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package types

import "errors"

var (
    //ErrTxNotFound is returned by MemPool Service if transaction does not exists
    ErrTxNotFound = errors.New("tx not found in mempool")

    //ErrTxHasInvalidHash is returned by MemPool Service if transaction does have invalid hash
    ErrTxHasInvalidHash = errors.New("tx has invalid hash")

    //ErrTxAlreadyInMempool is returned by MemPool Service if exact same transaction is already exists
    ErrTxAlreadyInMempool = errors.New("tx is already in mempool")

    //ErrSameNonceInMempool is returned by MemPool Service if transaction which has same nonce is already exists
    ErrSameNonceAlreadyInMempool = errors.New("tx with same nonce is already in mempool")

    //ErrTxFormatInvalid is returned by MemPool Service if transaction does not exists ErrTxFormatInvalid = errors.New("tx invalid format")
    ErrTxFormatInvalid = errors.New("tx invalid format")

    //ErrInsufficientBalance is returned by MemPool Service if account has not enough balance
    ErrInsufficientBalance = errors.New("not enough balance")

    //ErrTxNonceTooLow is returned by MemPool Service if transaction's nonce is already existed in block
    ErrTxNonceTooLow = errors.New("nonce is too low")

    //ErrTxNonceToohigh is for internal use only
    ErrTxNonceToohigh = errors.New("nonce is too high")

    ErrTxInvalidType = errors.New("tx invalid type")

    ErrTxInvalidAccount = errors.New("tx invalid account")

    ErrTxNotAllowedAccount = errors.New("tx not allowed account")

    ErrTxInvalidChainIdHash = errors.New("tx invalid chain id hash")

    ErrTxInvalidRecipient = errors.New("tx invalid recipient")

    ErrTxInvalidAmount = errors.New("tx invalid amount")

    ErrTxInvalidPrice = errors.New("tx invalid price")

    ErrTxInvalidPayload = errors.New("tx invalid payload")

    ErrTxInvalidSize = errors.New("size of tx exceeds max length")

    ErrTxOnlySupportedInPriv = errors.New("tx only supported in private")

    ErrSignNotMatch = errors.New("signature not matched")

    ErrCouldNotRecoverPubKey = errors.New("could not recover pubkey from sign")

    ErrShouldUnlockAccount = errors.New("should unlock account first")

    ErrWrongAddressOrPassWord = errors.New("address or password is incorrect")

    ErrMustStakeBeforeVote = errors.New("must stake before vote")

    ErrLessTimeHasPassed = errors.New("less time has passed")

    ErrTooSmallAmount = errors.New("too small amount to influence")

    ErrNameNotFound = errors.New("could not find name")

    ErrMustStakeBeforeUnstake = errors.New("must stake before unstake")

    ErrExceedAmount = errors.New("request amount exceeds")

    ErrCreatorNotMatch = errors.New("creator not matched")

    ErrNotAllowedFeeDelegation = errors.New("fee delegation is not allowed")

    ErrNotEnoughGas = errors.New("not enough gas")

type InternalError struct {
    Reason string

func (e *InternalError) Error() string {
    return "internal error: " + e.Reason