

0 mins
Test Coverage
package gql

var Schema = `
    scalar Time

    schema {
        query: Query
        mutation: Mutation

    # The query type, represents all of the entry points into our object graph
    type Query {
        vehicles: [Vehicle]!
        vehicle(code: String!): Vehicle!

    # The mutation type, represents all updates we can make to our data
    type Mutation {
        updateVehicle(code: String!, input: VehicleInput!): Vehicle!

    type Vehicle {
        id:              ID!
        stopArea:        ID!
        line:            ID!
        vehicleJourney:  ID!
        nextStopVisit:   ID!
        code:            String!
        occupancyStatus: String!
        driverRef:       String!
        linkDistance:    Float!
        occupancyRate:   Float!
        longitude:       Float!
        latitude:        Float!
        bearing:         Float!
        recordedAt:      Time!
        validUntil:      Time!

    input VehicleInput {
        occupancyStatus:    String
        occupancyRate:        Float