

1 hr
Test Coverage
Tables Extension for Python-Markdown

Added parsing of tables to Python-Markdown.

See <>
for documentation.

Original code Copyright 2009 [Waylan Limberg](

All changes Copyright 2008-2014 The Python Markdown Project

License: [BSD](

from markdown import Markdown
from markdown.blockparser import BlockParser
from markdown.blockprocessors import BlockProcessor
from markdown.extensions import Extension
from xml.etree import ElementTree as etree

class BootstrapedTableProcessor(BlockProcessor):
    """ Process Tables. """

    def test(self, parent, block):
        rows = block.split('\n')
        return (len(rows) > 2 and '|' in rows[0] and
                '|' in rows[1] and '-' in rows[1] and
                rows[1].strip()[0] in ['|', ':', '-'])

    def run(self, parent, blocks):
        """ Parse a table block and build table. """
        block = blocks.pop(0).split('\n')
        header = block[0].strip()
        seperator = block[1].strip()
        rows = block[2:]
        # Get format type (bordered by pipes or not)
        border = False
        if header.startswith('|'):
            border = True
        # Get alignment of columns
        align = []
        for c in self._split_row(seperator, border):
            if c.startswith(':') and c.endswith(':'):
            elif c.startswith(':'):
            elif c.endswith(':'):
        # Build table
        table = etree.SubElement(parent, 'table', {'class': 'table'})
        thead = etree.SubElement(table, 'thead')
        self._build_row(header, thead, align, border)
        tbody = etree.SubElement(table, 'tbody')
        for row in rows:
            self._build_row(row.strip(), tbody, align, border)

    def _build_row(self, row, parent, align, border):
        """ Given a row of text, build table cells. """
        tr = etree.SubElement(parent, 'tr')
        tag = 'td'
        if parent.tag == 'thead':
            tag = 'th'
        cells = self._split_row(row, border)
        # We use align here rather than cells to ensure every row
        # contains the same number of columns.
        for i, a in enumerate(align):
            c = etree.SubElement(tr, tag)
                c.text = cells[i].strip()
            except IndexError:  # pragma: no cover
                c.text = ""
            if a:
                c.set('align', a)

    def _split_row(row, border):
        """ split a row of text into list of cells. """
        if border:
            if row.startswith('|'):
                row = row[1:]
            if row.endswith('|'):
                row = row[:-1]
        return row.split('|')

class BootstrapedTableExtension(Extension):
    """ Add tables to Markdown. """

    def extendMarkdown(self, md: Markdown):
        """ Add an instance of TableProcessor to BlockParser. """
        parser: BlockParser = md.parser

def makeExtension(*args, **kwargs):
    return BootstrapedTableExtension(*args, **kwargs)