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1 day
Test Coverage
package vm_dummy

// helper functions
import (

    sha256 ""

var (
    logger *log.Logger

const (
    lStateMaxSize = 10 * 7

    dummyBlockIntervalSec = 1
    dummyBlockExecTimeMs  = (dummyBlockIntervalSec * 1000) >> 2

func init() {
    logger = log.NewLogger("vm_dummy")

type DummyChain struct {
    HardforkVersion int32
    sdb             *state.ChainStateDB
    bestBlock       *types.Block
    cBlock          *types.Block
    bestBlockNo     types.BlockNo
    bestBlockId     types.BlockID
    blockIds        []types.BlockID
    blocks          []*types.Block
    testReceiptDB   db.DB
    tmpDir          string
    timeout         int
    clearLState     func()
    gasPrice        *big.Int
    timestamp       int64

// overwrite config for dummychain
type DummyChainOptions func(d *DummyChain)

func SetHardForkVersion(forkVersion int32) DummyChainOptions {
    return func(dc *DummyChain) {
        dc.HardforkVersion = forkVersion

func SetTimeout(timeout int) DummyChainOptions {
    return func(dc *DummyChain) {
        dc.timeout = timeout

func SetPubNet() DummyChainOptions {
    return func(dc *DummyChain) {

        // public and private chains have different features.
        // private chains have the db module and public ones don't.
        // this is why we need to flush all Lua states and recreate
        // them when moving to and from public chain.

        contract.PubNet = true

        dc.clearLState = func() {
            contract.PubNet = false

func LoadDummyChain(opts ...DummyChainOptions) (*DummyChain, error) {
    dataPath, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "data")
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    bc := &DummyChain{
        sdb:      state.NewChainStateDB(),
        tmpDir:   dataPath,
        gasPrice: types.NewAmount(1, types.Aer),
        timeout:  dummyBlockExecTimeMs,
    defer func() {
        if err != nil {

    // reset the transaction id counter
    luaTxId = 0

    err = bc.sdb.Init(string(db.MemoryImpl), dataPath, nil, false)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    genesis := types.GetTestGenesis()
    bc.sdb.SetGenesis(genesis, nil)
    bc.bestBlock = genesis.Block()
    bc.bestBlockNo = genesis.Block().BlockNo()
    bc.bestBlockId = genesis.Block().BlockID()
    bc.blockIds = append(bc.blockIds, bc.bestBlockId)
    bc.blocks = append(bc.blocks, genesis.Block())
    bc.testReceiptDB = db.NewDB(db.MemoryImpl, path.Join(dataPath, "receiptDB"))
    contract.LoadTestDatabase(dataPath) // sql database
    contract.StartLStateFactory(lStateMaxSize, config.GetDefaultNumLStateClosers(), 1)

    bc.HardforkVersion = 2

    // To pass the governance tests.
    types.InitGovernance("dpos", true)

    // To pass dao parameters test
    scs, err := statedb.GetSystemAccountState(bc.sdb.GetStateDB())
    system.InitSystemParams(scs, 3)


    for _, opt := range opts {
    return bc, nil

func (bc *DummyChain) Release() {
    if bc.clearLState != nil {
    _ = os.RemoveAll(bc.tmpDir)

func (bc *DummyChain) BestBlockNo() uint64 {
    return bc.bestBlockNo

func (bc *DummyChain) SetTimestamp(is_increment bool, value int64) {
    if is_increment {
        if bc.timestamp == 0 {
            bc.timestamp = time.Now().UnixNano() / 1000000000
        bc.timestamp += value
    } else {
        bc.timestamp = value

func (bc *DummyChain) getTimestamp() int64 {

    if bc.timestamp > 0 {
        return bc.timestamp * 1000000000
    } else {
        return time.Now().UnixNano()


func (bc *DummyChain) newBState() *state.BlockState {
    bc.cBlock = &types.Block{
        Header: &types.BlockHeader{
            PrevBlockHash: bc.bestBlockId[:],
            BlockNo:       bc.bestBlockNo + 1,
            Timestamp:     bc.getTimestamp(),
            ChainID:       types.MakeChainId(bc.bestBlock.GetHeader().ChainID, bc.HardforkVersion),
    return state.NewBlockState(

