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## [Unreleased]

## [0.20.1] - 2024-02-25

- Fix issue with :if plugin used together with :batch plugin.
  We kept `key => nil` attribute when key should have been skipped
  because of :if_value or :unelss_value option

## [0.20.0] - 2023-12-29

- Validate plugins options keys
- Add additional methods to Serega::AttributeNotExist:

   - `#serializer` Shows current serializer;
   - `#attributes` Lists not existing attributes.

- Fix extra allocations by replacing forwardable methods with plain ruby methods

## [0.19.0] - 2023-12-17

- Added :default option for attributes. The `default` option value will replace
  nils. Also we will use empty array as a default when `many: true` is
  specified without custom :default option
- Remove :batch plugin :default option. It can be replaced with the new global
  :default option.

## [0.18.0] - 2023-11-11

- Rename batch plugin option `key` to `id_method`.
- Rename batch plugin init option `default_key` to `id_method`.
  Now it can be callable object
- Rename batch plugin config option `default_key` to `id_method`.
  Now it can be callable object

class SomeSerializer < Serega
  # previously it was `default_key: :id`
  plugin :batch, id_method: :id

  # previously it was `config.batch.default_key = :id`
  config.batch.id_method = :id

  # previously it was `attribute :other, batch: {key: :other_id, loader: ...}`
  attribute :other, batch: {id_method: :other_id, loader: OtherLoader}

- Require named batch loaders to be defined before usage

class AppSerializer < Serega
  plugin :batch, id_method: :id

  # Define named loader first
  config.batch.define(:posts_comments_counter) do |post_ids|
    Comment.where(post_id: post_ids).group(:post_id).count

class PostSerializer < AppSerializer
  # Use it later
  attribute :comments_count, batch: { loader: :posts_comments_counter }

## [0.17.0] - 2023-11-03

- Allow to provide callable/lambdas objects with 0-2 args as attribute :value
- Allow to provide callable/lambdas with 0-2 args format in :formatters plugin
- Allow to provide callable/lambdas with 0-2 args as :if plugin options
- Allow to provide callable/lambdas with 0-3 args as :batch plugin options
- Allow to provide callable :const and :value options to meta_attributes
  of `:metadata` plugin

# Attributes with callable classes
attribute :email, value: EmailFetcher
attribute :email, if: EmailPolicy
attribute :email, batch: {key: EmailKeyFetcher, loader: EmailBatchLoader }
attribute :email, format: EmailFormatter

## [0.16.0] - 2023-10-15

- Add :depth_limit plugin that helps to secure from malicious queries that
  require to serialize too much or from accidental serializing of objects with
  cyclic relations
- Add :camel_case plugin to automatically transform attribute keys to camelCase
- Rename attribute option `:key` to `:method`
- Rename attribute `:delegate` sub-option `:key` to `:method`
- Validate there are no extra `:delegate` sub-options

## [0.15.0] - 2023-08-13

- Add validation that option :many can only be added only together with :serializer
  or :batch options, it is useless without them

- Remove :openapi plugin. It was wrong place to add this plugin.
  Serializers should be good at one thing - serialization.
  Serializers classes just don't know all needed context to build good schema.
  You can use this gist as an example how to build OpenAPI schema for Serega
  serializer for ActiveRecord objects: <>

## [0.14.0] - 2023-07-24

- Add :explicit_many_option plugin
- Add '.openapi_properties' method to specify openapi_properties
- Remove :openapi attribute option from :openapi plugin (replaced with openapi_properties)

## [0.13.0] - 2023-07-20

- Add :openapi gem that helps to construct OpenAPI schema for serializer.
  It can help to construct response schemas and use with some OpenAPI tools
  (for example with rswag gem). Look at README for more information

## [0.12.0] - 2023-07-10

- Fix issue <>
  With this issue fixed we now require to provide `:preload_path` attribute
  option when preloaded more than one association. Before this change we preload
  nested associations only to the latest specified association. Please see
  README `preload` plugin section for more details.

## [0.11.2] - 2023-04-30

- Raise meaningful error when :batch plugin not enabled for root serializer.
  Workaround for issue <> - it is
  not a bug, it is how `batch` plugin works.

