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Test Coverage
 *  @file
 *  @copyright defined in aergo/LICENSE.txt

package message

import (


const P2PSvc = "p2pSvc"

// errors which async responses of p2p actor, such as GetBlockChunksRsp, can contains,
var (
    RemotePeerFailError  = fmt.Errorf("remote peer return error")
    PeerNotFoundError    = fmt.Errorf("remote peer was not found")
    MissingHashError     = fmt.Errorf("some block hash not found")
    UnexpectedBlockError = fmt.Errorf("unexpected blocks response")
    TooFewBlocksError    = fmt.Errorf("too few blocks received that expected")
    TooManyBlocksError   = fmt.Errorf("too many blocks received that expected")
    TooBigBlockError     = fmt.Errorf("block size limit exceeded")
    InvalidArgumentError = fmt.Errorf("invalid argument")
    WrongBlockHashError  = fmt.Errorf("wrong block hash")

// PingMsg send types.Ping to each peer.
// The actor returns true if sending is successful.
type PingMsg struct {
    ToWhom types.PeerID

// GetAddressesMsg send types.AddressesRequest to dest peer. the dest peer will send types.AddressesResponse.
// The actor returns true if sending is successful.
type GetAddressesMsg struct {
    ToWhom types.PeerID
    Size   uint32
    Offset uint32

// NotifyNewBlock send types.NewBlockNotice to other peers. The receiving peer will send GetBlockHeadersRequest or GetBlockRequest if needed.
// The actor returns true if sending is successful.
type NotifyNewBlock struct {
    Produced bool
    BlockNo  uint64
    Block    *types.Block

type BlockHash []byte
type TXHash []byte

// NotifyNewTransactions send types.NewTransactionsNotice to other peers.
// The actor returns true if sending is successful.
type NotifyNewTransactions struct {
    Txs []*types.Tx

// GetTransactions send types.GetTransactionsRequest to dest peer. The receiving peer will send types.GetTransactionsResponse
// The actor returns true if sending is successful.
type GetTransactions struct {
    ToWhom types.PeerID
    Hashes []TXHash

// TransactionsResponse is data from other peer, as a response of types.GetTransactionsRequest
// p2p module will send this to mempool actor.
type TransactionsResponse struct {
    txs []*types.Tx

// GetBlockHeaders send type.GetBlockRequest to dest peer
// The actor returns true if sending is successful.
type GetBlockHeaders struct {
    ToWhom types.PeerID
    // Hash is the first block to get. Height will be used when Hash mi empty
    Hash    BlockHash
    Height  uint64
    Asc     bool
    Offset  uint64
    MaxSize uint32

// BlockHeadersResponse is data from other peer, as a response of types.GetBlockRequest
// p2p module will send this to chainservice actor.
type BlockHeadersResponse struct {
    Hashes  []BlockHash
    Headers []*types.BlockHeader

// GetBlockInfos send types.GetBlockRequest to dest peer.
// The actor returns true if sending is successful.
type GetBlockInfos struct {
    ToWhom types.PeerID
    Hashes []BlockHash

type GetBlockChunks struct {
    Seq uint64
    TTL time.Duration

// BlockInfosResponse is data from other peer, as a response of types.GetBlockRequest
// p2p module will send this to chainservice actor.
type BlockInfosResponse struct {
    FromWhom types.PeerID
    Blocks   []*types.Block

type GetBlockChunksRsp struct {
    Seq    uint64
    ToWhom types.PeerID
    Blocks []*types.Block
    Err    error

// GetPeers requests p2p actor to get remote peers that is connected.
// The actor returns *GetPeersRsp
type GetPeers struct {
    NoHidden bool
    ShowSelf bool

type PeerInfo struct {
    Addr            *types.PeerAddress
    Certificates    []*types.AgentCertificate
    AcceptedRole    types.PeerRole
    Version         string
    Hidden          bool
    CheckTime       time.Time
    LastBlockHash   []byte
    LastBlockNumber uint64
    State           types.PeerState
    Self            bool

// GetPeersRsp contains peer meta information and current states.
type GetPeersRsp struct {
    Peers []*PeerInfo

type GetMetrics struct {

// GetSyncAncestor is sent from Syncer, send types.GetAncestorRequest to dest peer.
type GetSyncAncestor struct {
    Seq    uint64
    ToWhom types.PeerID
    Hashes [][]byte

// GetSyncAncestorRsp is data from other peer, as a response of types.GetAncestorRequest
type GetSyncAncestorRsp struct {
    Seq      uint64
    Ancestor *types.BlockInfo

type GetHashes struct {
    Seq      uint64
    ToWhom   types.PeerID
    PrevInfo *types.BlockInfo
    Count    uint64

type GetHashesRsp struct {
    Seq      uint64
    PrevInfo *types.BlockInfo
    Hashes   []BlockHash
    Count    uint64
    Err      error

type GetHashByNo struct {
    Seq     uint64
    ToWhom  types.PeerID
    BlockNo types.BlockNo

type GetHashByNoRsp struct {
    Seq       uint64
    BlockHash BlockHash
    Err       error

type GetSelf struct {

type GetCluster struct {
    BestBlockHash BlockHash
    ReplyC        chan *GetClusterRsp

type GetClusterRsp struct {
    ClusterID     uint64
    ChainID       BlockHash
    Members       []*types.MemberAttr
    Err           error
    HardStateInfo *types.HardStateInfo

type GetRaftTransport struct {
    Cluster interface{}

type RaftClusterEvent struct {
    BPAdded   []types.PeerID
    BPRemoved []types.PeerID

// ChangeDesignatedPeers will trigger connect or disconnect peers
type ChangeDesignatedPeers struct {
    Add    []types.PeerAddress
    Remove []types.PeerID

type SendRaft struct {
    ToWhom types.PeerID
    Body   interface{} // for avoiding dependency cycle, though it must be raftpb.Message.

type SendRaftRsp struct {
    Err error

type P2PWhiteListConfEnableEvent struct {
    Name string
    On   bool

type P2PWhiteListConfSetEvent struct {
    Name   string
    Values []string

type IssueAgentCertificate struct {
    ProducerID types.PeerID

type NotifyCertRenewed struct {
    Cert *types.AgentCertificate

type TossDirection bool

type TossBPNotice struct {
    Block *types.Block
    // toss notice to internal zone or not
    TossIn bool
    // OriginalMsg is actually p2pcommon.Message. it is declared by interface{} for ad-hoc way to avoid import cycle
    OriginalMsg interface{}