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import * as React from 'react';
import { differenceInMilliseconds } from 'date-fns';
import { wrapComponentName } from 'utils/react';
import { forceTimer } from 'utils/debug';

export interface TimerData {
  readonly currentTime: Date;

function getCurrentTime() {
  return forceTimer() || new Date();

function withTimer<Props extends TimerData>(
  WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType<Props>,
  intervalInMs: number = 60 * 1000,
): React.ComponentType<Omit<Props, keyof TimerData>> {
  return class extends React.Component<Omit<Props, keyof TimerData>, TimerData> {
    intervalId?: number;

    static displayName = wrapComponentName(WrappedComponent, withTimer.name);

    override state: TimerData = {
      currentTime: getCurrentTime(),

    override componentDidMount() {
      this.intervalId = window.setInterval(
        () => this.setState({ currentTime: getCurrentTime() }),
      document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', this.onPageVisibilityChange);

    override componentWillUnmount() {
      document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', this.onPageVisibilityChange);

    onPageVisibilityChange = () => {
      // Page visibility changes when tabs go in and out of focus. When tabs
      // are out of focus, mobile browsers slow down timers, so we run an
      // additional check to make sure the page state has not drifted too far
      // from the wall clock
      const now = getCurrentTime();
      if (
        !document.hidden &&
        differenceInMilliseconds(now, this.state.currentTime) > intervalInMs
      ) {
        this.setState({ currentTime: now });

    override render() {
      // TODO: remove as Props hack as defined in:
      // https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/28938#issuecomment-450636046
      return <WrappedComponent {...this.state} {...(this.props as Props)} />;

export default withTimer;