# Before:
# => NoMethodError:
#    undefined method get for nil:NilClass in
#    remember_key_for_batch_loading method
# After:
# => Serega::SeregaError:
#    Plugin :batch must be added to current serializer (#{current_serializer})
#    to load attributes with :batch option in nested serializer
#    (#{nested_serializer})

## [0.11.1] - 2023-04-25

- Fix :default_key batch plugin option was set to nil when defined as
  `plugin :batch, default_key: :id`

## [0.11.0] - 2023-04-24

### Breaking changes

- Rename `SeregaMap` class to `SeregaPlan` and `SeregaMapPoint` to `SeregaPlanPoint`
- Rename config option from `max_cached_map_per_serializer_count` to
- Rename config method from `config.batch_loaders` to `config.batch.loaders`
- Rename config method from `config.batch_loaders.define` to `config.batch.define`

### Improvements

- Add config method `config.batch.auto_hide=(bool)` to automatically mark as
  hidden attributes having :batch option
- Allow to define :batch plugin with :auth_hide option
- Allow to define :batch plugin with :default_key option

class SomeSerializer < Serega
  plugin :batch, auto_hide: true, default_key: :id

  # or
  plugin :batch
  config.batch.auto_hide = true
  config.batch.default_key = :id

- Add `config.delegate_default_allow_nil=(bool)` config option to specify
  default behavior when delegated object is nil. By default it is `false`

class SomeSerializer < Serega
  config.delegate_default_allow_nil = true

## [0.10.0] - 2023-03-28

- Less strict attribute name format. Allow attribute names to include chars
  "\_", "-" and "~". They can be added as first or last characters also.
- Allow to disable attribute name format check globally or per-serializer via:

Serega.config.check_attribute_name = false

class SomeSerializer < Serega
  config.check_attribute_name = false

- Added comments in code about where each methods extended
- Allow to load :if plugin and :batch plugin in any order
- Less objects allocations when parsing string modifiers

## [0.9.0] - 2023-03-23

- Plugin `:if` was added, look at for all options and examples.
- Plugin `:hide_nil` was removed, but it can be replaced by plugin `:if`

# previously
plugin :hide_nil
attribute :email, hide_nil: true

# now
plugin :if
attribute :email, unless_value: :nil?

## [0.8.3] - 2023-02-14

- Allow to call serialize methods with `nil` as options

  UserSerialzier.to_h(user, nil) # same as UserSerialzier.to_h(user), nil)  # same as

- Optimize allocations
- Add documentation coverage checks in
- Add allocate_stats gem to easily check extra allocations

## [0.8.2] - 2022-12-20

- Show current serializer and attribute when NoMethodError happens
- Fix auto preload, that should not be added for attributes with
  :serializer and :batch options

## [0.8.1] - 2022-12-11

- Change requested fields validation message. Now we return all not existing
  fields instead of first one.

## [0.8.0] - 2022-12-09

- Add `:key` option to `:delegate` option. Remove possibility to add top-level
  `:key` option together with `:delegate` option

  attribute :is_presale, delegate: { to: :product }, key: :presale?

  # NOW
  attribute :is_presale, delegate: { to: :product, key: :presale? }

## [0.7.0] - 2022-12-08

- Root plugin now does not symbolize provided root key
- Root plugin now allows to provide `nil` root to skip adding root
- Metadata and context_metadata plugins now raise error if root plugin was not
  added before manually
- Metadata and context_metadata not added if root is nil
- More documentation with yardoc
- Require :preloads plugin to be added manually before :activerecord_preloads

## [0.6.1] - 2022-12-03

- Fix `presenter` plugin was not working for nested serializers
- Fix issue with not auto-preloaded relations when using #call method
- Remove SeregaSerializer class, moved its functionality to Serega#serialize

## [0.6.0] - 2022-12-01

- Make batch loader to accept current point instead of nested points as 3rd

  It becomes easier to find preloads by asking `point.preloads`

## [0.5.2] - 2022-11-21

- Change gem description again

## [0.5.1] - 2022-11-21

- Change gem summary, description, changelog link
- Fix README links

## [0.5.0] - 2022-11-21

- Add plugin :batch for batch loading

  class PostSerializer < Serega
    plugin :batch

    # Define batch loader via callable class, it must accept three args
    # (keys, context, nested_attributes)
    attribute :comments_count,
      batch: { key: :id, loader: PostCommentsCountBatchLoader, default: 0}

    # Define batch loader via Symbol, later we should define this loader via
    # config.batch_loaders.define(:posts_comments_counter) { ... }
    attribute :comments_count,
      batch: { key: :id, loader: :posts_comments_counter, default: 0}

    # Define batch loader with serializer
    attribute :comments,
      serializer: CommentSerializer,
      batch: { key: :id, loader: :posts_comments, default: []}

    # Resulted block must return hash like { key => value(s) }
    config.batch_loaders.define(:posts_comments_counter) do |keys| keys).count

    # We can return objects that will be automatically serialized if attribute
    # defined with :serializer
    # Parameter `context` can be used when loading batch
    # Parameter `points` can be used to find nested attributes that will be serialized
    config.batch_loaders.define(:posts_comments) do |keys, context, points|
      Comment.where(post_id: keys).where(is_spam: false).group_by(&:post_id)

## [0.4.0] - 2022-09-20

- Allow to provide formatters config when adding `formatters` plugin

  plugin :formatters, formatters: {
    iso8601: ->(value) { time.iso8601.round(6) },
    on_off: ->(value) { value ? 'ON' : 'OFF' },
    money: ->(value) { value.round(2) }

