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5 days
Test Coverage
 *  @file
 *  @copyright defined in aergo/LICENSE.txt

package mempool

import (

    cfg ""

const (
    initial = iota
    loading = iota
    running = iota

var (
    evictPeriod      = time.Hour * types.DefaultEvictPeriod
    evictInterval    = evictPeriod >> 5
    evictWorkTimeout = time.Millisecond << 2
    metricInterval   = time.Second

// MemPool is main structure of mempool service
type MemPool struct {

    cfg *cfg.Config

    sdb           *state.ChainStateDB
    bestBlockID   types.BlockID
    bestBlockInfo *types.BlockHeaderInfo
    stateDB       *statedb.StateDB
    verifier      *actor.PID
    orphan        int
    //cache       map[types.TxID]types.Transaction
    cache             sync.Map
    length            int
    pool              map[types.AccountID]*txList
    dumpPath          string
    status            int32
    coinbasefee       *big.Int
    bestChainIdHash   []byte
    acceptChainIdHash []byte
    isPublic          bool
    whitelist         *whitelistConf
    // followings are for test
    testConfig bool
    deadtx     int

    quit chan bool
    wg   sync.WaitGroup // wait for internal loop

// NewMemPoolService create and return new MemPool
func NewMemPoolService(cfg *cfg.Config, cs *chain.ChainService) *MemPool {

    var sdb *state.ChainStateDB
    if cs != nil {
        sdb = cs.SDB()
    } else { // Test

    actor := &MemPool{
        cfg: cfg,
        sdb: sdb,
        //cache:    map[types.TxID]types.Transaction{},
        cache:    sync.Map{},
        pool:     map[types.AccountID]*txList{},
        dumpPath: cfg.Mempool.DumpFilePath,
        status:   initial,
        verifier: nil,
        quit:     make(chan bool),
    actor.BaseComponent = component.NewBaseComponent(message.MemPoolSvc, actor, log.NewLogger("mempool"))
    if cfg.Mempool.EnableFadeout == false {
        evictPeriod = 0
    } else if cfg.Mempool.FadeoutPeriod > 0 {
        evictPeriod = time.Duration(cfg.Mempool.FadeoutPeriod) * time.Hour
    return actor

// BeforeStart runs mempool servivce
func (mp *MemPool) BeforeStart() {
    if mp.testConfig {
        mp.bestBlockID = getCurrentBestBlockNoMock()
        mp.bestBlockInfo = getCurrentBestBlockInfoMock()
    //mp.Info("mempool start on: current Block :", mp.curBestBlockNo)

func (mp *MemPool) AfterStart() {

    mp.Info().Bool("showmetric", mp.cfg.Mempool.ShowMetrics).
        Bool("fadeout", mp.cfg.Mempool.EnableFadeout).
        Str("evict period", evictPeriod.String()).
        Int("number of verifier", mp.cfg.Mempool.VerifierNumber).
        Msg("mempool init")

    mp.verifier = actor.Spawn(router.NewRoundRobinPool(mp.cfg.Mempool.VerifierNumber).

    rsp, err := mp.RequestToFuture(message.ChainSvc, &message.GetBestBlock{}, time.Second*2).Result()
    if err != nil {
        mp.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to get best block")
        panic("Mempool AfterStart Failed")
    bestblock := rsp.(message.GetBestBlockRsp).Block
    mp.setStateDB(bestblock) // nolint: errcheck

    go mp.monitor()

// BeforeStop handles clean-up for mempool service
func (mp *MemPool) BeforeStop() {
    if mp.verifier != nil {
    mp.quit <- true

func (mp *MemPool) monitor() {
    defer mp.wg.Done()

    evict := time.NewTicker(evictInterval)
    defer evict.Stop()

    showmetric := time.NewTicker(metricInterval)
    defer showmetric.Stop()

    for {
        select {
        // Log current counts on mempool
        case <-showmetric.C:
            if mp.cfg.Mempool.ShowMetrics {
                l, o := mp.Size()
                mp.Info().Int("len", l).Int("orphan", o).Int("acc", len(mp.pool)).Msg("mempool metrics")
            // Evict old enough transactions
        case <-evict.C:
            if mp.cfg.Mempool.EnableFadeout {

