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## Usage

### Library

const pretty = require('pretty-exceptions/lib')

const options = {
  source: true,
  native: true,
  color: true,
  cwd: process.cwd()

const output = pretty(new Error('foo'), options)

#### `options`

name       | type      | required | default         | description                             
---------- | --------- | -------- | --------------- | ----------------------------------------
**source** | `Boolean` | ✖        | `false`         | Show source code in stack               
**native** | `Boolean` | ✖        | `false`         | Show native code in stack               
**color**  | `Boolean` | ✖        | `true`          | use ansi colors                         
**cwd**    | `String`  | ✖        | `process.cwd()` | resolve file names relative to this path

### CLI _(preferred)_

This is the preferred approach to best avoid mistakingly including into production builds

1. setup your [`NODE_PATH`][node-path] environment variable

    export NODE_PATH="$NODE_PATH:$(npm root -g)"

2. install `pretty-exceptions`

    npm install --global pretty-exceptions

3. run your application with the [`--require`][node-require] flag:

    node --require pretty-exceptions my-app.js

    # alternative modes (see below):
    node --require pretty-exceptions/source my-app.js

#### Pro Tip:

Use Bash Aliases for less typing

# make a special alias for debugging
alias node-ex='node --require pretty-exceptions'

# or even better:
alias node='node --require pretty-exceptions/source'

> To make this persistent, you need to add this into your `~/.bashrc` _(or `~/.bash_profile`)_.

#### Environment Variables

env                        | default | description              
-------------------------- | ------- | -------------------------
`PRETTY_EXCEPTIONS_SOURCE` | `0`     | Show source code in stack
`PRETTY_EXCEPTIONS_NATIVE` | `0`     | Show native code in stack
`PRETTY_EXCEPTIONS_COLOR`  | `1`     | use ansi colors          

### Source _(if you really must!)_

Require at the top-most entry point of your app:


// alternative modes (see below):

## Modes

### Default

$ node --require pretty-exceptions my-app.js

###### Output

Error: oh no! this is an error message!
 └┬╼ /path/to/my-app.js
  ├──╼ someOtherFunction @ line 2:27
  ├──╼ someFunction @ line 6:3
  └──╼ Object.<anonymous> @ line 9:1

###### Demo

> Colors will vary based on your local terminal configuration


### View Source

$ node --require pretty-exceptions/source my-app.js
# OR
$ PRETTY_EXCEPTIONS_SOURCE=1 node --require pretty-exceptions my-app.js

###### Output

Error: oh no! this is an error message!
 └┬╼ /path/to/my-app.js
  ├──╼ someOtherFunction @ line 2
  │    function someOtherFunction () {
  │    throw new Error('oh no! this is an error message!')
  │    }
  ├──╼ someFunction @ line 6
  │    function someFunction () {
  │    someOtherFunction()
  │    }
  ├──╼ Object.<anonymous> @ line 9

###### Demo

> Colors will vary based on your local terminal configuration


### View Native Calls

$ node --require pretty-exceptions/native my-app.js
# OR
$ PRETTY_EXCEPTIONS_NATIVE=true node --require pretty-exceptions my-app.js

###### Output

Error: oh no! this is an error message!
 ├─┬╼ /path/to/my-app.js
 │ │
 │ ├──╼ someOtherFunction @ line 2:27
 │ ├──╼ someFunction @ line 6:3
 │ └──╼ Object.<anonymous> @ line 9:1
 ├─┬╼ module.js
 │ │
 │ ├──╼ Module._compile @ line 571:32
 │ ├──╼ Object.Module._extensions..js @ line 580:10
 │ ├──╼ Module.load @ line 488:32
 │ ├──╼ tryModuleLoad @ line 447:12
 │ ├──╼ Function.Module._load @ line 439:3
 │ └──╼ Module.runMain @ line 605:10
 └┬╼ bootstrap_node.js
  └──╼ run @ line 423:7

###### Demo

> Colors will vary based on your local terminal configuration


### View Source & Native

$ node --require pretty-exceptions/source-native my-app.js
# OR
$ PRETTY_EXCEPTIONS_SOURCE=1 PRETTY_EXCEPTIONS_NATIVE=1 node --require pretty-exceptions my-app.js

###### Output

Error: oh no! this is an error message!
 ├─┬╼ /path/to/my-app.js
 │ │
 │ ├──╼ someOtherFunction @ line 2
 │ │
 │ │    function someOtherFunction () {
 │ ├╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╮
 │ │    throw new Error('oh no! this is an error message!')
 │ │    }
 │ │
 │ ├──╼ someFunction @ line 6
 │ │
 │ │    function someFunction () {
 │ ├╌╌╌╌╮
 │ │    someOtherFunction()
 │ │    }
 │ │
 │ ├──╼ Object.<anonymous> @ line 9
 │ │
 │ └╌╌╌╌╮
 │      someFunction()
 ├─┬╼ module.js
 │ │
 │ ├──╼ Module._compile @ line 571
 │ ├──╼ Object.Module._extensions..js @ line 580
 │ ├──╼ Module.load @ line 488
 │ ├──╼ tryModuleLoad @ line 447
 │ ├──╼ Function.Module._load @ line 439
 │ └──╼ Module.runMain @ line 605
 └┬╼ bootstrap_node.js
  └──╼ run @ line 423

###### Demo

> Colors will vary based on your local terminal configuration


[node-path]: https://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/modules.html#modules_loading_from_the_global_folders
[node-require]: https://nodejs.org/api/cli.html#cli_r_require_module