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Test Coverage

# Delete gem branch if it exists locally
git branch -D gem || true

# Create a new branch named `gem`
git checkout -b gem

# Add ./pkg/ Gemfile and .gemspec to project root
make add_root_gemfile && make add_root_gemspec

# Add version information to top of .gemspec in project root
make ver_root_gemspec

# Make a commit with Gemfile and .gemspec in project root
git add -A && git commit --amend --no-edit

# Use the current commit as a version tag
git tag -a "v$1" -f -m "v$1"

# Push the created comiit tag to the remote repository
git push origin "v$1" -f

# Clean up and reset back branch
git clean -df && git checkout .

# Move back to master branch
git checkout master

# Clean up branch since the tag will store the commit
git branch -D gem