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1 day
Test Coverage
import { AcadWeekInfo } from 'nusmoderator';
import {
} from 'lodash';
import { addDays, min as minDate, parseISO } from 'date-fns';
import qs from 'query-string';

import {
} from 'types/modules';

import {
} from 'types/timetables';

import { ModuleCodeMap, ModulesMap } from 'types/reducers';
import { ExamClashes } from 'types/views';

import { getTimeAsDate } from './timify';
import { getModuleTimetable, getExamDate, getExamDuration } from './modules';
import { deltas } from './array';

type lessonTypeAbbrev = { [lessonType: string]: string };
export const LESSON_TYPE_ABBREV: lessonTypeAbbrev = {
  'Design Lecture': 'DLEC',
  Laboratory: 'LAB',
  Lecture: 'LEC',
  'Packaged Lecture': 'PLEC',
  'Packaged Tutorial': 'PTUT',
  Recitation: 'REC',
  'Sectional Teaching': 'SEC',
  'Seminar-Style Module Class': 'SEM',
  Tutorial: 'TUT',
  'Tutorial Type 2': 'TUT2',
  'Tutorial Type 3': 'TUT3',
  Workshop: 'WS',

// Reverse lookup map of LESSON_TYPE_ABBREV
export const LESSON_ABBREV_TYPE: { [key: string]: LessonType } = invert(LESSON_TYPE_ABBREV);

// Used for module config serialization - these must be query string safe
// See: https://stackoverflow.com/a/31300627
export const LESSON_TYPE_SEP = ':';
export const LESSON_SEP = ',';

const EMPTY_OBJECT = {};

export function isValidSemester(semester: Semester): boolean {
  return semester >= 1 && semester <= 4;

//  Returns a random configuration of a module's timetable lessons.
//  Used when a module is first added.
//  TODO: Suggest a configuration that does not clash with itself.
//  {
//    [lessonType: string]: ClassNo,
//  }
export function randomModuleLessonConfig(lessons: readonly RawLesson[]): ModuleLessonConfig {
  const lessonByGroups: { [lessonType: string]: readonly RawLesson[] } = groupBy(
    (lesson) => lesson.lessonType,

  const lessonByGroupsByClassNo: {
    [lessonType: string]: { [classNo: string]: readonly RawLesson[] };
  } = mapValues(lessonByGroups, (lessonsOfSamelessonType: readonly RawLesson[]) =>
    groupBy(lessonsOfSamelessonType, (lesson) => lesson.classNo),

  return mapValues(
    (group: { [classNo: string]: readonly RawLesson[] }) =>
      (first(sample(group)) as RawLesson).classNo,

// Replaces ClassNo in SemTimetableConfig with Array<Lesson>
export function hydrateSemTimetableWithLessons(
  semTimetableConfig: SemTimetableConfig,
  modules: ModulesMap,
  semester: Semester,
): SemTimetableConfigWithLessons {
  return mapValues(
    (moduleLessonConfig: ModuleLessonConfig, moduleCode: ModuleCode) => {
      const module: Module = modules[moduleCode];
      if (!module) return EMPTY_OBJECT;

      // TODO: Split this part into a smaller function: hydrateModuleConfigWithLessons.
      return mapValues(moduleLessonConfig, (classNo: ClassNo, lessonType: LessonType) => {
        const lessons = getModuleTimetable(module, semester);
        const newLessons = lessons.filter(
          (lesson: RawLesson): boolean =>
            lesson.lessonType === lessonType && lesson.classNo === classNo,

        const timetableLessons: Lesson[] = newLessons.map(
          (lesson: RawLesson): Lesson => ({
            title: module.title,
        return timetableLessons;

//  Filters a flat array of lessons and returns the lessons corresponding to lessonType.
export function lessonsForLessonType<T extends RawLesson>(
  lessons: readonly T[],
  lessonType: LessonType,
): readonly T[] {
  return lessons.filter((lesson) => lesson.lessonType === lessonType);

//  Converts from timetable config format to flat array of lessons.
//  {
//    [moduleCode: string]: {
//      [lessonType: string]: [Lesson, Lesson, ...],
//      [lessonType: string]: [Lesson, ...],
//    }
//  }
export function timetableLessonsArray(timetable: SemTimetableConfigWithLessons): Lesson[] {
  return flatMapDeep(timetable, values);

//  Groups flat array of lessons by day.
//  {
//    Monday: [Lesson, Lesson, ...],
//    Tuesday: [Lesson, ...],
//  }
export function groupLessonsByDay(lessons: ColoredLesson[]): TimetableDayFormat {
  return groupBy(lessons, (lesson) => lesson.day);

