(C.GoString(value))
    if err := ctx.curContract.callState.ctrState.SetData(C.GoBytes(key, keyLen), val); err != nil {
        return C.CString(err.Error())
    if err := ctx.addUpdateSize(int64(types.HashIDLength + len(val))); err != nil {
        return C.CString(err.Error())
    if ctx.traceFile != nil {
        _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString("[Set]\n")
        _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Key=%s Len=%v byte=%v\n",
            string(C.GoBytes(key, keyLen)), keyLen, C.GoBytes(key, keyLen)))
        _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Data=%s Len=%d byte=%v\n",
            string(val), len(val), val))
    return nil

//export luaGetDB
func luaGetDB(L *LState, service, key unsafe.Pointer, keyLen, blkno *C.char) (*C.char, *C.char) {
    ctx := contexts[service]
    if ctx == nil {
        return nil, C.CString("[System.LuaGetDB] contract state not found")
    if blkno != nil {
        bigNo, _ := new(big.Int).SetString(strings.TrimSpace(C.GoString(blkno)), 10)
        if bigNo == nil || bigNo.Sign() < 0 {
            return nil, C.CString("[System.LuaGetDB] invalid blockheight value :" + C.GoString(blkno))
        blkNo := bigNo.Uint64()

        chainBlockHeight := ctx.blockInfo.No
        if chainBlockHeight == 0 {
            bestBlock, err := ctx.cdb.GetBestBlock()
            if err != nil {
                return nil, C.CString("[System.LuaGetDB] get best block error")
            chainBlockHeight = bestBlock.GetHeader().GetBlockNo()
        if blkNo < chainBlockHeight {
            blk, err := ctx.cdb.GetBlockByNo(blkNo)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, C.CString(err.Error())
            accountId := types.ToAccountID(ctx.curContract.contractId)
            contractProof, err :=[:], blk.GetHeader().GetBlocksRootHash(), false)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, C.CString("[System.LuaGetDB] failed to get snapshot state for account")
            } else if contractProof.Inclusion {
                trieKey := common.Hasher(C.GoBytes(key, keyLen))
                varProof, err :=, contractProof.GetState().GetStorageRoot(), false)
                if err != nil {
                    return nil, C.CString("[System.LuaGetDB] failed to get snapshot state variable in contract")
                if varProof.Inclusion {
                    if len(varProof.GetValue()) == 0 {
                        return nil, nil
                    return C.CString(string(varProof.GetValue())), nil
            return nil, nil

    data, err := ctx.curContract.callState.ctrState.GetData(C.GoBytes(key, keyLen))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, C.CString(err.Error())
    if data == nil {
        return nil, nil
    return C.CString(string(data)), nil

//export luaDelDB
func luaDelDB(L *LState, service, key unsafe.Pointer, keyLen *C.char {
    ctx := contexts[service]
    if ctx == nil {
        return C.CString("[System.LuaDelDB] contract state not found")
    if ctx.isQuery == true || ctx.nestedView > 0 {
        return C.CString("[System.LuaDelDB] delete not permitted in query")
    if err := ctx.curContract.callState.ctrState.DeleteData(C.GoBytes(key, keyLen)); err != nil {
        return C.CString(err.Error())
    if err := ctx.addUpdateSize(int64(32)); err != nil {
        return C.CString(err.Error())
    if ctx.traceFile != nil {
        _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString("[Del]\n")
        _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Key=%s Len=%v byte=%v\n",
            string(C.GoBytes(key, keyLen)), keyLen, C.GoBytes(key, keyLen)))
    return nil

func setInstCount(ctx *vmContext, parent *LState, child *LState) {
    if !ctx.IsGasSystem() {
        C.vm_setinstcount(parent, C.vm_instcount(child))

func setInstMinusCount(ctx *vmContext, L *LState, deduc {
    if !ctx.IsGasSystem() {
        C.vm_setinstcount(L, minusCallCount(ctx, C.vm_instcount(L), deduc))

func minusCallCount(ctx *vmContext, curCount, deduc {
    if ctx.IsGasSystem() {
        return 0
    remain := curCount - deduc
    if remain <= 0 {
        remain = 1
    return remain

//export luaCallContract
func luaCallContract(L *LState, service, contractId *C.char, fname *C.char, args *C.char,
    amount *C.char, gas uint64) (, *C.char) {
    fnameStr := C.GoString(fname)
    argsStr := C.GoString(args)

    ctx := contexts[service]
    if ctx == nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaCallContract] contract state not found")

    // get the contract address
    contractAddress := C.GoString(contractId)
    cid, err := getAddressNameResolved(contractAddress,
    if err != nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaCallContract] invalid contractId: " + err.Error())
    aid := types.ToAccountID(cid)

    // read the amount for the contract call
    amountBig, err := transformAmount(C.GoString(amount))
    if err != nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaCallContract] invalid amount: " + err.Error())

    // get the contract state
    cs, err := getContractState(ctx, cid)
    if err != nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaCallContract] getAccount error: " + err.Error())

    // check if the contract exists
    callee := getContract(cs.ctrState,
    if callee == nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaCallContract] cannot find contract " + C.GoString(contractId))

    prevContractInfo := ctx.curContract

    // read the arguments for the contract call
    var ci types.CallInfo
    ci.Name = fnameStr
    err = getCallInfo(&ci.Args, []byte(argsStr), cid)
    if err != nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaCallContract] invalid arguments: " + err.Error())