func (bc *DummyChain) BeginReceiptTx() db.Transaction {
    return bc.testReceiptDB.NewTx()

func (bc *DummyChain) GetABI(code string) (*types.ABI, error) {
    cState, err := statedb.OpenContractStateAccount(contract.StrHash(code), bc.sdb.GetStateDB())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return contract.GetABI(cState, nil)

func (bc *DummyChain) GetEvents(txhash []byte) []*types.Event {
    receipt := bc.GetReceipt(txhash)
    if receipt != nil {
        return receipt.Events

    return nil

func (bc *DummyChain) GetReceipt(txHash []byte) *types.Receipt {
    r := new(types.Receipt)
    return r

func (bc *DummyChain) GetAccountState(name string) (*types.State, error) {
    return bc.sdb.GetStateDB().GetAccountState(types.ToAccountID(contract.StrHash(name)))

func (bc *DummyChain) GetStaking(name string) (*types.Staking, error) {
    scs, err := statedb.GetSystemAccountState(bc.sdb.GetStateDB())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return system.GetStaking(scs, contract.StrHash(name))

func (bc *DummyChain) GetBlockByNo(blockNo types.BlockNo) (*types.Block, error) {
    return bc.blocks[blockNo], nil

func (bc *DummyChain) GetBestBlock() (*types.Block, error) {
    return bc.bestBlock, nil

type LuaTxTester interface {
    run(execCtx context.Context, bs *state.BlockState, bc *DummyChain, bi *types.BlockHeaderInfo, receiptTx db.Transaction) error
    Hash() []byte
    okMsg() string

type luaTxAccount struct {
    name    []byte
    balance *big.Int
    txId    uint64

var _ LuaTxTester = (*luaTxAccount)(nil)

func NewLuaTxAccount(name string, balance uint64, unit types.TokenUnit) *luaTxAccount {
    return NewLuaTxAccountBig(name, types.NewAmount(balance, unit))

func NewLuaTxAccountBig(name string, balance *big.Int) *luaTxAccount {
    return &luaTxAccount{
        name:    contract.StrHash(name),
        balance: balance,
        txId:    newTxId(),

func (l *luaTxAccount) Hash() []byte {
    return hash(l.txId)

func (l *luaTxAccount) okMsg() string {
    return "SUCCESS"

func (l *luaTxAccount) run(execCtx context.Context, bs *state.BlockState, bc *DummyChain, bi *types.BlockHeaderInfo, receiptTx db.Transaction) error {
    id := types.ToAccountID(
    accountState, err := bs.GetAccountState(id)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    updatedAccountState := *accountState
    updatedAccountState.Balance = l.balance.Bytes()
    bs.PutState(id, &updatedAccountState)
    return nil

type luaTxSend struct {
    sender   []byte
    receiver []byte
    amount   *big.Int
    txId     uint64

var _ LuaTxTester = (*luaTxSend)(nil)

func NewLuaTxSendBig(sender, receiver string, amount *big.Int) *luaTxSend {
    return &luaTxSend{
        sender:   contract.StrHash(sender),
        receiver: contract.StrHash(receiver),
        amount:   amount,
        txId:     newTxId(),

func (l *luaTxSend) Hash() []byte {
    return hash(l.txId)

func (l *luaTxSend) okMsg() string {
    return "SUCCESS"

func (l *luaTxSend) run(execCtx context.Context, bs *state.BlockState, bc *DummyChain, bi *types.BlockHeaderInfo, receiptTx db.Transaction) error {
    senderID := types.ToAccountID(l.sender)
    receiverID := types.ToAccountID(l.receiver)

    if senderID == receiverID {
        return fmt.Errorf("sender and receiever cannot be same")