## [0.3.0] - 2022-08-10

- Use Oj JSON adapter by default if Oj is loaded. We use `mode: :compat` when
  serializing objects. Config can still be overwritten:

 config.to_json = proc { |data| Oj.dump(mode: :strict) }
 config.from_json = proc { |json| Oj.load(json) }

- We can now access config options through methods instead of hash keys

# Shows enabled plugins

# Shows allowed options keys when initiating serializer

# Shows allowed options keys when adding new attribute

# Shows allowed options keys when serializing object with
 #call, #to_h, #to_json, #as_json methods

# Shows value of check_initiate_params option. Default is true

# Changes check_initiate_params option. When value is false - it skips invalid
# initiate options and values

# Shows count of cached maps per serializer. Default is 0

# Changes count of cached maps

# Returns Proc that is used to generate JSON. By default uses `JSON.dump` method

# Changes proc to generate JSON.

# Returns Proc that is used to parse JSON. By default uses `JSON.load` method

# Changes proc to parse JSON.

# With context_metadata plugin:
# Key used to add metadata. By default it is :meta

# Changes key used to add context_metadata

# With formatters plugin:
# Add formatters
config.formatters.add(key => proc_value)

# With metadata plugin:
# Shows allowed attributes keys when adding meta_attribute

# With preloads plugin:
# Shows this config value. Default is false

# Shows this config value. Default is false

# Shows this config value. Default is false

# Changes value

# Changes value

# Changes value

# With root plugin
# Shows current root config value. By default it is `{one: "data", many: "data"}`

# Changes root values.
config.root=(one:, many:)

# Shows root value used when serializing single object

# Shows root value used when serializing multiple objects

# Changes root value for serializing single object

# Changes root value for serializing multiple objects

- Added `from_json` config method that is used in `#as_json` result.
  It can be overwritten this way:

config.from_json = proc {...}

- Configured branch coverage checking

- Disabling caching of serialized attributes maps by default. This can be
  reverted with `config.max_cached_map_per_serializer_count = 50`

- Refactor validations. Remove `validate_modifiers` plugin. Modifiers are now
  validated by default. This can be changed globally with config option
  `config.check_initiate_params = false`. Or we can skip validation per

  (obj, only: ..., :with: ..., except: ..., check_initiate_params: false)

## [0.2.0] - 2022-08-01

- Remove `.relation` DSL method for simplicity. Just use
  `attribute :foo, serializer: Foo`. Method can be added back manually:

  class Serega
    def self.relation(name, serializer:, **opts, &block)
      attribute(name, serializer: serializer, **opts, &block)

- Add config option for `:preload` plugin -

# Setup:
class Serega
  plugin :preload, auto_preload_attributes_with_delegate: true

  # or
  plugin :preload
  config[:preload][:auto_preload_attributes_with_delegate] = true

- Add option :delegate when defining attributes. Examples:

  attribute :comments_count,
    delegate: { to: :user_stat }

  attribute :address_line_1, key: :line_1,
    delegate: { to: :address, allow_nil: true }

- Prohibit to use option :preload together with option :const (#23)

- Rename constants. Add prefix Serega for come classes.
  Previously in applications that use same class names this classes have to be
  defined with two colons "::".

   - Serega::Attribute -> Serega::SeregaAttribute
   - Serega::Convert -> Serega::SeregaConvert
   - Serega::ConvertItem -> Serega::SeregaConvertItem
   - Serega::Error -> Serega::SeregaError
   - Serega::Helpers -> Serega::SeregaHelpers
   - Serega::Map -> Serega::SeregaMap
   - Serega::Utils -> Serega::SeregaUtils
   - Serega::Validations -> Serega::SeregaValidations

## [0.1.5] - 2022-07-27

- Added config option `config[:preloads][:auto_hide_attributes_with_preload]`
  to `preloads` plugin. By default it is `false`.

- Plugin `validate_modifiers` now raises `Serega:AttributeNotExist` error when
  requested attribute not exists

- Change `preloads` plugin config option
  `config[:preloads][:auto_preload_relation] = true` to
  `config[:preloads][:auto_preload_attributes_with_serializer] = false`,
  so now there are no surprises where this preloads come from.

## [0.1.4] - 2022-07-25

- Fix context_metadata plugin error

  wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 1)

## [0.1.3] - 2022-07-25

- Fix activerecord_preloads plugin error

  wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 1)

## [0.1.2] - 2022-07-24

- Added :const attribute option to specify attribute with constant value

- Added `.call` and `#call` methods same as `.to_h` and `#to_h`. New methods
  were added as when we can serialize list of objects the result will be array,
  so `to_h` is a bit confusing

## [0.1.1] - 2022-07-13

- Fix validation and README docs about attribute option `:key`.
  Previously we validate option :method instead

## [0.1.0] - 2022-07-07

- Initial public release ([@aglushkov][])
