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Test Coverage
// Layout

// Also update the NAVTAB_HEIGHT constant in Navtabs.jsx if these are changed
$navbar-height: 3rem;
$navtab-height: 3rem;

$side-nav-width-md: 4rem;
$side-nav-width-lg: 10rem;

$navtab-shadow-height: 0.8rem;
$navtab-shadow-color: rgba(#000, 0.1);
$navtab-shadow-color-night: rgba(#000, 0.7);

// Type
$sm-font-size-ratio: 0.875;

// Animations
$fullscreen-duration: 0.375s;
$exiting-duration: 0.195s;
$entering-duration: 0.225s;
$desktop-fullscreen-duration: 0.275s;
$desktop-exiting-duration: 0.175s;
$desktop-entering-duration: 0.195s;
$material-standard-curve: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1);
$material-deceleration-curve: cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1);
$material-acceleration-curve: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 1, 1);
$material-sharp-curve: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.6, 1);

$page-entering-duration: $fullscreen-duration;
/* stylelint-disable-next-line value-keyword-case */
$page-entering-animation: fadeIn;

$leaflet-control-offset: 0.5rem;

$alert-override-themes: success, info, danger, warning;

// Workload colors map
$workload-colors: (
  lecture: #bbdefb,
  tutorial: #dcedc8,
  laboratory: #d7ccc8,
  project: #ffe0b2,
  preparation: #ffcdd2,

// Theme colors. Have to correspond with js/data/themes.json
$nusmods-theme-colors: (
  ashes: (
  chalk: (
  eighties: (
  google: (
  mocha: (
  monokai: (
  ocean: (
  oceanic-next: (
  paraiso: (
  railscasts: (
  tomorrow: (
  twilight: (

// Z-index
$browser-warning-z-index: 9999;
$snackbar-z-index: 2500;
$sentry-z-index: 2000;
$modal-z-index: 1500;
$module-select-z-index: 960;
$module-finder-search-z-index-sm: 950;
$venue-detail-expanded-z-index: 920;
$navtabs-z-index: 900;
$navbar-z-index: 890;
$module-finder-search-z-index-md: 850;

// navtabs and navbar should never overlap the dropdown
$modreg-notification-z-index: 970;
$zindex-dropdown: 910; // Bootstrap override
$fab-z-index: 800;
$venue-map-z-index: 760;
$venue-detail-z-index: 750;
$side-menu-z-index: 700;
$side-menu-overlay-z-index: 690;
$timetable-warning-z-index: 200;
$timetable-scolled-day-z-index: 120;
$timetable-selected-cell-z-index: 110;
$timetable-timing-z-index: 95;
$timetable-day-z-index: 90;
$timetable-current-time-indicator-z-index: 60;
$timetable-cell-z-index: 30;