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import { BSTreeNode, NodeData } from "../types/nodes.types";
import { BSTree } from "..//types/datastructures.types";

//#region helpers

 * _search
 * @param root root of the tree
 * @param data data you want to search for in the tree
function _search<T>(root: BSTreeNode<T> | null, data: any): BSTreeNode<T> | -1 {
    if (!root) return -1;
    return data > root.data
        ? _search(root.right, data)
        : data < root.data
        ? _search(root.left, data)
        : root;

 * Recursive insert help
function _insert<T>(
    root: BSTreeNode<T> | null,
    node: BSTreeNode<T>,
): BSTreeNode<T> {
    if (!root) return node;
    if (root.data > node.data) root.left = _insert(root.left, node);
    else if (root.data < node.data) root.right = _insert(root.right, node);
    return root;

 *   _delete
 *   @param root the root of the tree
 *   @param data data you want to delete
 * * delete a node from the tree by its value.
function _delete<T>(root: BSTreeNode<T>, data: T): BSTreeNode<T> | null {
    if (root.data > data) {
        root.left = _delete(root.left as BSTreeNode<T>, data);
        return root;
    } else if (root.data < data) {
        root.right = _delete(root.right as BSTreeNode<T>, data);
        return root;
    } else {
        let newNode;
        if (!root.left) {
            newNode = root.right;
            //root = null;
            return newNode;

        if (!root.right) {
            newNode = root.left;
            //root = null;
            return newNode;

        newNode = _getMinNode(root.right) as BSTreeNode<T>;
        root.data = newNode.data;
        root.right = _delete(root.right, newNode.data);

        return root;

 *   _view
 *   @param root root of the tree
 * * Recursive view helper to get all data from the tree
function _view<T>(root: BSTreeNode<T> | null): [T, T[], T[]] | T[] {
    if (!root) return [];
    const v = root.data;
    const r = _view(root.right) as T[];
    const l = _view(root.left) as T[];
    return [v, r, l];

 *   Recursive getMaxDepth
 *   @param root root of the tree
 * * get the max depth of the tree
function _getMaxDepth<T>(root: BSTreeNode<T> | null): number {
    if (!root) return 0;

    const left = _getMaxDepth(root.left);
    const right = _getMaxDepth(root.right);

    return Math.max(left, right) + 1;

 *   _getMaxNode
 *   @param root root of the tree
 * * get the max node from a tree root
function _getMaxNode<T>(root: BSTreeNode<T>): BSTreeNode<T> | null {
    return root.right ? _getMaxNode(root.right) : root;

 *   _getMinNode
 *   @param root root of the tree
 * * get the min node from a tree root
function _getMinNode<T>(root: BSTreeNode<T>): BSTreeNode<T> | null {
    return root.left ? _getMinNode(root.left) : root;


class BSTNode<T> implements BSTreeNode<T> {
    data: T;
    left: BSTNode<T> | null;
    right: BSTNode<T> | null;

    constructor(data: T) {
        this.data = data;
        this.left = null;
        this.right = null;

 * @class BinarySearchTree
export class BST<T extends NodeData> implements BSTree<T> {
    root: BSTreeNode<T> | null;
    size: number;

    constructor(data: T[]) {
        this.root = null;
        this.size = 0;

        if (data.length > 0) {
            data.forEach((element) => {

     * insert a node into the tree
     * @param data   data you want to insert into the tree
     * @returns a self reference to the BST
     * @example
const tree = new BST<number>()

    insert(data: T): BST<T> {
        const newNode: BSTreeNode<T> = new BSTNode(data);
        this.root = this.size === 0 ? newNode : _insert(this.root, newNode);
        this.size += 1;

        return this;

     * Get the maximum depth of the tree
     * @returns the maximum depth of the tree
     * @example
const tree = new BST<number>()

tree.getMaxDepth(); // 1
    getMaxDepth(): number {
        if (this.size === 0) throw "Can not get depth of an empty tree";
        if (this.size === 1) return 0;

        return _getMaxDepth(this.root) - 1;

     * Delete a node from the tree
     * @param data data you want to delete from the tree
     * @returns a self reference to the BST
     * @example
const tree = new BST<number>()
// Tree now has a root of 2 and right branch of 3

    delete(data: T): BST<T> {
        if (this.size === 0) throw "Can not delete from an empty tree";
        this.root = _delete(this.root as BSTreeNode<T>, data);
        this.size -= 1;
        return this;

     * Logs the tree to the console
     * @returns a self reference to the BST
     * @example
const tree = new BST<number>([5, 3, 7, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 9, 10]);
//                     5
//                    / \
//                   /   \
//                  /     \
//    {3,4,,,2,,1,,}       {7,8,9,10,,,,,6,,}
    view(): BST<T> {
        if (this.size === 0 || this.root === null)
            throw "Can not display an empty tree";
        const maxDepth = this.getMaxDepth();
            `Tree max depth : ${maxDepth}\nTree Items: ${this.size}\nTree:\n`,
        const root: T = this.root.data;
        const left = `${_view(this.root.left)}`;
        const right = `${_view(this.root.right)}`;
        const leftPush = (len: number) => " ".repeat(left.length + len);
        const log = ` ${leftPush(3)} ${root}\n ${leftPush(3)}/ \\\n${leftPush(
        )}/   \\\n${leftPush(2)}/     \\\n{${left}}       {${right}}`;
        return this;

     * Get the node with the maximum value
     * @returns  The node with the maximum value in the tree
     * @example
const tree = new BST<number>([5, 3, 7, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 9, 10]);
tree.getMaxNode(); // 10
    getMaxNode(): BSTreeNode<T> | null {
        if (this.size === 0 || this.root === null) throw "Tree is empty";

        return _getMaxNode(this.root);

     * Get the node with the minimum value
     * @returns  The node with the minimum value in the tree
     * @example
const tree = new BST<number>([5, 3, 7, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 9, 10]);
tree.getMinNode(); // 1
    getMinNode(): BSTreeNode<T> | null {
        if (this.size === 0 || this.root === null) throw "Tree is empty";
        return _getMinNode(this.root);

     * Search for a node with the given value
     * @param data data you want to search for
     * @returns the node with the data or -1 if not found
     * @example
const tree = new BST<number>([5, 3, 7, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 9, 10]);

tree.search(7); // Node{data:7 ,left:Node{data:6}, right:Node{data:8} }
tree.search(50); // -1
    search(data: T): BSTreeNode<T> | -1 {
        return _search<T>(this.root, data);