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Anax module for weather services and IP validation

This module has been created for the course *Webbaserade ramverk och designmönster* at Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, fall 2020. The module is meant to be incorporated with the [Anax](https://github.com/canax/anax-ramverk1-me) framework.

## Usage

### Step 1: Install the module using composer.

`composer require artes/weather`

### Step 2: Integrate the module into your Anax base by copying the necessary files

`# Go to the root of your Anax base repo and run these two commands`

`rsync -av vendor/artes/weather/config ./`

`rsync -av vendor/artes/weather/view ./`

Run even these commands if you want to execute the unit tests of the module with `make test` from the root of you Anax base.

`rsync -av vendor/artes/weather/src ./`

`rsync -av vendor/artes/weather/test ./`

### Step 3: Add your API-keys

The module makes use of [ipstack](https://ipstack.com/) and [openweathermap](https://openweathermap.org/) to provide the user with information about a given IP-address or about a valid pair of geographical coordinates.

Create an account on both sites and save your API-keys in `config/api/apikeys.php` according to the instructions in the comments. If you miss this step certain classes may not work as expected.

### Step 4: Protect your API-keys

Update your `.gitignore` with the following line in your Anax base.


### Step 5: Update your navbar

Add *IP* and *Weather* to your navbar via `config/navbar/header.php` and via `config/navbar/responsive.php`

You will need to insert the following lines of code into the `items`-key in the above files.

    "text" => "IP",
    "url" => "ip/init",
    "title" => "IP validator",
    "text" => "Väder",
    "url" => "weather",
    "title" => "Väder API",