    senderState, err := bs.GetAccountState(senderID)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    } else if senderState.GetBalanceBigInt().Cmp(l.amount) < 0 {
        return fmt.Errorf("insufficient balance to sender")
    receiverState, err := bs.GetAccountState(receiverID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    updatedSenderState := senderState.Clone()
    updatedSenderState.Balance = new(big.Int).Sub(updatedSenderState.GetBalanceBigInt(), l.amount).Bytes()
    bs.PutState(senderID, updatedSenderState)

    updatedReceiverState := receiverState.Clone()
    updatedReceiverState.Balance = new(big.Int).Add(updatedReceiverState.GetBalanceBigInt(), l.amount).Bytes()
    bs.PutState(receiverID, updatedReceiverState)

    r := types.NewReceipt(l.receiver, l.okMsg(), "")
    r.TxHash = l.Hash()
    r.GasUsed = fee.TxGas(0)
    b, _ := r.MarshalBinaryTest()
    receiptTx.Set(l.Hash(), b)

    return nil

type luaTxContract interface {
    sender() []byte
    recipient() []byte
    amount() *big.Int
    payload() []byte
    isFeeDelegate() bool

type luaTxContractCommon struct {
    _sender     []byte
    _recipient  []byte
    _amount     *big.Int
    _payload    []byte
    txId        uint64
    feeDelegate bool

func (l *luaTxContractCommon) Hash() []byte {
    return hash(l.txId)

func (l *luaTxContractCommon) sender() []byte {
    return l._sender

func (l *luaTxContractCommon) recipient() []byte {
    return l._recipient

func (l *luaTxContractCommon) amount() *big.Int {
    return l._amount

func (l *luaTxContractCommon) payload() []byte {
    return l._payload

func (l *luaTxContractCommon) isFeeDelegate() bool {
    return l.feeDelegate

func hash(id uint64) []byte {
    h := sha256.New()
    h.Write([]byte(strconv.FormatUint(id, 10)))
    b := h.Sum(nil)
    return b

type luaTxDeploy struct {
    cErr error

var _ LuaTxTester = (*luaTxDeploy)(nil)

func NewLuaTxDeploy(sender, recipient string, amount uint64, code string) *luaTxDeploy {
    return NewLuaTxDeployBig(sender, recipient, types.NewAmount(amount, types.Aer), code)

    func contract.StrHash(d string) []byte {
        // using real address
        if len(d) == types.EncodedAddressLength && addressRegexp.MatchString(d) {
            return types.ToAddress(d)
        } else {
            // using alias
            h := sha256.New()
            b := h.Sum(nil)
            b = append([]byte{0x0C}, b...)
            return b

var luaTxId uint64 = 0

func newTxId() uint64 {
    return luaTxId

func (l *luaTxDeploy) okMsg() string {
    return "CREATED"

func (l *luaTxDeploy) Constructor(args string) *luaTxDeploy {
    if len(args) == 0 || strings.Compare(args, "[]") == 0 || l.cErr != nil {
        return l
    l._payload = util.NewLuaCodePayload(util.LuaCodePayload(l._payload).Code(), []byte(args))
    return l

func contractFrame(l luaTxContract, bs *state.BlockState, cdb contract.ChainAccessor, receiptTx db.Transaction,
    run func(s, c *state.AccountState, id types.AccountID, cs *statedb.ContractState) (string, []*types.Event, *big.Int, error)) error {

    creatorId := types.ToAccountID(l.sender())
    creatorState, err := state.GetAccountState(l.sender(), bs.StateDB)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    contractId := types.ToAccountID(l.recipient())
    contractState, err := state.GetAccountState(l.recipient(), bs.StateDB)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    eContractState, err := statedb.OpenContractState(l.recipient(), contractState.State(), bs.StateDB)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    usedFee := fee.TxBaseFee(2, types.NewAmount(1, types.Aer), len(l.payload()))

    if l.isFeeDelegate() {
        balance := contractState.Balance()

        if usedFee.Cmp(balance) > 0 {
            return types.ErrInsufficientBalance
        err = contract.CheckFeeDelegation(l.recipient(), bs, nil, cdb, eContractState, l.payload(),
            l.Hash(), l.sender(), l.amount().Bytes())
        if err != nil {
            if err != types.ErrNotAllowedFeeDelegation {
                logger.Debug().Err(err).Str("txhash", base58.Encode(l.Hash())).Msg("checkFeeDelegation Error")
                return err
            return types.ErrNotAllowedFeeDelegation
    err = state.SendBalance(creatorState, contractState, l.amount())
    if err != nil {
        return err