    // get the remaining gas from the parent LState
    // create a new executor with the remaining gas on the child LState
    ce := newExecutor(callee, cid, ctx, &ci, amountBig, false, false, cs.ctrState)
    defer func() {
        // close the executor, closes also the child LState
        // set the remaining gas on the parent LState

    if ce.err != nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaCallContract] newExecutor error: " + ce.err.Error())

    // send the amount to the contract
    senderState := prevContractInfo.callState.accState
    receiverState := cs.accState
    if amountBig.Cmp(zeroBig) > 0 {
        if ctx.isQuery == true || ctx.nestedView > 0 {
            return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaCallContract] send not permitted in query")
        if r := sendBalance(senderState, receiverState, amountBig); r != nil {
            return -1, r

    seq, err := setRecoveryPoint(aid, ctx, senderState, cs, amountBig, false, false)
    if ctx.traceFile != nil {
        _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("[CALL Contract %v(%v) %v]\n",
            contractAddress, aid.String(), fnameStr))
        _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("snapshot set %d\n", seq))
        _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("SendBalance: %s\n", amountBig.String()))
        _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("After sender: %s receiver: %s\n",
            senderState.Balance().String(), receiverState.Balance().String()))
    if err != nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[System.LuaCallContract] database error: " + err.Error())

    // set the current contract info
    ctx.curContract = newContractInfo(cs, prevContractInfo.contractId, cid,
        receiverState.RP(), amountBig)
    defer func() {
        ctx.curContract = prevContractInfo

    // execute the contract call
    defer setInstCount(ctx, L, ce.L)
    ret :=, C.vm_instcount(L), luaCallCountDeduc), L)

    // check if the contract call failed
    if ce.err != nil {
        err := clearRecovery(L, ctx, seq, true)
        if err != nil {
            return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaCallContract] recovery err: " + err.Error())
        if ctx.traceFile != nil {
            _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("recovery snapshot: %d\n", seq))
        switch ceErr := ce.err.(type) {
        case *VmTimeoutError:
            return -1, C.CString(ceErr.Error())
            return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaCallContract] call err: " + ceErr.Error())


    if seq == 1 {
        err := clearRecovery(L, ctx, seq, false)
        if err != nil {
            return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaCallContract] recovery err: " + err.Error())

    return ret, nil

//export luaDelegateCallContract
func luaDelegateCallContract(L *LState, service, contractId *C.char,
    fname *C.char, args *C.char, gas uint64) (, *C.char) {
    contractIdStr := C.GoString(contractId)
    fnameStr := C.GoString(fname)
    argsStr := C.GoString(args)

    ctx := contexts[service]
    if ctx == nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaDelegateCallContract] contract state not found")

    // get the contract address
    cid, err := getAddressNameResolved(contractIdStr,
    if err != nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaDelegateCallContract] invalid contractId: " + err.Error())
    aid := types.ToAccountID(cid)

    // get the contract state
    contractState, err := getOnlyContractState(ctx, cid)
    if err != nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaDelegateCallContract]getContractState error" + err.Error())

    // check if the contract exists
    contract := getContract(contractState,
    if contract == nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaDelegateCallContract] cannot find contract " + contractIdStr)

    // read the arguments for the contract call
    var ci types.CallInfo
    ci.Name = fnameStr
    err = getCallInfo(&ci.Args, []byte(argsStr), cid)
    if err != nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaDelegateCallContract] invalid arguments: " + err.Error())

    // get the remaining gas from the parent LState
    // create a new executor with the remaining gas on the child LState
    ce := newExecutor(contract, cid, ctx, &ci, zeroBig, false, false, contractState)
    defer func() {
        // close the executor, closes also the child LState
        // set the remaining gas on the parent LState

    if ce.err != nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaDelegateCallContract] newExecutor error: " + ce.err.Error())

    seq, err := setRecoveryPoint(aid, ctx, nil, ctx.curContract.callState, zeroBig, false, false)
    if err != nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[System.LuaDelegateCallContract] database error: " + err.Error())
    if ctx.traceFile != nil {
        _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("[DELEGATECALL Contract %v %v]\n", contractIdStr, fnameStr))
        _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("snapshot set %d\n", seq))

    // execute the contract call
    defer setInstCount(ctx, L, ce.L)
    ret :=, C.vm_instcount(L), luaCallCountDeduc), L)

    // check if the contract call failed
    if ce.err != nil {
        err := clearRecovery(L, ctx, seq, true)
        if err != nil {
            return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaDelegateCallContract] recovery error: " + err.Error())
        if ctx.traceFile != nil {
            _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("recovery snapshot: %d\n", seq))
        switch ceErr := ce.err.(type) {
        case *VmTimeoutError:
            return -1, C.CString(ceErr.Error())
            return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaDelegateCallContract] call error: " + ce.err.Error())

    if seq == 1 {
        err := clearRecovery(L, ctx, seq, false)
        if err != nil {
            return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaDelegateCallContract] recovery error: " + err.Error())

    return ret, nil

func getAddressNameResolved(account string, bs *state.BlockState) ([]byte, error) {
    accountLen := len(account)
    if accountLen == types.EncodedAddressLength {
        return types.DecodeAddress(account)
    } else if accountLen == types.NameLength {
        cid, err := name.Resolve(bs, []byte(account), false)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        if cid == nil {
            return nil, errors.New("name not founded :" + account)
        return cid, nil
    return nil, errors.New("invalid account length:" + account)

