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    Contains functionality for public API methods for the 'ulid' package.
import typing
import uuid

from .. import base32, codec, hints, providers, ulid

#: Type hint that defines multiple primitive types that can represent a full ULID.
ULIDPrimitive = typing.Union[hints.Primitive, uuid.UUID, ulid.ULID]  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

#: Defines the '__all__' for the API interface.
ALL = [

class Api:
    Encapsulates public API methods for the 'ulid' package that is agnostic to the underlying provider.
    def __init__(self, provider: providers.Provider) -> None:
        Create a new API instance with the given provider.

        :param provider: Provider that yields timestamp/randomness values.
        :type provider: :class:`~ulid.providers.Provider`
        self.provider = provider

    def new(self) -> ulid.ULID:
        Create a new :class:`~ulid.ulid.ULID` instance.

        The timestamp and randomness values are created from
        the instance :class:`~ulid.providers.Provider`.

        :return: ULID from current timestamp
        :rtype: :class:`~ulid.ulid.ULID`
        timestamp, randomness = self.provider.new()
        return ulid.ULID(timestamp + randomness)

    def parse(self, value: ULIDPrimitive) -> ulid.ULID:
        Create a new :class:`~ulid.ulid.ULID` instance from the given value.

        .. note:: This method should only be used when the caller is trying to parse a ULID from
        a value when they're unsure what format/primitive type it will be given in.

        :param value: ULID value of any supported type
        :type value: :class:`~ulid.api.ULIDPrimitive`
        :return: ULID from value
        :rtype: :class:`~ulid.ulid.ULID`
        :raises ValueError: when unable to parse a ULID from the value
        if isinstance(value, ulid.ULID):
            return value
        if isinstance(value, uuid.UUID):
            return self.from_uuid(value)
        if isinstance(value, str):
            len_value = len(value)
            if len_value == 36:
                return self.from_uuid(uuid.UUID(value))
            if len_value == 32:
                return self.from_uuid(uuid.UUID(value))
            if len_value == 26:
                return self.from_str(value)
            if len_value == 16:
                return self.from_randomness(value)
            if len_value == 10:
                return self.from_timestamp(value)
            raise ValueError('Cannot create ULID from string of length {}'.format(len_value))
        if isinstance(value, (int, float)):
            return self.from_int(int(value))
        if isinstance(value, (bytes, bytearray)):
            return self.from_bytes(value)
        if isinstance(value, memoryview):
            return self.from_bytes(value.tobytes())
        raise ValueError('Cannot create ULID from type {}'.format(value.__class__.__name__))

    def from_timestamp(self, timestamp: codec.TimestampPrimitive) -> ulid.ULID:
        Create a new :class:`~ulid.ulid.ULID` instance using a timestamp value of a supported type.

        The following types are supported for timestamp values:

        * :class:`~datetime.datetime`
        * :class:`~int`
        * :class:`~float`
        * :class:`~str`
        * :class:`~memoryview`
        * :class:`~ulid.ulid.Timestamp`
        * :class:`~ulid.ulid.ULID`
        * :class:`~bytes`
        * :class:`~bytearray`

        :param timestamp: Timestamp in milliseconds
        :type timestamp: See docstring for types
        :return: ULID using given timestamp and new randomness
        :rtype: :class:`~ulid.ulid.ULID`
        :raises ValueError: when the value is an unsupported type
        :raises ValueError: when the value is a string and cannot be Base32 decoded
        :raises ValueError: when the value is or was converted to something 48 bits
        timestamp = codec.decode_timestamp(timestamp)
        randomness = self.provider.randomness(timestamp.bytes)
        return self.create(timestamp, randomness)

    def from_randomness(self, randomness: codec.RandomnessPrimitive) -> ulid.ULID:
        Create a new :class:`~ulid.ulid.ULID` instance using the given randomness value of a supported type.

