

0 mins
Test Coverage
import re
import typing as t
from unittest.mock import patch

import pytest
from flask import url_for
from werkzeug import Response

from sipa.blueprints.usersuite import get_attribute_endpoint
from sipa.model.fancy_property import PropertyBase
from sipa.model.user import TableRow
from tests.assertions import TestClient, RenderedTemplate

pytestmark = pytest.mark.usefixtures("user_logged_in")

def client(module_test_client) -> TestClient:
    return module_test_client

def test_usersuite_reachable(client):
    resp = client.get(url_for("usersuite.index"))
    assert resp.status_code == 200

        for x in "index contact change_mac activate_network_access".split()
def test_usersuite_endpoint_ok(client, endpoint):

def _usersuite_index(client) -> tuple[Response, RenderedTemplate]:
    with client.renders_template("usersuite/index.html") as recorded:
        resp = client.assert_ok("usersuite.index")
    return resp, recorded[0]

def usersuite_response(_usersuite_index):
    return _usersuite_index[0]

def usersuite_passed_rows(_usersuite_index) -> list[TableRow]:
    return t.cast(list[TableRow], _usersuite_index[1].context["rows"])

        "userdb_status",  # unsupported
def test_usersuite_passes_correct_rows(usersuite_passed_rows, propname):
    rows = usersuite_passed_rows
    relevant_row = next(row for row in rows if row.property.name == propname)
    assert (
        relevant_row is not None
    ), f"Property {propname} absent from usersuite rows!\n{rows=!r}"
    if propname != "userdb_status":
        assert t.cast(PropertyBase, relevant_row.property).supported

def test_usersuite_contains_urls(usersuite_response):
    """Test the usersuite contains the urls of `sample`s capabilities."""
    # We have to patch `current_user` since it is not defined due
    # to the wrong app context, but the code runs some asserts
    # against it checking capabilities.
    with patch("sipa.blueprints.usersuite.current_user"):
        urls = [
            *(url_for(get_attribute_endpoint(attr)) for attr in ["mail", "mac"]),
                url_for(get_attribute_endpoint(attr, capability="delete"))
                for attr in []

    for url in urls:
        assert re.search(
            f'href="[^"]*{url}[^"]*"', usersuite_response.data.decode()
        ), f"Usersuite does not contain any reference to url {url!r}"