

0 mins
Test Coverage
package apierrs

import "fmt"

type Errors map[string]interface{}

func NewErrors() Errors {
    return make(Errors)

func (errors Errors) Empty() bool {
    return len(errors) == 0

const (
    SETTINGS          = "Settings"
    CONNECTOR_TYPES   = "ConnectorTypes"
    ERROR_BLANK       = "Can't be empty"
    ERROR_SLUG_FORMAT = "Invalid format: only lowercase alphanumeric characters and _"
    ERROR_ZERO        = "Can't be zero"
    ERROR_UNIQUE      = "Is already in use"

func (errors Errors) Get(attribute string) []string {
    m, ok := errors[attribute]
    if !ok {
        return []string{}
    s, ok := m.([]string)
    if !ok {
        return []string{}
    return s

func (errors Errors) Add(attribute, message string) {
    if errors.added(attribute, message) {
    errors[attribute] = append(errors[attribute].([]string), message)

func (errors Errors) added(attribute, message string) bool {
    i, ok := errors[attribute]
    if !ok {
        errors[attribute] = []string{}
        return false

    messageArray, ok := i.([]string)
    if !ok {
        return true // Shouldn't happen, but if it does we want to do nothing
    for _, m := range messageArray {
        if m == message {
            return true

    return false

func (errors Errors) GetSettingError(attribute string) []string {
    m, ok := errors[SETTINGS]
    if !ok {
        return []string{}
    s, ok := m.(Errors)
    if !ok {
        return []string{}
    return s.Get(attribute)

func (errors Errors) AddSettingError(attribute, message string) {
    se, ok := errors[SETTINGS]
    if !ok {
        se = NewErrors()
        errors[SETTINGS] = se
    se.(Errors).Add(attribute, message)

func (errors Errors) GetConnectorTypesError(connector string) []string {
    m, ok := errors[CONNECTOR_TYPES]
    if !ok {
        return []string{}
    s, ok := m.(Errors)
    if !ok {
        return []string{}
    return s.Get(connector)

func (errors Errors) AddConnectorTypesError(connector string) {
    cte, ok := errors[CONNECTOR_TYPES]
    if !ok {
        cte = NewErrors()
        errors[CONNECTOR_TYPES] = cte
    cte.(Errors).Add(connector, fmt.Sprintf("Unknown connector %v", connector))

// Test method
func (errors Errors) GetSettings() Errors {
    s, ok := errors[SETTINGS]
    if ok {
        return s.(Errors)
    return NewErrors()