            // Graceful quit
        case <-mp.quit:

func (mp *MemPool) evictTransactions() {
    //startTime := time.Now()
    //expireTimer := time.NewTimer(evictWorkTimeout)
    defer mp.Unlock()

    eTime := time.Now().Add(-1 * evictPeriod)
    workTO := time.NewTimer(evictWorkTimeout)
    total := 0
    for acc, list := range mp.pool {
        // break evictLoop not to hold locks long time
        select {
        case <-workTO.C:
            break L

        if list.GetLastModifiedTime().After(eTime) {
        txs := list.GetAll()
        total += len(txs)
        orphan := len(txs) - list.Len()

        for _, tx := range txs {

        mp.orphan -= orphan
        delete(mp.pool, acc)
    if total > 0 {
        mp.Info().Int("num", total).Msg("evict transactions")

// Size returns current maintaining number of transactions
// and number of orphan transaction
func (mp *MemPool) Size() (int, int) {
    return mp.length, mp.orphan

// Receive handles requested messages from other services
func (mp *MemPool) Receive(context actor.Context) {

    switch msg := context.Message().(type) {
    case *message.MemPoolPut:
        mp.verifier.Request(msg.Tx, context.Sender())
    case *message.MemPoolGet:
        txs, err := mp.get(msg.MaxBlockBodySize)
            Txs: txs,
            Err: err,
    case *message.MemPoolList:
        txs, more := mp.listHash(msg.Limit)
            Hashes:  txs,
            HasMore: more,
    case *message.MemPoolDel:
        errs := mp.removeOnBlockArrival(msg.Block)
            Err: errs,
    case *message.MemPoolDelTx:
        mp.Info().Str("txhash", base58.Encode(msg.Tx.GetHash())).Msg("remove tx in mempool")
        err := mp.removeTx(msg.Tx)
            Err: err,
    case *message.MemPoolExist:
        tx := mp.exist(msg.Hash)
            Tx: tx,
    case *message.MemPoolExistEx:
        txsnum, _ := mp.Size()
        var bucketHash []types.TxHash
        bucketHash = msg.Hashes
        mp.Debug().Int("len", len(bucketHash)).Int("cached", txsnum).Msg("mempool existEx")

        txs := mp.existEx(bucketHash)
        context.Respond(&message.MemPoolExistExRsp{Txs: txs})

    case *message.MemPoolSetWhitelist:
    case *message.MemPoolEnableWhitelist:

    case *message.MemPoolTxStat:
        b, err := json.Marshal(mp.getUnconfirmed(nil, true))
        if err != nil {
            mp.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to marshal mempool transactions stats")
        context.Respond(&message.MemPoolTxStatRsp{Data: b})

    case *message.MemPoolTx:
        b, err := json.Marshal(mp.getUnconfirmed(msg.Accounts, false))
        if err != nil {
            mp.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to marshal mempool transactions")
        context.Respond(&message.MemPoolTxRsp{Data: b})

    case *actor.Started:
        mp.loadTxs() // FIXME :work-around for actor settled

        //mp.Debug().Str("type", reflect.TypeOf(msg).String()).Msg("unhandled message")

func (mp *MemPool) Statistics() *map[string]interface{} {
    ret := map[string]interface{}{
        "total":  mp.length,
        "orphan": mp.orphan,
        "dead":   mp.deadtx,
        "config": mp.cfg.Mempool,
    if !mp.isPublic {
        ret["whitelist"] = mp.whitelist.GetWhitelist()
        ret["whitelist_on"] = mp.whitelist.GetOn()
    return &ret

func (mp *MemPool) get(maxBlockBodySize uint32) ([]types.Transaction, error) {
    start := time.Now()
    defer mp.RUnlock()
    count := 0
    size := 0
    txs := make([]types.Transaction, 0)
    for _, list := range mp.pool {
        for _, tx := range list.Get() {
            if size += proto.Size(tx.GetTx()); uint32(size) > maxBlockBodySize {
                break Gather
            txs = append(txs, tx)
    elapsed := time.Since(start)
    mp.Debug().Str("elapsed", elapsed.String()).Int("len", mp.length).Int("orphan", mp.orphan).Int("count", count).Msg("total tx returned")
    return txs, nil