    rv, events, cFee, err := run(creatorState, contractState, contractId, eContractState)
    if cFee != nil {
        usedFee.Add(usedFee, cFee)
    status := l.okMsg()
    if err != nil {
        status = "ERROR"
        rv = err.Error()
    r := types.NewReceipt(l.recipient(), status, rv)
    r.TxHash = l.Hash()
    r.GasUsed = usedFee.Uint64()
    r.Events = events
    blockHash := make([]byte, 32)
    for _, event := range events {
        event.TxHash = r.TxHash
        event.BlockHash = blockHash
    b, _ := r.MarshalBinaryTest()
    receiptTx.Set(l.Hash(), b)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if l.isFeeDelegate() {
        if contractState.Balance().Cmp(usedFee) < 0 {
            return types.ErrInsufficientBalance
    } else {
        if creatorState.Balance().Cmp(usedFee) < 0 {
            return types.ErrInsufficientBalance
    bs.PutState(creatorId, creatorState.State())
    bs.PutState(contractId, contractState.State())
    return nil


func (l *luaTxDeploy) run(execCtx context.Context, bs *state.BlockState, bc *DummyChain, bi *types.BlockHeaderInfo, receiptTx db.Transaction) error {
    if l.cErr != nil {
        return l.cErr
    return contractFrame(l, bs, bc, receiptTx,
        func(sender, contractV *state.AccountState, contractId types.AccountID, eContractState *statedb.ContractState) (string, []*types.Event, *big.Int, error) {
            contractV.State().SqlRecoveryPoint = 1

            ctx := contract.NewVmContext(execCtx, bs, nil, sender, contractV, eContractState, sender.ID(), l.Hash(), bi, "", true, false, contractV.State().SqlRecoveryPoint, contract.BlockFactory, l.amount(), math.MaxUint64, false)

            rv, events, ctrFee, err := contract.Create(eContractState, l.payload(), l.recipient(), ctx)
            if err != nil {
                return "", nil, ctrFee, err
            err = statedb.StageContractState(eContractState, bs.StateDB)
            if err != nil {
                return "", nil, ctrFee, err
            return rv, events, ctrFee, nil

type luaTxCall struct {
    expectedErr string

var _ LuaTxTester = (*luaTxCall)(nil)

func NewLuaTxCall(sender, recipient string, amount uint64, payload string) *luaTxCall {
    return NewLuaTxCallBig(sender, recipient, types.NewAmount(amount, types.Aer), payload)

func NewLuaTxCallBig(sender, recipient string, amount *big.Int, payload string) *luaTxCall {
    return &luaTxCall{
        luaTxContractCommon: luaTxContractCommon{
            _sender:    contract.StrHash(sender),
            _recipient: contract.StrHash(recipient),
            _amount:    amount,
            _payload:   []byte(payload),
            txId:       newTxId(),

func NewLuaTxCallFeeDelegate(sender, recipient string, amount uint64, payload string) *luaTxCall {
    return &luaTxCall{
        luaTxContractCommon: luaTxContractCommon{
            _sender:     contract.StrHash(sender),
            _recipient:  contract.StrHash(recipient),
            _amount:     types.NewAmount(amount, types.Aer),
            _payload:    []byte(payload),
            txId:        newTxId(),
            feeDelegate: true,

func (l *luaTxCall) Fail(expectedErr string) *luaTxCall {
    l.expectedErr = expectedErr
    return l

func (l *luaTxCall) run(execCtx context.Context, bs *state.BlockState, bc *DummyChain, bi *types.BlockHeaderInfo, receiptTx db.Transaction) error {
    err := contractFrame(l, bs, bc, receiptTx,
        func(sender, contractV *state.AccountState, contractId types.AccountID, eContractState *statedb.ContractState) (string, []*types.Event, *big.Int, error) {
            ctx := contract.NewVmContext(execCtx, bs, bc, sender, contractV, eContractState, sender.ID(), l.Hash(), bi, "", true, false, contractV.State().SqlRecoveryPoint, contract.BlockFactory, l.amount(), math.MaxUint64, l.feeDelegate)