        The following types are supported for randomness values:

        * :class:`~int`
        * :class:`~float`
        * :class:`~str`
        * :class:`~memoryview`
        * :class:`~ulid.ulid.Randomness`
        * :class:`~ulid.ulid.ULID`
        * :class:`~bytes`
        * :class:`~bytearray`

        :param randomness: Random bytes
        :type randomness: See docstring for types
        :return: ULID using new timestamp and given randomness
        :rtype: :class:`~ulid.ulid.ULID`
        :raises ValueError: when the value is an unsupported type
        :raises ValueError: when the value is a string and cannot be Base32 decoded
        :raises ValueError: when the value is or was converted to something 80 bits
        timestamp = self.provider.timestamp()
        return self.create(timestamp, randomness)

    def create(timestamp: codec.TimestampPrimitive, randomness: codec.RandomnessPrimitive) -> ulid.ULID:
        Create a new :class:`~ulid.ulid.ULID` instance using the given timestamp and randomness values.

        The following types are supported for timestamp values:

        * :class:`~datetime.datetime`
        * :class:`~int`
        * :class:`~float`
        * :class:`~str`
        * :class:`~memoryview`
        * :class:`~ulid.ulid.Timestamp`
        * :class:`~ulid.ulid.ULID`
        * :class:`~bytes`
        * :class:`~bytearray`

        The following types are supported for randomness values:

        * :class:`~int`
        * :class:`~float`
        * :class:`~str`
        * :class:`~memoryview`
        * :class:`~ulid.ulid.Randomness`
        * :class:`~ulid.ulid.ULID`
        * :class:`~bytes`
        * :class:`~bytearray`

        :param timestamp: Unix timestamp in seconds
        :type timestamp: See docstring for types
        :param randomness: Random bytes
        :type randomness: See docstring for types
        :return: ULID using given timestamp and randomness
        :rtype: :class:`~ulid.ulid.ULID`
        :raises ValueError: when a value is an unsupported type
        :raises ValueError: when a value is a string and cannot be Base32 decoded
        :raises ValueError: when a value is or was converted to incorrect bit length
        timestamp = codec.decode_timestamp(timestamp)
        randomness = codec.decode_randomness(randomness)
        return ulid.ULID(timestamp.bytes + randomness.bytes)

    def from_bytes(value: hints.Buffer) -> ulid.ULID:
        Create a new :class:`~ulid.ulid.ULID` instance from the given :class:`~bytes`,
        :class:`~bytearray`, or :class:`~memoryview` value.

        :param value: 16 bytes
        :type value: :class:`~bytes`, :class:`~bytearray`, or :class:`~memoryview`
        :return: ULID from buffer value
        :rtype: :class:`~ulid.ulid.ULID`
        :raises ValueError: when the value is not 16 bytes
        length = len(value)
        if length != 16:
            raise ValueError('Expects bytes to be 128 bits; got {} bytes'.format(length))

        return ulid.ULID(value)

    def from_int(value: int) -> ulid.ULID:
        Create a new :class:`~ulid.ulid.ULID` instance from the given :class:`~int` value.

        :param value: 128 bit integer
        :type value: :class:`~int`
        :return: ULID from integer value
        :rtype: :class:`~ulid.ulid.ULID`
        :raises ValueError: when the value is not a 128 bit integer
        if value < 0:
            raise ValueError('Expects positive integer')

        length = (value.bit_length() + 7) // 8
        if length > 16:
            raise ValueError('Expects integer to be 128 bits; got {} bytes'.format(length))

        return ulid.ULID(value.to_bytes(16, byteorder='big'))

    def from_str(value: str) -> ulid.ULID:
        Create a new :class:`~ulid.ulid.ULID` instance from the given :class:`~str` value.

        :param value: Base32 encoded string
        :type value: :class:`~str`
        :return: ULID from string value
        :rtype: :class:`~ulid.ulid.ULID`
        :raises ValueError: when the value is not 26 characters or malformed
        return ulid.ULID(base32.decode_ulid(value))

    def from_uuid(value: uuid.UUID) -> ulid.ULID:
        Create a new :class:`~ulid.ulid.ULID` instance from the given :class:`~uuid.UUID` value.

        :param value: UUIDv4 value
        :type value: :class:`~uuid.UUID`
        :return: ULID from UUID value
        :rtype: :class:`~ulid.ulid.ULID`
        return ulid.ULID(value.bytes)