//export luaSendAmount
func luaSendAmount(L *LState, service, contractId *C.char, amount *C.char) *C.char {

    ctx := contexts[service]
    if ctx == nil {
        return C.CString("[Contract.LuaSendAmount] contract state not found")

    // read the amount to be sent
    amountBig, err := transformAmount(C.GoString(amount))
    if err != nil {
        return C.CString("[Contract.LuaSendAmount] invalid amount: " + err.Error())

    // cannot send amount in query
    if (ctx.isQuery == true || ctx.nestedView > 0) && amountBig.Cmp(zeroBig) > 0 {
        return C.CString("[Contract.LuaSendAmount] send not permitted in query")

    // get the receiver account
    cid, err := getAddressNameResolved(C.GoString(contractId),
    if err != nil {
        return C.CString("[Contract.LuaSendAmount] invalid contractId: " + err.Error())

    // get the receiver state
    aid := types.ToAccountID(cid)
    cs, err := getCallState(ctx, cid)
    if err != nil {
        return C.CString("[Contract.LuaSendAmount] getAccount error: " + err.Error())

    // get the sender state
    senderState := ctx.curContract.callState.accState
    receiverState := cs.accState

    // check if the receiver is a contract
    if len(receiverState.CodeHash()) > 0 {

        // get the contract state
        if cs.ctrState == nil {
            cs.ctrState, err = statedb.OpenContractState(cid, receiverState.State(),
            if err != nil {
                return C.CString("[Contract.LuaSendAmount] getContractState error: " + err.Error())

        // set the function to be called
        var ci types.CallInfo
        ci.Name = "default"

        // get the contract code
        code := getContract(cs.ctrState,
        if code == nil {
            return C.CString("[Contract.LuaSendAmount] cannot find contract:" + C.GoString(contractId))

        // get the remaining gas from the parent LState
        // create a new executor with the remaining gas on the child LState
        ce := newExecutor(code, cid, ctx, &ci, amountBig, false, false, cs.ctrState)
        defer func() {
            // close the executor, closes also the child LState
            // set the remaining gas on the parent LState

        if ce.err != nil {
            return C.CString("[Contract.LuaSendAmount] newExecutor error: " + ce.err.Error())

        // send the amount to the contract
        if amountBig.Cmp(zeroBig) > 0 {
            if r := sendBalance(senderState, receiverState, amountBig); r != nil {
                return r

        // create a recovery point
        seq, err := setRecoveryPoint(aid, ctx, senderState, cs, amountBig, false, false)
        if err != nil {
            return C.CString("[System.LuaSendAmount] database error: " + err.Error())

        // log some info
        if ctx.traceFile != nil {
            _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(
                fmt.Sprintf("[Send Call default] %s(%s) : %s\n", types.EncodeAddress(cid), aid.String(), amountBig.String()))
            _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("After sender: %s receiver: %s\n",
                senderState.Balance().String(), receiverState.Balance().String()))
            _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("snapshot set %d\n", seq))

        // set the current contract info
        prevContractInfo := ctx.curContract
        ctx.curContract = newContractInfo(cs, prevContractInfo.contractId, cid,
            receiverState.RP(), amountBig)
        defer func() {
            ctx.curContract = prevContractInfo

        // execute the contract call
        defer setInstCount(ctx, L, ce.L), C.vm_instcount(L), luaCallCountDeduc), L)

        // check if the contract call failed
        if ce.err != nil {
            // recover to the previous state
            err := clearRecovery(L, ctx, seq, true)
            if err != nil {
                return C.CString("[Contract.LuaSendAmount] recovery err: " + err.Error())
            // log some info
            if ctx.traceFile != nil {
                _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("recovery snapshot: %d\n", seq))
            // return the error message
            return C.CString("[Contract.LuaSendAmount] call err: " + ce.err.Error())

        if seq == 1 {
            err := clearRecovery(L, ctx, seq, false)
            if err != nil {
                return C.CString("[Contract.LuaSendAmount] recovery err: " + err.Error())

        // the transfer and contract call succeeded
        return nil

    // the receiver is not a contract, just send the amount

    // if amount is zero, do nothing
    if amountBig.Cmp(zeroBig) == 0 {
        return nil

    // send the amount to the receiver
    if r := sendBalance(senderState, receiverState, amountBig); r != nil {
        return r

    // update the recovery point
    if ctx.lastRecoveryEntry != nil {
        _, _ = setRecoveryPoint(aid, ctx, senderState, cs, amountBig, true, false)

    // log some info
    if ctx.traceFile != nil {
        _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("[Send] %s(%s) : %s\n",
            types.EncodeAddress(cid), aid.String(), amountBig.String()))
        _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("After sender: %s receiver: %s\n",
            senderState.Balance().String(), receiverState.Balance().String()))

    return nil

//export luaPrint
func luaPrint(L *LState, service, args *C.char) {
    ctx := contexts[service]
    setInstMinusCount(ctx, L, 1000)
    ctrLgr.Info().Str("Contract SystemPrint", types.EncodeAddress(ctx.curContract.contractId)).Msg(C.GoString(args))

