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2 days
Test Coverage
import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import { MemoryRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import produce from 'immer';
import { range } from 'lodash';
import type { VenueList } from 'types/venues';
import type { ModuleList } from 'types/reducers';
import configureStore from 'bootstrapping/configure-store';
import reducers from 'reducers';
import { initAction } from 'test-utils/redux';
import { mockDom, mockDomReset, mockWindowMatchMedia } from 'test-utils/mockDom';

import GlobalSearchContainer from 'views/layout/GlobalSearchContainer';
import { fetchVenueList } from 'actions/venueBank';

const mockedFetchVenueList = fetchVenueList as jest.MockedFunction<typeof fetchVenueList>;

const letters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'.split('');

// Produces 26 * 26 = 676 modules of the form AA1010, AB1010, ...
const MODULES: ModuleList = letters.flatMap((firstLetter) =>
  letters.map((secondLetter) => ({
    moduleCode: `${firstLetter}${secondLetter}1010`,
    title: 'Test',
    semesters: [1],

// Produces 26 venues of the form AA-1, BB-1, CC-1, ...
const VENUES: VenueList = letters.map((letter) => `${letter}${letter}-1`);

const relevantStoreContents = {
  moduleBank: { moduleList: MODULES },
  venueBank: { venueList: VENUES },

const initialState = reducers(undefined, initAction());

function make(storeOverrides: Partial<typeof relevantStoreContents> = {}) {
  const { store } = configureStore(
    produce(initialState, (draft) => {
      draft.moduleBank.moduleList = (storeOverrides.moduleBank?.moduleList ??
        relevantStoreContents.moduleBank.moduleList) as typeof draft.moduleBank.moduleList;
      draft.venueBank.venueList =
        storeOverrides.venueBank?.venueList ?? relevantStoreContents.venueBank.venueList;

  return render(
      <Provider store={store}>
        <GlobalSearchContainer />
describe('GlobalSearchContainer', () => {
  beforeEach(() => {

    // Replace fetchVenueList with a noop action to stop it from firing API requests
    mockedFetchVenueList.mockImplementation(() => initAction() as never);

  afterEach(() => {

  test('hides module when screen size is small', () => {
    mockWindowMatchMedia({ matches: false });
    const { container } = make();

  test('fetches venue list', () => {

  test('shows no choices when search is too short', () => {
    const { getByRole, queryAllByRole } = make();

    // Expect not to show choices when search string is too short
    userEvent.type(getByRole('textbox'), '1');

    // Expect to show choices when search string is long enough
    userEvent.type(getByRole('textbox'), '1');

  test('shows at most 10 choices when there are many venues and modules', () => {
    const { getByRole, getAllByRole } = make();
    // Space is intentional - min chars needed to trigger search is 2, so you need an additional character.
    userEvent.type(getByRole('textbox'), '1 ');
    expect(getAllByRole('option').map((elem) => elem.textContent)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
        "View All Courses",
        "AA1010 TestSem 1",
        "AB1010 TestSem 1",
        "AC1010 TestSem 1",
        "AD1010 TestSem 1",
        "AE1010 TestSem 1",
        "AF1010 TestSem 1",
        "View All Venues",

  test('prioritize showing venues when there are many venues even if there are modules', () => {
    const { getByRole, getAllByRole } = make({
      moduleBank: { moduleList: MODULES.slice(0, 5) },
    userEvent.type(getByRole('textbox'), '1 ');
    expect(getAllByRole('option').map((elem) => elem.textContent)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
        "View All Venues",

  test('shows at most 10 choices when there are many modules', () => {
    const { getByRole, getAllByRole } = make({
      venueBank: { venueList: VENUES.slice(0, 2) },
    userEvent.type(getByRole('textbox'), '1 ');
    expect(getAllByRole('option').map((elem) => elem.textContent)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
        "View All Courses",
        "AA1010 TestSem 1",
        "AB1010 TestSem 1",
        "AC1010 TestSem 1",
        "AD1010 TestSem 1",
        "AE1010 TestSem 1",
        "AF1010 TestSem 1",
        "AG1010 TestSem 1",
        "AH1010 TestSem 1",
        "View All Venues",

  test('shows all results when there are few', () => {
    const { getByRole, getAllByRole } = make();
    userEvent.type(getByRole('textbox'), 'AA');
    expect(getAllByRole('option').map((elem) => elem.textContent)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
        "View All Courses",
        "AA1010 TestSem 1",
        "View All Venues",

  test('show many results if the search only returns modules', () => {
    const { getByRole, getAllByRole } = make({
      venueBank: { venueList: range(100).map((n) => `Venue ${n}`) },