// check existence.
// validate
// add pool if possible, else pendings
func (mp *MemPool) put(tx types.Transaction) error {
    id := types.ToTxID(tx.GetHash())
    acc := tx.GetBody().GetAccount()
    if tx.HasVerifedAccount() {
        acc = tx.GetVerifedAccount()

    if _, ok := mp.cache.Load(id); ok {
        return types.ErrTxAlreadyInMempool
        err := mp.verifyTx(tx)
        if err != nil {
            return err
    err := mp.validateTx(tx, acc)
    if err != nil && err != types.ErrTxNonceToohigh {
        return err
    defer mp.Unlock()

    list, err := mp.acquireMemPoolList(acc)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer mp.releaseMemPoolList(list)
    diff, err := list.Put(tx)
    if err != nil {
        mp.Error().Err(err).Msg("fail to put at a mempool list")
        return err

    mp.orphan -= diff
    mp.cache.Store(id, tx)
    mp.Trace().Object("tx", types.LogTx{Tx: tx.GetTx()}).Msg("tx added")

    if !mp.testConfig {
    return nil

func (mp *MemPool) puts(txs ...types.Transaction) []error {
    errs := make([]error, len(txs))
    for i, tx := range txs {
        errs[i] = mp.put(tx)
    return errs

func (mp *MemPool) listHash(maxTxSize int) ([]types.TxID, bool) {
    start := time.Now()
    defer mp.RUnlock()
    size := 0
    hasMore := false
    ids := make([]types.TxID, 0, maxTxSize)
    for _, list := range mp.pool {
        toGet := list.Len()
        if toGet > (maxTxSize - size) {
            toGet = maxTxSize - size
        for _, tx := range list.Get() {
            if len(ids) >= maxTxSize {
                hasMore = true
                break Gather
            ids = append(ids, types.ToTxID(tx.GetHash()))
    elapsed := time.Since(start)
    mp.Debug().Str("elapsed", elapsed.String()).Int("len", mp.length).Int("orphan", mp.orphan).Int("count", size).Msg("tx hashes returned")
    return ids, hasMore

func (mp *MemPool) setStateDB(block *types.Block) (bool, bool) {
    if mp.testConfig {
        return true, false

    newBlockID := types.ToBlockID(block.BlockHash())
    parentBlockID := types.ToBlockID(block.GetHeader().GetPrevBlockHash())
    reorged := true
    forked := false

    if types.HashID(newBlockID).Compare(types.HashID(mp.bestBlockID)) != 0 {
        if types.HashID(parentBlockID).Compare(types.HashID(mp.bestBlockID)) != 0 {
            reorged = false //reorg case
        mp.bestBlockID = newBlockID
        mp.bestBlockInfo = types.NewBlockHeaderInfo(block)
        mp.acceptChainIdHash = common.Hasher(types.MakeChainId(block.GetHeader().GetChainID(), mp.nextBlockVersion()))
        stateRoot := block.GetHeader().GetBlocksRootHash()
        if mp.stateDB == nil {
            mp.stateDB = mp.sdb.OpenNewStateDB(stateRoot)
            cid := types.NewChainID()
            if err := cid.Read(block.GetHeader().GetChainID()); err != nil {
                mp.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to read chain ID")
            } else {
                mp.isPublic = cid.PublicNet
                if !mp.isPublic {
                    ecs, err := statedb.GetEnterpriseAccountState(mp.stateDB)
                    if err != nil {
                        mp.Warn().Err(err).Msg("failed to get whitelist")
                    conf, err := enterprise.GetConf(ecs, enterprise.AccountWhite)
                    if err != nil {
                        mp.Warn().Err(err).Msg("failed to init whitelist")
                    mp.whitelist = newWhitelistConf(mp, conf.GetValues(), conf.GetOn())
            mp.Debug().Str("Hash", newBlockID.String()).
                Str("StateRoot", types.ToHashID(stateRoot).String()).
                Str("chainidhash", base58.Encode(mp.bestChainIdHash)).
                Str("next chainidhash", base58.Encode(mp.acceptChainIdHash)).
                Msg("new StateDB opened")
        } else if !bytes.Equal(mp.stateDB.GetRoot(), stateRoot) {
            if err := mp.stateDB.SetRoot(stateRoot); err != nil {
                mp.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to set root of StateDB")