//export luaSetRecoveryPoint
func luaSetRecoveryPoint(L *LState, service (, *C.char) {
    ctx := contexts[service]
    if ctx == nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.pcall] contract state not found")
    if ctx.isQuery == true || ctx.nestedView > 0 {
        return 0, nil
    curContract := ctx.curContract
    seq, err := setRecoveryPoint(types.ToAccountID(curContract.contractId), ctx, nil,
        curContract.callState, zeroBig, false, false)
    if err != nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.pcall] database error: " + err.Error())
    if ctx.traceFile != nil {
        _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("[Pcall] snapshot set %d\n", seq))
    return, nil

func clearRecovery(L *LState, ctx *vmContext, start int, error bool) error {
    item := ctx.lastRecoveryEntry
    for {
        if error {
            if item.recovery( != nil {
                return errors.New("database error")
        if item.seq == start {
            if error || item.prev == nil {
                ctx.lastRecoveryEntry = item.prev
            return nil
        item = item.prev
        if item == nil {
            return errors.New("internal error")

//export luaClearRecovery
func luaClearRecovery(L *LState, service, start int, error bool) *C.char {
    ctx := contexts[service]
    if ctx == nil {
        return C.CString("[Contract.pcall] contract state not found")
    err := clearRecovery(L, ctx, start, error)
    if err != nil {
        return C.CString(err.Error())
    if ctx.traceFile != nil && error == true {
        _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("pcall recovery snapshot : %d\n", start))
    return nil

//export luaGetBalance
func luaGetBalance(L *LState, service, contractId *C.char) (*C.char, *C.char) {
    ctx := contexts[service]
    if contractId == nil {
        return C.CString(ctx.curContract.callState.ctrState.GetBalanceBigInt().String()), nil
    cid, err := getAddressNameResolved(C.GoString(contractId),
    if err != nil {
        return nil, C.CString("[Contract.LuaGetBalance] invalid contractId: " + err.Error())
    aid := types.ToAccountID(cid)
    cs := ctx.callState[aid]
    if cs == nil {
        bs :=

        as, err := bs.GetAccountState(aid)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, C.CString("[Contract.LuaGetBalance] getAccount error: " + err.Error())
        return C.CString(as.GetBalanceBigInt().String()), nil
    return C.CString(cs.accState.Balance().String()), nil

//export luaGetSender
func luaGetSender(L *LState, service *C.char {
    ctx := contexts[service]
    setInstMinusCount(ctx, L, 1000)
    return C.CString(types.EncodeAddress(ctx.curContract.sender))

//export luaGetHash
func luaGetHash(L *LState, service *C.char {
    ctx := contexts[service]
    return C.CString(base58.Encode(ctx.txHash))

//export luaGetBlockNo
func luaGetBlockNo(L *LState, service C.lua_Integer {
    ctx := contexts[service]
    return C.lua_Integer(ctx.blockInfo.No)

//export luaGetTimeStamp
func luaGetTimeStamp(L *LState, service C.lua_Integer {
    ctx := contexts[service]
    return C.lua_Integer(ctx.blockInfo.Ts / 1e9)

//export luaGetContractId
func luaGetContractId(L *LState, service *C.char {
    ctx := contexts[service]
    setInstMinusCount(ctx, L, 1000)
    return C.CString(types.EncodeAddress(ctx.curContract.contractId))

//export luaGetAmount
func luaGetAmount(L *LState, service *C.char {
    ctx := contexts[service]
    return C.CString(ctx.curContract.amount.String())

//export luaGetOrigin
func luaGetOrigin(L *LState, service *C.char {
    ctx := contexts[service]
    setInstMinusCount(ctx, L, 1000)
    return C.CString(types.EncodeAddress(ctx.origin))

//export luaGetPrevBlockHash
func luaGetPrevBlockHash(L *LState, service *C.char {
    ctx := contexts[service]
    return C.CString(base58.Encode(ctx.blockInfo.PrevBlockHash))

//export luaGetDbHandle
func luaGetDbHandle(service *C.sqlite3 {
    ctx := contexts[service]
    curContract := ctx.curContract
    cs := curContract.callState
    if cs.tx != nil {
        return cs.tx.getHandle()
    var tx sqlTx
    var err error

    aid := types.ToAccountID(curContract.contractId)
    if ctx.isQuery == true {
        tx, err = beginReadOnly(aid.String(), curContract.rp)
    } else {
        tx, err = beginTx(aid.String(), curContract.rp)
    if err != nil {
        sqlLgr.Error().Err(err).Msg("Begin SQL Transaction")
        return nil
    if ctx.isQuery == false {
        err = tx.savepoint()
        if err != nil {
            sqlLgr.Error().Err(err).Msg("Begin SQL Transaction")
            return nil
    cs.tx = tx
    return cs.tx.getHandle()

func checkHexString(data string) bool {
    if len(data) >= 2 && data[0] == '0' && (data[1] == 'x' || data[1] == 'X') {
        return true
    return false

//export luaCryptoSha256
func luaCryptoSha256(L *LState, arg unsafe.Pointer, argLen (*C.char, *C.char) {
    data := C.GoBytes(arg, argLen)
    if checkHexString(string(data)) {
        dataStr := data[2:]
        var err error
        data, err = hex.Decode(string(dataStr))
        if err != nil {
            return nil, C.CString("[Contract.LuaCryptoSha256] hex decoding error: " + err.Error())
    h := sha256.New()
    resultHash := h.Sum(nil)

    return C.CString("0x" + hex.Encode(resultHash)), nil

func decodeHex(hexStr string) ([]byte, error) {
    if checkHexString(hexStr) {
        hexStr = hexStr[2:]
    return hex.Decode(hexStr)

