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35 mins
Test Coverage
package types

import (


const (
    blockVersionNil = math.MinInt32
    devChainMagic   = "dev.chain"

var (
    nilChainID = ChainID{
        Version:   0,
        Magic:     "",
        PublicNet: false,
        MainNet:   false,
        Consensus: "",

    defaultChainID = ChainID{
        Version:   0,
        Magic:     devChainMagic,
        PublicNet: false,
        MainNet:   false,
        Consensus: "sbp",

const (
    cidMarshal = iota

const (
    versionByteSize                  = 4
    chainIdStartOffsetWithoutVersion = versionByteSize

type errCidCodec struct {
    codec int
    field string
    err   error

func (e errCidCodec) Error() string {
    kind := "unmarshal"
    if e.codec == cidMarshal {
        kind = "marshal"
    return fmt.Sprintf("failed to %s %s - %s", kind, e.field, e.err.Error())

// ChainID represents the identity of the chain.
type ChainID struct {
    Version   int32  `json:"version"`
    PublicNet bool   `json:"public"`
    MainNet   bool   `json:"mainnet"`
    Magic     string `json:"magic"`
    Consensus string `json:"consensus"`

// NewChainID returns a new ChainID initialized as nilChainID.
func NewChainID() *ChainID {
    nilCID := nilChainID

    return &nilCID

// Bytes returns the binary representation of cid.
func (cid *ChainID) Bytes() ([]byte, error) {
    var w bytes.Buffer

    // warning: when any field added to ChainID, the corresponding
    // serialization code must be written here.
    if err := binary.Write(&w, binary.LittleEndian, cid.PublicNet); err != nil {
        return nil, errCidCodec{
            codec: cidMarshal,
            field: "publicnet",
            err:   err,
    if err := binary.Write(&w, binary.LittleEndian, cid.MainNet); err != nil {
        return nil, errCidCodec{
            codec: cidMarshal,
            field: "mainnet",
            err:   err,

    others := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", cid.Magic, cid.Consensus)
    if err := binary.Write(&w, binary.LittleEndian, []byte(others)); err != nil {
        return nil, errCidCodec{
            codec: cidMarshal,
            field: "magic/consensus",
            err:   err,

    return w.Bytes(), nil

// Read deserialize data as a ChainID.
func (cid *ChainID) Read(data []byte) error {
    r := bytes.NewBuffer(data)

    // warning: when any field added to ChainID, the corresponding
    // deserialization code must be written here.
    if err := binary.Read(r, binary.LittleEndian, &cid.Version); err != nil {
        return errCidCodec{
            codec: cidUnmarshal,
            field: "version",
            err:   err,
    if err := binary.Read(r, binary.LittleEndian, &cid.PublicNet); err != nil {
        return errCidCodec{
            codec: cidUnmarshal,
            field: "publicnet",
            err:   err,
    if err := binary.Read(r, binary.LittleEndian, &cid.MainNet); err != nil {
        return errCidCodec{
            codec: cidUnmarshal,
            field: "mainnet",
            err:   err,
    mc := strings.Split(string(r.Bytes()), "/")
    if len(mc) != 2 {
        return errCidCodec{
            codec: cidUnmarshal,
            field: "magic/consensus",
            err:   fmt.Errorf("wrong number of fields: %s", mc),
    cid.Magic, cid.Consensus = mc[0], mc[1]

    return nil

// AsDefault set *cid to the default chain id (cid must be a valid pointer).
func (cid *ChainID) AsDefault() {
    *cid = defaultChainID

// Equals reports whether cid equals rhs or not.
func (cid *ChainID) Equals(rhs *ChainID) bool {
    if cid == nil || rhs == nil {
        return false
    if cid == rhs {
        return true
    if cid.Version != rhs.Version ||
        cid.PublicNet != rhs.PublicNet ||
        cid.MainNet != rhs.MainNet ||
        cid.Magic != rhs.Magic ||
        cid.Consensus != rhs.Consensus {
        return false
    return true

// ToJSON returns a JSON encoded string of cid.
func (cid ChainID) ToJSON() string {
    if b, err := json.Marshal(cid); err == nil {
        return string(b)
    return ""

func ChainIdVersion(v int32) []byte {
    b := make([]byte, versionByteSize)
    binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(b, uint32(v))
    return b

func DecodeChainIdVersion(cid []byte) int32 {
    if len(cid) < 4 {
        return -1
    return int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(cid))

func ChainIdEqualWithoutVersion(a, b []byte) bool {
    if len(a) < chainIdStartOffsetWithoutVersion || len(b) < chainIdStartOffsetWithoutVersion {
        return false
    return bytes.Equal(a[chainIdStartOffsetWithoutVersion:], b[chainIdStartOffsetWithoutVersion:])

type EnterpriseBP struct {
    Name string `json:"name"`
    // multiaddress format with ip or dns with port e.g. /ip4/
    Address string `json:"address"`
    PeerID  string `json:"peerid"`