        givenId := common.Hasher(block.GetHeader().GetChainID())
        if !bytes.Equal(mp.bestChainIdHash, givenId) {
            mp.bestChainIdHash = givenId
            forked = true
    return reorged, forked

func (mp *MemPool) resetAll() {
    mp.orphan = 0
    mp.length = 0
    mp.pool = map[types.AccountID]*txList{}
    mp.cache = sync.Map{}

// input tx based ? or pool based?
// concurrency consideration,
func (mp *MemPool) removeOnBlockArrival(block *types.Block) error {
    var ag [2]time.Duration
    start := time.Now()
    defer mp.Unlock()

    check := 0
    dirty := map[types.AccountID]bool{}
    reorg, fork := mp.setStateDB(block)
    if fork {
        mp.Debug().Msg("reset mempool on fork")
        return nil

    // non-reorg case only look through account related to given block
    if reorg == false {
        for _, tx := range block.GetBody().GetTxs() {
            account := tx.GetBody().GetAccount()
            recipient := tx.GetBody().GetRecipient()
            if tx.HasNameAccount() {
                account = mp.getOwner(account) // it's for the case that tx sender is named smart contract
            if tx.HasNameRecipient() {
                recipient = mp.getAddress(recipient)
            dirty[types.ToAccountID(account)] = true
            dirty[types.ToAccountID(recipient)] = true

    ag[0] = time.Since(start)
    start = time.Now()
    for acc, list := range mp.pool {
        if !reorg && dirty[acc] == false {
        ns, err := mp.getAccountState(list.GetAccount())
        if err != nil {
            mp.Error().Err(err).Msg("getting Account status failed during removal")
            // TODO : ????
        diff, delTxs := list.FilterByState(ns)
        mp.orphan -= diff
        for _, tx := range delTxs {
        if len(delTxs) > 0 {
            mp.Trace().Array("txs", types.LogTrsactions{TXs: delTxs, Limit: 5}).Msg("transactions were filtered by state")

    ag[1] = time.Since(start)
    mp.Debug().Int("given", len(block.GetBody().GetTxs())).
        Int("check", check).
        Str("elapse1", ag[0].String()).
        Str("elapse2", ag[1].String()).
        Msg("delete txs on block")
    return nil

// signiture verification
func (mp *MemPool) verifyTx(tx types.Transaction) error {
    err := tx.Validate(mp.acceptChainIdHash, mp.isPublic)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if !tx.GetTx().NeedNameVerify() {
        err = key.VerifyTx(tx.GetTx())
        if err != nil {
            return err
    } else {
        account := mp.getAddress(tx.GetBody().GetAccount())
        err = key.VerifyTxWithAddress(tx.GetTx(), account)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        if !tx.SetVerifedAccount(account) {
            mp.Warn().Str("account", string(account)).Msg("could not set verified account")
    return nil

func (mp *MemPool) getAddress(account []byte) []byte {
    return mp.getNameDest(account, false)

func (mp *MemPool) getOwner(account []byte) []byte {
    return mp.getNameDest(account, true)

func (mp *MemPool) getNameDest(account []byte, owner bool) []byte {
    if mp.testConfig {
        return account

    if string(account) == string(types.AergoVault) {
        return account

    scs, err := statedb.GetNameAccountState(mp.stateDB)
    if err != nil {
        mp.Error().Str("for name", string(account)).Msgf("failed to open contract %s", types.AergoName)
        return nil
    if owner {
        return name.GetOwner(scs, account)
    return name.GetAddress(scs, account)

func (mp *MemPool) nextBlockVersion() int32 {
    return mp.cfg.Hardfork.Version(mp.bestBlockInfo.No + 1)