//export luaECVerify
func luaECVerify(L *LState, service, msg *C.char, sig *C.char, addr *C.char) (, *C.char) {
    bMsg, err := decodeHex(C.GoString(msg))
    if err != nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaEcVerify] invalid message format: " + err.Error())
    bSig, err := decodeHex(C.GoString(sig))
    if err != nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaEcVerify] invalid signature format: " + err.Error())
    ctx := contexts[service]
    if ctx == nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaEcVerify]not found contract state")
    setInstMinusCount(ctx, L, 10000)

    var pubKey *btcec.PublicKey
    var verifyResult bool
    address := C.GoString(addr)
    isAergo := len(address) == types.EncodedAddressLength

    /*Aergo Address*/
    if isAergo {
        bAddress, err := types.DecodeAddress(address)
        if err != nil {
            return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaEcVerify] invalid aergo address: " + err.Error())
        pubKey, err = btcec.ParsePubKey(bAddress, btcec.S256())
        if err != nil {
            return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaEcVerify] error parsing pubKey: " + err.Error())

    // CompactSign
    if len(bSig) == 65 {
        // ethereum
        if !isAergo {
            btcsig := make([]byte, 65)
            btcsig[0] = bSig[64] + 27
            copy(btcsig[1:], bSig)
            bSig = btcsig
        pub, _, err := btcec.RecoverCompact(btcec.S256(), bSig, bMsg)
        if err != nil {
            return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaEcVerify] error recoverCompact: " + err.Error())
        if pubKey != nil {
            verifyResult = pubKey.IsEqual(pub)
        } else {
            bAddress, err := decodeHex(address)
            if err != nil {
                return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaEcVerify] invalid Ethereum address: " + err.Error())
            bPub := pub.SerializeUncompressed()
            h := sha256.New()
            signAddress := h.Sum(nil)[12:]
            verifyResult = bytes.Equal(bAddress, signAddress)
    } else {
        sign, err := btcec.ParseSignature(bSig, btcec.S256())
        if err != nil {
            return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaEcVerify] error parsing signature: " + err.Error())
        if pubKey == nil {
            return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaEcVerify] error recovering pubKey")
        verifyResult = sign.Verify(bMsg, pubKey)
    if verifyResult {
        return, nil
    return, nil

func luaCryptoToBytes(data unsafe.Pointer, dataLen ([]byte, bool) {
    var d []byte
    b := C.GoBytes(data, dataLen)
    isHex := checkHexString(string(b))
    if isHex {
        var err error
        d, err = hex.Decode(string(b[2:]))
        if err != nil {
            isHex = false
    if !isHex {
        d = b
    return d, isHex

func luaCryptoRlpToBytes(data unsafe.Pointer) rlpObject {
    x := (*C.struct_rlp_obj)(data)
    if x.rlp_obj_type == C.RLP_TSTRING {
        b, _ := luaCryptoToBytes(,
        return rlpString(b)
    var l rlpList
    elems := (*[1 << 30]C.struct_rlp_obj)(unsafe.Pointer([]
    for _, elem := range elems {
        b, _ := luaCryptoToBytes(,
        l = append(l, rlpString(b))
    return l

//export luaCryptoVerifyProof
func luaCryptoVerifyProof(
    key unsafe.Pointer, keyLen,
    value unsafe.Pointer,
    hash unsafe.Pointer, hashLen,
    proof unsafe.Pointer, nProof,
) {
    k, _ := luaCryptoToBytes(key, keyLen)
    v := luaCryptoRlpToBytes(value)
    h, _ := luaCryptoToBytes(hash, hashLen)
    cProof := (*[1 << 30]C.struct_proof)(proof)[:nProof:nProof]
    bProof := make([][]byte, int(nProof))
    for i, p := range cProof {
        bProof[i], _ = luaCryptoToBytes(,
    if verifyEthStorageProof(k, v, h, bProof) {

//export luaCryptoKeccak256
func luaCryptoKeccak256(data unsafe.Pointer, dataLen (unsafe.Pointer, int) {
    d, isHex := luaCryptoToBytes(data, dataLen)
    h := keccak256(d)
    if isHex {
        hexb := []byte("0x" + hex.Encode(h))
        return C.CBytes(hexb), len(hexb)
    } else {
        return C.CBytes(h), len(h)

// transformAmount processes the input string to calculate the total amount,
// taking into account the different units ("aergo", "gaer", "aer")
func transformAmount(amountStr string) (*big.Int, error) {
    if len(amountStr) == 0 {
        return zeroBig, nil

    totalAmount := new(big.Int)
    remainingStr := amountStr

    // Define the units and corresponding multipliers
    for _, data := range []struct {
        unit       string
        multiplier *big.Int
        {"aergo", mulAergo},
        {"gaer", mulGaer},
        {"aer", zeroBig},
    } {
        idx := strings.Index(strings.ToLower(remainingStr), data.unit)
        if idx != -1 {
            // Extract the part before the unit
            subStr := remainingStr[:idx]

            // Parse and convert the amount
            partialAmount, err := parseAndConvert(subStr, data.unit, data.multiplier, amountStr)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, err

