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Test Coverage
import { AxiosRequestConfig, AxiosResponse } from 'axios';
import { omit, sortBy, zip } from 'lodash';
import httpStatus from 'http-status';

import { Cache } from '../types/persist';
import { Module, RawLesson, SemesterData, Weeks } from '../types/modules';
import { Logger } from '../services/logger';

/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */

export const EVERY_WEEK: Weeks = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13];

export function mockCache<T>(fileContent: T): jest.Mocked<Cache<T>> {
  // Annotating this as Cache<T> lets us make sure this function implements the interface
  const cache: Cache<T> = {
    path: './fake',
    write: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(undefined),
    read: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(fileContent),

  // Returning this as jest.Mocked<Cache<T>> allows us to access .mock* functions
  return cache as any;

export function mockLogger(): Logger {
  return {
    // Mock all logged functions
    fatal: jest.fn(),
    error: jest.fn(),
    warn: jest.fn(),
    info: jest.fn(),
    debug: jest.fn(),
    trace: jest.fn(),

    // Calling child simply creates another mock logger
    child: mockLogger,

 * Check the two objects have the same properties
export function expectSameKeys<T extends Record<string, never>>(actual: T, expected: T) {

export function serializeLesson(lesson: RawLesson) {
  return [

 * Check that two timetables are the same
export function expectLessonsEqual(actual: RawLesson[], expected: RawLesson[]) {
  // Sort both expected and actual lessons because Jest expects
  // array to be in the same order
  expect(sortBy(actual, serializeLesson)).toEqual(sortBy(expected, serializeLesson));

function expectHistoryEqual(actual: SemesterData[], expected: SemesterData[]) {
    sortBy(actual, (semester) => semester.semester),
    sortBy(expected, (semester) => semester.semester),
  ).forEach(([actualSemester, expectedSemester]) => {
    if (!actualSemester || !expectedSemester) throw new Error('Length of semesters not equal');

    expect(omit(actualSemester, 'timetable')).toEqual(omit(expectedSemester, 'timetable'));

    expectLessonsEqual(actualSemester.timetable, expectedSemester.timetable);

export function expectModulesEqual(actual: Module, expected: Module) {
  // FulfillRequirements is excluded because the modules that require CS2100 are not part of this test
  const omittedKeys = ['semesterData', 'fulfillRequirements'];
  expect(omit(actual, omittedKeys)).toEqual(omit(expected, omittedKeys));

  // Sort semesters and check history
  expectHistoryEqual(actual.semesterData, expected.semesterData);

 * Mock an Axios response object
export function mockResponse<T>(
  data: T,
  additionalFields: {
    headers?: { [name: string]: string };
    config?: Partial<AxiosRequestConfig>;
    request?: any;
    status?: number;
    statusText?: string;
  } = {},
): AxiosResponse<T> {
  const { headers, config, request, status, statusText } = additionalFields;

  return {
    // The server almost always returns 200, even if there is an application error
    status: status || 200,
    // Mildly horrifying coercions to make this at least somewhat readable
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
    statusText: statusText || (httpStatus as any)[status!] || 'OK',
    headers: headers || {},
    config: config || {},
    request: request || {},

 * Helper to easily create sets less verbosely
export function s<T>(...args: T[]): Set<T> {
  return new Set(args);