            rv, events, ctrFee, err := contract.Call(eContractState, l.payload(), l.recipient(), ctx)
            if err != nil {
                return "", nil, ctrFee, err
            err = statedb.StageContractState(eContractState, bs.StateDB)
            if err != nil {
                return "", nil, ctrFee, err
            return rv, events, ctrFee, nil
    if l.expectedErr != "" {
        if err == nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("no error, expected: %s", l.expectedErr)
        if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), l.expectedErr) {
            return err
        return nil
    return err

func (l *luaTxCall) okMsg() string {
    return "SUCCESS"

func (bc *DummyChain) ConnectBlock(txs ...LuaTxTester) error {
    blockState := bc.newBState()
    tx := bc.BeginReceiptTx()
    defer tx.Commit()
    defer contract.CloseDatabase()

    //timeout := make(chan struct{})
    blockContext, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Duration(bc.timeout)*time.Millisecond)
    for _, x := range txs {
        if err :=, blockState, bc, types.NewBlockHeaderInfo(bc.cBlock), tx); err != nil {
            return err
    err := contract.SaveRecoveryPoint(blockState)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    err = bc.sdb.Apply(blockState)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    //FIXME newblock must be created after sdb.apply()
    bc.bestBlockNo = bc.bestBlockNo + 1
    bc.bestBlock = bc.cBlock
    bc.bestBlockId = types.ToBlockID(bc.cBlock.BlockHash())
    bc.blockIds = append(bc.blockIds, bc.bestBlockId)
    bc.blocks = append(bc.blocks, bc.cBlock)

    return nil

func (bc *DummyChain) DisConnectBlock() error {
    if len(bc.blockIds) == 1 {
        return errors.New("genesis block")
    bc.blockIds = bc.blockIds[0 : len(bc.blockIds)-1]
    bc.blocks = bc.blocks[0 : len(bc.blocks)-1]
    bc.bestBlockId = bc.blockIds[len(bc.blockIds)-1]

    bestBlock := bc.blocks[len(bc.blocks)-1]

    var sroot []byte
    if bestBlock != nil {
        sroot = bestBlock.GetHeader().GetBlocksRootHash()
    return bc.sdb.SetRoot(sroot)

func (bc *DummyChain) Query(contract_name, queryInfo, expectedErr string, expectedRvs ...string) error {
    cState, err := statedb.OpenContractStateAccount(contract.StrHash(contract_name), bc.sdb.GetStateDB())
    if err != nil {
        return err
    rv, err := contract.Query(contract.StrHash(contract_name), bc.newBState(), bc, cState, []byte(queryInfo))
    if expectedErr != "" {
        if err == nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("no error, expected: %s", expectedErr)
        if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), expectedErr) {
            return err
        return nil
    if err != nil {
        return err

    for _, ev := range expectedRvs {
        if ev != string(rv) {
            err = fmt.Errorf("expected: %s, but got: %s", ev, string(rv))
        } else {
            return nil
    return err

func (bc *DummyChain) QueryOnly(contract_name, queryInfo string, expectedErr string) (bool, string, error) {
    cState, err := statedb.OpenContractStateAccount(contract.StrHash(contract_name), bc.sdb.GetStateDB())
    if err != nil {
        return false, "", err
    rv, err := contract.Query(contract.StrHash(contract_name), bc.newBState(), bc, cState, []byte(queryInfo))

    if expectedErr != "" {
        if err == nil {
            return false, "", fmt.Errorf("no error, expected: %s", expectedErr)
        if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), expectedErr) {
            return false, "", err
        return true, "", nil

    if err != nil {
        return false, "", err

    return false, string(rv), nil

func StrToAddress(name string) string {
    return types.EncodeAddress(contract.StrHash(name))