// check tx sanity
// check if sender has enough balance
// check if recipient is valid name
// check tx account is lower than known value
func (mp *MemPool) validateTx(tx types.Transaction, account types.Address) error {
    if !mp.whitelist.Check(types.EncodeAddress(account)) {
        return types.ErrTxNotAllowedAccount
    ns, err := mp.getAccountState(account)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    err = tx.ValidateWithSenderState(ns, system.GetGasPrice(), mp.nextBlockVersion())
    if err != nil && err != types.ErrTxNonceToohigh {
        return err

    //NOTE: don't overwrite err, if err == ErrTxNonceToohigh
    //because err should be ErrNonceToohigh if following validation has passed
    //this will be refactored soon

    switch tx.GetBody().GetType() {
    case types.TxType_REDEPLOY:
        if chain.IsPublic() {
            return types.ErrTxInvalidType
        if tx.GetBody().GetRecipient() == nil {
            return types.ErrTxInvalidRecipient
    case types.TxType_NORMAL, types.TxType_TRANSFER, types.TxType_CALL:
        // checking recipient address
        // FIXME make more general code to classify address type; normal(b58 pubkey), special account, name or invalid
        if !types.IsQuirkTx(tx.GetHash()) {
            recipient := tx.GetBody().GetRecipient()
            if tx.GetTx().HasNameRecipient() || types.IsSpecialAccount(recipient) {
                // it will search account directly
            } else {
                if len(recipient) != types.AddressLength {
                    return types.ErrTxInvalidRecipient
            recipientAddr := mp.getAddress(recipient)
            if recipientAddr == nil {
                return types.ErrTxInvalidRecipient
    case types.TxType_DEPLOY:
        if tx.GetBody().GetRecipient() != nil {
            return types.ErrTxInvalidRecipient
    case types.TxType_GOVERNANCE:
        id := tx.GetBody().GetRecipient()
        aergoState, err := mp.getAccountState(id)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        scs, err := statedb.OpenContractState(id, aergoState, mp.stateDB)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        switch string(tx.GetBody().GetRecipient()) {
        case types.AergoSystem:
            sender, err := state.GetAccountState(account, mp.stateDB)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            nextBlockInfo := types.BlockHeaderInfo{
                No:          mp.bestBlockInfo.No + 1,
                ForkVersion: mp.nextBlockVersion(),
            if _, err := system.ValidateSystemTx(account, tx.GetBody(), sender, scs, &nextBlockInfo); err != nil {
                return err
        case types.AergoName:
            sender, err := state.GetAccountState(account, mp.stateDB)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            if _, err := name.ValidateNameTx(tx.GetBody(), sender, scs); err != nil {
                return err
        case types.AergoEnterprise:
            enterprisecs, err := statedb.GetEnterpriseAccountState(mp.stateDB)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            sender, err := state.GetAccountState(account, mp.stateDB)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            if _, err := enterprise.ValidateEnterpriseTx(tx.GetBody(), sender, enterprisecs, mp.bestBlockInfo.No+1); err != nil {
                return err
    case types.TxType_FEEDELEGATION:
        var recipient []byte

        recipient = tx.GetBody().GetRecipient()
        if recipient == nil {
            return types.ErrTxInvalidRecipient
        if tx.GetTx().HasNameRecipient() {
            recipient = mp.getAddress(recipient)
            if recipient == nil {
                return types.ErrTxInvalidRecipient
        aergoState, err := mp.getAccountState(recipient)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        err = tx.ValidateMaxFee(aergoState.GetBalanceBigInt(), system.GetGasPrice(), mp.nextBlockVersion())
        if err != nil {
            return err
        txBody := tx.GetBody()
        rsp, err := mp.RequestToFuture(message.ChainSvc,
            &message.CheckFeeDelegation{Payload: txBody.GetPayload(), Contract: recipient,
                Sender: txBody.GetAccount(), TxHash: tx.GetHash(), Amount: txBody.GetAmount()},
        if err != nil {
            mp.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to checkFeeDelegation")
            return err
        err = rsp.(message.CheckFeeDelegationRsp).Err
        if err != nil {
            mp.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to checkFeeDelegation")
            return err
    return err