            // Add to the total amount
            totalAmount.Add(totalAmount, partialAmount)

            // Adjust the remaining string to process
            remainingStr = remainingStr[idx+len(data.unit):]

    // Process the rest of the string, if there is some
    if len(remainingStr) > 0 {
        partialAmount, err := parseAndConvert(remainingStr, "", zeroBig, amountStr)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        // Add to the total amount
        totalAmount.Add(totalAmount, partialAmount)

    return totalAmount, nil

// parseAndConvert is a helper function to parse the substring as a big integer
// and apply the necessary multiplier based on the unit.
func parseAndConvert(subStr, unit string, mulUnit *big.Int, amountStr string) (*big.Int, error) {
    trimmedStr := strings.TrimSpace(subStr)

    // Convert the trimmed string to a big integer
    amountBig, valid := new(big.Int).SetString(trimmedStr, 10)
    if !valid {
        // Emits a backwards compatible error message
        // the same as: dataType := len(unit) > 0 ? "BigNum" : "Integer"
        dataType := map[bool]string{true: "BigNum", false: "Integer"}[len(unit) > 0]
        return nil, errors.New("converting error for " + dataType + ": " + strings.TrimSpace(amountStr))

    // Check for negative amounts
    if amountBig.Cmp(zeroBig) < 0 {
        return nil, errors.New("negative amount not allowed")

    // Apply multiplier based on unit
    if mulUnit != zeroBig {
        amountBig.Mul(amountBig, mulUnit)

    return amountBig, nil

//export luaDeployContract
func luaDeployContract(
    L *LState,
    contract *C.char,
    args *C.char,
    amount *C.char,
) (, *C.char) {

    argsStr := C.GoString(args)
    contractStr := C.GoString(contract)

    ctx := contexts[service]
    if ctx == nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaDeployContract]not found contract state")
    if ctx.isQuery == true || ctx.nestedView > 0 {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaDeployContract]send not permitted in query")
    bs :=

    // contract code
    var code []byte

    // check if contract name or address is given
    cid, err := getAddressNameResolved(contractStr, bs)
    if err == nil {
        // check if contract exists
        contractState, err := getOnlyContractState(ctx, cid)
        if err != nil {
            return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaDeployContract]" + err.Error())
        // read the contract code
        code, err = contractState.GetCode()
        if err != nil {
            return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaDeployContract]" + err.Error())
        } else if len(code) == 0 {
            return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaDeployContract]: not found code")

    // compile contract code if not found
    if len(code) == 0 {
        if ctx.blockInfo.ForkVersion >= 2 {
            code, err = Compile(contractStr, L)
        } else {
            code, err = Compile(contractStr, nil)
        if err != nil {
            if C.luaL_hasuncatchablerror(L) != &&
                C.ERR_BF_TIMEOUT == err.Error() {
                return -1, C.CString(C.ERR_BF_TIMEOUT)
            } else if err == ErrVmStart {
                return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaDeployContract] get luaState error")

            return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaDeployContract]compile error:" + err.Error())

    err = ctx.addUpdateSize(int64(len(code)))
    if err != nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaDeployContract]:" + err.Error())

    // create account for the contract
    prevContractInfo := ctx.curContract
    creator := prevContractInfo.callState.accState
    newContract, err := state.CreateAccountState(CreateContractID(prevContractInfo.contractId, creator.Nonce()), bs.StateDB)
    if err != nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaDeployContract]:" + err.Error())
    contractState, err := statedb.OpenContractState(newContract.ID(), newContract.State(), bs.StateDB)
    if err != nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaDeployContract]:" + err.Error())

    cs := &callState{isCallback: true, isDeploy: true, ctrState: contractState, accState: newContract}
    ctx.callState[newContract.AccountID()] = cs

    // read the amount transferred to the contract
    amountBig, err := transformAmount(C.GoString(amount))
    if err != nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaDeployContract]value not proper format:" + err.Error())

    // read the arguments for the constructor call
    var ci types.CallInfo
    err = getCallInfo(&ci.Args, []byte(argsStr), newContract.ID())
    if err != nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaDeployContract] invalid args:" + err.Error())

    // send the amount to the contract
    senderState := prevContractInfo.callState.accState
    receiverState := cs.accState
    if amountBig.Cmp(zeroBig) > 0 {
        if rv := sendBalance(senderState, receiverState, amountBig); rv != nil {
            return -1, rv

    // create a recovery point
    seq, err := setRecoveryPoint(newContract.AccountID(), ctx, senderState, cs, amountBig, false, true)
    if err != nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[System.LuaDeployContract] DB err:" + err.Error())

    // log some info
    if ctx.traceFile != nil {
        _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("[DEPLOY] %s(%s)\n",
            types.EncodeAddress(newContract.ID()), newContract.AccountID().String()))
        _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("deploy snapshot set %d\n", seq))
        _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("SendBalance : %s\n", amountBig.String()))
        _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("After sender: %s receiver: %s\n",
            senderState.Balance().String(), receiverState.Balance().String()))

    // set the contract info
    ctx.curContract = newContractInfo(cs, prevContractInfo.contractId, newContract.ID(),
        receiverState.RP(), amountBig)
    defer func() {
        ctx.curContract = prevContractInfo

    runCode := util.LuaCode(code).ByteCode()

    // save the contract code
    err = contractState.SetCode(code)
    if err != nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaDeployContract]:" + err.Error())

