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package types

import (


//governance type transaction which has aergo.system in recipient

const SetContractOwner = "v1setOwner"
const NameCreate = "v1createName"
const NameUpdate = "v1updateName"

const TxMaxSize = 200 * 1024

type validator func(tx *TxBody) error

var govValidators map[string]validator

func InitGovernance(consensus string, isPublic bool) {
    sysValidator := ValidateSystemTx
    if consensus != "dpos" {
        sysValidator = func(tx *TxBody) error {
            return ErrTxInvalidType

    govValidators = map[string]validator{
        AergoSystem: sysValidator,
        AergoName:   validateNameTx,
        AergoEnterprise: func(tx *TxBody) error {
            if isPublic {
                return ErrTxOnlySupportedInPriv
            return nil

type Transaction interface {
    GetTx() *Tx
    GetBody() *TxBody
    GetHash() []byte
    CalculateTxHash() []byte
    Validate([]byte, bool) error
    ValidateWithSenderState(senderState *State, gasPrice *big.Int, version int32) error
    ValidateMaxFee(balance, gasPrice *big.Int, version int32) error
    HasVerifedAccount() bool
    GetVerifedAccount() Address
    SetVerifedAccount(account Address) bool
    RemoveVerifedAccount() bool

type transaction struct {
    Tx              *Tx
    VerifiedAccount Address

var _ Transaction = (*transaction)(nil)

func NewTransaction(tx *Tx) Transaction {
    return &transaction{Tx: tx}

func (tx *transaction) GetTx() *Tx {
    if tx != nil {
        return tx.Tx
    return nil

func (tx *transaction) GetBody() *TxBody {
    return tx.Tx.Body

func (tx *transaction) GetHash() []byte {
    return tx.Tx.Hash

func (tx *transaction) CalculateTxHash() []byte {
    return tx.Tx.CalculateTxHash()

func (tx *transaction) Validate(chainidhash []byte, isPublic bool) error {
    if tx.GetTx() == nil || tx.GetTx().GetBody() == nil {
        return ErrTxFormatInvalid

    if !bytes.Equal(chainidhash, tx.GetTx().GetBody().GetChainIdHash()) {
        return ErrTxInvalidChainIdHash
    if proto.Size(tx.GetTx()) > TxMaxSize {
        return ErrTxInvalidSize

    account := tx.GetBody().GetAccount()
    if account == nil {
        return ErrTxFormatInvalid
    if !bytes.Equal(tx.GetHash(), tx.CalculateTxHash()) {
        return ErrTxHasInvalidHash

    amount := tx.GetBody().GetAmountBigInt()
    if amount.Cmp(MaxAER) > 0 {
        return ErrTxInvalidAmount

    gasprice := tx.GetBody().GetGasPriceBigInt()
    if gasprice.Cmp(MaxAER) > 0 {
        return ErrTxInvalidPrice

    if len(tx.GetBody().GetAccount()) > AddressLength {
        return ErrTxInvalidAccount

    if len(tx.GetBody().GetRecipient()) > AddressLength {
        return ErrTxInvalidRecipient

    switch tx.GetBody().Type {
    case TxType_REDEPLOY:
        if isPublic {
            return ErrTxInvalidType
        if tx.GetBody().GetRecipient() == nil {
            return ErrTxInvalidRecipient
    case TxType_NORMAL:
        if tx.GetBody().GetRecipient() == nil && len(tx.GetBody().GetPayload()) == 0 {
            //contract deploy
            return ErrTxInvalidRecipient
    case TxType_GOVERNANCE:
        if len(tx.GetBody().GetPayload()) <= 0 {
            return ErrTxFormatInvalid

        if err := validate(tx.GetBody()); err != nil {
            return err
    case TxType_FEEDELEGATION:
        if tx.GetBody().GetRecipient() == nil {
            return ErrTxInvalidRecipient
        if len(tx.GetBody().GetPayload()) <= 0 {
            return ErrTxFormatInvalid
    case TxType_TRANSFER, TxType_CALL:
        if tx.GetBody().GetRecipient() == nil {
            return ErrTxInvalidRecipient
    case TxType_DEPLOY:
        if tx.GetBody().GetRecipient() != nil {
            return ErrTxInvalidRecipient
        if len(tx.GetBody().GetPayload()) == 0 {
            return ErrTxFormatInvalid
        return ErrTxInvalidType
    return nil

func validate(tx *TxBody) error {
    if val, exist := govValidators[string(tx.GetRecipient())]; exist {
        return val(tx)

    return ErrTxInvalidRecipient

func ValidateSystemTx(tx *TxBody) error {
    var ci CallInfo
    if err := json.Unmarshal(tx.Payload, &ci); err != nil {
        return ErrTxInvalidPayload
    op := GetOpSysTx(ci.Name)
    switch op {
    case Opstake,
    case OpvoteBP:
        unique := map[string]int{}
        for i, v := range ci.Args {
            if i >= MaxCandidates {
                return ErrTxInvalidPayload
            encoded, ok := v.(string)
            if !ok {
                return ErrTxInvalidPayload
            if unique[encoded] != 0 {
                return ErrTxInvalidPayload
            candidate, err := base58.Decode(encoded)
            if err != nil {
                return ErrTxInvalidPayload
            _, err = IDFromBytes(candidate)
            if err != nil {
                return ErrTxInvalidPayload
    case OpvoteDAO:
        if len(ci.Args) < 1 {
            return fmt.Errorf("the number of args less then 1")
        unique := map[string]int{}
        for _, v := range ci.Args {
            encoded, ok := v.(string)
            if !ok {
                return ErrTxInvalidPayload
            if unique[encoded] != 0 {
                return ErrTxInvalidPayload
        return ErrTxInvalidPayload
    return nil

