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%p Hello, #{h(" & ").html_safe)}!

  We are thrilled to announce that
  %strong your session '#{h(@session.title)}' was approved
  for #{@conference_name}'s program!

%p We received a large number of submissions, and it was very challenging to select the ones that are going to be part of our program during the days of the conference. Thus, congratulations! :-)

  Now, you must take some actions
  %strong until #{@conference.author_confirmation.strftime('%H:%M %Z of %B %dth, %Y')}
  to confirm or withdraw your participation as a speaker this year. Here they are:

    %strong Review comments and suggestions
    made by the reviewers at:
    = link_to session_reviews_url(@conference, @session, type: :final, locale: 'en') + '.', session_reviews_url(@conference, @session, type: :final, locale: 'en')
    It is possible that some changes need to be made in the title or abstract. If that is the case, this can be done on action (2).
    %strong Confirm your attendance
    at the conference and make the changes to the title and abstract your reviewers might have suggested. To do so, access this form:
    = link_to session_confirm_url(@conference, @session, locale: 'en'), session_confirm_url(@conference, @session, locale: 'en')
    %strong In case you won't be able to attend the conference, confirm your withdrawal
    through the form:
    = link_to session_withdraw_url(@conference, @session, locale: 'en'), session_withdraw_url(@conference, @session, locale: 'en')
    so that your slot is freed.
    Note that, once you confirm your withdrawal, this is a final decision that cannot be changed.

  Unconfirmed sessions will be removed from the program and replaced by other selected proposals that are now on the waiting list.
  - if(@session.authors.size > 1)
    Any of the two authors (#{} or #{@session.second_author.full_name}) may confirm or withdraw the proposal. However, it only necessary for ONE author to confirm or withdraw the proposal. If an author already confirmed or withdrew the proposal, the other may receive an 'Unauthorized action' message.

  If you completed steps (1) and (2) and had your session confirmed for the conference, celebrate it \o/
  #{@conference_name}'s organizers will contact you in the next few months to start your registration process.

%p In case you have any questions, requests or comments, you can contact the Program Committee at #{mail_to ''}.

  Once again, congratulations!
  We hope to see you in #{@conference_location} in October!

%p Our best regards,

  = "--"
  %strong Program Committee
  %strong= @conference_name

%small [Please do not reply to this e-mail. It was sent from an unmonitored email address]