//  Determines if two lessons overlap:
export function doLessonsOverlap(lesson1: Lesson, lesson2: Lesson): boolean {
  return (
    lesson1.day === lesson2.day &&
    lesson1.startTime < lesson2.endTime &&
    lesson2.startTime < lesson1.endTime

//  Converts a flat array of lessons *for ONE day* into rows of lessons within that day row.
//  Result invariants:
//  - Each lesson will not overlap with each other.
//  [
//    [Lesson, Lesson, ...],
//    [Lesson, ...],
//  ]
export function arrangeLessonsWithinDay(lessons: ColoredLesson[]): TimetableDayArrangement {
  const rows: TimetableDayArrangement = [[]];
  if (isEmpty(lessons)) {
    return rows;
  const sortedLessons = lessons.sort((a, b) => {
    const timeDiff = a.startTime.localeCompare(b.startTime);
    return timeDiff !== 0 ? timeDiff : a.classNo.localeCompare(b.classNo);
  sortedLessons.forEach((lesson: ColoredLesson) => {
    for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
      const rowLessons: ColoredLesson[] = rows[i];
      const previousLesson = last(rowLessons);
      if (!previousLesson || !doLessonsOverlap(previousLesson, lesson)) {
        // Lesson does not overlap with any Lesson in the row. Add it to row.
    // No existing rows are available to fit this lesson in. Append a new row.

  return rows;

//  Accepts a flat array of lessons and groups them by day and rows with each day
//  for rendering on the timetable.
//  Clashes in Array<Lesson> will go onto the next row within that day.
//  {
//    Monday: [
//      [Lesson, Lesson, ...],
//    ],
//    Tuesday: [
//      [Lesson, Lesson, Lesson, ...],
//      [Lesson, Lesson, ...],
//      [Lesson, ...],
//    ],
//    ...
//  }
export function arrangeLessonsForWeek(lessons: ColoredLesson[]): TimetableArrangement {
  const dayLessons = groupLessonsByDay(lessons);
  return mapValues(dayLessons, (dayLesson: ColoredLesson[]) => arrangeLessonsWithinDay(dayLesson));

// Determines if a Lesson on the timetable can be modifiable / dragged around.
// Condition: There are multiple ClassNo for all the Array<Lesson> in a lessonType.
export function areOtherClassesAvailable(
  lessons: readonly RawLesson[],
  lessonType: LessonType,
): boolean {
  const lessonTypeGroups = groupBy<RawLesson>(lessons, (lesson) => lesson.lessonType);
  if (!lessonTypeGroups[lessonType]) {
    // No such lessonType.
    return false;
  return Object.keys(groupBy(lessonTypeGroups[lessonType], (lesson) => lesson.classNo)).length > 1;

// Creates a key using only the exam date string (without time)
export function getExamDateOnly(module: Module, semester: Semester): string | undefined {
  const examDateTime = getExamDate(module, semester);
  return examDateTime?.slice(0, 10);

// Returns the start time of the exam as an epoch time (number). Throws an error if the module
// does not have an exam date.
export function getValidExamStartTimeAsEpoch(module: Module, semester: Semester): number {
  const startTimeString = getExamDate(module, semester);
  if (startTimeString === null) {
    throw new Error('Courses tested for clashes must have exam dates and durations!');
  return new Date(startTimeString).getTime();

// Returns the end time of the exam as an epoch time (number). Throws an error if the module
// does not have an exam date or duration.
export function getValidExamEndTimeAsEpoch(module: Module, semester: Semester): number {
  const duration = getExamDuration(module, semester);
  if (duration === null) {
    throw new Error('Courses tested for clashes must have exam dates and durations!');
  const startEpoch = getValidExamStartTimeAsEpoch(module, semester);
  return startEpoch + duration * 60 * 1000;

// Find all exam clashes between modules in semester
// Returns object associating exam dates with the modules clashing on those dates
export function findExamClashes(modules: Module[], semester: Semester): ExamClashes {
  // Filter away modules without exam dates or exam durations
  const filteredModules = modules.filter(
    (module) =>
      getExamDate(module, semester) !== null && getExamDuration(module, semester) !== null,

  const groupedModules = groupBy(filteredModules, (module) => getExamDateOnly(module, semester));

  const clashes: ExamClashes = {};

  Object.values(groupedModules).forEach((sameDayMods) => {
    // Sort sameDayMods by exam start time
    sameDayMods.sort((a, b) => {
      const aStartEpoch = getValidExamStartTimeAsEpoch(a, semester);
      const bStartEpoch = getValidExamStartTimeAsEpoch(b, semester);

