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import { NodeData } from "../types/nodes.types";
import { CMP, HeapOptions } from "../types/utility.types";
import { IHeap } from "../types/datastructures.types";

// Default Max Heap<number>

 * @class Heap
export class Heap<T extends NodeData = number> implements IHeap<T> {
    _data: T[];
    _size: number;
    _comparator: CMP<T>;

     * @param data Array of elements to push into the heap
     * @param options Heap options
     * @example 

const heapOptions = {
    cmp: (a, b) => a < b // max heap comparator "Default"

// You can remove type specification and it will default to number
const h = new Heap([], heapOptions);
    constructor(data: T[] = [], options?: HeapOptions<T>) {
        this._data = data;
        this._size = 0;
        this._comparator = options?.cmp || ((a, b) => a < b);

        data.forEach((element) => {

    _getLeftChildIndex(parentIndex: number): number {
        return 2 * parentIndex + 1;

    _getRightChildIndex(parentIndex: number): number {
        return 2 * parentIndex + 2;

    _getParentIndex(childIndex: number): number {
        return Math.floor((childIndex - 1) / 2);

    _hasLeftChild(index: number): boolean {
        return this._getLeftChildIndex(index) < this._size;

    _hasRightChild(index: number): boolean {
        return this._getRightChildIndex(index) < this._size;

    _hasParent(index: number): boolean {
        return this._getParentIndex(index) >= 0;

    _leftChild(index: number): T {
        return this._data[this._getLeftChildIndex(index)];

    _rightChild(index: number): T {
        return this._data[this._getRightChildIndex(index)];

    _parent(index: number): T {
        return this._data[this._getParentIndex(index)];

    _swap(i: number, j: number): void {
        const tmp = this._data[i];
        this._data[i] = this._data[j];
        this._data[j] = tmp;

    _heapifyUp(): void {
        let index = this._size - 1;
        while (
            this._hasParent(index) &&
            this._comparator(this._parent(index), this._data[index])
        ) {
            this._swap(this._getParentIndex(index), index);
            index = this._getParentIndex(index);

    _heapifyDown(): void {
        let index = 0;
        while (this._hasLeftChild(index)) {
            let childIndex = this._getLeftChildIndex(index);
            const lChild = this._leftChild(index);
            const rChild = this._rightChild(index);
            if (this._hasRightChild(index) && this._comparator(lChild, rChild)) {
                childIndex = this._getRightChildIndex(index);

            if (this._comparator(this._data[childIndex], this._data[index])) {
            } else {
                this._swap(index, childIndex);
            index = childIndex;

 * Push data into the heap
 * @param data 
 * @returns self reference
 * @example
const h = Heap();

    push(data: T): Heap<T> {
        this._data[this._size] = data;
        this._size += 1;
        return this;

     * pop the top of the heap
     * @returns self reference
     * @example
const h = Heap();
    pop(): Heap<T> {
        if (this._size === 0) throw "Can not remove from an empty heap";
        const item = this._data[0];
        this._data[0] = this._data[this._size - 1];
        this._size -= 1;
        return this;

     * Retrieve the top element in the heap
     * @returns 
     * @example
const h = Heap();
const peak = h.push(1).push(2).push(3).peak(); // 3
    peak(): T {
        if (this._size === 0) throw "Can not view the peak of an empty heap";
        return this._data[0];

 * Get the current size of the heap
 * @returns 
 * @example
const h = Heap();
const size = h.push(1).push(2).push(5).size(); // 3
    getSize(): number {
        return this._size;

 * View the heap
 * @returns 
 * @example
const h = Heap();
h.push(1).push(2).push(5).view(); //[ 5 , 2 , 1 ]
    view(): Heap<T> {
        return this;