func (mp *MemPool) exist(hash []byte) *types.Tx {
    v := make([]types.TxHash, 1)
    v[0] = hash
    txs := mp.existEx(v)
    return txs[0]
func (mp *MemPool) existEx(hashes []types.TxHash) []*types.Tx {

    if len(hashes) > message.MaxReqestHashes {
        mp.Error().Int("size", len(hashes)).
            Msg("request exceeds max hash length")
        return nil

    ret := make([]*types.Tx, len(hashes))
    for i, h := range hashes {
        if v, ok := mp.cache.Load(types.ToTxID(h)); ok {
            ret[i] = v.(types.Transaction).GetTx()
    return ret

func (mp *MemPool) acquireMemPoolList(acc []byte) (*txList, error) {
    list := mp.getMemPoolList(acc)
    if list != nil {
        return list, nil
    ns, err := mp.getAccountState(acc)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    id := types.ToAccountID(acc)
    mp.pool[id] = newTxList(acc, ns, mp)
    return mp.pool[id], nil

func (mp *MemPool) releaseMemPoolList(list *txList) {
    if list.Empty() {
        id := types.ToAccountID(list.account)
        delete(mp.pool, id)

func (mp *MemPool) getMemPoolList(acc []byte) *txList {
    id := types.ToAccountID(acc)
    return mp.pool[id]

func (mp *MemPool) getAccountState(acc []byte) (*types.State, error) {
    if mp.testConfig {
        aid := types.ToAccountID(acc)
        strAcc := aid.String()
        bal := getBalanceByAccMock(strAcc)
        nonce := getNonceByAccMock(strAcc)
        return &types.State{Balance: new(big.Int).SetUint64(bal).Bytes(), Nonce: nonce}, nil

    state, err := mp.stateDB.GetAccountState(types.ToAccountID(acc))
    if err != nil {
        mp.Fatal().Err(err).Str("sroot", base58.Encode(mp.stateDB.GetRoot())).Msg("failed to get state")
        return nil, err
    return state, nil

func (mp *MemPool) notifyNewTx(tx types.Transaction) {
    mp.RequestTo(message.P2PSvc, &message.NotifyNewTransactions{
        Txs: []*types.Tx{tx.GetTx()},

func (mp *MemPool) isRunning() bool {
    if atomic.LoadInt32(&mp.status) != running {
        mp.Info().Msg("skip to dump txs because mempool is not running yet")
        return false
    return true

func (mp *MemPool) loadTxs() {
    time.Sleep(time.Second) // FIXME
    if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&mp.status, initial, loading) {
    defer atomic.StoreInt32(&mp.status, running)
    mp.Debug().Msg("staring to load mempool dump")
    file, err := os.Open(mp.dumpPath)
    if err != nil {
        if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
            mp.Error().Err(err).Msg("Unable to open dump file")

    defer file.Close() // nolint: errcheck

    reader := bufio.NewReader(file)

    var count int

    for {
        buf := types.Tx{}
        byteInt := make([]byte, 4)
        _, err := io.ReadFull(reader, byteInt)
        if err != nil {
            if err != io.EOF {
                mp.Error().Err(err).Msg("err on read file during loading")

        reclen := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(byteInt)
        buffer := make([]byte, int(reclen))
        _, err = io.ReadFull(reader, buffer)
        if err != nil {
            if err != io.EOF {
                mp.Error().Err(err).Msg("err on read file during loading")

        err = proto.Decode(buffer, &buf)
        if err != nil {
            mp.Error().Err(err).Msg("errr on unmarshalling tx during loading")
        mp.put(types.NewTransaction(&buf)) // nolint: errcheck

    mp.Info().Int("try", count).
        Int("drop", count-mp.length-mp.orphan).
        Int("suceed", mp.length).
        Int("orphan", mp.orphan).
        Msg("loading mempool done")

func (mp *MemPool) dumpTxsToFile() {
    if !mp.isRunning() {
    mp.Info().Msg("start mempool dump")

    file, err := os.Create(mp.dumpPath)
    if err != nil {
        mp.Error().Err(err).Msg("Unable to create file")
    defer file.Close() // nolint: errcheck

    writer := bufio.NewWriter(file)
    defer writer.Flush() //nolint: errcheck
    defer mp.Unlock()

    var ag [2]time.Duration
    count := 0

    for _, list := range mp.pool {
        for _, v := range list.GetAll() {

            var total_data []byte
            start := time.Now()
            data, err := proto.Encode(v.GetTx())
            if err != nil {
                mp.Error().Err(err).Msg("Marshal failed")

            byteInt := make([]byte, 4)
            binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(byteInt, uint32(len(data)))
            total_data = append(total_data, byteInt...)
            total_data = append(total_data, data...)