    userEvent.type(getByRole('textbox'), '1010');
    expect(getAllByRole('option').map((elem) => elem.textContent)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
        "View All Courses",
        "AA1010 TestSem 1",
        "AB1010 TestSem 1",
        "AC1010 TestSem 1",
        "AD1010 TestSem 1",
        "AE1010 TestSem 1",
        "AF1010 TestSem 1",
        "AG1010 TestSem 1",
        "AH1010 TestSem 1",
        "AI1010 TestSem 1",
        "AJ1010 TestSem 1",
        "AK1010 TestSem 1",
        "AL1010 TestSem 1",
        "AM1010 TestSem 1",
        "AN1010 TestSem 1",
        "AO1010 TestSem 1",
        "AP1010 TestSem 1",
        "AQ1010 TestSem 1",
        "AR1010 TestSem 1",
        "AS1010 TestSem 1",
        "AT1010 TestSem 1",
        "AU1010 TestSem 1",
        "AV1010 TestSem 1",
        "AW1010 TestSem 1",
        "AX1010 TestSem 1",
        "AY1010 TestSem 1",
        "AZ1010 TestSem 1",
        "BA1010 TestSem 1",
        "BB1010 TestSem 1",
        "BC1010 TestSem 1",
        "BD1010 TestSem 1",
        "BE1010 TestSem 1",
        "BF1010 TestSem 1",
        "BG1010 TestSem 1",
        "BH1010 TestSem 1",
        "BI1010 TestSem 1",
        "BJ1010 TestSem 1",
        "BK1010 TestSem 1",
        "BL1010 TestSem 1",
        "BM1010 TestSem 1",
        "BN1010 TestSem 1",
        "BO1010 TestSem 1",
        "BP1010 TestSem 1",
        "BQ1010 TestSem 1",
        "BR1010 TestSem 1",
        "BS1010 TestSem 1",
        "BT1010 TestSem 1",
        "BU1010 TestSem 1",
        "BV1010 TestSem 1",
        "BW1010 TestSem 1",
        "BX1010 TestSem 1",
        "BY1010 TestSem 1",
        "BZ1010 TestSem 1",
        "CA1010 TestSem 1",
        "CB1010 TestSem 1",
        "CC1010 TestSem 1",
        "CD1010 TestSem 1",
        "CE1010 TestSem 1",
        "CF1010 TestSem 1",
        "CG1010 TestSem 1",
        "CH1010 TestSem 1",
        "CI1010 TestSem 1",
        "CJ1010 TestSem 1",
        "CK1010 TestSem 1",
        "CL1010 TestSem 1",
        "CM1010 TestSem 1",
        "CN1010 TestSem 1",
        "CO1010 TestSem 1",
        "CP1010 TestSem 1",
        "CQ1010 TestSem 1",
        "CR1010 TestSem 1",

  test('show many results if the search only returns venues', () => {
    const { getByRole, getAllByRole } = make({
      venueBank: { venueList: range(100).map((n) => `Venue ${n}`) },

    userEvent.type(getByRole('textbox'), 'venue');
    expect(getAllByRole('option').map((elem) => elem.textContent)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
        "View All Venues",
        "Venue 0",
        "Venue 1",
        "Venue 2",
        "Venue 3",
        "Venue 4",
        "Venue 5",
        "Venue 6",
        "Venue 7",
        "Venue 8",
        "Venue 9",
        "Venue 10",
        "Venue 11",
        "Venue 12",
        "Venue 13",
        "Venue 14",
        "Venue 15",
        "Venue 16",
        "Venue 17",
        "Venue 18",
        "Venue 19",
        "Venue 20",
        "Venue 21",
        "Venue 22",
        "Venue 23",
        "Venue 24",
        "Venue 25",
        "Venue 26",
        "Venue 27",
        "Venue 28",
        "Venue 29",
        "Venue 30",
        "Venue 31",
        "Venue 32",
        "Venue 33",
        "Venue 34",
        "Venue 35",
        "Venue 36",
        "Venue 37",
        "Venue 38",
        "Venue 39",
        "Venue 40",
        "Venue 41",
        "Venue 42",
        "Venue 43",
        "Venue 44",
        "Venue 45",
        "Venue 46",
        "Venue 47",
        "Venue 48",
        "Venue 49",
        "Venue 50",
        "Venue 51",
        "Venue 52",
        "Venue 53",
        "Venue 54",
        "Venue 55",
        "Venue 56",
        "Venue 57",
        "Venue 58",
        "Venue 59",
        "Venue 60",
        "Venue 61",
        "Venue 62",
        "Venue 63",
        "Venue 64",
        "Venue 65",
        "Venue 66",
        "Venue 67",
        "Venue 68",
        "Venue 69",