      // Use end time as secondary key
      const aEndEpoch = getValidExamEndTimeAsEpoch(a, semester);
      const bEndEpoch = getValidExamEndTimeAsEpoch(b, semester);

      if (aStartEpoch === bStartEpoch) {
        return aEndEpoch - bEndEpoch;

      return aStartEpoch - bStartEpoch;

    // Initialize an empty list to hold the groups of overlapping intervals
    // Each group will itself be a list of intervals
    const overlappingGroups: Module[][] = [];

    let currentOverlapEnd = 0;
    let currentOverlappingMods: Module[] = [];

    sameDayMods.forEach((mod, modIndex) => {
      if (modIndex > 0 && getValidExamStartTimeAsEpoch(mod, semester) < currentOverlapEnd) {
      } else {
        // The current course does not overlap with the current group, so we reset
        // the current group and start a new one
        if (currentOverlappingMods.length > 1) {
          // If the current group has more than one module, we add it to the list of clashes
        currentOverlapEnd = getValidExamEndTimeAsEpoch(mod, semester);
        currentOverlappingMods = [mod];

    // Add the last group to the list of clashes if applicable
    if (currentOverlappingMods.length > 1) {

    overlappingGroups.forEach((group) => {
      // Displayed clashing date and time, which is the start time of the last module in the group
      const clashingDateTime = getExamDate(group[group.length - 1], semester);

      if (clashingDateTime === null) {
        throw new Error('Courses tested for clashes must have exam dates and durations!');

      // Populate the clashes object to be returned
      group.forEach((mod) => {
        if (!clashes[clashingDateTime]) {
          clashes[clashingDateTime] = [mod];
        } else {

  return clashes;

export function isLessonAvailable(
  lesson: Lesson,
  date: Date,
  weekInfo: Readonly<AcadWeekInfo>,
): boolean {
  return consumeWeeks(
    (weeks) => weeks.includes(weekInfo.num as number),
    (weekRange) => {
      const end = minDate([parseISO(weekRange.end), date]);
      for (let current = parseISO(weekRange.start); current <= end; current = addDays(current, 7)) {
        if (isEqual(current, date)) return true;

      return false;

export function isLessonOngoing(lesson: Lesson, currentTime: number): boolean {
  return (
    parseInt(lesson.startTime, 10) <= currentTime && currentTime < parseInt(lesson.endTime, 10)

export function getStartTimeAsDate(lesson: Lesson, date: Date = new Date()): Date {
  return getTimeAsDate(lesson.startTime, date);

export function getEndTimeAsDate(lesson: Lesson, date: Date = new Date()): Date {
  return getTimeAsDate(lesson.endTime, date);

 * Validates the modules in a timetable. It removes all modules which do not exist in
 * the provided module code map from the timetable and returns that as the first item
 * in the tuple, and the module code of all removed modules as the second item.
 * @param timetable
 * @param moduleCodes
 * @returns {[SemTimetableConfig, ModuleCode[]]}
export function validateTimetableModules(
  timetable: SemTimetableConfig,
  moduleCodes: ModuleCodeMap,
): [SemTimetableConfig, ModuleCode[]] {
  const [valid, invalid] = partition(
    (moduleCode: ModuleCode) => moduleCodes[moduleCode],
  return [pick(timetable, valid), invalid];

 * Validates the lesson config for a specific module. It replaces all lessons
 * which invalid class number with the first available class numbers, and
 * removes lessons that are no longer valid
 * @param semester
 * @param lessonConfig
 * @param module
export function validateModuleLessons(
  semester: Semester,
  lessonConfig: ModuleLessonConfig,
  module: Module,
): [ModuleLessonConfig, LessonType[]] {
  const validatedLessonConfig: ModuleLessonConfig = {};
  const updatedLessonTypes: string[] = [];

  const validLessons = getModuleTimetable(module, semester);
  const lessonsByType = groupBy(validLessons, (lesson) => lesson.lessonType);

  each(lessonsByType, (lessons: RawLesson[], lessonType: LessonType) => {
    const classNo = lessonConfig[lessonType];

    // Check that the lesson exists and is valid. If it is not, insert a random
    // valid lesson. This covers both
    // - lesson type is not in the original timetable (ie. a new lesson type was introduced)
    //   in which case classNo is undefined and thus would not match
    // - classNo is not valid anymore (ie. the class was removed)
    // If a lesson type is removed, then it simply won't be copied over
    if (!lessons.some((lesson) => lesson.classNo === classNo)) {
      validatedLessonConfig[lessonType] = lessons[0].classNo;
    } else {
      validatedLessonConfig[lessonType] = classNo;

  // Add all of the removed lesson types to the array of updated lesson types
  updatedLessonTypes.push(...difference(Object.keys(lessonConfig), Object.keys(lessonsByType)));
  return [validatedLessonConfig, updatedLessonTypes];