func validateNameTx(tx *TxBody) error {
    var ci CallInfo
    if err := json.Unmarshal(tx.Payload, &ci); err != nil {
        return ErrTxInvalidPayload
    switch ci.Name {
    case NameCreate:
        if err := _validateNameTx(tx, &ci); err != nil {
            return err
        if len(ci.Args) != 1 {
            return fmt.Errorf("invalid arguments in %s", ci)
    case NameUpdate:
        if err := _validateNameTx(tx, &ci); err != nil {
            return err
        if len(ci.Args) != 2 {
            return fmt.Errorf("invalid arguments in %s", ci)
        to, err := DecodeAddress(ci.Args[1].(string))
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("invalid receiver in %s", ci)
        if len(to) > AddressLength {
            return fmt.Errorf("too long name %s", string(tx.GetPayload()))
    case SetContractOwner:
        owner, ok := ci.Args[0].(string)
        if !ok {
            return fmt.Errorf("invalid arguments in %s", owner)
        _, err := DecodeAddress(owner)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("invalid new owner %s", err.Error())
        return ErrTxInvalidPayload
    return nil

func _validateNameTx(tx *TxBody, ci *CallInfo) error {
    if len(ci.Args) < 1 {
        return fmt.Errorf("invalid arguments in %s", ci)
    nameParam, ok := ci.Args[0].(string)
    if !ok {
        return fmt.Errorf("invalid arguments in %s", nameParam)

    if len(nameParam) > NameLength {
        return fmt.Errorf("too long name %s", string(tx.GetPayload()))
    if len(nameParam) != NameLength {
        return fmt.Errorf("not supported yet")
    if err := validateAllowedChar([]byte(nameParam)); err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

func (tx *transaction) ValidateWithSenderState(senderState *State, gasPrice *big.Int, version int32) error {
    if (senderState.GetNonce() + 1) > tx.GetBody().GetNonce() {
        return ErrTxNonceTooLow
    amount := tx.GetBody().GetAmountBigInt()
    balance := senderState.GetBalanceBigInt()
    switch tx.GetBody().GetType() {
    case TxType_NORMAL, TxType_REDEPLOY, TxType_TRANSFER, TxType_CALL, TxType_DEPLOY:
        b := new(big.Int).Sub(balance, amount)
        if b.Sign() < 0 {
            return ErrInsufficientBalance
        err := tx.ValidateMaxFee(b, gasPrice, version)
        if err != nil {
            return err
    case TxType_GOVERNANCE:
        switch string(tx.GetBody().GetRecipient()) {
        case AergoSystem:
            var ci CallInfo
            if err := json.Unmarshal(tx.GetBody().GetPayload(), &ci); err != nil {
                return ErrTxInvalidPayload
            if ci.Name == Opstake.Cmd() &&
                amount.Cmp(balance) > 0 {
                return ErrInsufficientBalance
        case AergoName:
        case AergoEnterprise:
            return ErrTxInvalidRecipient
    case TxType_FEEDELEGATION:
        if amount.Cmp(balance) > 0 {
            return ErrInsufficientBalance
    if (senderState.GetNonce() + 1) < tx.GetBody().GetNonce() {
        return ErrTxNonceToohigh
    return nil

// TODO : refoctor after ContractState move to types
func (tx *Tx) ValidateWithContractState(contractState *State) error {
    //in system.ValidateSystemTx
    //in name.ValidateNameTx
    return nil

func (tx *transaction) GetVerifedAccount() Address {
    return tx.VerifiedAccount

func (tx *transaction) SetVerifedAccount(account Address) bool {
    tx.VerifiedAccount = account
    return true

func (tx *transaction) HasVerifedAccount() bool {
    return len(tx.VerifiedAccount) != 0

func (tx *transaction) RemoveVerifedAccount() bool {
    return tx.SetVerifedAccount(nil)

func (tx *transaction) Clone() *transaction {
    if tx == nil {
        return nil
    if tx.GetBody() == nil {
        return &transaction{}
    body := &TxBody{
        Nonce:     tx.GetBody().Nonce,
        Account:   tx.GetBody().Account,
        Recipient: tx.GetBody().Recipient,
        Amount:    tx.GetBody().Amount,
        Payload:   tx.GetBody().Payload,
        GasLimit:  tx.GetBody().GasLimit,
        GasPrice:  tx.GetBody().GasPrice,
        Type:      tx.GetBody().Type,
        Sign:      tx.GetBody().Sign,
    res := &transaction{
        Tx: &Tx{Body: body},
    res.Tx.Hash = res.CalculateTxHash()
    return res

func (tx *transaction) ValidateMaxFee(balance, gasPrice *big.Int, version int32) error {
    var (
        lenPayload = len(tx.GetBody().GetPayload())
        gasLimit   = tx.GetBody().GetGasLimit()

    maxFee, err := fee.TxMaxFee(version, lenPayload, gasLimit, balance, gasPrice)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    } else if maxFee.Cmp(balance) > 0 {
        return ErrInsufficientBalance
    return nil

const allowedNameChar = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890"

func validateAllowedChar(param []byte) error {
    if param == nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("not allowed character : nil")
    for _, char := range string(param) {
        if !strings.Contains(allowedNameChar, strings.ToLower(string(char))) {
            return fmt.Errorf("not allowed character in %s", string(param))
    return nil