    // save the contract creator
    err = contractState.SetData(dbkey.CreatorMeta(), []byte(types.EncodeAddress(prevContractInfo.contractId)))
    if err != nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaDeployContract]:" + err.Error())

    // get the remaining gas from the parent LState
    // create a new executor with the remaining gas on the child LState
    ce := newExecutor(runCode, newContract.ID(), ctx, &ci, amountBig, true, false, contractState)
    defer func() {
        // close the executor, which will close the child LState
        // set the remaining gas on the parent LState

    if ce.err != nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaDeployContract]newExecutor Error :" + ce.err.Error())

    if ctx.blockInfo.ForkVersion < 2 {
        // create a sql database for the contract
        if db := luaGetDbHandle(ctx.service); db == nil {
            return -1, C.CString("[System.LuaDeployContract] DB err: cannot open a database")

    // increment the nonce of the creator
    senderState.SetNonce(senderState.Nonce() + 1)

    addr := C.CString(types.EncodeAddress(newContract.ID()))
    ret :=

    if ce != nil {
        // run the constructor
        defer setInstCount(ce.ctx, L, ce.L)
        ret +=, C.vm_instcount(L), luaCallCountDeduc), L)

        // check if the execution was successful
        if ce.err != nil {
            // rollback the recovery point
            err := clearRecovery(L, ctx, seq, true)
            if err != nil {
                return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaDeployContract] recovery error: " + err.Error())
            // log some info
            if ctx.traceFile != nil {
                _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("recovery snapshot: %d\n", seq))
            // return the error message
            return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaDeployContract] call err:" + ce.err.Error())

    if seq == 1 {
        err := clearRecovery(L, ctx, seq, false)
        if err != nil {
            return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaDeployContract] recovery error: " + err.Error())

    return ret, addr

//export isPublic
func isPublic() {
    if PubNet {
    } else {

//export luaRandomInt
func luaRandomInt(min, max, service {
    ctx := contexts[service]
    if ctx.seed == nil {
    return + int(min))

//export luaEvent
func luaEvent(L *LState, service, eventName *C.char, args *C.char) *C.char {
    ctx := contexts[service]
    if ctx.isQuery == true || ctx.nestedView > 0 {
        return C.CString("[Contract.Event] event not permitted in query")
    if ctx.eventCount >= maxEventCnt {
        return C.CString(fmt.Sprintf("[Contract.Event] exceeded the maximum number of events(%d)", maxEventCnt))
    if len(C.GoString(eventName)) > maxEventNameSize {
        return C.CString(fmt.Sprintf("[Contract.Event] exceeded the maximum length of event name(%d)", maxEventNameSize))
    if len(C.GoString(args)) > maxEventArgSize {
        return C.CString(fmt.Sprintf("[Contract.Event] exceeded the maximum length of event args(%d)", maxEventArgSize))
    } = append(,
            ContractAddress: ctx.curContract.contractId,
            EventIdx:        ctx.eventCount,
            EventName:       C.GoString(eventName),
            JsonArgs:        C.GoString(args),
    return nil

//export luaIsContract
func luaIsContract(L *LState, service, contractId *C.char) (, *C.char) {

    ctx := contexts[service]
    if ctx == nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaIsContract] contract state not found")

    cid, err := getAddressNameResolved(C.GoString(contractId),
    if err != nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaIsContract] invalid contractId: " + err.Error())

    cs, err := getCallState(ctx, cid)
    if err != nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaIsContract] getAccount error: " + err.Error())

    return, nil

//export luaGovernance
func luaGovernance(L *LState, service, gType C.char, arg *C.char) *C.char {

    ctx := contexts[service]
    if ctx == nil {
        return C.CString("[Contract.LuaGovernance] contract state not found")

    if ctx.isQuery == true || ctx.nestedView > 0 {
        return C.CString("[Contract.LuaGovernance] governance not permitted in query")

    var amountBig *big.Int
    var payload []byte

    switch gType {
    case 'S', 'U':
        var err error
        amountBig, err = transformAmount(C.GoString(arg))
        if err != nil {
            return C.CString("[Contract.LuaGovernance] invalid amount: " + err.Error())
        if gType == 'S' {
            payload = []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"Name":"%s"}`, types.Opstake.Cmd()))
        } else {
            payload = []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"Name":"%s"}`, types.Opunstake.Cmd()))
    case 'V':
        amountBig = zeroBig
        payload = []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"Name":"%s","Args":%s}`, types.OpvoteBP.Cmd(), C.GoString(arg)))
    case 'D':
        amountBig = zeroBig
        payload = []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"Name":"%s","Args":%s}`, types.OpvoteDAO.Cmd(), C.GoString(arg)))

    cid := []byte(types.AergoSystem)
    aid := types.ToAccountID(cid)
    scsState, err := getContractState(ctx, cid)
    if err != nil {
        return C.CString("[Contract.LuaGovernance] getAccount error: " + err.Error())

    curContract := ctx.curContract

    senderState := curContract.callState.accState
    receiverState := scsState.accState

    txBody := types.TxBody{
        Amount:  amountBig.Bytes(),
        Payload: payload,
    if ctx.blockInfo.ForkVersion >= 2 {
        txBody.Account = curContract.contractId

    err = types.ValidateSystemTx(&txBody)
    if err != nil {
        return C.CString("[Contract.LuaGovernance] error: " + err.Error())