// Get information for all modules present in a semester timetable config
export function getSemesterModules(
  timetable: { [moduleCode: string]: unknown },
  modules: ModulesMap,
): Module[] {
  return values(pick(modules, Object.keys(timetable)));

function serializeModuleConfig(config: ModuleLessonConfig): string {
  // eg. { Lecture: 1, Laboratory: 2 } => LEC=1,LAB=2
  return map(config, (classNo, lessonType) =>
    [LESSON_TYPE_ABBREV[lessonType], encodeURIComponent(classNo)].join(LESSON_TYPE_SEP),

function parseModuleConfig(serialized: string | string[] | null): ModuleLessonConfig {
  const config: ModuleLessonConfig = {};
  if (!serialized) return config;

  castArray(serialized).forEach((serializedModule) => {
    serializedModule.split(LESSON_SEP).forEach((lesson) => {
      const [lessonTypeAbbr, classNo] = lesson.split(LESSON_TYPE_SEP);
      const lessonType = LESSON_ABBREV_TYPE[lessonTypeAbbr];
      // Ignore unparsable/invalid keys
      if (!lessonType) return;
      config[lessonType] = classNo;

  return config;

 * Formats numeric week number array into something human readable
 * - 1           => Week 1
 * - 1,2         => Weeks 1,2
 * - 1,2,3       => Weeks 1-3
 * - 1,2,3,5,6,7 => Weeks 1-3, 5-7
export function formatNumericWeeks(unprocessedWeeks: NumericWeeks): string | null {
  // Ensure list of weeks are unique
  const weeks = unprocessedWeeks.filter(
    (value, index) => unprocessedWeeks.indexOf(value) === index,

  if (weeks.length === 13) return null;
  if (weeks.length === 1) return `Week ${weeks[0]}`;

  // Check for odd / even weeks. There are more odd weeks then even weeks, so we have to split
  // the length check.
  if (deltas(weeks).every((d) => d === 2)) {
    if (weeks[0] % 2 === 0 && weeks.length >= 6) return 'Even Weeks';
    if (weeks[0] % 2 === 1 && weeks.length >= 7) return 'Odd Weeks';

  // Merge consecutive
  const processed: (number | string)[] = [];
  let start = weeks[0];
  let end = start;

  const mergeConsecutive = () => {
    if (end - start > 2) {
    } else {
      processed.push(...range(start, end + 1));

  weeks.slice(1).forEach((next) => {
    if (next - end <= 1) {
      // Consecutive week number - keep going
      end = next;
    } else {
      // Break = push the current chunk into processed
      start = next;
      end = start;


  return `Weeks ${processed.join(', ')}`;

// Converts a timetable config to query string
// eg:
// {
//   CS2104: { Lecture: '1', Tutorial: '2' },
//   CS2107: { Lecture: '1', Tutorial: '8' },
// }
// => CS2104=LEC:1,Tut:2&CS2107=LEC:1,Tut:8
export function serializeTimetable(timetable: SemTimetableConfig): string {
  // We are using query string safe characters, so this encoding is unnecessary
  return qs.stringify(mapValues(timetable, serializeModuleConfig), { encode: false });

export function deserializeTimetable(serialized: string): SemTimetableConfig {
  const params = qs.parse(serialized);
  return mapValues(params, parseModuleConfig);

export function deserializeHidden(serialized: string): ModuleCode[] {
  const params = qs.parse(serialized);
  if (!params.hidden) return [];
  // If user manually enters multiple hidden query keys, use latest one
  const hidden = Array.isArray(params.hidden) ? last(params.hidden) : params.hidden;
  return (hidden as string).split(',');

export function isSameTimetableConfig(t1: SemTimetableConfig, t2: SemTimetableConfig): boolean {
  return isEqual(t1, t2);

export function isSameLesson(l1: Lesson, l2: Lesson) {
  return (
    l1.lessonType === l2.lessonType &&
    l1.classNo === l2.classNo &&
    l1.moduleCode === l2.moduleCode &&
    l1.startTime === l2.startTime &&
    l1.endTime === l2.endTime &&
    l1.day === l2.day &&
    isEqual(l1.weeks, l2.weeks)

export function getHoverLesson(lesson: Lesson): HoverLesson {
  return {
    classNo: lesson.classNo,
    moduleCode: lesson.moduleCode,
    lessonType: lesson.lessonType,

 * Obtain a semi-unique key for a lesson
export function getLessonIdentifier(lesson: Lesson): string {
  return `${lesson.moduleCode}-${LESSON_TYPE_ABBREV[lesson.lessonType]}-${lesson.classNo}`;