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import { ClassNo, LessonType, ModuleCode, ModuleTitle, RawLesson } from './modules';

//  ModuleLessonConfig is a mapping of lessonType to ClassNo for a module.
export type ModuleLessonConfig = {
  [lessonType: string]: ClassNo;

// SemTimetableConfig is the timetable data for each semester.
export type SemTimetableConfig = {
  [moduleCode: string]: ModuleLessonConfig;

//  ModuleLessonConfigWithLessons is a mapping of lessonType to an array of Lessons for a module.
export type Lesson = RawLesson & {
  moduleCode: ModuleCode;
  title: ModuleTitle;

export type ColoredLesson = Lesson & {
  colorIndex: ColorIndex;

type Modifiable = {
  isModifiable?: boolean;
  isAvailable?: boolean;
  isActive?: boolean;
  colorIndex: ColorIndex;

export type ModifiableLesson = ColoredLesson & Modifiable;
//  The array of Lessons must belong to that lessonType.
export type ModuleLessonConfigWithLessons = {
  [lessonType: string]: Lesson[];

// SemTimetableConfig is the timetable data for each semester with lessons data.
export type SemTimetableConfigWithLessons = {
  [moduleCode: string]: ModuleLessonConfigWithLessons;

// TimetableConfig is the timetable data for the whole academic year.
export type TimetableConfig = {
  [semester: string]: SemTimetableConfig;

// TimetableDayFormat is timetable data grouped by DayText.
export type TimetableDayFormat = {
  [dayText: string]: ColoredLesson[];

// TimetableDayArrangement is the arrangement of lessons on the timetable within a day.
export type TimetableDayArrangement = ModifiableLesson[][];

// TimetableArrangement is the arrangement of lessons on the timetable for a week.
export type TimetableArrangement = {
  [dayText: string]: TimetableDayArrangement;

// Represents the lesson which the user is currently hovering over.
// Used to highlight lessons which have the same classNo
export type HoverLesson = {
  readonly classNo: ClassNo;
  readonly moduleCode: ModuleCode;
  readonly lessonType: LessonType;

export type ColorIndex = number;