// Genesis represents genesis block
type Genesis struct {
    ID            ChainID           `json:"chain_id,omitempty"`
    Timestamp     int64             `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
    Balance       map[string]string `json:"balance"`
    BPs           []string          `json:"bps"`
    EnterpriseBPs []EnterpriseBP    `json:"enterprise_bps,omitempty"`

    // followings are for internal use only
    totalBalance *big.Int
    block        *Block

// Block returns Block corresponding to g. If g.block == nil, it genreates a
// genesis block before it returns.
func (g *Genesis) Validate() error {
    _, err := g.ChainID()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    //TODO check BP count
    return nil

// Block returns Block corresponding to g.
func (g *Genesis) Block() *Block {
    if g.block == nil {
        g.SetBlock(NewBlock(&BlockHeaderInfo{Ts: g.Timestamp}, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil))
        if id, err := g.ID.Bytes(); err == nil {
    return g.block

// AddBalance adds bal to g.totalBalance.
func (g *Genesis) AddBalance(bal *big.Int) {
    if g.totalBalance == nil {
        g.totalBalance = big.NewInt(0)
    g.totalBalance.Add(g.totalBalance, bal)

// TotalBalance returns the total initial balance of the chain.
func (g *Genesis) TotalBalance() *big.Int {
    return g.totalBalance

// SetTotalBalance sets g.totalBalance to v if g.totalBlance has no valid
// value (nil).
func (g *Genesis) SetTotalBalance(v []byte) {
    if g.totalBalance == nil {
        g.totalBalance = big.NewInt(0).SetBytes(v)

// SetBlock sets g.block to block if g.block == nil.
func (g *Genesis) SetBlock(block *Block) {
    if g.block == nil {
        g.block = block

// ChainID returns the binary representation of g.ID.
func (g *Genesis) ChainID() ([]byte, error) {
    return g.ID.Bytes()

// Bytes returns byte-encoded BPs from g.
func (g Genesis) Bytes() []byte {
    // Omit the Balance to reduce the resulting data size.
    g.Balance = nil
    if b, err := gob.Encode(g); err == nil {
        return b
    return nil

// ConsensusType retruns g.ID.ConsensusType.
func (g Genesis) ConsensusType() string {
    return g.ID.Consensus

// PublicNet reports whether g corresponds to PublicNet.
func (g Genesis) PublicNet() bool {
    return g.ID.PublicNet

func (g Genesis) IsAergoPublicChain() bool {
    return g.IsMainNet() || g.IsTestNet()

func (g Genesis) HasDevChainID() bool {
    if g.ID.Magic == devChainMagic {
        return true
    return false

func (g Genesis) HasPrivateChainID() bool {
    if g.IsAergoPublicChain() || g.HasDevChainID() {
        return false
    return true

func (g *Genesis) IsMainNet() bool {
    return g.ID.Equals(&(GetMainNetGenesis().ID))

func (g *Genesis) IsTestNet() bool {
    return g.ID.Equals(&(GetTestNetGenesis().ID))

// GetDefaultGenesis returns default genesis structure
func GetDefaultGenesis() *Genesis {
    return &Genesis{
        ID:        defaultChainID,
        Timestamp: time.Now().UnixNano(),
        block:     nil,
    } //TODO embed MAINNET genesis block

func GetMainNetGenesis() *Genesis {
    if bs, err := hex.Decode(MainNetGenesis); err == nil {
        var g Genesis
        if err := json.Unmarshal(bs, &g); err == nil {
            return &g
    return nil
func GetTestNetGenesis() *Genesis {
    if bs, err := hex.Decode(TestNetGenesis); err == nil {
        var g Genesis
        if err := json.Unmarshal(bs, &g); err == nil {
            return &g
    return nil

// GetTestGenesis returns Gensis object for a unit test.
func GetTestGenesis() *Genesis {
    genesis := &Genesis{
        ID: ChainID{
            Version:   0,
            Magic:     devChainMagic,
            PublicNet: true,
            MainNet:   false,
            Consensus: "sbp",
        Timestamp: time.Now().UnixNano(),
        block:     nil,
    } //TODO embed MAINNET genesis block


    return genesis

// GetGenesisFromBytes decodes & return Genesis from b.
func GetGenesisFromBytes(b []byte) *Genesis {
    g := &Genesis{}
    if err := gob.Decode(b, g); err == nil {
        return g
    return nil