import { ComponentType, FC, useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react';
import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux';
import { match as Match, Redirect, useLocation, useRouteMatch } from 'react-router-dom';
import { get } from 'lodash';
import type { AxiosError } from 'axios';
import type { ModuleCode } from 'types/modules';
import type { Dispatch } from 'types/redux';
import type { State } from 'types/state';
import { fetchModule } from 'actions/moduleBank';
import { captureException } from 'utils/error';
import retryImport from 'utils/retryImport';
import ApiError from 'views/errors/ApiError';
import ModuleNotFoundPage from 'views/errors/ModuleNotFoundPage';
import LoadingSpinner from 'views/components/LoadingSpinner';
import deferComponentRender from 'views/hocs/deferComponentRender';
import { modulePage } from 'views/routes/paths';
import type { Props as ModulePageContentProps } from './ModulePageContent';
type Params = {
moduleCode: string;
const getPropsFromMatch = (match: Match<Params>) => ({
moduleCode: (match.params.moduleCode ?? '').toUpperCase(),
* Wrapper component that loads both module data and the module page component
* simultaneously, and displays the correct component depending on the state.
* - Module data is considered to be loaded when the the data exists in
* the module bank
* - Component is loaded when the dynamic import() Promise resolves
* We then render the correct component based on the status
* - Not found: moduleCode not in module list (this is checked synchronously)
* - Error: Either requests failed
* - Loading: Either requests are pending
* - Loaded: Both requests are successfully loaded
export const ModulePageContainerComponent: FC = () => {
const [ModulePageContent, setModulePageContent] =
useState<ComponentType<ModulePageContentProps> | null>(null);
const [error, setError] = useState<Error | undefined>();
const dispatch = useDispatch<Dispatch>();
const handleFetchError = useCallback((fetchError: AxiosError) => {
}, []);
() => {
// Try importing ModulePageContent thrice if we're online and
// getting the "Loading chunk x failed." error.
retryImport(() => import(/* webpackChunkName: "module" */ 'views/modules/ModulePageContent'))
.then((module) => setModulePageContent(() => module.default))
// Only load dynamic import on first mount.
// Assume `handleFetchError` will never change.
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
const match = useRouteMatch<Params>();
const { moduleCode } = getPropsFromMatch(match);
// Fetch module on mount and when params are updated
const fetchModuleForDisplay = useCallback(() => {
}, [dispatch, handleFetchError, moduleCode]);
const previousModuleCode = useRef<ModuleCode>();
useEffect(() => {
if (previousModuleCode.current !== moduleCode) {
previousModuleCode.current = moduleCode;
}, [fetchModuleForDisplay, moduleCode]);
const location = useLocation();
const module = useSelector(({ moduleBank }: State) => moduleBank.modules[moduleCode]);
if (get(error, ['response', 'status'], 200) === 404) {
return <ModuleNotFoundPage moduleCode={moduleCode} tryArchive />;
// If there is an error but module data can still be found, we assume module has
// been loaded at some point, so we just show that instead
if (error && !module) {
return <ApiError dataName="course information" retry={fetchModuleForDisplay} />;
// Redirect to canonical URL
if (module && match.url !== modulePage(moduleCode, module.title)) {
const canonicalUrl = modulePage(moduleCode, module.title);
return <Redirect to={{ ...location, pathname: canonicalUrl }} />;
if (module && ModulePageContent) {
// Unique key forces component to remount whenever the user moves to
// a new module. This allows the internal state (eg. currently selected
// timetable semester) of <ModulePageContent> to be consistent
return <ModulePageContent key={moduleCode} module={module} />;
return <LoadingSpinner />;
export default deferComponentRender(ModulePageContainerComponent);