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50 mins
Test Coverage
import * as React from 'react';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import config from 'config';
import ExternalLink from 'views/components/ExternalLink';
import StaticPage from './StaticPage';
import styles from './FaqContainer.scss';

const FaqContainer: React.FC = () => (
  <StaticPage title="FAQ">
    <h2>Frequently Asked Questions</h2>
    <hr />
        Hi there! Before contacting us, please read the following FAQ. In most cases, you{' '}
        <strong>DO NOT</strong> need to contact us. We are busy students just like you, so please
        try to save us some time as well!

        <a href="#mistakes">Can you update your system?</a>
        <a href="#mistakes">Can you add a missing lecture/tutorial slot?</a>
        <a href="#mistakes">Can you update the exam date?</a>
        <a href="#mistakes">Can you add this course?</a>
        <a href="#mistakes">When will semester X data be available?</a>
        <a href="#mistakes">
          Why can&apos;t I add this course in semester X? My faculty says that it is available in
          semester X.
        <a href="#mac-calendar">
          When I import the calendar into macOS Calendar app, the lessons show up on recess week /
          on public holidays / on weeks the lessons are not on
        <a href="#about">NUSMods is cool, where do you guys come from?</a>
        <a href="#export">Is it possible to export my timetable to Excel?</a>
        <a href="#white-page">Why do I only see a white page when I open NUSMods?</a>

    <hr />

    <div className={styles.question} id="mistakes">
      <h5>There is a mistake! Can you update your system?</h5>
      <p>This question applies to these situations:</p>
        <li>There is a missing lecture or tutorial slot.</li>
        <li>The exam date is wrong.</li>
        <li>You cannot find a course.</li>
        <li>Semester X data is not available.</li>
          You cannot add a course in semester X but your faculty says it is available in that
      <p>Please ensure the following:</p>
        <li>You are sure that the course should exist or that the data on NUSMods is wrong.</li>
        <li>You have waited one day and the error is still present.</li>
        <li>You have refreshed NUSMods after step 2.</li>
        After you have done all the above and the error persists, please use the "Report Error"
        button on the course page to report an issue to the course's department or faculty. If the
        department or faculty for this course cannot be found on this list, please refer to
        CourseReg's contact list for{' '}
        <ExternalLink href="https://www.nus.edu.sg/coursereg/docs/UGFac_Contacts.pdf">
        </ExternalLink>{' '}
        or{' '}
        <ExternalLink href="https://www.nus.edu.sg/coursereg/docs/GDFac_Contacts.pdf">
        </ExternalLink>{' '}
        If you think the error is caused by a bug in NUSMods itself, please report it{' '}
        <ExternalLink href="https://github.com/nusmodifications/nusmods/issues/new?template=Bug_report.md">
          using GitHub
        </ExternalLink>{' '}
        or email <a href="mailto:bugs@nusmods.com">bugs@nusmods.com</a>.

    <div className={styles.question} id="mac-calendar">
        When I import the calendar into macOS Calendar app, the lessons show up during recess week /
        on public holidays / on weeks the lessons are not on
        Unfortunately, the macOS Calendar app has a bug which we cannot work around. Our ICS file is
        correct, but Calendar refuses to import it correctly. You can try using another calendar app
        like <ExternalLink href="https://calendar.google.com/">Google Calendar</ExternalLink> or{' '}
        <ExternalLink href="https://outlook.com">Outlook.com</ExternalLink>. If you want an app,
        here&apos;s{' '}
        <ExternalLink href="https://zapier.com/blog/best-calendar-apps/">
          a list of 18 apps for macOS

        You can also link your NUSNet email account with the macOS Mail app, which gives you the
        option to sync your school timetable automatically.

        We have also found that the bug only occurs some of the time, so if you really want to, you
        can try removing and adding back the calendar until it works (no, we don&apos;t know why
        this works either).

    <div className={styles.question} id="about">
      <h5>NUSMods is cool, where do you guys come from?</h5>
        NUSMods is a student-run initiative born out of the frustration of a lack of usable NUS
        timetable planners (
        <ExternalLink href="https://webrb.nus.edu.sg/ctt/builder.aspx">
          the official one
        </ExternalLink>{' '}
        provides a delightful hair-pulling experience &ndash; go ahead, try it out). Since most of
        us come from the School of Computing, we decided to put our technical skills to use,
        creating something that will make your lives easier and better.
        Starting in AY18/19 Special Term I, NUSMods will become the university&apos;s official
        timetable planner. However, apart from that, we are unaffiliated with NUS. NUSMods certainly
        does not make decisions regarding your curriculum, course availability and course timetable.
        If you have questions regarding your curriculum, course registration, Canvas, or anything
        unrelated to NUSMods, please either contact your faculty or just{' '}
        <ExternalLink href="https://www.google.com/">Google</ExternalLink> it.

    <div className={styles.question} id="export">
      <h5>Is it possible to export my timetable to Excel?</h5>
        No, and we have no plans to make this possible. Having said that, if you would like to
        implement this, we welcome pull requests{' '}
        <ExternalLink href={config.contact.githubRepo}>here</ExternalLink>!

    <div className={styles.question} id="white-page">
      <h5>Why do I only see a white page when I open NUSMods?</h5>
        Please update your browser or use another computer to access NUSMods. Although we recommend
        the latest version of Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge, we support the latest two
        versions of these browsers. Unfortunately, we cannot support more browsers or older versions
        due to our limited resources.
        If you are seeing a white page in an up-to-date Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge, do contact

    <div className={styles.conclusion}>
      <hr />
        Congratulations on making it to the end! If you still want to contact us, you may reach us
        via email at nusmods&#123;at&#125;googlegroups[dot]com or via{' '}
        <ExternalLink href={config.contact.messenger}>Messenger</ExternalLink>. Please allow up to
        90 working days for a reply. We are busy <Link to="/team">students</Link> as well!

export default FaqContainer;