    seq, err := setRecoveryPoint(aid, ctx, senderState, scsState, zeroBig, false, false)
    if err != nil {
        return C.CString("[Contract.LuaGovernance] database error: " + err.Error())

    events, err := system.ExecuteSystemTx(scsState.ctrState, &txBody, senderState, receiverState, ctx.blockInfo)
    if err != nil {
        rErr := clearRecovery(L, ctx, seq, true)
        if rErr != nil {
            return C.CString("[Contract.LuaGovernance] recovery error: " + rErr.Error())
        return C.CString("[Contract.LuaGovernance] error: " + err.Error())

    if seq == 1 {
        err := clearRecovery(L, ctx, seq, false)
        if err != nil {
            return C.CString("[Contract.LuaGovernance] recovery error: " + err.Error())

    ctx.eventCount += int32(len(events)) = append(, events...)

    if ctx.lastRecoveryEntry != nil {
        if gType == 'S' {
            seq, _ = setRecoveryPoint(aid, ctx, senderState, scsState, amountBig, true, false)
            if ctx.traceFile != nil {
                _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("[GOVERNANCE]aid(%s)\n", aid.String()))
                _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("snapshot set %d\n", seq))
                _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("staking : %s\n", amountBig.String()))
                _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("After sender: %s receiver: %s\n",
                    senderState.Balance().String(), receiverState.Balance().String()))
        } else if gType == 'U' {
            seq, _ = setRecoveryPoint(aid, ctx, receiverState, ctx.curContract.callState, amountBig, true, false)
            if ctx.traceFile != nil {
                _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("[GOVERNANCE]aid(%s)\n", aid.String()))
                _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("snapshot set %d\n", seq))
                _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("unstaking : %s\n", amountBig.String()))
                _, _ = ctx.traceFile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("After sender: %s receiver: %s\n",
                    senderState.Balance().String(), receiverState.Balance().String()))

    return nil

//export luaViewStart
func luaViewStart(service {
    ctx := contexts[service]

//export luaViewEnd
func luaViewEnd(service {
    ctx := contexts[service]

//export luaCheckView
func luaCheckView(service {
    ctx := contexts[service]

// luaCheckTimeout checks whether the block creation timeout occurred.
//export luaCheckTimeout
func luaCheckTimeout(service {

    if service < BlockFactory {
        // Originally, MaxVmService was used instead of maxContext. service
        // value can be 2 and decremented by MaxVmService(=2) during VM loading.
        // That means the value of service becomes zero after the latter
        // adjustment.
        // This make the VM check block timeout in a unwanted situation. If that
        // happens during the chain service is connecting block, the block chain
        // becomes out of sync.
        service = service +

    if service != BlockFactory {
        return 0

    ctx := contexts[service]
    select {
    case <-ctx.execCtx.Done():
        return 1
        return 0

//export luaIsFeeDelegation
func luaIsFeeDelegation(L *LState, service (, *C.char) {
    ctx := contexts[service]
    if ctx == nil {
        return -1, C.CString("[Contract.LuaIsContract] contract state not found")
    if ctx.isFeeDelegation {
        return 1, nil
    return 0, nil

//export LuaGetDbHandleSnap
func LuaGetDbHandleSnap(service, snap *C.char) *C.char {

    stateSet := contexts[service]
    curContract := stateSet.curContract
    callState := curContract.callState

    if stateSet.isQuery != true {
        return C.CString("[Contract.LuaSetDbSnap] not permitted in transaction")

    if callState.tx != nil {
        return C.CString("[Contract.LuaSetDbSnap] transaction already started")

    rp, err := strconv.ParseUint(C.GoString(snap), 10, 64)
    if err != nil {
        return C.CString("[Contract.LuaSetDbSnap] snapshot is not valid" + C.GoString(snap))

    aid := types.ToAccountID(curContract.contractId)
    tx, err := beginReadOnly(aid.String(), rp)
    if err != nil {
        return C.CString("Error Begin SQL Transaction")

    callState.tx = tx
    return nil

//export LuaGetDbSnapshot
func LuaGetDbSnapshot(service *C.char {
    stateSet := contexts[service]
    curContract := stateSet.curContract

    return C.CString(strconv.FormatUint(curContract.rp, 10))

//export luaGetStaking
func luaGetStaking(service, addr *C.char) (*C.char, C.lua_Integer, *C.char) {

    var (
        ctx          *vmContext
        scs, namescs *statedb.ContractState
        err          error
        staking      *types.Staking

    ctx = contexts[service]
    scs, err = statedb.GetSystemAccountState(
    if err != nil {
        return nil, 0, C.CString(err.Error())

    namescs, err = statedb.GetNameAccountState(
    if err != nil {
        return nil, 0, C.CString(err.Error())

    staking, err = system.GetStaking(scs, name.GetAddress(namescs, types.ToAddress(C.GoString(addr))))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, 0, C.CString(err.Error())

    return C.CString(staking.GetAmountBigInt().String()), C.lua_Integer(staking.When), nil

func sendBalance(sender *state.AccountState, receiver *state.AccountState, amount *big.Int) *C.char {
    if err := state.SendBalance(sender, receiver, amount); err != nil {
        return C.CString("[Contract.sendBalance] insufficient balance: " +
            sender.Balance().String() + " : " + amount.String())
    return nil