

0 mins
Test Coverage
package idgen

import (


const (
    MessageSetting         = "generators.message_identifier"
    ResponseMessageSetting = "generators.response_message_identifier"
    DataFrameSetting       = "generators.data_frame_identifier"
    ReferenceSetting       = "generators.reference_identifier"
    StopAreaSetting        = "generators.reference_stop_area_identifier"
    VehicleJourneySetting  = "generators.reference_vehicle_journey_identifier"
    SubscriptionSetting    = "generators.subscription_identifier"

    Message         = "Message"
    ResponseMessage = "ResponseMessage"
    DataFrame       = "DataFrame"
    Reference       = "Reference"
    StopArea        = "StopArea"
    VehicleJourney  = "VehicleJourney"
    Subscription    = "Subscription"

var generatorSettings = map[string]string{
    MessageSetting:         Message,
    ResponseMessageSetting: ResponseMessage,
    DataFrameSetting:       DataFrame,
    ReferenceSetting:       Reference,
    StopAreaSetting:        StopArea,
    VehicleJourneySetting:  VehicleJourney,
    SubscriptionSetting:    Subscription,

var re = regexp.MustCompile("%{uuid}")

var defaultGenerators = map[string]string{
    Message:         "%{uuid}",
    ResponseMessage: "%{uuid}",
    DataFrame:       "%{id}",
    Reference:       "%{type}:%{id}",
    StopArea:        "%{id}",
    Subscription:    "%{id}",

type IdentifierGenerator struct {
    uuidGenerator uuid.UUIDGenerator
    formatStrings map[string]string

type IdentifierAttributes struct {
    Type string
    Id   string

func NewIdentifierGenerator(settings map[string]string, uuidGenerator uuid.UUIDGenerator) IdentifierGenerator {
    var formatStrings = make(map[string]string, len(generatorSettings))

    /* If the setting is defined we use it
    if not we check if there's a default one
    if not, we don't do anything and Reference will be used
    for setting, kind := range generatorSettings {
        format, ok := settings[setting]
        if !ok {
            format, ok = defaultGenerators[kind]
            if !ok {
        formatStrings[kind] = format

    return IdentifierGenerator{
        uuidGenerator: uuidGenerator,
        formatStrings: formatStrings,

// We use attributes.Type to find the appropriate generator
// We can use the kind optionnal argument if Type isn't clear enough like for DatedVehicleJourney
func (idg *IdentifierGenerator) NewIdentifier(attributes IdentifierAttributes, kind ...string) string {
    // default and code are legacy values, keep them for now for a smoother transition
    replacer := strings.NewReplacer("%{id}", attributes.Id, "%{type}", attributes.Type, "%{default}", attributes.Id, "%{code}", attributes.Id)
    return idg.handleuuids(replacer.Replace(idg.formatString(kind, attributes)))

// To avoid the replacer
func (idg *IdentifierGenerator) NewMessageIdentifier() string {
    return idg.handleuuids(idg.formatStrings[Message])

func (idg *IdentifierGenerator) NewResponseMessageIdentifier() string {
    return idg.handleuuids(idg.formatStrings[ResponseMessage])

func (idg *IdentifierGenerator) handleuuids(s string) string {
    return re.ReplaceAllStringFunc(s, func(string) string { return idg.uuidGenerator.NewUUID() })

// We check if we know a generator for the identifier, otherwise we consider it's a Reference
func (idg *IdentifierGenerator) formatString(kind []string, attributes IdentifierAttributes) string {
    if s, ok := idg.formatStrings[processKind(kind, attributes)]; ok {
        return s
    return idg.formatStrings[Reference]

/* We check in order :
* If a kind is specified
* If a Type is specified
Otherwise we return 'Reference'
func processKind(k []string, a IdentifierAttributes) string {
    if len(k) != 0 {
        return k[0]

    if a.Type != "" {
        return a.Type

    return Reference

// Test method
func (idg *IdentifierGenerator) FormatString(kind string) string {
    return idg.formatStrings[kind]