

35 mins
Test Coverage
from __future__ import annotations

# This file contains parts of the module `tests.frontend.fixture_helpers`
# (pycroft@ded11d489de02e8c670990abc46f07beaea064f7)
#  Copyright (c) 2022. The Pycroft Authors. See the AUTHORS file.
#  This file is part of the Pycroft project and licensed under the terms of
#  the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details
import contextlib
import re
import typing as t
from urllib.parse import urlparse, urljoin

import flask.testing
import jinja2 as j
import pytest
from flask import url_for, template_rendered, Response, message_flashed

class TestClient(flask.testing.FlaskClient):
    __test__ = False


        def get(self, *a, **kw) -> flask.Response:

    def __init__(self, *a, **kw):
        super().__init__(*a, **kw)
        self.test_client = self

    def assert_url_response_code(
        self, url: str, code: int, method: str = "GET", autoclose: bool = True, **kw
    ) -> Response:
        """assert that a URL returned a certain response code.

        :param url:
        :param code:
        :param method:
        :param autoclose: Whether the response object should be closed after the assertion.
            If set to ``False``, make sure to use it in a context manager like so:

            with self.assert_url_response_code("/test", code=200, autoclose=False) as resp:
                assert "foo" in resp.data
        :param kw:
        resp = self.open(url, method=method, **kw)
        assert (
            resp.status_code == code
        ), f"Expected url {url} to return {code}, got {resp.status_code}"
        if autoclose:
        return resp

    def assert_response_code(self, endpoint: str, code: int, **kw) -> Response:
        return self.assert_url_response_code(url_for(endpoint), code, **kw)

    def assert_url_ok(self, url: str, **kw) -> Response:
        return self.assert_url_response_code(url, code=200, **kw)

    def assert_ok(self, endpoint: str, **kw) -> Response:
        return self.assert_response_code(endpoint, code=200, **kw)

    def fully_qualify_location(self, location: str) -> str:
        # inspired by `flask_testing.utils`
        if urlparse(location).netloc:
            return location

        server_name = self.application.config.get("SERVER_NAME") or "localhost"
        return urljoin(f"http://{server_name}", location)

    def assert_url_redirects(
        self, url: str, expected_location: str | None = None, method: str = "GET", **kw
    ) -> Response:
        resp = self.open(url, method=method, **kw)
        assert (
            300 <= resp.status_code < 400
        ), f"Expected {url!r} to redirect, got status {resp.status}"
        if expected_location is not None:
            assert self.fully_qualify_location(
            ) == self.fully_qualify_location(expected_location)
        return resp

    def assert_redirects(
        endpoint: str,
        expected_location: str | None = None,
        method: str = "GET",
    ) -> Response:
        resp = self.open(url_for(endpoint), method=method, **kw)
        assert (
            300 <= resp.status_code < 400
        ), f"Expected endpoint {endpoint} to redirect, got status {resp.status}"
        if expected_location is not None:
            assert self.fully_qualify_location(
            ) == self.fully_qualify_location(expected_location)
        return resp

    def assert_url_forbidden(self, url: str, method: str = "GET", **kw) -> Response:
        resp = self.open(url, method=method, **kw)
        status = resp.status_code
        assert (
            status == 403
        ), f"Access to {url} expected to be forbidden, got status {status}"
        return resp

    def assert_forbidden(self, endpoint: str, method: str = "GET", **kw) -> Response:
        return self.assert_url_forbidden(url_for(endpoint), method=method, **kw)

    def renders_template(
        self, template: str, allow_others: bool = False
    ) -> t.Iterator[list[tuple[j.Template, t.Any]]]:
        app = self.application
        recorded: list[RenderedTemplate] = []

        def record(sender, template, context, **extra):
            recorded.append(RenderedTemplate(template=template, context=context))

        template_rendered.connect(record, app)
            yield recorded
            template_rendered.disconnect(record, app)

        if not recorded:
                f"No template has been rendered (expected {template} to be used)"

        template_names = [template.name for template, ctx in recorded]
        if allow_others:
            assert (
                template in template_names
            ), f"Expected template {template} to be rendered, got {template_names!r}"
            assert template_names == [
            ], f"Expected template {template} to be rendered (exclusively), got {template_names!r}"

    def capture_flashes(self) -> t.Iterable[list[FlashedMessage]]:
        app = self.application
        recorded: list[FlashedMessage] = []

        def record(sender, message, category, **extra):
            recorded.append(FlashedMessage(str(message), category))

        message_flashed.connect(record, app)

            yield recorded
            template_rendered.disconnect(record, app)

    def flashes_message(self, match: str, category: str):
        with self.capture_flashes() as recorded:
            yield recorded

        if not recorded:
            pytest.fail("No messages flashed")

        if not any(
                cat == category and re.search(match, message) is not None
                for message, cat in recorded
            rec = "\n".join(repr(m) for m in recorded)
                f"No message matching pattern {match!r} was flashed in category {category}.\n"
                f"flashed messages:\n{rec}"

class RenderedTemplate(t.NamedTuple):
    template: j.Template
    context: dict[str, t.Any]

class FlashedMessage(t.NamedTuple):
    message: str
    category: str

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"<{self.category} {self.message}>"