            ag[0] += time.Since(start)
            start = time.Now()

            length := len(total_data)
            for {
                size, err := writer.Write(total_data)
                if err != nil {
                    mp.Error().Err(err).Msg("writing encoded tx fail")
                    break Dump
                if length != size {
                    total_data = total_data[size:]
                    length -= size
                } else {
            ag[1] += time.Since(start)

    mp.Info().Int("count", count).Str("path", mp.dumpPath).Str("marshal", ag[0].String()).
        Str("write", ag[1].String()).Msg("dump txs")


func (mp *MemPool) removeTx(tx *types.Tx) error {
    defer mp.Unlock()

    if mp.exist(tx.GetHash()) == nil {
        mp.Warn().Str("txhash", base58.Encode(tx.GetHash())).Msg("could not find tx to remove")
        return types.ErrTxNotFound
    acc := tx.GetBody().GetAccount()
    list, err := mp.acquireMemPoolList(acc)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    newOrphan, removed := list.RemoveTx(tx)
    if removed == nil {
        mp.Error().Str("txhash", base58.Encode(tx.GetHash())).Msg("already removed tx")
    mp.orphan += newOrphan

    mp.Trace().Object("tx", types.LogTx{Tx: tx}).Msg("removed tx")
    return nil

type txIdList struct {
    Count int      `json:"count"`
    IDs   []string `json:"id,omitempty"`

type unconfirmedTxs struct {
    Address  string     `json:"address"`
    Expire   *time.Time `json:"expire,omitempty"`
    Pooled   txIdList   `json:"pooled"`
    Orphaned txIdList   `json:"orphaned"`

func newUnconfirmedTxs(acc []byte, eTime *time.Time, pooled, orphaned int) *unconfirmedTxs {
    return &unconfirmedTxs{
        Address: types.EncodeAddress(types.Address(acc)),
        Expire:  eTime,
        Pooled: txIdList{
            Count: pooled,
        Orphaned: txIdList{
            Count: orphaned,

func (u *unconfirmedTxs) setPooled(txs []types.Transaction) {
    u.Pooled.IDs = txs2ids(txs)

func (u *unconfirmedTxs) setOrphaned(txs []types.Transaction) {
    u.Orphaned.IDs = txs2ids(txs)

func txs2ids(txs []types.Transaction) []string {
    ids := make([]string, len(txs))
    for i, tx := range txs {
        ids[i] = types.ToTxID(tx.GetHash()).String()
    return ids

// getUnconfirmed returns the information of the unconfirmed transactions.
func (mp *MemPool) getUnconfirmed(accounts []types.Address, countOnly bool) []*unconfirmedTxs {
    defer mp.RUnlock()

    getTxList := func(acc types.Address) (*txList, *time.Time) {
        eTime := func(tl *txList) *time.Time {
            if evictPeriod == 0 {
                return nil
            t := tl.GetLastModifiedTime().Add(evictPeriod)
            return &t
        if tl, err := mp.acquireMemPoolList([]byte(acc)); err == nil {
            return tl, eTime(tl)
        return nil, nil

    getAccounts := func(accounts []types.Address) []types.Address {
        if len(accounts) > 0 {
            return accounts

        accounts = make([]types.Address, 0)
        for _, a := range mp.pool {
            accounts = append(accounts, a.account)
        return accounts

    accounts = getAccounts(accounts)
    utxs := make([]*unconfirmedTxs, len(accounts))
    for i, addr := range accounts {
        l, eTime := getTxList(addr)

        utxs[i] = newUnconfirmedTxs(addr, eTime, l.ready, len(l.list)-l.ready)
        if countOnly {

    return utxs