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# API Problem

RFC 7807 - Problem Details for HTTP APIs

[![super linter][super-linter-img]][super-linter-url]

> [RFC 7807 - Problem Details for HTTP APIs][]

## Install

``` bash
npm install api-problem

## API

### Constructor: `Problem(status[, title][, type][, members])`

| name          | type     | required | default            | description                                                                            | referece         |
| **`status`**  | `String` | `✔`      | `N/A`              | The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem | [Section 3.1][]  |
| **`title`**   | `String` | `✖`      | HTTP status phrase | A short, human-readable summary of the problem type                                    | [Section 3.1][]  |
| **`type`**    | `String` | `✖`      | `about:blank`      | A URI reference that identifies the problem type                                       | [Section 3.1][]  |
| **`details`** | `Object` | `✖`      | `N/A`              | additional details to attach to object                                                 | [Section 3.1][1] |

``` js
import Problem from 'api-problem'

// HTTP defaults
new Problem(404)
//=> { status: '404', title: 'Not Found', type: 'https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/404' }

// override defaults
new Problem(404, 'Oops! Page Not Found')
//=> { status: '404', title: 'Oops! Page Not Found', type: 'https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/404' }

// custom values
new Problem(403, 'You do not have enough credit', 'https://example.com/probs/out-of-credit')
//=> { status: '403', title: 'You do not have enough credit', type: 'https://example.com/probs/out-of-credit' }

// additional details
new Problem(403, 'You do not have enough credit', 'https://example.com/probs/out-of-credit', {
  detail: 'Your current balance is 30, but that costs 50.',
  instance: '/account/12345/msgs/abc',
  balance: 30,
  accounts: ['/account/12345', '/account/67890']

//=> { status: '403', title: 'You do not have enough credit', type: 'https://example.com/probs/out-of-credit', detail: 'Your current balance is 30, but that costs 50.', instance: '/account/12345/msgs/abc', balance: 30, accounts: ['/account/12345', '/account/67890'] }

// HTTP defaults + Details
new Problem(403, {
  detail: 'Account suspended',
  instance: '/account/12345',
  date: '2016-01-15T06:47:01.175Z',
  account_id: '12345'

//=> { status: '403', title: 'Forbidden', type: 'https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/403', detail: 'Account suspended', instance: '/account/12345', account_id: 12345, 'date: 2016-01-15T06:47:01.175Z' }

### Method : `<object>` `toObject()`

returns an object containing all the properties including: *(status, title, type, members)*

``` js
const prob = new Problem(403, 'You do not have enough credit', 'https://example.com/probs/out-of-credit', { user_id: 'x123' })

prob.toObject() //=> { status: 403, title: 'You do not have enough credit', type: 'https://example.com/probs/out-of-credit', user_id: 'x123' }

### Method : `<string>` `toString()`

returns a simplified, human-readable string representation

``` js
const prob = new Problem(403, 'You do not have enough credit', 'https://example.com/probs/out-of-credit')

prob.toString() //=> [403] You do not have enough credit ('https://example.com/probs/out-of-credit')

### Method : `<void>` `send(response)`

uses [`response.writeHead`][] and [`response.end`][] to send an appropriate error response message with the `Content-Type` response header to [`application/problem+json`][]

``` js
import http from 'http'
import Problem from 'api-problem'

let response = new http.ServerResponse()

### Express Middleware

A standard connect middleware is provided. The middleware intercepts Problem objects thrown as exceptions and serializes them appropriately in the HTTP response while setting the `Content-Type` response header to [`application/problem+json`][]

``` js
import express from 'express'
import Problem from 'api-problem'
import Middleware from 'api-problem/lib/middleware'

const app = express()

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  throw new Problem(403)


  [RFC 7807 - Problem Details for HTTP APIs]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7807
  [Section 3.1]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7807#section-3.1
  [1]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7807#section-3.2
  [`response.writeHead`]: https://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/http.html#http_response_writehead_statuscode_statusmessage_headers
  [`response.end`]: https://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/http.html#http_response_end_data_encoding_callback
  [`application/problem+json`]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7807#section-3

> Author: [Ahmad Nassri](https://www.ahmadnassri.com/) &bull;
> Twitter: [@AhmadNassri](https://twitter.com/AhmadNassri)

[license-url]: LICENSE
[license-img]: https://badgen.net/github/license/ahmadnassri/node-api-problem

[release-url]: https://github.com/ahmadnassri/node-api-problem/releases
[release-img]: https://badgen.net/github/release/ahmadnassri/node-api-problem

[super-linter-url]: https://github.com/ahmadnassri/node-api-problem/actions?query=workflow%3Asuper-linter
[super-linter-img]: https://github.com/ahmadnassri/node-api-problem/workflows/super-linter/badge.svg

[test-url]: https://github.com/ahmadnassri/node-api-problem/actions?query=workflow%3Atest
[test-img]: https://github.com/ahmadnassri/node-api-problem/workflows/test/badge.svg

[semantic-url]: https://github.com/ahmadnassri/node-api-problem/actions?query=workflow%3Arelease
[semantic-img]: https://badgen.net/badge/📦/semantically%20released/blue